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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


JaseC said:
Did he steal your woman or something?

He's a dumb asshole that makes things harder for people trying to offer legitimate news gaming news and standing by a code of ethics that you think people would admire and respect, but no.

Just take a look at this. How credible does this sound considering Bungie is releasing arguably the biggest Xbox 360 exclusive? People don't respect games journalism because we have people that exaggerate news greatly or flat out lie in order to get hits. HipHopGamer being the biggest non-mainstream offender, and it causes me to get angry with those that enable him.

So you know what, from today on I'm not going to hate anymore. I' just going to do what he does and make outlandish claims so people will give my website hits and fill my wallet with delicious funds. If you see a story about Microsoft announcing the purchase of Insomniac and both the Ratchet and Resistance IPs at GDC, that's all me and it's 110% true.


nelsonroyale said:
I have only played the first game so far, and thought he was basically an asshole in that as well.

The way I see it...his ingame (non-story) persona is a crazy badass...his persona in the story is probably more vile and evil than any antagonist in a game Ive played. I enjoy the game, but I am actually waiting with relish to see Kratos's (painful) death.

An asshole? That's strange, as I've never thought of Kratos as an asshole. From what I played of God Of War 1, Kratos wants the Gods to forgive him, and erase his nightmares -

As Kintaro said, he was a brutal warrior as a Captain in the Spartan army. And then he became a ruthless war puppet who killed in the name of Ares. Unfortunately he kills his wife and child during one particular village assault. But Ares believes this is a necessary thing if Kratos is to become the greatest of warriors. However, Kratos regrets this act (that's a good thing), and realises he can no longer serve Ares. And so he then comes to the conclusion that he must murder him. Turns out that the other Gods want Ares dead anyway.

But Kratos doesn't kill Ares straight away. From my understanding, he spends the next ten years fighting the real monsters of the world (not innocent villagers). He does this in the hope that the Gods will not only forgive him for his past killing sprees, but also erase the nightmares of those deeds that plague him. Athena appears, and says that if he kills Ares, all will be forgiven. Kratos does this, and Athena forgives Kratos, but doesn't erase his nightmares. So Kratos feels abandoned, and believes that only through death will he not be haunted by his nightmares. But the Gods will not even let him die...

Nah, Kratos isn't an asshole, he's just really pissed off.

Mr. Sam said:
Please illustrate this to me.

Think he means this one...


BeeDog said:
People asking for consistency across the board are dreaming, there's simply no way things will ever be judged in the exact same fashion. That's just wishful thinking and boils down to inherently human errors, hidden bias, attitude, you name it, not to speak of different fucking reviewers. Don't see why people get so stuck up about petty crap, it's not like the game's reviewing badly.

Well said. But this is (basically) the official GoW III thread, so of course people are crying about AAA scores.
nib95 said:
Ok, so 4.5 hours later I've decided to take a brief break. One of the lads wants to play the game after me so I need to do it fairly quick, plus I have other games and work to be doing which is all the more reason for more to plough through. Whilst I am playing WAY too much of it, I'm not actually rushing. Trying to explore a bit and soak the world in, but not with a magnifying glass or anything like I did with Uncharted 2 the second time. I'll do that with GOW3 the second time too.

My opinion so far? Exceptional. So much of this game is breathtaking and thrilling beyond measure. It does have it's lull moments, but I think they're necessary to pace out all the carnage. I'm playing on normal and I'm finding it's a decent difficulty. I've actually died a fair few times and now and again some of the battles are quite challenging.

The game is quietly varied offering a nice balance between general level exploration/routing, battles, puzzles, gameplay switch ups and story/cut scene. What I'm loving most though are the boss battles. Whilst none so far have been epic in the same way as the first (Poseidon), one has come close, and I actually prefer the latter bosses in terms of actual gameplay and strategy. They aren't quite as grand or elaborate (so far, only beaten 3, Helios doesn't really count as a boss battle), but they are more personal and well designed imo.

Hades is a more back to basics, old school one on one dual of gritty riveting proportions, and Hermes was just so damn quirky and enjoyable. Offering a slightly different sort of thrill ride and grand spectacle building up to a very classy end battle. With every boss though, their ultimate deaths are just so incredibly brutal you can't quite prepare yourself for what's to come.

