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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The best thing about the 'final' Helios/Titan shot is how the light interacts with the smoke. So awesome. I'm really surprised how much they managed to pack into/get out of the engine considering the aim of a relatively high variable framerate. Makes you wonder how much more they could've done with the game locked to 30fps.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire


TTP said:
I don't think that background was that demanding to force developers to remove it in order to upgrade Titan's visuals. It was just a low res bitmap IIRC. It looks like they changed the setting more than anything.
Maybe, but you can't rule that out. Not that I mind, but I find these things fascinating. It could have to do with gaining more performance etc..
AstroMan said:
He's a dumb asshole that makes things harder for people trying to offer legitimate news gaming news and standing by a code of ethics that you think people would admire and respect, but no.

Just take a look at this. How credible does this sound considering Bungie is releasing arguably the biggest Xbox 360 exclusive? People don't respect games journalism because we have people that exaggerate news greatly or flat out lie in order to get hits. HipHopGamer being the biggest non-mainstream offender, and it causes me to get angry with those that enable him.

So you know what, from today on I'm not going to hate anymore. I' just going to do what he does and make outlandish claims so people will give my website hits and fill my wallet with delicious funds. If you see a story about Microsoft announcing the purchase of Insomniac and both the Ratchet and Resistance IPs at GDC, that's all me and it's 110% true.
Haha. Weren't you the one who proclaimed that the PS3 not working for a day was worse than the RROD? It seems like bold, outlandish claims are your M.O. as well.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
AstroMan said:
So you know what, from today on I'm not going to hate anymore. I' just going to do what he does and make outlandish claims so people will give my website hits and fill my wallet with delicious funds. If you see a story about Microsoft announcing the purchase of Insomniac and both the Ratchet and Resistance IPs at GDC, that's all me and it's 110% true.
Aren't you the guy who was saying how that one day clock glitch in PS3 was worse than the whole RROD situation with X360? If so...

Argh, two minutes too late :lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark10x said:
The object blur looks fantastic, but it really hit home when Kratos is seen flying out of the cave.
You can see just how good their blur looks on that Helios chariot closeup picture above. It's amazing really, and it seems to be completely artifact free.


Lord Error said:
Aren't you the guy who was saying how that one day clock glitch in PS3 was worse than the whole RROD situation with X360? If so...

The difference there is that I didn't go to the websites that I write for and make said claims, which by the way, were obviously not accurate in any sense (I thought this was clear going off other outlandish posts made in that exact thread). Then again things I say seem to get misinterpreted, which is 100% my fault, I should write all things I say in jest using italics in order to avoid confusion and those delightful PMs which label me an Xbot, among other things.

I digress, my personal feelings about HipHopGamer got the best of me and I took his mention in the thread to vent a little. We now take you back to your regularly-scheduled program, already in progress.
AstroMan said:
The difference there is that I didn't go to the websites that I write for and make said claims, which by the way, were obviously not accurate in any sense (I thought this was clear going off other outlandish posts made in that exact thread). Then again things I say seem to get misinterpreted, which is 100% my fault, I should write all things I say in jest using italics in order to avoid confusion and those delightful PMs which label me an Xbot, among other things.

I digress, my personal feelings about HipHopGamer got the best of me and I took his mention in the thread to vent a little. We now take you back to your regularly-scheduled program, already in progress.

Sam Jackson would approve of HipHopGamer.

Just sayin...


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Dexvex said:
Not as in-depth as I had hoped for but they did say that they would have more.

Certainly not, I was expecting a lot more tbh, will be looking forward to a more in-depth analysis hopefully after the game has been released.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lord Error said:
You can see just how good their blur looks on that Helios chariot closeup picture above. It's amazing really, and it seems to be completely artifact free.
I saw that. I'd love to know what they are doing differently. Most games with motion blur have very obvious artifacts present. Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 were ahead of the pack in this regard, but this is on a different level.

