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God of War Ragnarök G|OT|Y


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Have you actually gotten the compass yet? I couldn’t switch to custom either until I got the compass. Now I swipe up when I want to see it. Combat UI automatically comes up during fights, which is how I wanted it.
I fucking LOVE you, thanks, it worked!


The writing is so bizarre at points.

“And they say celestial theft is a victimless crime! 🥁”. Seriously, an identity theft joke?
So incongruent with the world I am trying to get immersed in.

I appreciate the attempt to keep me entertained. I really do. And if the game were still of the old school, more arcade-like nature of the older games, I’d probably just laugh it off.

But this game wants me invested heavily in the characters, world, and story, which is hard to do when the characters don’t feel like they actually belong in this world.
All character dialect sound straight out of 21st century America.

It’s a choice. Maybe it’s a style I will warm up to as the game goes on. I’ll try to stay open to that. Right now it just feels awkward.

Some great voice acting, on the other hand. Kratos and Thor sound fantastic. I hope they are given more great material.

I’ve heard the puzzles are tedious in this game but so far I am actually enjoying them more than in the last game. Some of it feels a bit more natural to the environment, which somehow makes it feel less tedious in my mind. I hope that keeps up. I don’t want to get bogged down in chores.

In regards to combat, again, the enemies feel extremely spongey. Idk how I’m going to acclimate to it, unless something changes soon. I’m hoping my weapons are just too weak right now. They feel ineffective. I’d be inclined to just cut both mine and the enemies health bars in half. It feels like we are just smacking each other with wiffle ball bats. Does that feeling ease up?

Come to think of it, enemies didn’t exactly die quickly in the older trilogy, but it didn’t bother me as much as it does here. Not exactly sure why that is tbh.
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I don't know why people complain that it's more of the same. I loved the first one, so that is a win? I love this game.
I don't know how much longer I have, I asked someone yesterday but didn't get an answer and now I am like a lot further.

Also pro tip, you can press the down button to holster your weapon, didn't know this when I accidentally pressed it, haha.


You know what - I like me some tough games, but I think this one is just too hard. I just cranked it down to 'Give Me Grace' and I'm still getting pummelled - and not in a good way. Spartan Rage is such a cheap, shitty hail-mary and I hate using it, but seems I'm forced into it.

Spartan Rage being the 'let me hold him for you while you get a few hits in' of game mechanics.
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I don't know why people complain that it's more of the same. I loved the first one, so that is a win? I love this game.
I don't know how much longer I have, I asked someone yesterday but didn't get an answer and now I am like a lot further.

Also pro tip, you can press the down button to holster your weapon, didn't know this when I accidentally pressed it, haha.
It’s more about generational expectations than anything else. It’s only natural to want a game designed for PS5, as opposed to a game designed for an older console.

I hear you, at the same time. If a game is great, and you are enjoying yourself, you have nothing to worry about.

But at the same time, the expectation for more is perfectly reasonable.


Was there any experimentation? I saw an expertly crafted game with a lot of refined mechanics. What would you say is experimental about it?
From what little we've seen already it's a big departure from Botw in just mechanics, as it's spacial manipulation and verticality as the main mechanics of gameplay.


It’s more about generational expectations than anything else. It’s only natural to want a game designed for PS5, as opposed to a game designed for an older console.

I hear you, at the same time. If a game is great, and you are enjoying yourself, you have nothing to worry about.

But at the same time, the expectation for more is perfectly reasonable.
Speaking for myself, the issue is that the first game was about 50 hours to do everything and they executed and iterated on the concept really well. As such, this game feels almost run-of-the-mill, because it's still executing and iterating at the same level without really progressing things in fresh ways.
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Gold Member
The writing is so bizarre at points.

“And they say celestial theft is a victimless crime! 🥁”. Seriously, an identity theft joke?
So incongruent with the world I am trying to get immersed in.