GOW3 compared to it's predecessors is similar to what Uncharted 2 was to Uncharted. It's essentially more of the same, but just on a more polished and grand scale. With more production value, more gloss, technical merit, diversity and overall quality of pacing. Still not perfect, one example being that some of the level exploration can be a bit frustrating (dying because of missed jumps where you didn't know you had to double jump because it either came too fast, or the camera was so far back you didn't realise etc), but overall, I'd still say it was easily class leading thus far. It literally is the Uncharted 2 of the hack and slash genre.

I just hope it is longer than 8 hours for me. 12 hours would be just about right, but ideally I would have wanted it to be 15 or so hours. That's how long GOW2 took me the first time, if not longer.

How's the actual combat? A lot of people bitch about being able to spam the same 3 combos over and over to succeed... one of the game developers alluded to them fixing it and it not being a game where you could get away with little to no combo variation. I'm curious, with all the smack the haters talk about 1 & 2, if it really IS refined.


AstroMan said:
He's a dumb asshole that makes things harder for people trying to offer legitimate news gaming news and standing by a code of ethics that you think people would admire and respect, but no.

Just take a look at this. How credible does this sound considering Bungie is releasing arguably the biggest Xbox 360 exclusive? People don't respect games journalism because we have people that exaggerate news greatly or flat out lie in order to get hits. HipHopGamer being the biggest non-mainstream offender, and it causes me to get angry with those that enable him.

So you know what, from today on I'm not going to hate anymore. I' just going to do what he does and make outlandish claims so people will give my website hits and fill my wallet with delicious funds. If you see a story about Microsoft announcing the purchase of Insomniac and both the Ratchet and Resistance IPs at GDC, that's all me and it's 110% true.
:lol :lol :lol

Right because you dont do that already...stop acting the victim.


Cruzader said:
:lol :lol :lol

Right because you dont do that already...stop acting the victim.

No, I don't do that. I don't post rumors or leak things unless I can provide something credible but please continue to believe what you want.

Anyway, back to God of War III talk.


I'd be in the dick
BeeDog said:
Pretty cool that they compared the demo to the final to prevent spoilers and show how far the game has come. Looks like they're going to do a full analysis once the game is actually out.

EDIT: Holy shit at the video comparison. It looks way better. The framerate hovers mostly in the mid to high 40s but they say motion blur compensates for the juddering that was in the demo. It looks pretty damn smooth even though its highly variable and the framerate is always higher than the demo's.


corrosivefrost said:
How's the actual combat? A lot of people bitch about being able to spam the same 3 combos over and over to succeed... one of the game developers alluded to them fixing it and it not being a game where you could get away with little to no combo variation. I'm curious, with all the smack the haters talk about 1 & 2, if it really IS refined.

Have you played the demo? I wouldn't expect the combat in the final code to be much different


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeeDog said:
The final looks insane. The motion blur used might be the best I've ever seen in a game.

The object blur looks fantastic, but it really hit home when Kratos is seen flying out of the cave. The high speed camera really shows off the blur and gives the game an almost pre-rendered look.

The fact that the image quality is virtually perfect is also amazing. There is definitely a massive difference in quality between Sony first party games and what third parties are producing.


I'd be in the dick
Shurs said:
That's odd, I thought someone in this thread was saying that the demo section was not in the final game.
It is, it's just spread out more and some sections are changed. The comparison only shows the sections that are the same.

dark10x said:
The final looks insane. The motion blur used might be the best I've ever seen in a game.

The object blur looks fantastic, but it really hit home when Kratos is seen flying out of the cave. The high speed camera really shows off the blur and gives the game an almost pre-rendered look.

The fact that the image quality is virtually perfect is also amazing. There is definitely a massive difference in quality between Sony first party games and what third parties are producing.
That part blew me away too, especially since it had the highest average framerate of the whole scene.


dark10x said:
The fact that the image quality is virtually perfect is also amazing. There is definitely a massive difference in quality between Sony first party games and what third parties are producing.

I'm not even sure "massive" is a good enough term. Abysmal?
LosDaddie said:
Have you played the demo? I wouldn't expect the combat in the final code to be much different

Yes, I've played the demo. Seemed to me like I could still spam square, square, square or square, triangle, square and do fine -- something the developer alluded to something players would be punished for in the final game.


hide your water-based mammals
So............increased detail, better lighting, cinema quality motion blur, MLAA, etc, and it runs better than when the game lacked said effects?


corrosivefrost said:
Yes, I've played the demo. Seemed to me like I could still spam square, square, square or square, triangle, square and do fine -- something the developer alluded to something players would be punished for in the final game.
Demo vs final............hmmmmmmmmmm
Man the comparison video was great but the player should have stuck to the blades instead of showing off the new weapons, I was hoping for a spoiler-free playthrough on the 18th...


