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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Most Godzilla movies have terrible characters, honestly. It's a lot like the ol'summer blockbuster. They aren't there to be deep and well developed, IMO. Godzilla films are about the event that's occurring in addition to the monster battle. The characters server as the view to explore that and to experience the struggle. Good character drama is kind of like adding the cherry on top or an extra layering of icing on a cake when it's available though.


Fix that tag please. Yeah, there were a couple of stupid moments, like why would they
store the radioactive egg with their nuclear waste in the first place? Actually the military didn't exactly come off as particularly smart.

I didn't mind it though.

I thought that was weird but
apparently according to the scientists they vivisected it and thought it was practically dead so they just left it with all the other radioactive shit


Biollante has such a cool design. One of those cases where practical effects are just WOW.


Both movies are awesome.
Mako and Raleigh are screwed.
Just come back from seeing it.

As a Godzilla fan I have mixed feelings. On the one hand there were moments that were everything I ever wanted from a big-budget Godzilla film, on the other it felt like a wasted opportunity.

I would however recommend that all Godzilla
and Gamera
fans go see it, because despite its faults it is still a Godzilla film worthy of the name...and to be honest some of the Japanese ones have barely even managed that.

The rest of this post will be a bit spoilery (jk spoiler above), so only read if you've seen the film.

The main issue I had with the film was the erratic pacing. The teasing of
Godzilla was
effective at first, but it carries on well after we've already seen the monster in full flow. It isn't until the final fight that the camera pans back and it finally feels like it can admit it's a Godzilla film.

The fight in middle of the film being shown primarily on news footage was just a bad joke, and that point I was ready to give up. Which is a shame, because everything else felt pretty well constructed. Apart from Ken Watanabe, who spent the entire film looking like he'd split his cornflakes and was essentially

When things finally kick off, it really is very good. I mean, possibly best kaiju
ever good. Which makes the preceding three quarters of the film particularly annoying because you realise how good it could have been. But wasn't.


Honestly, I've wasted enough time on this movie so here is a spoiler-filled drinking game to reflect my thoughts:

For most of these you're going to be drinking a lot. I don't think it will make the movie any better.

Drink when:

Ken Wantanabe looks shocked.
The Giant Monsters appear out of nowhere after sneaking into the area silently.
Aaron Taylor Johnson survives something that should have killed him.
The fighting stops so monsters can roar. (e: honestly, while this happens a lot it's not too bad. It's just that Godzilla roared like 4 times in 5 minutes)
More infantry is sent in, because that ought to do it!
The film briefly creates cheap characters you'll feel sad about (ie: dog on beach, children, family) despite countless individuals dying without recognition.
Every wasted shot (ie: 5 seconds of bus doors as the bus drives off, ending shot of water)
The military's sophisticated tracking systems loses any of three monsters.

I always struggle to grasp the fact that these films are 'Summer Blockbusters' which means logic doesn't matter, but it's just really frustrating to witness the stupidest shit happen. Relationships and human characters were all so cheap and unbelievable that every scene with them was boring and, by the third act, completely laughable.

I really wanted to enjoy this because the first trailer was hype as hell, but once again an amazing outlandish concept is weighed down by a pathetic representation of humanity.

Godzilla himself, despite fucking around at the golden gate bridge) was amazing. The end fight was awesome and he was pretty much perfect.

The very first time the audience saw Godzilla fight they didn't get to experience the throw down firsthand. Instead we saw it via a TV screen, inter-spliced with footage of a kids face. Absolutely stupid.


I dunno, just put Kaz Hirai's face on Godzilla, XBO on Muto's body and write something on the bottom like "gtfo" or "sony, bitch!", something along those lines
The gif should then pan out and have Antonio Banderas do the Assassins pose.

As a Godzilla fan from childhood this movie hit all the right spots for me. There are some dumb moments with the soldiers and whatnot but I don't give a fuck, Godzilla is genuinely Godzilla and not some terrible interpretation like Zilla was.

Sat there near the end and turned to my brother and said
"I hope he has his atomic breath"
and about 30 seconds later you see
a faint blue glow as his tail emerges out of the smoke and the dust and I almost squealed like a little girl.

