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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

you know, the family is pretty weird for a summer blockbuster flick.

So the protag was like 8 or so in the beginning and 15 years later, so he's early 20s, but has a 5 year old son... and has an extremely dangerous job? When you have kids, you try to get a boring desk job usually....

idk, its just late and my mind is running up walls :X
Did anybody catch all the nods to
Jurassic Park
?? There were at least 3 highly obvious ones, but for the life of me I can't remember the 3rd right now:

1. The very beginning, with the helicopter flying out over a Hawaii-looking island. Same helicopter in JP. Then they land at a dig site and the helicopter kicks up debris just like the dig site scene in JP.

2. The bridge scene where Godzilla shows up in SF, the guy wipes the fog away from the window like the T-Rex scene in JP, then something falls on the van for a scare, like the lamb in the T-rex scene.

Cool stuff, wish I could remember the third one I saw. ;\

The Muto bringing down the electric fences after it wakes up was exactly like the first appearance of the T-Rex

Also huge nod to Pacific Rim with the whole
Golden Gate Bridge stuff, soon as the navy admiral chap said they were headed to San Francisco I muttered to my brother "The first Kaiju made land in San Francisco"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I also liked the scene in the school
where there is a moth diagram on the chalkboard. Cool little thing for the fans.

Oh so that's where
is hiding!

while the
atomic breath moments were easily the most hype of the film, i do wish his atomic breath was as marvel vs capcom beam like as millennium ones. He has the build of an opera singer, put those lungs to work son!

it's a homage to the old zilla flick, since the effect are the same
Oh so that's where
is hiding!

it's a homage to the old zilla flick, since the effect are the same

its definitely more umph then the old ones where they were just a flamethrower.

kinda wish there were underwater shots. godzilla moves pretty damn fast yet im not sure how he is propulsed, especially with his new stubby feet.
Did anybody catch all the nods to
Jurassic Park
?? There were at least 3 highly obvious ones, but for the life of me I can't remember the 3rd right now:

1. The very beginning, with the helicopter flying out over a Hawaii-looking island. Same helicopter in JP. Then they land at a dig site and the helicopter kicks up debris just like the dig site scene in JP.

2. The bridge scene where Godzilla shows up in SF, the guy wipes the fog away from the window like the T-Rex scene in JP, then something falls on the van for a scare, like the lamb in the T-rex scene.

Cool stuff, wish I could remember the third one I saw. ;\

One I noticed, when the Muto first awakens in Janjira, he snaps some cables and they go flying and making those distinctive twanging sounds as he breaks through, just like the T-rex plowing through the fence in JP

nick nacc

Just got back
6/10. Nothing really resonated with me. I was advertised something more serious, but everything came off comical to me. Pacing was so god damn annoying. I wouldn't mind subtlety and cock teases if the rest of the movie makes up for it and it serves the purpose of putting you in the movie. It didn't. Zero money shots from the commercial paid off, except for the skydive. Godzilla looks weird most of the time. Pacific rim is my king of monsters movie for sure now. God damn I am so disappointed.


Fun movie. Godzilla was great. My only gripes.

Really didn't give a shit at all about the human element once Cranston died. The soldier was fine but the wife and a kid bit was too damn generic and they wasted too much time on them.

Was not crazy about the design of the muto. Just gave me too many cloverfield vibes.

Please for the love of fucking god learn to use spoiler tags properly.
Did anybody catch all the nods to
Jurassic Park
?? There were at least 3 highly obvious ones, but for the life of me I can't remember the 3rd right now:

1. The very beginning, with the helicopter flying out over a Hawaii-looking island. Same helicopter in JP. Then they land at a dig site and the helicopter kicks up debris just like the dig site scene in JP.

2. The bridge scene where Godzilla shows up in SF, the guy wipes the fog away from the window like the T-Rex scene in JP, then something falls on the van for a scare, like the lamb in the T-rex scene.

Cool stuff, wish I could remember the third one I saw. ;\
According to the Art of Destruction,
The pre-mutated Godzilla skeleton was originally going to be in Antarctica/Artic but the filmmakers realized Man of Steel had a similar scene with Superman's ship. So they moved it to the Philippines instead.


I'd be in the dick
I really enjoyed it but I expect a lot of people unfamilar with the pacing and presentation of the series won't like it.