Damn...Kikizo's review of GOW3 is the bigest piece of crap I've read in the last 12 months. I used to give that site a couple hits...I'm not going anywhere near it again...

PS> To the guy talking shit about HHG, do you have a site? Which one? I'm not trying to start an argument, I just want to see your work to know the level of
"professionalism" in which you judge other people!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Shurs said:
That's odd, I thought someone in this thread was saying that the demo section was not in the final game.

That was me going by what I recalled from some old E3 statements but I was corrected by people who actually have the game. :p


AstroMan said:
Oh my fucking god no you aren't.

You aren't agreeing with the biggest clown in "games journalism". If you actually think he's right about ANYTHING you must also think Nick Simmons is an innovative artist and that white chicks is the funniest film ever made.

Are you hiphopgamer? If so, FUCK YOU.

And what's the point of saying "wait till sunday" when you tell people God of War II gets a 10 no question asked? This fucking asshole, I swear to Christ.

Guy brings up some really good points about bias... not sure why you are so upset about it.


I'd be in the dick
onken said:
Can someone please confirm there's no spoilers in that link?
It shows one of the new weapons but if you don't know the name of the weapon it's not big at all. Nothing environment or story related.
AstroMan said:
Oh my fucking god no you aren't.

You aren't agreeing with the biggest clown in "games journalism". If you actually think he's right about ANYTHING you must also think Nick Simmons is an innovative artist and that white chicks is the funniest film ever made.

Are you hiphopgamer? If so, FUCK YOU.

And what's the point of saying "wait till sunday" when you tell people God of War II gets a 10 no question asked? This fucking asshole, I swear to Christ.

Calm the fuck down, hombre.


Short bus special
PuppetMaster said:
WTF is wrong with Kotaku!!! Massive GOW spoilers on their front page.

Do NOT visit!

Errrrm, no there isn't. Unless you mean the widely known mini-game, which they have videos for?
KAOz said:
Errrrm, no there isn't. Unless you mean the widely known mini-game, which they have videos for?

They have like 6 pictures of the scene on their front page! I consider that a big spoiler. I wanted to be surprised.

But it's ok. They were thumbnails and I tried not to look closely.
I think God Of War III has the best opening to a game I've ever seen. Period. The first hour is blistering.

Like I say, the best I've ever played. Fantastic.


TTP said:
Yeah, but what about the whole texture covering him? o_O

And the removal of the background objects, where is the smoke etc? Not that it's a biggie.. but this is how it goes in making videogames. You gotta make decisions, it's not like they have unlimited ram.

Anyway game looks fucking ace, must have.
sinnergy said:
And the removal of the background objects, where is the smoke etc? Not that it's a biggie.. but this is how it goes in making videogames. You gotta make decisions, it's not like they have unlimited ram.

Anyway game looks fucking ace, must have.

Well it looks like the background's changed from a city to some kind of mountains, so yeah I guess that explains the missing smoke.


PuppetMaster said:
WTF is wrong with Kotaku!!! Massive GOW spoilers on their front page.

Do NOT visit!

I know it's cool to hate on KOtaku, but there are no spoilers. Just some pic of the sex mini-game, which every GoW fan could already imagine.
sinnergy said:
And the removal of the background objects, where is the smoke etc? Not that it's a biggie.. but this is how it goes in making videogames. You gotta make decisions, it's not like they have unlimited ram.

Anyway game looks fucking ace, must have.

Looks like they got rid of the burning city in the background and put in a waterfall instead. If it was a trade off to get better textures into the foreground I say well done! I never even noticed that city in the background in the 10x I played through the demo.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
sinnergy said:
And the removal of the background objects, where is the smoke etc? Not that it's a biggie.. but this is how it goes in making videogames. You gotta make decisions, it's not like they have unlimited ram.

Anyway game looks fucking ace, must have.

I don't think that background was that demanding to force developers to remove it in order to upgrade Titan's visuals. It was just a low res bitmap IIRC. It looks like they changed the setting more than anything.
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