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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already

Pimpbaa said:
I get the feeling you buy way too many games. I buy like 2 to 3 games a month and if they were all 4-6 hours that would really fucking suck (and would probably just give up the hobby).

I don't buy that many games to be honest, rarely more then one every month or two months. Since I review most games, I play a lot that way, but still. I would personally prefer an short, well directed and well thought out experience that is short and interesting to experience, instead of a long game like Dragon Age where everything is dragged out and becomes boring or not as well produced or written, as it could have been.

Flower and Portal truely stands out in that regard, games that are short and worthwhile to play. I really don't care about the money to length stupid disucussion, if the game is a complete experience then I would be more then happy to throw down 100 dollars to experience it.


I wonder if cash has anything to do with these assumptions, because people would rather have 'more bang for their buck' I guess.

Yes, because money has more value when you don't have enough to buy dozens of games every month and you want your dollar to go far.

Besides it seems developers can never do right in this regard, save for some.

Uh, that's not true. God of War 2 hit the perfect length for me, between 15-20 hours. It was perfect to me. Quite a few other action games hit over 10 hours as well. If it's only around 8 hours, that's disappointing to me, especially since it's $60.

Besides if people REALLY wanted an '16hour game', SSM had to have build in some stupid box puzzles or 1000 more combat arenas

Where do people come up with this logic? Do you think that people who make longer games obviously just make them longer by adding unnecessary level design, terrible puzzles and copy-paste combat arenas to make the experience last? Did God of War 2 do that when it ended up pretty much double the length of God of War 1 for some people?

how the hell is this an objective number?

It's not.

I feel devs and publishers should refrain from making statements about length at all.

They have. Developers haven't been the one telling us how long it is, in fact the dev. I asked refrained to answer my question.

It was two users in this thread who said it was between 7 to 8 hours for them.

or delay the game for one year.

The fact that the game has been pretty much finished since early last year, and they spent this year doing performance and graphical tweaks tells me that there was more potential for the game that perhaps should have been utilized. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall.

2005 - 2007 = God of War 2

2007 - 2010 = God of War 3


SlickVic said:

Fanboyism at it's finest.


Everyone dont go to his site. Could that guys link be removed? Obviously he is a troll and needs hits.

@Dogenzaka: guy please stop, you are making a fool of yourself. You rather rush the game so it doesnt look/play like a quality Sony game? :lol


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
gundamkyoukai said:
I don't think that review is going to count .


nofi said:
Looks like he played a different version of the game to me, my introduction wasn't in Rhodes, anyway. That was GoW II, wasn't it?


As pointed out earlier in the thread, all he did was copy GameCritics' GoWII review and change the title to God of War III. He's likely c&p'd all his reviews (a grand total of... 4) in some sort of misguided attempt to obtain review copies of games.

Tiagomnh said:
Wow, the sound must be really dreadful. :lol

What's particularly amusing is that he made no attempt to match up the scores with the plagiarised review text. :lol
Dogenzaka said:
The fact that the game has been pretty much finished since early last year, and they spent this year doing performance and graphical tweaks tells me that there was more potential for the game that perhaps should have been utilized. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall.
I genuinely can't tell if you're being serious or just a clown.


Cruzader said:
@Dogenzaka: guy please stop, you are making a fool of yourself. You rather rush the game so it doesnt look/play like a quality Sony game? :lol

I'm not making a fool of myself. I'm presenting reasonable discussion and I never mentioned rushing the game to make it look worse. Fuck you and your reading comprehension.

I genuinely can't tell if you're being serious or just a clown.

I mixed in pure, blatant facts with my own speculation based on it.

It just so happens that, for the time being, because of everyone riding this game's dick, nobody wants to discuss anything that might be a negative about this game in comparison to its predecessors, including length. That's a shame. Even if there's reasonable merit to discuss its length, because it's reportedly shorter than God of War 2 was, some people dismiss all discussion about it because it comes off as "negative", apparently. I thought people might be open to discussing all aspects of the game here and not just jizz over the graphics, production values and scale.

This happens to currently be my most anticipated game, but screw everyone who thinks discussing the reported games' length and making comparisons about it to its predecessors and speculating as to why it is that way, is seen as like some sort of "sin" at this point.
Dogenzaka said:
It just so happens that, for the time being, because of everyone riding this game's dick, nobody wants to discuss anything that might be a negative about this game in comparison to its predecessors, including length. That's a shame. Even if there's reasonable merit to discuss its length, because it's reportedly shorter than God of War 2 was, some people dismiss all discussion about it because it comes off as "negative", apparently. I thought people might be open to discussing all aspects of the game here and not just jizz over the graphics, production values and scale.
It isn't your argument which has caused people to react negatively to you, it's your sense of entitlement.
Dogenzaka said:
Picking apart my post piece by piece :D

I agree with you on some terms, for example the polishing. I also feel a lot of the review outlets focus a lot on game length, but that's probably an extend of consumers asking for it to be mentioned.

