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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

godzilla wont eat you

iirc he was supposedly the apex predator thing

also godzilla ain't an asshole. he's a gentleman and scholar in this movie

does apex predator really apply when you just the 3rd wheel?

And for people that knew about these
giant monster gods for a good 20+ years, they haven't bothered having any sort of contingency plan? that whole nuke plan seems like some last min desperation plan. I didn't expect them to have a mecha godzilla, but at least 'masers'.


does apex predator really apply when you just the 3rd wheel?

And for people that knew about these
giant monster gods for a good 20+ years, they haven't bothered having any sort of contingency plan? that whole nuke plan seems like some last min desperation plan. I didn't expect them to have a mecha godzilla, but at least 'masers'.

huh? You didn't see the whole
amphitheater designed to contain it? it just failed.


Loved it (have no background with Godzilla. Only remember the Wallflowers music video of the Bowie song from the 1998 movie).

Some issues though.

The young-American-heroic-GI Joe-with-young-beautiful-wife-and-child-waiting-at-home saving the day was a bit too cliched. They should have just stuck with the Cranston character as the main. His story was much more interesting than a generic soldier hero.

The same young GI Joe dude has that Lois Lane from Man of Steel characteristic of magically appearing at any random location related to the plot.

Also when they went to retrieve the bomb and there was the batch of eggs hanging down, how come only one guy, the G.I. Joe guy saw it wise to kill the eggs. Nobody else seemed concerned, which was weird as the adults were outside wreaking havoc on the city.

And how did something as large as Godzilla sneak up on the flying thing at the end?

Loved it though.
Much better than Pacific Rim


that was for
the muto. They've been tracking godzilla's movements since the cold war right?

Whose to say the nuke wouldn't have worked? The problem was the Mutos (whom they only knew of one alive, and one they thought they had under control) seem to home in on the nuke the second it went active.


I was hugely hyped for this movie and it was a big let down.

First 2/3rds of the movie are incredibly boring and several people left the movie. The human characters are so dreadfully dull and uninteresting to spend so much time on them was a chore to watch.

The movie is incredibly dumb though, So many stupid moments in it for a movie trying to take itself so seriously and far too many moments where they're still teasing a Godzilla reveal AFTER they've shown him multiple times.

I agree. I was hyped, but I left incredibly disappointed.

It was like downing a 5 course meal and realizing at the end that your entire meal lacked any flavor.
It was really everything I could have ever wanted. Right down to
the heroic music cue after the decapitation and the swimming off into the sea.
I thought the human stuff was far more closely interwoven with the monster stuff than any previous godzilla movie, and the movie is better for it.
I forgot to mention, did anyone else think that
the female MUTO
looked very similar to the
Cloverfield Monster
? I feel this was the closest thing to actually seeing
Godzilla fight Clover
. Which was awesome to me.


Godzilla is the best paced special effect movie I have seen in years. The first two acts give you just enough action to build that tension. Then bam third act is the pay off, and it was as exciting as the movie built up. On top of that the marketing ruined nothing. The previews did an awesome job of building excitement, while giving away nothing. Future CGI fest movie makers this is how it is done. Keep the mcguffin looming without the money shot.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
A Godzilla movie where Godzilla's on screen from beginning to end just sounds good on paper, but it would quickly become tone deaf on screen. At some point, the monster fighting and destruction porn becomes monotonous and loses any meaning; it's just noise. See: Man of Steel

Agreed. However, that said, I do feel they could have made the human characters more appealing. IMHO the human characters had the same problem that they had in MoS: they were uncolorful and kinda boring, just kind of there. Not as bad as MoS, but similar. That said, Godzilla is a much better film than MoS in my opinion. Much better.
Also when they went to retrieve the bomb and there was the batch of eggs hanging down, how come only one guy, the G.I. Joe guy saw it wise to kill the eggs. Nobody else seemed concerned, which was weird as the adults were outside wreaking havoc on the city.