I'd say this blur trumps even the mighty Crysis in DX10. It looks virtually perfect and definitely gives the game an almost pre-rendered feel.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
sinnergy said:
Maybe, but you can't rule that out. Not that I mind, but I find these things fascinating. It could have to do with gaining more performance etc..
I think this is one of the rare exceptions where nothing really was cut down to make other things better. All the improvements they have seem to have come from just tighter code. Yes, the tiny piece of smoke is missing from that scene which is almost certainly a scenery change decision (there's not animated waterfall there instead), but every other scene shows clear improvements with nothing missing, and better framerate. Hell, just so much better AA and full screen motion blur you'd think would kill the performance, but it's complete opposite.
lowrider007 said:
Certainly not, I was expecting a lot more tbh, will be looking forward to a more in-depth analysis hopefully after the game has been released.

They're going to do more

We'll have more on God of War III soon.

Looking at some pics that Gamersyde posted earlier, I can understand why they aren't doing a full analysis right now. They're going to want to be able to use some screens and movies from later in the game to show off what the game is doing. So in order to avoid spoiling the game they'll likely hold off until the game has been released for a few days.

The Chef

AstroMan said:
The difference there is that I didn't go to the websites that I write for and make said claims, which by the way, were obviously not accurate in any sense (I thought this was clear going off other outlandish posts made in that exact thread). Then again things I say seem to get misinterpreted, which is 100% my fault, I should write all things I say in jest using italics in order to avoid confusion and those delightful PMs which label me an Xbot, among other things.

I digress, my personal feelings about HipHopGamer got the best of me and I took his mention in the thread to vent a little. We now take you back to your regularly-scheduled program, already in progress.

Hmm I don't know about you. Seemed to me you were pretty adamant in the PSN clock meltdown thread. The second things rectified themselves you were back pedaling pretty hard claiming it was all in good fun.


theignoramus said:


Superior shading in the final code.[/QUOTE]

Epic PEC upgrade!


AstroMan said:
The difference there is that I didn't go to the websites that I write for and make said claims, which by the way, were obviously not accurate in any sense (I thought this was clear going off other outlandish posts made in that exact thread).

It was clear to most people.
Damn.... Their MLAA technique is godly. The IQ in this game simply shits on all other console games.
As I Understand it, and please forgive me if i get something wrong:

The demo uses 2XMSAA. It takes RSX 9 milliseconds to do full screen 2xMSAA at 60Hz. The MLAA technique their using in GOW3 can give the effect of 16XAA. This MLAA algorithm will take about 20 miliseconds to render at 60Hz on a single SPU, but the GOW3 team spreads the work across 5 SPU's in parallel. So it only takes 5 miliseconds to get this level of AA on CELL. 9ms on RSX vs 5ms on CELL . At worst case twice the smoothness at twice the speed.

CELL is a Beast, and GOW3 will blow minds.

Bravo Studio Santa Monica, Bravo!


You know, it really looks like it went from a blurry mess (I'm obviously not talking about the actual motion blur, check the titan close-up comparison for instance) to super-detailed, high contrast picture quality from the demo to the final version.
I'm actually wondering whether this whole improvement is due to the replacement of "traditional AA" (maybe they used quincux before and IIRC while a decent AA method it caused an overall bluriness in the image) by MLAA.
If that's the case, everyone should use that STAT.


Trailblaster said:
Damn.... Their MLAA technique is godly. The IQ in this game simply shits on all other console games.
As I Understand it, and please forgive me if i get something wrong:

The demo uses 2XMSAA. It takes RSX 9 milliseconds to do full screen 2xMSAA at 60Hz. The MLAA technique their using in GOW3 can give the effect of 16XAA. This MLAA algorithm will take about 20 miliseconds to render at 60Hz on a single SPU, but the GOW3 team spreads the work across 5 SPU's in parallel. So it only takes 5 miliseconds to get this level of AA on CELL. 9ms on RSX vs 5ms on CELL . At worst case twice the smoothness at twice the speed.

CELL is a Beast, and GOW3 will blow minds.

Bravo Studio Santa Monica, Bravo!
Amen brother Amen
Raist said:
You know, it really looks like it went from a blurry mess (I'm obviously not talking about the actual motion blur, check the titan close-up comparison for instance) to super-detailed, high contrast picture quality from the demo to the final version.
I'm actually wondering whether this whole improvement is due to the replacement of "traditional AA" (maybe they used quincux before and IIRC while a decent AA method it caused an overall bluriness in the image) by MLAA.
If that's the case, everyone should use that STAT.

This looks like a more drastic than a improvement from QAA. They definitely improved the texture and the normal map.