It was so fucking beautiful :*)



Sat there near the end and turned to my brother and said
"I hope he has his atomic breath"
and about 30 seconds later you see
a faint blue glow as his tail emerges out of the smoke and the dust and I almost squealed like a little girl.

It was so fucking beautiful :*)


Now I didn't like the film at all, I did really like the look of Godzilla though, amazing design accompanied with fucking incredible sound design. However, as much as I didn't like it, or enjoy it, that scene put a smile on my face, that was amazing to look at.
Reading a lot of the GAF impressions I honestly have no clue what a lot of you were expecting. It's a movie about a giant lizard that beats shit up, what do you really want from the human characters? And you have to have human characters or else there's no real context to anything.

Anyways, I'm seeing the movie in four hours and I'm still super excited. I've watched nearly every Godzilla movie from the past 30 years or so over the course of a few weeks, easily entertained. I'm sure I'm going to love this!


Reading a lot of the GAF impressions I honestly have no clue what a lot of you were expecting. It's a movie about a giant lizard that beats shit up, what do you really want from the human characters? And you have to have human characters or else there's no real context to anything.

More of the former, much much less of the latter.
Reading a lot of the GAF impressions I honestly have no clue what a lot of you were expecting. It's a movie about a giant lizard that beats shit up, what do you really want from the human characters?
Like I said, if you're a Godzila fan you have to go see it. You absolutely have to.

You may be disappointed, you may not be, but make your own mind up.

And FYI my problem was not with the human characters at all. As you said I never really had any expectations of them anyway.


Honestly don't know why there's so many complaints about the human characters. I haven't seen any Godzilla except 98 so I didn't have any expectations based off old stuff.

It's all more than serviceable. Is there any incredibly well written characters? Nope. But is there any terribly poorly written characters? Nope. The worst crime the film commits is giving actors as talented as Olsen, Straitharn and Hawkins little to do, but I'd rather have small parts filled out by good actors than poor ones, and they were all fine.
Now I didn't like the film at all, I did really like the look of Godzilla though, amazing design accompanied with fucking incredible sound design. However, as much as I didn't like it, or enjoy it, that scene put a smile on my face, that was amazing to look at.

My one complaint would be that the human interest stuff was too trite, could have done with either cutting some of that stuff out and preserve the current tone or make it silly B-movie material.

Here you have some top actors being wasted on some very ordinary dialogue and shit nobody cares about. Pacific Rim hit that mix of dumb dialogue and awesome action perfectly in a way that this movie didn't but I don't care because


Most Godzilla movies have terrible characters, honestly. It's a lot like the ol'summer blockbuster. They aren't there to be deep and well developed, IMO. Godzilla films are about the event that's occurring in addition to the monster battle. The characters server as the view to explore that and to experience the struggle. Good character drama is kind of like adding the cherry on top or an extra layering of icing on a cake when it's available though.

To add to this:

You go see a Godzilla movie to see Godzilla. He's the main character. Sure, he may share the spotlight with a human character, but he's the main character. The best Godzilla films aren't the ones that provide complex human characters (though, as you say, it does help) – it's the ones that better set up/contextualize/make interesting Godzilla's conflict/situation within the film.


Reading a lot of the GAF impressions I honestly have no clue what a lot of you were expecting. It's a movie about a giant lizard that beats shit up, what do you really want from the human characters? And you have to have human characters or else there's no real context to anything.

For me it was just the execution. It is really great when it comes to Godzilla himself, as others said, and I agree with Edwards' approach to put it in context of human characters with the Jaws template of movie making. However, I just don't think he has the chops to pull of human drama or any dialogue whatsoever. I have had the same problems with Monsters, i couldn't stand the main couple, but i had put that down to awful acting. Here there are a lot of great actors, all with awesome filmography, but they all look like they've just woken up or something. It never felt anyone had any urgency, every emotion has to be uttered out loud rather than acted on and no one seem competent at what they do. Scientists do feel like scientists, soldiers don't feel like soldiers. I'm not exactly expecting Zero Dark Thirty with Godzilla, some of it just feel half arsed. For new up and coming British blockbuster directors, i've been more impressed by Gareth Evans and Rupert Wyatt.