Oh so that's where
is hiding!
The scene where they go back to their old house there's an aquarium labeled Dad's Moth and an RA from another broken sign.
Just got back
6/10. Nothing really resonated with me. I was advertised something more serious, but everything came off comical to me. Pacing was so god damn annoying. I wouldn't mind subtlety and cock teases if the rest of the movie makes up for it and it serves the purpose of putting you in the movie. It didn't. Zero money shots from the commercial paid off, except for the skydive. Godzilla looks weird most of the time. Pacific rim is my king of monsters movie for sure now. God damn I am so disappointed.

Couldn't disagree more, the slow burn added to the battle at the end, which was 10x better than anything from Pacific rim


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Absolutely fantastic. Almost everything I wanted.

Absolutely lost my shit when
The first use the the blue breath, and when he destroys the final MUTO with the blue breath down his throat. What an amazing moment.

My only real issue with the movie is I thought that
There were suppose to be other creatures? What happened to that giant worm thing we saw in the one trailer way back? I was disappointed that there were only the two MUTO's, but other creatures would have messed with the pacing anyways.

One of the best blockbusters I've seen in some time, and infinitely better than that garbage Pacific Rim.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
kinda wish there were underwater shots. godzilla moves pretty damn fast yet im not sure how he is propulsed, especially with his new stubby feet.

I love how no ship gets turned over whenever he swims. He's so polite.

And he has a moe face.

I really enjoyed it but I expect a lot of people unfamilar with the pacing and presentation of the series won't like it.

The scene where they go back to their old house there's an aquarium labeled Dad's Moth and an RA from another broken sign.

Oh that too, damn I missed it!

nick nacc

Couldn't disagree more, the slow burn added to the battle at the end, which was 10x better than anything from Pacific rim

The slow burn was okay until the "playoffs" kept treating themselves as jokes.
godzillas first reveal at the airport starts with a scream and were like okay finally, and then it cuts to a television screen of it and no fighting, as comical relief. Oh thanks, didn't realize all this was a joke. This happened several times. Just kept dropping the ball when it needed home runs.


Saw it tonight. I really liked it. I thought
the character drama was good and engaging. It worked well enough as a driving force for the movie while building up further and further until the end game with the final fight between Godzilla and the MUTOs. I was excited about it and I think it actually surpassed my expectations.
My only real issue with the movie is I thought that
There were suppose to be other creatures? What happened to that giant worm thing we saw in the one trailer way back? I was disappointed that there were only the two MUTO's, but other creatures would have messed with the pacing anyways.
That was the target trailer or something. They hadn't even began shooting the actual movie when they showed that at Comic Con. I'm guessing this is why it was never officially released.

Just saw this tonight. So many things I loved, a few things not so much. Guess I'll get the negatives out of the way.

Yes, as everyone has said, the human element is indeed a delicious combo of hammy/cheesy. It's a bit tough to swallow, mostly the Ford/Elle relationship in the beginning. It just seemed pretty weak, especially from Johnson's side. I mean, by the end I was digging his character but Johnson is a bit dull in selling it in some parts.

Also a lot of the cast is wasted on looking nervous and delivering loads of exposition. Every time Ken Watanabe opened his mouth I cringed a little. He's a good actor but damn, he seemed lost in these dorky lines here, like when
he initially suggests that Godzilla and the Mutos should throw down instead of using a nuke. Dude sounded like a Godzilla fanboy-mouthpiece instead of a scientist.

Olsen seemed like she was trying but she isn't really given anything to do. Just a reason for Ford to risk his life being at the epicenter of these giants throwing down.

Which brings me to my final issue that the movie is sort of ridiculous in hiding Godzilla till the final 20 minutes or whatever. It isn't a huge deal, the climax definitely satisfies that itch but that
scene at the airport was just cruel. I could feel the collective restlessness in the audience when it cut away to the aftermath of the fight after that reveal that floored everyone in the theater.
It was super risky and I think it works but I can already see the dumb complaints from the people with shorter attention spans in the audience.

Also the promos/trailers gave away everything outside of the actual Godzilla on Muto fights. Even the final Godzilla shot has popped up in the ads which is really disappointing. I went in mostly dark and it would have sucked had I followed closely because one easily could have connected the dots. The good thing is that there where a few alternate cgi shots in here a few things are changed in the final movie.

Now the good stuff, ATMOSPHERE. Holy shit, the build up to the
airport reveal
almost made me cream myself. Same with any Godzilla or Muto staredown. These monsters sizing each other up almost made the fights irrelevant because so much was delivered in their roars. The sound in this was amazing even if I feel like the roars should have been as close to deafening as possible.