I honestly felt GOW II was a bit too stretched and could use some trimming, but hey that's probably just me. I kinda like the short games nowadays because I have less and less time to actually play them.


templeusox said:
It isn't your argument which has caused people to react negatively to you, it's your sense of entitlement.

Entitlement to value for my dollar? Are you kidding me?

You're acting as if it was unreasonable to believe God of War 3 might be longer than its predecessors when God of War 2 was longer than its predecessor.

I'm entitled to determine whether 8-hours is worth $60 or not, and while I'm still buying the game if I have money, GAF can be sure that if I'm unsatisfied or disappointed with the game's length, like some people here have reported, then I will make note of it in my impressions.

I honestly felt GOW II was a bit too stretched and could use some trimming, but hey that's probably just me. I kinda like the short games nowadays because I have less and less time to actually play them.

No, it's not just you. Some people felt that way. Others, like me, felt like GoW2 was the perfect length, though.

Like I've said, to each his own.

D'oh well, I'm off to lectures. I'll be back later if anyone wants to continue discussing.


Dogenzaka said:
I'm not making a fool of myself. I'm presenting reasonable discussion and I never mentioned rushing the game to make it look worse. Fuck you and your reading comprehension.

I mixed in pure, blatant facts with my own speculation based on it.

The fact that the game has been pretty much finished since early last year, and they spent this year doing performance and graphical tweaks tells me that there was more potential for the game that perhaps should have been utilized. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall.

This tells me you rather have the game out with Quality reflected on the E3 09 Demo and have more "game time" shoved into it.

My save file for God of War 2 is at 18 hours. Don't you fucking tell me it's unrealistic to create God of War 3 to last 16 hours.

Holy shit, no offence but you must suck. Who the fuck takes 20 hours to beat GOW2? Obviously you but must be only you. It took me no more then 10 hours. WTF where you doing the other 8? Just because you happen to take so much doesnt mean a game that took someone else 8-10 hours means its lacking content or what not. It means that person is faster and more skilled then you but you seem to take that as GOW3 being a short game.

If the GOW2 took you 18 hours, wait, play the game next week, take your sweet ass time like you did before and come here and complain.

Im guessing peoples are forgetting Quality>Quantity.

PS: Oh you are being cute telling me to F off, leave that to the mods, thanx.
Dogenzaka said:
Entitlement to value for my dollar? Are you kidding me?

You're acting as if it was unreasonable to believe God of War 3 might be longer than its predecessors when God of War 2 was longer than its predecessor.

I'm entitled to determine whether 8-hours is worth $60 or not, and while I'm still buying the game if I have money, GAF can be sure that if I'm unsatisfied or disappointed with the game's length, like some people here have reported, then I will make note of it in my impressions.
No. The problem is you're only defining value through one criteria, length of game, which ignores a lot of the actual value of the game. The set pieces, titans, production values, and new tech implemented in the game were are where SSM poured their resources into over the development period. That's where the value is; where God of War 3 can deliver what other games can't. I'm not really interested in adding two or three hours of filler of me pressing L1 and square, in order for me to say the product was a better value to me. That would be a mis-allocation of resources.


Dogenzaka I understand where you're coming from. Hell I wish the game will never end. I just hope it's not Heavy rain short. Paying $100+ for that kinda bites.
Dogenzaka said:
The fact that the game has been pretty much finished since early last year, and they spent this year doing performance and graphical tweaks tells me that there was more potential for the game that perhaps should have been utilized. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall.

2005 - 2007 = God of War 2

2007 - 2010 = God of War 3

God of War 2 already had a stable engine from God of War on the PlayStation 2 platform. Porting the God of War 2 engine to the PS3 and getting it to run properly probably took a good deal of time.


templeusox said:
No. The problem is you're only defining value through one criteria, length of game, which ignores a lot of the actual value of the game. The set pieces, titans, production values, and new tech implemented in the game were are where SSM poured their resources into over the development period. That's where the value is; where God of War 3 can deliver what other games can't. I'm not really interested in adding two or three hours of filler of me pressing L1 and square, in order for me to say the product was a better value to me. That would be a mis-allocation of resources.
It took him 18 hours to beat GOW2 so GOW3 must take him 36+ hours to be worth of purchase.


palpabl_purpura said:
So, can anyone tell me how many hours this game actually is, and if there is anything to enhance the replayability?