You can't see that this could have been really great if done well because the overall ideas are great, but part of it feels undercooked. You can cut the human stuff, but then it would have to be fun enough and have more energy to it. Gareth Edwards chose to put the human drama at the center stage, but unfortunately, that is his weakest area and it doesn't seem like it's something he can improve on quickly.


Evans has a lot to learn about restraint. The Raid 2 was far too self indulgent for its own good, and (ironically considering the Godzilla complaints), the lack of characterisation in Raid 1 is far more of a strength in that movie than the dense plotting and attempt at writing characters in the second one.


Just got back. Thought it was incredible. Imagery was absolutely (hauntingly) beautiful at times. They also kept the story mechanics nice and simple, and the movie was all the better for it. One of things people aren't mentioning is the sound design, the noises these things make are fantastic. Overall its nice to see a big goofy idea treated with such a serious tone and what's more, pulling it off.
Most Godzilla movies have terrible characters, honestly. It's a lot like the ol'summer blockbuster. They aren't there to be deep and well developed, IMO. Godzilla films are about the event that's occurring in addition to the monster battle. The characters server as the view to explore that and to experience the struggle. Good character drama is kind of like adding the cherry on top or an extra layering of icing on a cake when it's available though.

Pretty much my thoughts. And not just for Godzilla movies, but any monster movie really. Have the movie center around the event itself and build a great atmosphere for it. Then put the movie in the perspective of puny humans who aren't necessarily going to be next to the monster the entire time or even most the time. The characters don't have to be extremely deep or have some massive character development over what only ends up being usually a few days of some monster smashing stuff. The character just needs to be a serviceable template: have a clear motive and not act completely alien. If so and everything else is good (as far as setting up the event and the atmosphere for it) then you can let your imagination run loose and get a good feel for what it would be like to experience the event yourself.


See, everyone has identified the trend of having shallow, basic characters but imagine how much richer the film could be if we could buck it! The formula is just being abused at this point and I don't understand why. Is it considered playing it safe? Because having everyone understand that the human element is terrible is probably an indicator that it's not a good thing.
See, everyone has identified the trend of having shallow, basic characters but imagine how much richer the film could be if we could buck it! The formula is just being abused at this point and I don't understand why. Is it considered playing it safe? Because having everyone understand that the human element is terrible is probably an indicator that it's not a good thing.

You don't make a good Godzilla film by making complex characters – though that will make the movie more enjoyable. You make Godzilla movies better by making Godzilla's predicament complex/interesting.


Don't think that you need massive amounts of character development in a film like this. They're there for reaction. If there was much less of them and more monster fighting, I would have been fucking exhausted like I am halfway through a transformers movie.


The movie was...good.

I guess my expectations were very high, so I was "somewhat" disappointed.
Few cringe worthy moments here and there
monsters kissing >_< urrrgh
I mainly went to see bryan cranston, but of course, they had to kill him smh

I would give it a 6.5/10


The movie was...good.

I guess my expectations were very high, so I was "somewhat" disappointed.
Few cringe worthy moments here and there
monsters kissing >_< urrrgh
I mainly went to see bryan cranston, but of course, they had to kill him smh

I would give it a 6.5/10

you went to monster film to see an actor ? really !?


Fantastic movie and as I expected the
Halo Jump was probably the fucking highlight beside the likeable characters and Cranston's superb acting and of course Godzilla's awesomeness and the ray of death.

But man, that Halo Jump, first the light dives into the aircarft, then they jump, and when they land there is this perfect silence and shit gets real, such an amazing scene.

Soundtrack was really spot on as well, and Godzilla's roar is really amazing.

One thing however stood out in every fucking scene it was so hilarious at one point with
Dr. Serizawa. This guy pulls off a constant WTF is going on face, and shit just got real face, but he does it the ENTIRE movie.. so good!

Drink when:

Ken Wantanabe looks shocked.