I loved how intelligent Godzilla and the Mutos where. They are animals but they aren't one bit stupid.
I loved that Godzilla didn't give a shit that the military followed him everywhere or that creeping flying MUTO claw over the electric fence during its escape tho...
Just lots of little things that made these creatures seem more than just walking set pieces,

I really enjoyed Cranston's character even if the majority of his screen time is in the marketing. He's in full Breaking Bad screaming mode here but I empathized with his character. It's
a shame that they killed him off for no real good reason.

THOSE FIGHTS THO. Even during the finale they take a while to get going but they where handled extremely well. It's everything you want in a Godzilla fight. If your ass don't pucker when G's tail lights up then I just don't think you're that into Godzilla.

Overall, I still loved it. I hope that this succeeds and we get a sequel. Another good thing is that this doesn't do any of that world building shit to try and leave threads purposefully hanging for sequels so even in the event we don't get one you feel a sense of closure.

I'd like to see this cast return if they do another, though I can't help but feel
keeping Cranston's character alive would have been necessary for this connection as he was a scientist and Ford is just Army EOD.
They can't keep writing in bombs for him to defuse in the sequels or because I can't think of a real reason the higher ups would give a shit about his thoughts on giant monsters if he's just a bomb guy. Idk maybe he'll be apart of a new Godzilla task force lol.

Bring on Ghidorah and Destoroyah!


Junior Member
Just came from seeing it. Got to the theater waaay to early (45 min). Especially since not alot of people go to this theater anyway. I saw the 3-D showing and there was maybe a dozen other people in the theater. But then again, 3-D movies are pretty much dead now.

My thoughts. Was it a great Godzilla movie? Yes Was it as good as Pacific Rim? NO. (Sorry half of GAF, but I LOVED that movie.)

It should also be noted that I'm a HUGE Godzilla fan who's seen all 30 movies and even that Toho Ultraman ripoff series he was in as a hero mosnter living in the side of a mountain.


Godzilla was a total badass and the Mutos were pretty awesome as well.

Godzilla's roar practically shook the whole theater and put chills down my spine.

Everything after the halo jump was spectacular and was the best part of the movie.

You actually felt sympathy for the Muto monsters as they were just creatures trying to come together and build a nest.They way the female Muto cried when she realized her babies were dead was actually kinda sad.

When they showed Godzilla still laying there the next day after killing the Mutos, he looked decayed thanks to the ash and rubble covering him and I actually thought he was dead for a moment.

The director did a great job of making Godzilla look massive and scary.

The soundtrack really fits the mood of the movie well.

That atomic fire right down the throat! Holy shit!!


That scene is Hawaii was such a fucking cock tease. I saw that scene at Wondercon and couldn't wait to see the fight only to find out you see a little bit of it on a TV sceen during the news the next day. That fucking pissed me off. That's something Pacific Rim got right. There were monster vs. Robot fight at several spots throughout the entire movie. Not just some damn teasing until the very end.

Bryan Cranston was the most interesting character in the damn movie and they kill him off 30 minutes in! Instead, we get stuck with his G.I. Joe son with the most bland personality ever who I could not give two shits about. He's focused on waaayy too much for someone who's so boring. Another thing Pacific Rim got right. Although sone of them could be goofy oddballs, they were interesting and enjoyable characters. Edris Elba (sorry if I'm getting his name wrong) did such a great performance in that movie that it made me a fan and seek out some of his other roles.

Ken Watanabe. His explanations of the Mutos partially due to Bryan Cranston made sense. However, his explanations of Godzilla seem to have come out of fucking nowhere. "Alpha predator"? "Restore balance"? Where'd he get that from.

I love Godzilla in this but.....Godzilla as a hero rather than anti-hero? That's a bit too much. You can still cheer for him in the 90's Heshi movies because while he was a huge threat, the other monsters were worse and he was a force of nature there to just fight them and move on. Here, he's much more of a superhero. They even cheer for him in the stadium when he gets up and walks off instead of being frightened that he will do more damage to the city of crush them.

Overall 7.5 Godzilla is awesome, but there's not enough of him and the main human lead is bland as dry toast.


Just came back. Holy shit that was a great movie. However, the moment of the movie was a guy literally standing up in the middle of a packed theater yelling "THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT!" and throwing his water bottle to the ground before walking out of the room. The scene? The part where Ellie goes into the shelter right as Godzilla and Mr. MUTO start fighting cutting them out.
I need everything sink in, but some quick thoughts...