I appreciate the attempt to keep me entertained. I really do. And if the game were still of the old school, more arcade-like nature of the older games, I’d probably just laugh it off.

But this game wants me invested heavily in the characters, world, and story, which is hard to do when the characters don’t feel like they actually belong in this world.
All character dialect sound straight out of 21st century America.

It’s a choice. Maybe it’s a style I will warm up to as the game goes on. I’ll try to stay open to that. Right now it just feels awkward.

Some great voice acting, on the other hand. Kratos and Thor sound fantastic. I hope they are given more great material.

I’ve heard the puzzles are tedious in this game but so far I am actually enjoying them more than in the last game. Some of it feels a bit more natural to the environment, which somehow makes it feel less tedious in my mind. I hope that keeps up. I don’t want to get bogged down in chores.

In regards to combat, again, the enemies feel extremely spongey. Idk how I’m going to acclimate to it, unless something changes soon. I’m hoping my weapons are just too weak right now. They feel ineffective. I’d be inclined to just cut both mine and the enemies health bars in half. It feels like we are just smacking each other with wiffle ball bats. Does that feeling ease up?

Come to think of it, enemies didn’t exactly die quickly in the older trilogy, but it didn’t bother me as much as it does here. Not exactly sure why that is tbh.
I was more annoyed by little shit saying yikes...

First time i heard him saying that i cringed hard.


Sony already did the massive mixup with the first game, it was completely unlike the old GOW games.
This is the refinement of that in the same way the BOTW sequel will be.

Nintendo prides itself on innovation, it's basically the baseline requirement for almost all their series entries, which makes the iterative nature of Splatoon and Animal Crossing outliers in terms of portfolio.

OOT vs Majoras Mask is the last time there was a Zelda direct sequel on the same home console, and that clearly wasn't a refining of OOT.

TOTK, I wouldn't expect it to be a refining of BOTW.

Some will like this about it and others will hate it but Nintendo is gonna Nintendo.
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This is why I replayed the first game at GMGOW before this sequel. Combat mechanics could't be more muscle memory now and every bit of lore fresh in my head.

Ruining hours of your first playthrough by feeling rusty/not remembering lots of characters background/lore is not something I would do on such an anticipated game. Especially on this as the consensus is that it's what Kill Bill II was to Kill Bill, or Two Towers was to Fellowship.. you would not watch those four years after the first one.

Did the same with Horizon + DLC before Forbidden West and ended up loving the shit out of the sequel.

Fuck.. still starting at GMGOW though.
Well muscle memory can be a doubled edged sword! Certain moves have changed. In the starting area I kept trying to do the cleave which got me damaged more than necessary😂

Has parry changed as well anyone... I swear it was r1 to do the bash after a successful parry in 2018 now its L1.


Gold Member
Seeing people play the first couple hours and say “it’s just 2018 again” is fucking hilarious as somebody who’s about 12 hours in. They have no idea what they’re in for lmao.

I’d have to see how it holds up on repeated playthroughs, but it’s already had multiple ALL TIME gaming moments. Just fucking unbelievable. It’s giving me that same feeling I got playing other all time greats for the first time. That feeling where you don’t want it end, because you only get that “first play through” experience one time obviously. But you also can’t stop playing because it’s that damn good.

No fanboy shit here. I’m just genuinely excited because I feel like games like this only come around once every few years or so. I didn’t even think GOW 2018 was THAT great. It was really really good. But not an all timer for me. Ragnarok though...my god.
Installing right now, you really got me hyped as fuck.

Some people can't help themselves.. they have to write entire essays and assign votes after literally two hours, while in the middle of the first portion of the tutorial. I will never understand that, not different than writing movie reviews after seeing the first scene.


Installing right now, you really got me hyped as fuck.

Some people can't help themselves.. they have to write entire essays and assign votes after literally two hours, while in the middle of the first portion of the tutorial. I will never understand that, not different than writing movie reviews after seeing the first scene.
I'm 23 hours in and have travelled to seven different realms... I feel much the same.