Details are embargoed until 5pm. Depends on the level you play at of course, but yes, there's extra stuff unlocked once you beat the game.


palpabl_purpura said:
So, can anyone tell me how many hours this game actually is, and if there is anything to enhance the replayability?
About 8 hours on normal... and replayability... the "beat ther game in Titan mode" trophy... the Challenge mode... the hidden chests... the unlockables...
Dogenzaka said:
. Plus, this game was already in development for a year longer than God of War 2, if I recall.

2005 - 2007 = God of War 2

2007 - 2010 = God of War 3

you're so right... because the technology powering god of war 2 and god of war 3 is identical, right?

And they didn't have to build a new engine, figure out a new system or draw every single texture at a much higher resolution.

Heads up folks: Logic is actually free.


Short bus special
N30RYU said:
About 8 hours on normal... and replayability... the "beat ther game in Titan mode" trophy... the Challenge mode... the hidden chests... the unlockables...

Well, 8 hours for one person so far. And we have no idea if he rushed it really. Some reviews and stuff has mentioned everything from 10 to 15 hours aswell.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
palpabl_purpura said:
So, can anyone tell me how many hours this game actually is, and if there is anything to enhance the replayability?

Just been reading back a few pages to find an answer to that myself, seems to be about 8 hours which is fine by me as gaf 8 hours usually means 10-12 hours for me, either way I'm not to concerned.

I actually think the value you get for your £££ in games is alot better than a 10/15 years ago, I can get most day one games @ £39.99 or less these days ordering online, I remember paying £70 for games like Donkey Country/Killer Instant etc back in the day.

nofi said:
Details are embargoed until 5pm. Depends on the level you play at of course, but yes, there's extra stuff unlocked once you beat the game.

The length of the game is embargoed?, surely details like that aren't an issue?


N30RYU said:
About 8 hours on normal... and replayability... the "beat ther game in Titan mode" trophy... the Challenge mode... the hidden chests... the unlockables...

Titan it's like Hard mode, isn't it?
I think I've read that the hyperhard it's the Chaos mode, but i'm not sure about that

8 hours seem to be about 12 with my ability...


KAOz said:
Well, 8 hours for one person so far. And we have no idea if he rushed it really. Some reviews and stuff has mentioned everything from 10 to 15 hours aswell.

I don't think people are lying about their playtimes, but I'm surprised that someone could play a God of War game, which is a pretty linear experience, for nearly twice as long as someone else. If they were talking about Fallout 3 or GTA IV, I could see it, but not God of War.


Short bus special
Shurs said:
I don't think people are lying about their playtimes, but I'm surprised that someone could play a God of War game, which is a pretty linear experience, for nearly twice as long as someone else. If they were talking about Fallout 3 or GTA IV, I could see it, but not God of War.

Very true. But I guess we have to take skill-wise and difficulty in account aswell. For all we know, the reviewers started off on Hard directly, stopped and scrutinized textures, tried out various stuff and so on.

Only way we'll know for sure is when we play it ourselves. As we see in this thread, some people completed God of War 1 and 2 in less than 10 hours, where's others had a 15-18 hours playtime.


canova said:
The comments are vicious :lol

But still how can you expect to take the review seriously, when the game is PS3 exclusive and the reviewer has xbox logo on top of his site
Can't take this review seriously, it's a copy&paste of an old GOW2 review


The people who are still crying about the length of a game they haven't even touched yet need to make their own thread, because they are ruining this one. Also, take a clue regarding how it takes some people 10 hours to beat GoW2 and some people 20 hours.


Quixzlizx said:
The people who are still crying about the length of a game they haven't even touched yet need to make their own thread, because they are ruining this one. Also, take a clue regarding how it takes some people 10 hours to beat GoW2 and some people 20 hours.
Exactly. Not to mention the average action game only takes 8 to 10 hours to finish. I can think a lot of other high rated titles that take even less.


Shaka said:
Same thing that happens in every other exclusive thread?

Yep, you can't have one person show a different opinion that the fans of the game will jump on it and turn it into pages worth of discussion.


Massa said:
Yep, you can't have one person show a different opinion that the fans of the game will jump on it and turn it into pages worth of discussion.
Or you get banned.

Like I was in the Halo Reach thread.


Whenever a dev says how long the game is and its an incredibly short number (and I like my action games over 10 hours...), It makes it harder for me to enjoy the game once I start playing. There's always this nonsense going on in the back of my head, "Oh man, I'm already 2 hours in...".

Kind of sad, but it's not really something I can help.


Shit, someone I know already received the game at his store. Damn you release date. Aaaaaaaaah the wait is horrible :lol
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