-As a lot have mentioned, definitely got a Spielberg vibe. (some very blatant nods to Jurassic Park.) The overall tone of the film was reminiscent of War of the Worlds, and I mean that as a complement
-This was really well shot. Most of the movie is gorgeous.
-they did a great job making you feel like being on the ground level during the actions scenes, witnessing all the chaos first hand. Lots of angles from inside of cars, buildings, etc. That seemed like a big focus of the film, to try and give the audience the view of what'd it be like to experience a giant monster attack. Really well done on that front.
-Edwards did a good job
making the MUTOs feel threatening
and letting you know how high the stakes were.
-Edwards did a good job telling a story visually. Case and point -
all the eggs attached to the warhead. They didn't have some dumbass dialogue about how that many creatures would destroy the world. Ford realized the danger and knew he had to do something, and did.
They could have dumbed parts down with too much explanatory dialogue, but for the most part the movie didn't treat me like an idiot (looking at you Michael Bay)
-I'd love to hear from people about which scenes had poor CGI because most movie looked fantastic
-the last 3rd of the movie gave me Return of Godzilla vibes, especially the night/lighting...but maybe that's just me.

What Edwards really nailed for me is the essence of Godzilla. This Godzilla was reminiscent of
Showa "Defender of the Earth" Godzilla with a dash of Heisei in their too.
That said, I didn't really like the VERY ending,
I hated the triumphant music and the "GODZILLA SAVOIR OF OUR CITY" shit that flashed on the TV.
. It felt forced,
I dont think thats how anyone would have viewed Godzilla after tearing the city apart, even if it was to stop the MUTOs.
. I kind of wished they had done something more ambiguous, I guess.
Just dropping out the music and letting the audience come to their own conclusion as Godzilla swam out to sea would have been better in my opinion
while the
atomic breath moments were easily the most hype of the film, i do wish his atomic breath was as marvel vs capcom beam like as millennium ones. He has the build of an opera singer, put those lungs to work son!

The charging was hype as hell, but I agree, the breath itself appearing like Proton Cannon's Beam would have been amazing. xD


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
It's really hard to take anyone seriously who thinks Pacific Rim was a better film than Godzilla. Let's be real.


Alright, another complaint now that I've given it some thought:
The movie falls apart thematically once Bryan Cranston dies. The first 30-45 minutes seem to be about dealing with the loss of his wife. But then he dies and this theme never returns. And then there's kinda no theme for the rest of the movie. Like, there's drama. I was legit kinda sad when Godzilla seemed to have died. But it's just kinda jarring to completely drop a major theme like that, and not really replace it with anything.


What a a film! The most important thing is that Godzilla hinself felt right.
I was kinda expecting that Watanabe would start to yell "Sayonara Gojira! Sayonara!" at the end. ;D


Sounds like people getting angry never saw the original, where Godzilla was teased and almost seen multiple times during the first hour before you really even see him. In fact, there are a lot of Godzilla movies where he doesn't appear until around the hour mark.

The majority of movies either have him right there up front at the start or hide/barely use him until an hour or so in and focus on the other monster(s) first. Seems weird that people would be upset at that happening in this movie since that has been pretty standard procedure for Godzilla movies from the very start.


Watched this yesterday and it was alright. I thought the pacing was off but they nailed Godzilla's size, presence and power though. The movie could've used more Cranston.

How did the US not realize that there was a giant monster growing in their biggest nuclear waste dump? Surely they most monitor that site.

Also, why did the female need the male monster? She was already carrying the eggs and laid them just fine without the help of the male.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I loved it. I was a huge fan of Monsters and was glad to see so many similarities. Beautifully shot for the most part. The HALO drop sequence and Ford getting airlifted off that boat were the standout beauty moments for me. The naturalistic moments with the monsters were fantastic. The whole thing was quite a ride, I was surprised at Cranston's short screen time.
The charging was hype as hell, but I agree, the breath itself appearing like Proton Cannon's Beam would have been amazing. xD
Yes this kinda irked me too. Don't get me wrong, I thought the
flame breath was cool as fuck
but the way he charged it made me think he was about to send
mama Muto flying across the damn city. Instead he just baked her a bit
Sounds like people getting angry never saw the original, where Godzilla was teased and almost seen multiple times during the first hour before you really even see him. In fact, there are a lot of Godzilla movies where he doesn't appear until around the hour mark.

The majority of movies either have him right there up front at the start or hide/barely use him until an hour or so in and focus on the other monster(s) first. Seems weird that people would be upset at that happening in this movie since that has been pretty standard procedure for Godzilla movies from the very start.
this is VERY similar to other Godzilla movies in that way. It teases out the appearances and slowly gives you more action until the blowout fight at the end, just like a standard Godzilla movie.


well not really...yet
Movie was awesome yet with a few disappointing parts.