Gold Member
I think I’m at the halfway mark and it’s a beaut.

My only gripe is the one area where it slows down a bit BUT the ending part of said area and boss is amazing. One of the best bosses I’ve ever faced in gaming so far.
I think I know which section you mean. When you think about that section as a whole, it‘s pure genius design. It starts off slow (riding a slow creature?), then builds up to the perfect crescendo, with so many amazing twists in between.


Gold Member
Well muscle memory can be a doubled edged sword! Certain moves have changed. In the starting area I kept trying to do the cleave which got me damaged more than necessary😂

Has parry changed as well anyone... I swear it was r1 to do the bash after a successful parry in 2018 now its L1.
Oh.. would make for a good comparison between the two systems at least. It was R1 yes.

I'm 23 hours in and have travelled to seven different realms... I feel much the same.
Well.. you are getting pummeled at Give me Grace, saying you're forced to use spartan rage to progress. No offence but you're not exactly the person of which opinions would align with mine on the game.
Don't be fooled by sales-ensuring accessibility crap, target audience is this:

Or, given the developers commend, this:

Oh.. would make for a good comparison between the two systems at least. It was R1 yes.

Well.. you are getting pummeled at Give me Grace, saying you're forced to use spartan rage to progress. No offence but you're not exactly the person of which opinions would align with mine on the game.
Don't be fooled by sales-ensuring accessibility crap, target audience is this:

Or, given the developers commend, this:

Damn new it! Will take some getting used too


8 hours in and party/Fellowship of The Ragnarok is planning on going to Elven realm. Spoilers ahead.

Playing as Atreus was a pleasant surprise. I was all ready to hate on it but damn.. it is fleshed out I actually really really enjoyed this mission/chapter with sindri. The combat as a light athletic Atreus and the bow gameplay is just so damn good. Also love the magic shield. Kratos feels like a tank, Atreus feels like Prince of Persia.
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Well I'm starting it now... which guess what that means? Avatar for losing the bet is gone.


Funny GIF


It just hit me. This feels like an actual adventure. I'm loving all these character interactions, small talks, one to one chemistry of different characters. This feels very real at times. I haven't actually felt that kind of appreciation for characters since original the last of us.


I really suggest you all take a hard look at the accessibility options, if you have yet to do so.

You are almost guaranteed to find a way to improve your experience.

I’m loving gyro-aiming, auto pick-up items, and holding buttons instead of having to tap them for prompted actions.

Honestly the most praiseworthy thing about this game to me so far.

I’m still early in and I’ve heard people say it improves in some type of way. Unfortunately, now I’m sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop and I hope it does, because the formula just isn’t that captivating to me, around 5 hours in.
So done just a under 10 hours a few thoughts

Changed from medium to hard. A good balance now I'm dying a lot but still making good progress I've got better but there's still a lot of options to take in. It seems I get better but then the game will throw a new ability and I try to incorporate that and be rubbish again lol! This is typical new game syndrome for me it take me while to adjust to new controls and that's fine. There seems to be lot's of depth here it might not be on the level of dmc5 and Bayonettas of the world but it's surely not far behind and it's league's above the like's dark souls, ghost and Serkiro (I'm not saying it's better... but trying to say those game's have more combat depth is laughable).

I 'cant hype up gyro enough it allows you to be so much more aggressive with the ranged options seriously give it a try you have loads of adjustment options. Grabbing wretches with the blades of chaos is Chiefs Kiss!

Don't sleep on the Stonewall shield it encourages this weird hybrid of defensive and aggressive play it's really satisfying. It feels completely different to the parrying shield and the game is still challenging, those that don't care for parrying will love it.

Triangle attacks are still great and give a really nice flow to the combat. Great risk vs reward options

Love the way the game incorporates level design into the combat especially with the blades new traversal options. This is where the new camera has a huge advantage over other similar games it almost feels like a shooter in this regard. Level design is almost meaningless in a lot of other melee game a lot of encounters just take place in huge empty spaces
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I really suggest you all take a hard look at the accessibility options, if you have yet to do so.

