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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Gold Member
Saw the sex minigame over at Gametrailers....haven't rolled my eyes so much in a long time.

Oh well, im sure some people will enjoy watching that though...:lol
-viper- said:
Can you confirm whether a New Game + option exists for the game?

Considering all the pre-order armor DLC (amazon/gs/slurpee/etc.) requires you to "complete the game before it becomes available", I would assume there HAS TO BE. :)


Generic said:
Whats with the left punch in your avatar?
AstroMan said:
doesn't the saboteur use MLAA too?
Apparently not the way GoW3 uses it.
Santa Monica developer said:
There's a paper that describes the MLAA algorithm, and the Saboteur effect is probably only a subset of the technique described. AFAIK the version used on GoW3 goes beyond the original paper.
corrosivefrost said:
Considering all the pre-order armor DLC (amazon/gs/slurpee/etc.) requires you to "complete the game before it becomes available", I would assume there HAS TO BE. :)

Or it could be like previous games where u start over again but with a different costume, u still have to re-power all your equips and abilities.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
AstroMan said:
doesn't the saboteur use MLAA too?
It does to some degree, and it seems to look even better here. It's also worth noting that lighting differences that can be seen in that picture above have nothing to do with this AA method.

HomerSimpson-Man said:
Yeah, the edge image quality is absolutely insane. MLAA is something ridiculous like the equivalent of 16xMSAA!
Even more than that, depending on the edges - up to 64x even. Of course, sometimes it's less than that (less than 16x I mean) as it has (or used to have?) problems resolving the subpixel information but it looks undeniably great in GoW3, practically like a bullshot - only this time it is not.


-viper- said:
Can you confirm whether a New Game + option exists for the game?

corrosivefrost said:
Considering all the pre-order armor DLC (amazon/gs/slurpee/etc.) requires you to "complete the game before it becomes available", I would assume there HAS TO BE. :)

Magnus said:

For all the people that pm'd me and have been asking in the thread:

I have no idea what God of War II's New Game + system was like, but in GoW3:

(tagging this just in case people would rather be surprised; there are NO story spoilers in all of this spoiler text)
There's no game save after the ending, and no new option to access on the title screen after the game is completed. So I started a new game, hoping the system data or whatever would be recognized.

I chose Normal again, which now had a "V" beside the option, and got this:

Relics that you recovered in your main playthrough can become activated in the menu screen mid-game -- doing so renders you unable to score any trophies for the remainder of that playthrough.

I did not have any of the new weapons I got in my first playthrough, but I did have the main blades completely maxed out (I had maxed them out with red orb expenditure in my first playthrough), and my health/magic/item bars remained at the expanded strength they were at the end of my previous game. I imagine as I pick up the various items and weapons in this game that can have red orbs spent on upgrading them, they'll be as upgraded as they were on my previous game completion.

I don't know if I'd have access to all this shit on the other difficulties, as they didn't have a symbol near them on the difficulty selection screen.

H.Cornerstone said:
And what is this MLAA? I can't find a Wiki article on it...

Morphological Antialising. It's a new type of AA that The Saboteur and God of War 3 use.

The PS3 rendition of Pandemic's The Saboteur is different though. It's special. It's trying something new that's never been seen before on console, or indeed PC, and its results are terrific. In a best-case scenario you get edge-smoothing that is beyond the effect of 16x multi-sampling anti-aliasing, effectively delivering an effect better than the capabilities of high-end GPUs without crippling performance.

Hey God of War fans. We are excited to unveil Path to Olympus today, a new exclusive feature on GodofWar.com.

So what is it?

In short, it’s a primer to get you prepared for March 16 when Kratos will storm retailers. Kratos has come a long way since his days as Captain of the Spartan Army, and the Path to Olympus episodes will take you through some of his most prolific and darkest moments, while providing the back story leading up the beginning of God of War III.
Who is it for?

This feature is for you if:

You are a new player and want to learn what all this Kratos mania is about.

You’re a gamer who has played the God of War games but are scratching your head trying to remember who Kratos killed, who has killed Kratos and everything in between.

And lastly, if you’re a hardcore fan that wants to experience, once again, some of Kratos’ most exciting and brutal moments before plunging into God of War III.

What to expect

We will be releasing new content leading up to launch that will quickly get you up to speed on the story, preparing you to take control of Kratos as he catapults towards his destiny in God of War III.