This, so much this, ahahaha.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Here you have some top actors being wasted on some very ordinary dialogue and shit nobody cares about. Pacific Rim hit that mix of dumb dialogue and awesome action perfectly in a way that this movie didn't but I don't care because


Yeah, and that is why I honesty liked Pacific Rim more than Godzilla. PR went the Marvel way, while Godzilla went the DC / Nolan way. I can enjoy both, but I prefer Marvel to DC, just like I prefer Pacific Rim to Godzilla.

That said, I'll probably see it again this weekend. It's definitely a big screen kind of movie.
Just got back from a screening. Only made it about an hour then split. I don't understand how you spend so much money making a movie and then make every human character in it be as boring as can be. Such a waste.

Then dont waste the first 45 minutes showing me a boring family living in a world somehow complete devoid of color, emotion, or a single interesting moment. Both Cloverfield and Pacific Rim managed to have interesting first acts. Godzilla couldn't be bothered to do that so I couldn't be bothered to stay for the rest.
Then dont waste the first 45 minutes showing me a boring family living in a world somehow complete devoid of color, emotion, or a single interesting moment. Both Cloverfield and Pacific Rim managed to have interesting first acts. Godzilla couldn't be bothered to do that so I couldn't be bothered to stay for the rest.

Yah but you paid for a movie...at least see the main attraction.

Edit: you said "screening" so maybe you got in for free.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
tbqh godzilla being seen less is a common thing in his movies

From a review at AICN:

I ended up talking with producer Thomas Tull and while I was thanking him for helping me out with the tickets a Japanese man came up and Tull immediately looked nervous. “So, what did you think?” The man answered that he and his colleagues were amazed with the movie and couldn't believe how perfectly Godzilla was captured. “This is the Godzilla from my childhood.” He said this with a hand over his heart, I swear to God. Tull looked taken aback, both relieved and amazed at the same time. After the man left, Tull leaned over to me and said, “He's the head of Toho.”

Premiere after parties are always a place of much pleasantry, but you could tell both the Toho guy and Tull were really emotional about the experience and that moment was something special to witness firsthand, let me tell you.


Several times the people in the cinema laughed out loud at how sneaky the enormous monsters managed to be. That scene where
the soldiers are 'checking' on stores of nuclear waste and they open one door and the whole fucking side of that hill is blasted open and then we see the Muto heading for Las Vegas. HOW DID THEY MISS THAT. How did the choppers miss that?

I thought the MUTOs could burrow?

I really loved how
the entire world that wasn't directly affected seemed like 'Oh, giant monsters have appeared and are destroying cities, meh', as evidenced by no one ever caring about the "BREAKING NEWS - GIANT MONSTERS DESTROY EVERYTHING, END OF DAYS, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" TV news. The Vegas scene cracked me up.

It's weird, but I liked those kinda stupid/goofy moments. The only plot hole (?) that I found a bit weird was
that the female Muto was already pregnant. I mean, it's not necessarily a plot hole, but the movie originally seemed to imply that the two Mutos were trying to find each other to procreate, but then she's already pregnant

It's probably one of those creatures
that already have eggs ready and just need some radiation sperm to procreate
Yah but you paid for a movie...at least see the main attraction.

Edit: you said "screening" so maybe you got in for free.

It was free, and honestly, it was the first film I have walked out on in years. Just wasnt feeling it at all. It was just too slow to get going. To each their own though, and in the end I am just happy that Hollywood is still willing to make giant monster movies, even if this one didnt resonate with me. :)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Again, godzilla movies are always like this - godzilla doesn't take up the whole movie in his films. Now yeah the human portion they need to improve on, but godzilla is always never on screen a lot.


Again, godzilla movies are always like this - godzilla doesn't take up the whole movie in his films. Now yeah the human portion they need to improve on, but godzilla is always never on screen a lot.

I though the humans it was alright. Much better then your average summer movie.


Again, godzilla movies are always like this - godzilla doesn't take up the whole movie in his films. Now yeah the human portion they need to improve on, but godzilla is always never on screen a lot.

The weird thing is some people in this thread were acting like " Woahh.. no Godzilla in this movie wtf." so I was surprised to see him so often xD.
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