You are almost guaranteed to find a way to improve your experience.

I’m loving gyro-aiming, auto pick-up items, and holding buttons instead of having to tap them for prompted actions.

Honestly the most praiseworthy thing about this game to me so far.

I’m still early in and I’ve heard people say it improves in some type of way. Unfortunately, now I’m sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop and I hope it does, because the formula just isn’t that captivating to me, around 5 hours in.
Can't be stated enough!(y)(y)


I have had a few instances where the enemies pop up half-formed, semi-invisible of sorts. Like, in the first area for instance, the enemies that come up from the ground have their bodies load in a second or two late. Has this happened to anyone?


Just finished "that colorful part"

And I'm with those people that thought it was too long. It was way too long, and the objectives were MMO-like bad ("pick X of this thing around the map")

Gorgeous to look at, but absolutely glacial pacing. While playing that I thought "yeah, no way I'm replaying this game anytime soon after finishing it".

For that are alone I wouldnt have given it a 10/10 lol. Far from a perfect pacing.

I think SMS tried to mimic the ND formula waaay too much during this section, and honestly, they didnt get it right.

It ended on a great note tho with that boss fight. Visually interesting, fun to play through, with great story beats.

And right after that, back to normal gameplay routine, I was received with another amazing boss fight lol


Gold Member
It just hit me. This feels like an actual adventure. I'm loving all these character interactions, small talks, one to one chemistry of different characters. This feels very real at times. I haven't actually felt that kind of appreciation for characters since original the last of us.
I think that all the people displeased by the game are people who are not engaged in this stuff.

I could just drive the boat for 30 min just to listen at what mimir has to say and kratos making annoyed and grumpy remarks.

If people are not engaged in the universe and banter between charas, the game lose A LOT in term of enjoyment and i can understand being boring or dull for many.
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It just hit me. This feels like an actual adventure. I'm loving all these character interactions, small talks, one to one chemistry of different characters. This feels very real at times. I haven't actually felt that kind of appreciation for characters since original the last of us.
I think this is big advantage of going wide linear or semi open world. In a lot of open worlds I feel like an errand boy going back and forth across the same space it's particularly obvious when the entire map is accessible from the start.

Super linear game's just feel to constrained.

Wide linear is a nice compromise that make's the world feel big by giving enough explorable space to not feel constrained and constantly introducing new world's/area so you feel like your visiting new place's and traveling a great distance (Even if in reality your not)


Seeing people play the first couple hours and say “it’s just 2018 again” is fucking hilarious as somebody who’s about 12 hours in. They have no idea what they’re in for lmao.
You right and guess what I wasn't wrong either about what I said yesterday about this being a sequel done right. This game is fucking nuts.
I think that all the people displeased by the game are people who are not engaged in this stuff.

I could just drive the boat for 30 min just to listen at what mimir has to say and kratos making annoyed and grumpy remarks.

If people are not engaged in the universe and banter between charas, the game lose A LOT in term of enjoyment and i can understand being boring or dull for many.
While Mimir is definitely a Highlight some of the other side characters are almost as good as well!


I think that all the people displeased by the game are people who are not engaged in this stuff.

I could just drive the boat for 30 min just to listen at what mimir has to say and kratos making annoyed and grumpy remarks.

If people are not engaged in the universe and banter between charas, the game lose A LOT in term of enjoyment and i can understand being boring or dull for many.
Well isn't it then their fault for playing the wrong game. The story, characters and world is the meat and potatoes of this game.

It's like playing elden ring and complaining about it not having a compelling story and character nuances.