So many moments in this game just drop your jaw. It's crazy. I can completely see what Jaffe was talking about when he made the painting comment. When you guys play it you'll see what I mean. A lot of it has a concept art, smooth almost Diablo III esque appeal about it. But the lighting and art direction is just sublime. Even smaller bits like this look amazing.

Minor spoiler alert.



Magnus said:
I'm glad the GT review (spoileriffic as it may be in regards to the amazing introductory sequence and some of the awesome bosses later in the game) pointed out my two biggest complaints with the game:

The occasionally brutal camerawork coupled with some dumb swinging sequences, resulting in some frustrating deaths (though I guess I'm alone on the Icarus Vent issue... :lol), and "missed opportunities" when it came to the titans.

There's just not enough goodness. So much is happening offscreen in regards to the titans, and you don't get to partake in or even witness it.

What you do get though, is glorious.

So again, don't watch the Gametrailers review if you don't want to see half the bosses in the game and want the first 30 minutes to remain blissfully surprising and incredible. :D

I listened to the review and didn't watch the footage.
Well, I peaked for a split second and closed my eyes quickly again every minute or so...but I never laid my eyes on a boss fight I hadn't seen in a magazine or something.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
can someone explain this magical 'MLAA' to me in layman's terms?

why isn't it more widely used/discussed?


Rez said:
can someone explain this magical 'MLAA' to me in layman's terms?

why isn't it more widely used/discussed?
Solid posted a link plus a description. Its capable of doing AA beyond a high end gpu.

edit:It's new tech thus why you haven't seen it much. Rest assured I'm sure Sony first party will be all over this.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
RavenFox said:
Solid posted a link plus a description. Its capable of doing AA beyond a high end gpu.

edit:It's new tech thus why you haven't seen it much. Rest assured I'm sure Sony first party will be all over this.
oh, whoops, I missed that! cheers.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
RichieRich said:
This made me :lol

Four of the bosses including the final boss were revealed at the end of God of War 2, Cronos was revealed on GTTV, and Sony revealed Hades in the Vengeance trailer along with a sneak peak of
the final battle
, so with that said, our review can't spoil what has already been spoiled. But don't take my word for it, watch it for yourself:

The first thirty minutes is blissfully surprising whether you watch our review or not.

Gametrailers aren't very open to constructive criticism I've noticed. It's pretty well known that GT reviews show a lot of mid/late parts of games and if I know I am buying a game I definitely don't watch your review.

And please, make your flash player work with the PS3 browser. It used to and I liked to use it a lot but not anymore.


Thunderbear said:
Gametrailers aren't very open to constructive criticism I've noticed. It's pretty well known that GT reviews show a lot of mid/late parts of games and if I know I am buying a game I definitely don't watch your review.

And please, make your flash player work with the PS3 browser. It used to and I liked to use it a lot but not anymore.

Yeah, GT's videos suck compared to a year ago. The worst part is that if a video finishes playing, in order to replay, I have to watch another mandatory, stupid ad.

nib95 said:
Another shot moments after the shot above to further my point.


You'd best remove the image tags.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
So is GOW3 really using a form of MLAA then or are we just presuming that is the case ?, are there any documents available to browse detailing the tech behind the God of War 3 engine ?, I wish more companies were open to revealing information about their work in more detail like Insomniac does.
lowrider007 said:
So is GOW3 really using a form of MLAA then or are we just presuming that is the case ?, are there any documents available to browse detailing the tech behind the God of War 3 engine ?, I wish more companies were open to revealing information about their work in more detail like Insomniac does.

AA on the cpu is MLAA Morphological Antialising. We saved 5-6 miliseconds by moving it off the cpu’s. Many props to our coder Cedric for making this happen and it looks way better!


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Playing GoW2 off the Collection disc. Pretty much my first playthrough since I never got too far into the PS2 version years ago. Already beyond where I last left off, about to face fat Medusa sister(?)

Kratos is such an asshole though. It's almost impossible to empathize with his anger and rage. Every cutscene has me wondering what the fuck is going on with him. Not really enjoying the combat at all either. Most of the time I wonder if many of my combos are even effective since enemies feel like total damage sponges(Trying out the GoW3 demo and this seems to have not changed a bit). Square Square Triangle at least finishes off with a bit of a reaction on many foes, now replaced by Square->Triangle ad infinitum after upgrading my chains. Really wish there were health bars on enemies just to gauge how effective my other attack types are.

