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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Just out from seeing it and it really didn't click with me. Some of the imagery is stunning and I adore the Godzilla design but I found the movie too plodding and there is a lack of the big man.

Much preferred Pacific Rim to it


IMAX is not really out of this world. Don't expect amazing things.
Actually, scratch what I just said. Just went and got my ticket with some friends and ended up getting Big D 2D tickets. The majority didn't want to do 3D. Either way, I just want to see the movie.
Just seen it. Loved it.

They basically modelled Godzilla after a Honey Badger and it's glorious.

Had very few complaints about the human action as well, in an "it is what it is" kind of way.

Going back to see it again this weekend for sure.


Indeed. Though the repeated mentions of PR have me wanting to check out the movie before I go see Big G stomp over everything.

Don't waste your time/money on PR. It's garbage.

I saw Godzilla earlier today, it was amazing! Particularly for me, as I have a preference for the Showa era series of movies, and this was like a great Showa Godzilla movie. Girl next to me said she almost crapped her pants at the first Godzilla roar...fucking immense!

Also here's an awesome anecdote, just before the film began during the complete silence a guy began singing the Hannah Barbera cartoon intro song! Audience cracked up with a mini applause. :D
Is this going to turn into 70 pages of Godzilla vs Pacific Rim? Come on guys.

Both movies are awesome.



the MUTOs were kicking Godzilla's ass before they got distracted, which weakened his character a tad; indeed I thought the MUTOs were presented as more threatening (although loved how Godzilla just ignored the boats right next to him the whole time he travelled :lol
. But I really enjoyed it.

I thought,
individually he beat them up, but struggled when being 2-on-1. In the end he impales the male and decapitates the female and truly stunning fashion :D


The human element really brought this down for me. They fucking nailed the big man and had some truly stunning cinematography but damn Lieutenant KickAss with his
unnatural affinity for surviving ridiculously dangerous situations by himself
was too much. I think they could have handled that aspect much better.

The last 30 minutes were great I geeked out when
Godzilla let loose on the Muto with his Atomic breath
It looked awesome and weirdly I didn't expect it at all.
190 million is estimated budget. Legendary wanted a big franchise, while Godzilla already has name recognition.

It mainly had to do with a very expensive 3D/conversion. GDT finished the movie well under budget and was against 3D conversion, but Legendary wanted 3D and opened the checkbook and spent a lot of money (much more than your regular conversion) in having GDT oversee all of it, and it took twice as long as the process regularly does. That's why it ended up being so expensive.
Ok thanks for clarifying.

For the record, I liked Pacific Rim it was fun and it delivered with what it promised Robots punching Monsters. The only problem from me was that it climaxed to early after the Hong Kong Fight.
Both movies are awesome.
I enjoyed Pacific Rim. I've defended the movie more than a few times on GAF. I don't understand the need to compare and contrast Godzilla with one other film ad nauseam.

PR had just as much in common with anything from War of the Gargantuans to Power Rangers as it did to Godzilla.
The monster battles were the best part of the movie. Unfortunately, it was too far in between and too little to make up for the dull events that stemmed around the male protagonist who seemed to had only one facial expression.

During the moments the big man is on screen, however, wow. Gorgeous imagery. There are some really beautiful set pieces in this film. I love the way they used the weather.
pacific rim is one of the few movies that ones enjoyment correlates to what size screen they watched it on.

was watching someone watch it on their galaxy note, not the same.
The monster battles were the best part of the movie. Unfortunately, it was too far in between and too little to make up for the dull events that stemmed around the male protagonist who seemed to had only one facial expression.

During the moments the big man is on screen, however, wow. Gorgeous imagery. There are some really beautiful set pieces in this film. I love the way they used the weather.
It's a shame they got everybody right except the main character. Remember when they were looking for Scoot McNairy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.



When he first uses it, the way the spines lit up...superb!

Yeah it was amazing especially when he
lit up down the females throat then casually dropped her disembodied head in the ocean
honestly that would have been the perfect time for him to dissapear instead of the
stupid Fox News king of the monsters, everyone clapping and cheering shit. We should've got a wide shot of the San Fran destruction, the awestruck faces of the survivors then fade to black.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
About to sit down with a pizza and Gojira to prep myself for tomorrow. HYYYYYYYPE.
Just saw it and would rate it 7 out of 10 radioactive giant lizards.

But a lot of the enjoyment for me was due to not knowing very much beforehand. So there were quite a few nice surprises for me.
I didn't know about the Mutos and was very surprised that Cranston's character dies that early in the movie.