Soldiers blindly following orders and not using their own initiative doesn't require the biggest leap of faith. Especially when only
Kick-Ass recognises the way they're pulsing and glowing because that's what the first MUTO did before hatching

And how did something as large as Godzilla sneak up on the flying thing at the end?

Yeah, that happened a few times in the movie as is silly but I can chalk that specific instance down to
The muto being distracted by its attraction to the nuclear bomb

Loved it though.
Much better than Pacific Rim

Woah now. Woah. Steady on.

that was for
the muto. They've been tracking godzilla's movements since the cold war right?

I thought that
Godzilla just went deep down into the depths of the oceans so he could chill closer to the radiation from the earth's core.
No way to track that.


This is true. Even in this film, Godzilla fighting became pretty boring when it was on screen for more than one consecutive minute.

Oh you



A Godzilla movie where Godzilla's on screen from beginning to end just sounds good on paper, but it would quickly become tone deaf on screen. At some point, the monster fighting and destruction porn becomes monotonous and loses any meaning; it's just noise. See: Man of Steel

I agree, but there's a middle ground that this film fails to reach.
I just got back from the movie and I have to say I'm pretty upset. This movie had the same problem The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had, there wasn't enough Spider-Man fighting and Godzilla didn't have enough Spider-Man fighting, there was like a 30 second segment where Spider-Man was talking about pepsi at the beginning and that was it.


Unconfirmed Member
Saw it tonight and I liked it, but think it would have been a better movie had they swapped out
Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Olsen's characters. (Calling Olsen a character is being generous, she is almost nothing but a motivation for Kick-ass to get somewhere and the movie would have lost nothing if she was just a voice on a phone.)
I kinda feel like FiveThirtyEight dropped the ball not having an article ready full of graphs like

Average screentime Godzilla appears in the average Godzilla movie.
Time-stamp per-movie when Godzilla first appears
Time-stamp per-movie when Godzilla first fights
Average distance between first appearance and first fight.
Average number of fights per-film.
Average length of fight.

Just to provide some sense of perspective.
I loved this movie. The Godzilla is so absolutely perfect; he's everything I've ever wanted out of a big Hollywood version of the monster. I loved the slow build and the blue balls approach to the monster fights. It made the final act so rewarding.

The story was pretty much your quintessential Godzilla movie, and that surprised me. Evil monster shows up to wreck shit. Godzilla is summoned to kick its ass. I thought for sure they would try to re-invent the wheel, but they didn't. This story could have easily came right from a 1970s Godzilla flick, except it would have been called Godzilla vs. Muto or maybe Godzilla vs the Radioactive Monsters.

Edwards really knows how to film Godzilla. The full reveal at the airport was awesome, but Edwards kept managing to one-up that reveal. Each time Godzilla showed up, it was done in an epic hero shot. Edwards also made sure you never forgot how massive Godzilla is. Even when it's something like Godzilla swimming between aircraft carriers, the emphasis is always on Godzilla's relative size.

I enjoyed the various nods to Godzilla's rich history. I'm sure some people think shit like that is lame, but in a movie like this I enjoy it. It adds a little fun for longtime fans. My favorite was the Mothra shout-out.

Right now, this stands as one of my favorite Godzilla flicks. It's top five, easy. I hesitate to give it anything better, simply because it's so new. If it holds up on repeat views, it'll definitely climb higher. I can't wait to see it again.


This movie was absolutely amazing and I loved every second of it.

I only had two-fold gripes:

1. That nuke should have leveled SF. There is no chance that boat got far enough out in 13 minutes not to.

2. Yucca Mountain. This is mostly just my sadness as a nuclear advocate knowing the project was shut down.

But dayum Godzilla. Establishing that alpha.
Just got back from seeing it. Thought it was good. Human story stuff was really poorly done, except for Cranston, who was honestly great in his role. The true meat of the movie is the final act and it is incredibly well-done, but for some reason the actual fight scenes really disappointed me. I'd give it a 6/10.