One should know what he's getting into and judge it accordingly. At the end of the day gamers should know what they enjoy the most. I can appreciate a great game but I personally enjoy a great story/an epic adventure like Ragnarok. Games like these are a rarity now.
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I'm liking it so far but I get a creeping feeling I am playing 2018 God of War most of the time. You can tell this was developed for PS4.
Still looks amazing but it is the same pretty, narrow hallways and rivers (I'm still early in the game).
AAA title for sure and I happily bought the Digital Deluxe edition.

I have a question, why doesn't Kratos take Odin up on his offer? It seems so easy. Don't mess with us and we won't mess with you. Seems pretty straight forward.
But Kratos just grunts, No.


I'm liking it so far but I get a creeping feeling I am playing 2018 God of War most of the time. You can tell this was developed for PS4.
Still looks amazing but it is the same pretty, narrow hallways and rivers (I'm still early in the game).
AAA title for sure and I happily bought the Digital Deluxe edition.

I have a question, why doesn't Kratos take Odin up on his offer? It seems so easy. Don't mess with us and we won't mess with you. Seems pretty straight forward.
But Kratos just grunts, No.
Because he's smart enough to know if Odin is offering peace, he should choose violence. Odin is very clearly manipulative and disingenuous. It would be naive to trust Odin who barged into his home and tried to dictate. Odin only ever serves Odin in this universe.

Not to mention, Faye dream with Kratos implied Kratos needs to do something about Ragnarok and Atreus is already impatient.


Because he's smart enough to know if Odin is offering peace, he should choose violence. Odin is very clearly manipulative and disingenuous. It would be naive to trust Odin who barged into his home and tried to dictate. Odin only ever serves Odin in this universe.

Not to mention, Faye dream with Kratos implied Kratos needs to do something about Ragnarok and Atreus is already impatient.
Thanks. The talking head guy does mention that "If Odin says snow is white, he is lying".
Environmental spoiler below

So it has to be said other than FROM software Sony Santa Monica construct the most beautiful and impressive videogame world's Svartalfheim in general looked gorgeous. The entrance to the Mine was the highlight though it was so impressive. It even reminded me of a FROM classic dungeon the way you progressed downwards into it but you could see everywhere you were going. [/Spoiler]
Seeing people play the first couple hours and say “it’s just 2018 again” is fucking hilarious as somebody who’s about 12 hours in.
They are trolling, this game is huge. Judging it off just a couple hours of playing doesn’t make sense.

Imagine thinking the first game is better lol. This game isn’t perfect but it improves on every aspect of the first game for sure. Odin and Thor alone is 100% more interesting than all the characters from the first game and this game has way more new and interesting characters than those two.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Man when the combat clicks it really clicks. They have basically made runic attacks an afterthought by increasing their cooldowns to like 100 seconds or more for even light attacks. And you know what? thats a good thing. I basically abused runic attacks in the first game. Here they have added some of the runic attacks to normal gameplay and added a couple of other combo moves like holding R2 that really unlock the potential of this new 2018 combat system. I also got to upgrade one of my combat attacks with either Frost, Defense or Momentum attributes which is pretty cool. I swear when I start to get in a groove and start chaining together these axe moves, the enemies dont stand a chance. I am no longer just waiting for the

I still dont understand how parry works. I have the parry shield, i parry all the time, but what happened to the parry attacks? Pressing R1 or R2 after a parry no longer does a follow up parry attack. What am I doing wrong?

I also like how the incentivize you switching to your blades and back by giving you extra damage to burning or frozen enemies. Dont remember the first game doing this.

The only thing I dont like is the waves of enemies. Reminds me of Uncharted Drake's Fortune. I literally just got done fighting one long wave and they throw another. Thankfully, im having fun with the combat.

P.S Mini boss fights are cool.
You know what - I like me some tough games, but I think this one is just too hard. I just cranked it down to 'Give Me Grace' and I'm still getting pummelled - and not in a good way. Spartan Rage is such a cheap, shitty hail-mary and I hate using it, but seems I'm forced into it.