The movie is far better than Emmerich's flick and does the character of Godzilla justice. Also the CGI was pretty convincing overall.
My first Godzilla since the shitty one. I'm one of those who didn't like Pacific Rim for many reasons and I think that it shares some problems with this movie: fucking useless humans. Overall characterization is better in Godzilla and some scenes are smart but the movie truly shines when the monster is there... and it is there for JUST the right amount of time, no more. A single scene made me like the movie a lot than I used to, overall is on another level when compared to Pacific Rim.
I bought tickets for a 10pm showing for tonight. I live in San Diego, so because of the fires, the town the IMAX theater is in is currently out of power. I feel bad for being more concerned about a movie, but I mean...its been 10 years :(
My first Godzilla since the shitty one. I'm one of those who didn't like Pacific Rim for many reasons and I think that it shares some problems with this movie: fucking useless humans.

What? I can understand this criticism for Godzilla, but not Pacific Rim. The Jaegers were piloted by humans.


I thought at the end
Big G should've thrown MUTOs head like a badass after he disembodied the head instead of just dropping it into the ocean


Just out from seeing it and it really didn't click with me. Some of the imagery is stunning and I adore the Godzilla design but I found the movie too plodding and there is a lack of the big man.

Much preferred Pacific Rim to it

Same as that, just back from seeing it now and saddened to say it was extremely disappointing. I completely agree with you on what you mention about the imagery and the design of Godzilla but it just fell completely flat in every other department for me, such a shame, it was my most anticipated film of the summer.


Well. Been to the cinema.

The good: Spectacular visuals and gut wrenching sound effects with well coreographed battles. Oh and the Halo jump scene plus the one I can't talk about. Basically every scene that has a monster in it.

The bad: Pretty much the rest. It just so lifeless, emotionless. No stakes, no plot and all the characters are like 1 dimensional. Most of them can't even be considered 1D, they're just there, to die.

Overall: I like it, but I was expecting at least 98 Godzilla characters. (Even those were better for god's sakes.)
I bought tickets for a 10pm showing for tonight. I live in San Diego, so because of the fires, the town the IMAX theater is in is currently out of power. I feel bad for being more concerned about a movie, but I mean...its been 10 years :(

Some friends and I made plans to see it tonight in San Marcos. Really wondering how that's gonna turn out now...
6/10 for me, a barely watchable movie with tons of cliches and some good action sequences. Overall however, fairly disappointing.

We've literally seen the exact same movie countless times before with your typical american hero who is always in the eye of the storm and with giant robots or dinosaurs or monsters or whatever waltzing through an american city and the american army watching in silence or planning in vain. The movie was hyped like hell, so it felt like you were going to a fast food joint where you were told the food is pretty fresh and great; not something you haven't ever eaten before, but how bland can a fresh quality burger be? Well, turns out it was microwaved, and the fries were half-chewed and had terrible ketchup poured all over them.

There's a fucking nuclear explosion right outside Frisco and no one seems to give a shit the next day, no one's bummed about it, it's shrugged off like it never happened, let's all pile up in a stadium or start searching through the wreckage for survivors just because, with a giant dinosaur sleeping right next to us and OH SHIT IT WOKE UP, IT TAKES A DIVE AND... that's all folks.

Left the theatre feeling completely empty, there was no actual part of the movie that I'd ever like to watch again. Judging by other people's reactions as soon as the credits started rolling, and how bored they looked, I was not the only one.
What? I can understand this criticism for Godzilla, but not Pacific Rim. The Jaegers were piloted by humans.
I was talking about useless scenes, like every scene in Pacific Rim when a man is on the screen and he's not using a Jaeger. Godzilla is more balanced with better characters but there are still many problems.
Some friends and I made plans to see it tonight in San Marcos. Really wondering how that's gonna turn out now...
Yeah, I live in Oceanside and was planning to go to Escondido...the fires seem to be heading that way. Hopefully SDGE doesn't pull the plug. I bought tickets in advance, hopefully I'll get a refund at least.


Saw this today and had a great time with it. Pretty much lived up to what I expected of it, with a few surprises thrown in there. Though the balance between the human tragedy and big brawl action was pretty good. Pretty much bang halfway between Cloverfield and Pacific Rim.

There were a couple of silly moments, but overall it's going to take a lot to beat as my film of 2014.
I was so hyped for pacific rim when it came out. It was hooooorrrriiiible and I can usually try to find the entertainment value in most blockbusters. I really hope GDT steps his game up next movie to make me forget PR. This looks like there is alot of slow build up but as long as it pays off, Im all in!



Godzilla fights was awesome, really felt primal while managing to remain true to its source. Also how is Godzilla dumb?

Several times the people in the cinema laughed out loud at how sneaky the enormous monsters managed to be. That scene where
the soldiers are 'checking' on stores of nuclear waste and they open one door and the whole fucking side of that hill is blasted open and then we see the Muto heading for Las Vegas. HOW DID THEY MISS THAT. How did the choppers miss that?


Fix that tag please. Yeah, there were a couple of stupid moments, like why would they
store the radioactive egg with their nuclear waste in the first place? Actually most of the military didn't exactly come off as particularly smart.

The fact that the soldier had to use binoculars to be able to see the 300ft monster rampaging towards the city slayed me.
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