The scope and setting design is fantastic though. Probably the best reason to keep me playing. I shrug when I enter a combat room, but exploring the large vistas is a real treat. Also dig the mythology quite a bit and how zany it is how Kratos mixes himself up with all the classic Greek tales. Really looking forward to this aspect of GoW3.


RavenFox said:
Whats with the left punch in your avatar?

It's a new mechanic in Halo where you hold B to go into an assassination sequence. The camera goes into a 3rd person perspective and it shows the character taking out an enemy with his combat knife. You can watch a Halo Vidoc explaining it here.

Now can you explain why Kratos' finger's are part wood, or do you have other off topic material to discuss?
flipswitch said:
Was MLAA available in the GOW E3 demo? I have it, but I can see some jaggies here and there.
no, it`s standard 2xmsaa in the e3 demo.
Speaking of the E3 demo, it looks completely average when compared to the GoW3 that`s actually shipping. Inferior textures, inferior lighting, inferior image quality, inferior post processing effects. It was a nice looking, but nice looking in a conventional sense; nobody was calling it a spectacular graphics achievment.
Amusingly enough, Digital Foundry evaluated the E3 stuff in a highly positive manner, so I can only imagine what his evaluation of goW3 proper is gunna be like.
I'll answer my question regarding if MLAA was in the demo:

from the forum:

Graphically there's been HUGE changes since the demo! What you see in the demo is close to a year old. Since then, on the code side, we have added a ton of of stuff, including motion blur, godrays, reflective/refractive surfaces, and improved anti-aliasing. We've improved the lighting, improved the depth-of-field code, and fixed some problems (present in the demo) with the texture streaming to ensure hires textures are correctly streamed in at all times. We added additional features to the shader system to allow the artists to create even more impressive looking materials. to the shader code. We greatly overhauled the shadows. We also spent a lot of time optimizing the code, and the artists and designers did a fantastic job optimizing assets from their end. There's probably lots of other things I'm forgetting off the top of my head, but,in short, the demo is a pretty poor representation of the final game at this point; the final game is way better in every aspect! We badly wanted to release an updated demo that properly reflected the much improved state the game is in now, but we just ran out of time. It came down to a chouice between an updated demo and additional polish to the final game, and we went for the polish!


nib95 said:
So many moments in this game just drop your jaw. It's crazy. I can completely see what Jaffe was talking about when he made the painting comment. When you guys play it you'll see what I mean. A lot of it has a concept art, smooth almost Diablo III esque appeal about it. But the lighting and art direction is just sublime. Even smaller bits like this look amazing.

Minor spoiler alert.


So, is it the most impressive title on the PS3 ?

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
Generic said:
It's a new mechanic in Halo where you hold B to go into an assassination sequence. The camera goes into a 3rd person perspective and it shows the character taking out an enemy with his combat knife. You can watch a Halo Vidoc explaining it here.

Now can you explain why Kratos' finger's are part wood, or do you have other off topic material to discuss?
That's a sharp knife.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
flipswitch said:
I'll answer my question regarding if MLAA was in the demo:

from the forum:

What are "godrays" anyway? :lol

edit - oh, I see what they are (thanks google). Thought it was some kind of technical thing, like raytracing or something.


For those interested GameStop now has a list of stores participating in the midnight release:

I've known my local GS store was doing a midnight release for a while now, though I'm still ticked they hoarded all those preorder posters for the midnight release.:lol

Did anybody else order the strategy or LE version? Just curious because GameStop have them listed as being released tomorrow instead of the 16th.
better to pay attention to the text than the score. Scores are awesome for this anyway.

Game is sounding amazing, as expected.

Personally, I think scores have been TOO high recently. ME2 being an excellent example. Awesome game, but there are some pretty clear flaws.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Brandon F said:
Kratos is such an asshole though. It's almost impossible to empathize with his anger and rage. Every cutscene has me wondering what the fuck is going on with him.
Yeah, they kinda messed that up in the sequel. Or he became kinda insane basically. This kind of thing was handled a lot, lot better in the first game - they nailed that motivation aspect amazingly well, and unveiled it slowly and carefully throughout the game.


Lord Error said:
Yeah, they kinda messed that up in the sequel. Or he became kinda insane basically. This kind of thing was handled a lot, lot better in the first game - they nailed that motivation aspect amazingly well, and unveiled it slowly and carefully throughout the game.

Really? I understood why he was mad in the first game, but I still felt the revelation and execution of that was really stupid and not easy to relate to.

I understood his anger more in the second game, to be honest. Zeus tried to kill him, fool. I'd be pissed!
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