My guess is that by changing the AA method maybe they were able to save some memory, and they were able to use that to improve textures in certain scenes.


PuppetMaster said:
This looks like a more drastic than a improvement from QAA. They definitely improved the texture and the normal map.

My guess is that by changing the AA method maybe they were able to save some memory, and they were able to use that to improve textures in certain scenes.
Hmm I wonder if the 70megs was also freed up during the latter part of dev phase.
PuppetMaster said:
This looks like a more drastic than a improvement from QAA. They definitely improved the texture and the normal map.

My guess is that by changing the AA method maybe they were able to save some memory, and they were able to use that to improve textures in certain scenes.

My guess is pretty simple: code optimization, month after month, in parallel with ongoing adjustments and polishing from artists. They got a vast pool of really talented people.

So, yeah, more than AA enhancements.


PuppetMaster said:
This looks like a more drastic than a improvement from QAA. They definitely improved the texture and the normal map.

My guess is that by changing the AA method maybe they were able to save some memory, and they were able to use that to improve textures in certain scenes.

Yeah, which would be an additional, indirect effect of this new AA method.

Fuck, imagine if KZ2 used MLAA... The IQ was almost perfect already so the free memory/GPU time could have been used for other stuff... :eek:
KZ3 plz.

edit: and U2 would clearly have beneficiated a lot from MLAA as well...
U3 plz.


LosDaddie said:
It was clear to most people.

Bullshit! He went with that "Its worse than RROD" pretty hard.

PS: I agree about HHG, the guy is a steaming pile of dung, but he get's a couple of things right once in awhile and everyone loves him for it. Lame.
Really interested to see if Killzone 3 uses this technique. I deplore QAA, and even though its implementation in KZ2 was artistically coherent, I would have preferred a sharper image.

***fuck, why cant PD use this technique. wander if its at all possible to use in a CPU-intensive game like GT5.
PuppetMaster said:
This looks like a more drastic than a improvement from QAA. They definitely improved the texture and the normal map.

My guess is that by changing the AA method maybe they were able to save some memory, and they were able to use that to improve textures in certain scenes.

How much you want to bet that GG uses MLAA in Killzone3 and not Quincunx AA


Corky said:
wtffff I'm really going offtopic here but dayum , is your name Kasra? I thought I was the only one in the world xD
oh dude,yeah my name is Kasra and I thought I was the second in the world !
Trailblaster said:
How much you want to bet that GG uses MLAA in Killzone3 and not Quincunx AA

I'd be pretty shocked if KZ3 and other first party devs don't use this implementation of MLAA.

According to Tim Moss' twitter, the technique was developed with a SCEE advanced tech group (Cambridge?). I don't really know crap but it sounds like something that could be fairly easily added to existing engines as long as there was some idling SPUs available.


Raist said:
Yeah, which would be an additional, indirect effect of this new AA method.

Fuck, imagine if KZ2 used MLAA... The IQ was almost perfect already so the free memory/GPU time could have been used for other stuff... :eek:
KZ3 plz.

edit: and U2 would clearly have beneficiated a lot from MLAA as well...
U3 plz.

I haz warm feeling :3

Feels good man.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Looks like CGI. Damn

In these pics, for some strange reason, I like the demo part more:




Have a fun! Enjoy!
Trailblaster said:
Damn.... Their MLAA technique is godly. The IQ in this game simply shits on all other console games.
As I Understand it, and please forgive me if i get something wrong:

The demo uses 2XMSAA. It takes RSX 9 milliseconds to do full screen 2xMSAA at 60Hz. The MLAA technique their using in GOW3 can give the effect of 16XAA. This MLAA algorithm will take about 20 miliseconds to render at 60Hz on a single SPU, but the GOW3 team spreads the work across 5 SPU's in parallel. So it only takes 5 miliseconds to get this level of AA on CELL. 9ms on RSX vs 5ms on CELL . At worst case twice the smoothness at twice the speed.

CELL is a Beast, and GOW3 will blow minds.
Bravo Studio Santa Monica, Bravo![/QUOTE]

You know what's funny? With all this talk about moving processes from the RSX to the Cell and looking at the amazing results, it looks like the RSX is being used like a simple video output card :lol

It's odd. The less you use the RSX the more amazing the games look.

Power of Cell indeed :P
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