Spartan Rage being the 'let me hold him for you while you get a few hits in' of game mechanics.
I thought the same thing, it’s definitely harder than the first game but you have to make sure your upgrading your gear, armor and your companions equipment. You have to also fight with strategy. You can’t just button mash your way through some combat sections especially with the crowed fights.

The blades are best for crowd control and the Axe is best for 1on1 fights. Also don’t forget to use your companions abilities during the fights.

SlimySnake SlimySnake - you can still parry attack with the shield but you will need to get a new shield to do it. All shields don’t have the parry attack. Each shield has different abilities.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I have a question, why doesn't Kratos take Odin up on his offer? It seems so easy. Don't mess with us and we won't mess with you. Seems pretty straight forward.
But Kratos just grunts, No.
lol I wanted him to say yes. My friend did too. Meanwhile my 8 year old immediately blurted out, 'No, Kratos say No'. Then Kratos said no. We are just getting old.

It's clear that Odin cant be trusted. Mimir tells you as much. But i thought it was funny how Ive mellowed down since the original trilogy where I gleefully killed every single Greek god. Peace was never an option.
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Of all the mini bosses, Huntress was the one I enjoyed the most and got killed the most times. She is lightning fast.

In other news, Elden Ring fans are review bombing GOW Ragnarok on Metacritic and GOW fans are returning the favor. Dumb marks.


King Snowflake
Game is weird. I am having difficulty figuring out some of the combat, but trial and error has helped. One thing I really don't like is how much of what you see is inaccessible. Finding hidden stuff is really just moving around till you get a context menu.

I have a feeling I will be sick of the format once the game is done, but will enjoy the production value.


Wont judge anything yet but this is the first game that hooked me like this in a while.

Only thing that was slightly disappointing was some of the dialogue in the Thor fight.
But so far game is aced.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think that all the people displeased by the game are people who are not engaged in this stuff.

I could just drive the boat for 30 min just to listen at what mimir has to say and kratos making annoyed and grumpy remarks.

If people are not engaged in the universe and banter between charas, the game lose A LOT in term of enjoyment and i can understand being boring or dull for many.
i LOVED the original. Loved his stories. Loved the dynamic between Kratos and Atreus, but not feeling it this time around. I barely listen to mimir's stories and teenage Atreus isnt as interesting as a younger one. I just go from island to island collecting shit because its still interesting but its just so goddamn familiar to the first that it feels like you know what. No idea why the story has taken a backseat too.

TBH, unlike HFW, i dont know what they couldve done to fix the familiarity aspect of the game. This is the game design they came up with and were never going to throw it away after just one game. I just didnt expect it to be exactly like the first just with a different coat of paint. Maybe if they added some more cutscenes or characters or setpieces while you are island hopping? But they are meant as a break between cutscenes and the story so I dont know if that would work either.

It's funny. I called the first game's metroidvania inspired Midgard level design perfect game design in an action adeventure game. But just 4 years later, im basically sleep walking through the puzzles and exploration. Not to say its bad, it's just so familiar. Island hopping reminds me of when I used to play Destiny patrols.


Gold Member
Well isn't it then their fault for playing the wrong game. The story, characters and world is the meat and potatoes of this game.

It's like playing elden ring and complaining about it not having a compelling story and character nuances.

One should know what he's getting into and judge it accordingly. At the end of the day gamers should know what they enjoy the most. I can appreciate a great game but I personally enjoy a great story/an epic adventure like Ragnarok. Games like these are a rarity now.
Don't ask me, i always laugh at people who buy story driven games just to troll about not being pure action games\tps with just slash and boom boom.
Or even worse, buying action rpg like horizon or gow jpust to cry because you have rpg stats and builds and crafting etc.

While Mimir is definitely a Highlight some of the other side characters are almost as good as well!

I'm early in the game so for now mimir is the major companion other than little shit.