Got back from it a tiny bit ago. Really liked it. Didn't completely live up to the hype for me (was a damn good trailer) but I still really liked it. Absolutely worth seeing if you're on the fence.

San Francisco is a beautiful city. And this movie has some of the best cinematography I've seen in a while. Great shots all around.


I'd give it a 6/10.

About where I'm at, too. The action was disorienting, but the movie had a few good money shots. I think it nailed its atmosphere more often than not, but I felt no tension after
the male MUTO got loose
because all of humanity was literally useless and, quite frankly, just in the way. As such, all the characters are boring, therefore all the scenes with them in it are boring, and all the destruction is weightless.

HALO scene and monster executions
were legitimately great, though.


Just got back, very good film. I would recommend it to everyone.


The two MUTO's thing was a nice thing to have, and a smart device with the Male/Female thing. I would say the same thing of the dception of one think it was godzilla at the opening plant scene.
Taylor-Johnson and Olsen were fine. Watanabe was sadly dry. Cranston was decent enough.
Whoever said that Brody was a vehicle was 100% right, and frankly im ok with that, as it kept the viewer feeling equally small.
When the Jaw rip/atom breath happened the entire cinema was cheering, GOAT moment.
Needed more fighting and fewer cock teases. Monster wise, what they had was great, just wasn't enough of it. Loved the Muto designs and Godzy is cool but the story and human characters are about as interesting as wet felt. Well, there was one interesting character, Cranston...but well, you know.


My mind is blown when I remember that Aaron and Elizabeth will be acting with each other again in the Avengers movie coming up.

Good movie though, especially a waaaay better monster movie than Pacific Rim which was a letdown.

Also, that Halo scene has to be one of my favorite shots this year, right next to a key scene in The Raid 2.


Just got home from the movie. And HOLLY FUCKING SHIT, I wanna see it 10 times more. So (Big spoilers coming, your own risk because the movie is so fucking amazing that you should wait to see it but I just need to take this out of my chest.)
I must say the first half of the movie feels like it's a movie about the MUTOs. And, also, if the action sequences is what you are waiting you for sure have to wait. But trust me, it's so fucking amazing when they arrive. Atomic breath, the first time he uses it it's like a dream come true but the second time, oh lord it's fucking incredible. I won't spoil that because you just have to see it. A little hint, you might think of King Kong for a second just before he uses the atomic breath the second time. Also, I never thought he would use his tail in this movie. He uses it, one time. It was great
As I said before, the movie feels pretty weak when it starts but it feels balanced when it comes to the last hour. If you read bad reviews or comments about it being boring, it's because they take some time introducing the MUTOs and what they're causing. I feel that if they wouldn't take time to introduce the monsters the bad comments would be about that. They exist for a reason and everything else happens for a reason.
Overall, it's great. Watch it. Watch it many times if you can. I will.


Did anybody catch all the nods to
Jurassic Park
?? There were at least 3 highly obvious ones, but for the life of me I can't remember the 3rd right now:

1. The very beginning, with the helicopter flying out over a Hawaii-looking island. Same helicopter in JP. Then they land at a dig site and the helicopter kicks up debris just like the dig site scene in JP.

2. The bridge scene where Godzilla shows up in SF, the guy wipes the fog away from the window like the T-Rex scene in JP, then something falls on the van for a scare, like the lamb in the T-rex scene.

Cool stuff, wish I could remember the third one I saw. ;\
If you are a fan of Godzilla movies and grew up on this shit you will love it. Its very well done. The Mutos and Godzilla looked and sounded amazing, the whole film was spectacular looking. Edwards has a bright future ahead of him IMO.
while the
atomic breath moments were easily the most hype of the film, i do wish his atomic breath was as marvel vs capcom beam like as millennium ones. He has the build of an opera singer, put those lungs to work son!


Loved the movie. My only gripe would be:
The Muto's design is pretty boring. They just seemed like some pretty generic monsters. I mean, I understand that you got to account for the fact that one has to be able to believably have wings while the other can believably not have them. But they're just kinda boring and non-memorable.
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