Gold Member
Man when the combat clicks it really clicks. They have basically made runic attacks an afterthought by increasing their cooldowns to like 100 seconds or more for even light attacks. And you know what? thats a good thing. I basically abused runic attacks in the first game. Here they have added some of the runic attacks to normal gameplay and added a couple of other combo moves like holding R2 that really unlock the potential of this new 2018 combat system. I also got to upgrade one of my combat attacks with either Frost, Defense or Momentum attributes which is pretty cool. I swear when I start to get in a groove and start chaining together these axe moves, the enemies dont stand a chance. I am no longer just waiting for the

I still dont understand how parry works. I have the parry shield, i parry all the time, but what happened to the parry attacks? Pressing R1 or R2 after a parry no longer does a follow up parry attack. What am I doing wrong?

I also like how the incentivize you switching to your blades and back by giving you extra damage to burning or frozen enemies. Dont remember the first game doing this.

The only thing I dont like is the waves of enemies. Reminds me of Uncharted Drake's Fortune. I literally just got done fighting one long wave and they throw another. Thankfully, im having fun with the combat.

P.S Mini boss fights are cool.
They said that builds are more differentiated and significant in ragnarock, pretty sure that a pure RECHARGE build can spam runic attack like there is no tomorrow.

Jack of all trades is no bueno me think.

If this is good or not probably depends on how much you like having classes in an rpg opposite to be good at everything.

The parry shield has the attack on L1, same for the tanky shield, when it is red you can use the attack, i'm using the tanky one and it needs a couple of hit to get at max power, not sure if the parry one get fully charged with a single parry, it looks like that in the small preview gif.
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Gold Member
I'm liking it so far but I get a creeping feeling I am playing 2018 God of War most of the time. You can tell this was developed for PS4.
Still looks amazing but it is the same pretty, narrow hallways and rivers (I'm still early in the game).
AAA title for sure and I happily bought the Digital Deluxe edition.

I have a question, why doesn't Kratos take Odin up on his offer? It seems so easy. Don't mess with us and we won't mess with you. Seems pretty straight forward.
But Kratos just grunts, No.
There is an entry in the journal under odin's page, he doesn't want odin to "take care" of freya because it probably means killing her or doing something bad to her and kratos consider freya a friend.

Also kratos would put more trust in todd howard over any god.

Always read every entry in the journal, it adds flavour to everything.
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Gold Member
i LOVED the original. Loved his stories. Loved the dynamic between Kratos and Atreus, but not feeling it this time around. I barely listen to mimir's stories and teenage Atreus isnt as interesting as a younger one. I just go from island to island collecting shit because its still interesting but its just so goddamn familiar to the first that it feels like you know what. No idea why the story has taken a backseat too.

TBH, unlike HFW, i dont know what they couldve done to fix the familiarity aspect of the game. This is the game design they came up with and were never going to throw it away after just one game. I just didnt expect it to be exactly like the first just with a different coat of paint. Maybe if they added some more cutscenes or characters or setpieces while you are island hopping? But they are meant as a break between cutscenes and the story so I dont know if that would work either.

It's funny. I called the first game's metroidvania inspired Midgard level design perfect game design in an action adeventure game. But just 4 years later, im basically sleep walking through the puzzles and exploration. Not to say its bad, it's just so familiar. Island hopping reminds me of when I used to play Destiny patrols.
Don't know what to say buddy, to me it is the perfect formula for this type of game, i decide when i want the next story bits or when it is exploration time or when i want to do some sidequest, you decide the pacing you want, if you are bored of exploring islands maybe go forward with the story to unlock some new weapon or important character and what not.

Ulysses 31

Don't know what to say buddy, to me it is the perfect formula for this type of game, i decide when i want the next story bits or when it is exploration time or when i want to do some sidequest, you decide the pacing you want, if you are bored of exploring islands maybe go forward with the story to unlock some new weapon or important character and what not.
Also kinda depends on the difficulty you're playing on, if you're underleveled the enemies will have a big damage buff and you may be forced to do side content if you're not good enough to power through.
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