Spielberg flicks are clearly a HUGE influence. Opening felt like it was lifted straight out of Jurassic Park

Overall I loved it but I thought it was a bit much the way Edwards kept
teasing the Godzilla scenes, particularly the tv part. Came off as comical relief,
huge misstep IMO. But overall the structure did feel like a traditional good old Godzilla movie.

Other than that, great buildup, Godzilla was amazing and the movie looked great.
Alright, another complaint now that I've given it some thought:
The movie falls apart thematically once Bryan Cranston dies. The first 30-45 minutes seem to be about dealing with the loss of his wife. But then he dies and this theme never returns. And then there's kinda no theme for the rest of the movie. Like, there's drama. I was legit kinda sad when Godzilla seemed to have died. But it's just kinda jarring to completely drop a major theme like that, and not really replace it with anything.

Honestly, it sounds like you're confusing theme with motivation.
If Cranston HAD survived, I don't know how "dealing with the loss of a loved one" would have been resolved by Godzilla defeating two MUTOs.
The obvious theme was that humanity is insignificant when compared to nature.
There are really only two moments when the monsters "care" about humans: when MUTO mama thinks Ford destroyed her nest and when Godzilla is hurtin' and sees Ford. Otherwise, the humans are an afterthought to them. As someone mentioned above, I LOVED how Godzilla had no fucks to give about the military tracking him.

We might as well have been remora fish.
Each to their own and all that, but I'm honestly baffled that anyone could think this.

Yeah, Hong Kong fight scene in Pacific Rim is top tier stuff.

I'd like to see this cast return if they do another, though I can't help but feel
keeping Cranston's character alive would have been necessary for this connection as he was a scientist and Ford is just Army EOD.
They can't keep writing in bombs for him to defuse in the sequels or because I can't think of a real reason the higher ups would give a shit about his thoughts on giant monsters if he's just a bomb guy. Idk maybe he'll be apart of a new Godzilla task force lol.

Bring on Ghidorah and Destoroyah!

You don't need any of the actors to return, human characters are only ever there to provide us the point of view that we see Godzilla from. They can be anybody. Jettison the whole cast from this movie and in their place stick a couple of Russian cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut chilling in the International Space Station when they spot Gigan approaching from outer space.

Or some geologists who examine an asteroid that landed in the middle of nowhere only to find it was carrying a King Ghidorah larva or something.

They can be anybody, which provides the added bonus of being able to kill any of them off if it adds an extra level of danger to the viewers.


this is VERY similar to other Godzilla movies in that way. It teases out the appearances and slowly gives you more action until the blowout fight at the end, just like a standard Godzilla movie.

I've rewatched just about every G movie over the past year and a half or so. This sounds like the same formula, but by Americans.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Ill agree with a lot of criticism regarding both
Cranston's early death, felt really premature and the cut away at the airport after his full reveal was really stupid. At least give us a little bit after such a fantastic reveal.


That was fun.
The forced human element was lame, but it was worth it for those fights.
Absolutely loved the finishing blow on the mother MUTO.
I was also going nuts when Godzilla fired off the breath. I was disappointed that he didn't use it, thinking it wasn't gonna be in, but then they did it and it was wonderful.

The military carrying around their guns all the time bothered me though.
By the end they were just using them as flashlights.

On an unrelated note, Capcom or Nintendo should seriously go hard with Monster Hunter marketing.
Dunno if they went in during Pacific Rim last year (didn't catch it in theaters), but during that and this, I was seriously hankering for some hunting.
Heck they even say "monster hunting/hunter" a couple times in the movie.


Junior Member
It's really hard to take anyone seriously who thinks Pacific Rim was a better film than Godzilla. Let's be real.

Well fuck me for having an opinion that differs from yours.

Pacific Rim had monster vs. Robot fights throughout the film
rather than cockteasing them off camera until the last half hour.

While different in terms of drama, it also had more interesting characters and acting. Ford Brody emoted worse than fucking Anakin Skywalker.

The military carrying around their guns all the time bothered me though.
By the end they were just using them as flashlights.

Thought the same.
Why are you carrying these heavy rifles? They're giant monsters and your bullets are less than pea shooters to them!


opinions, how do they work?

They're two very different movies with very different tones. Both can co-exist and be enjoyed without the pissing contest.

I wouldn't say they're very different movies. I went to both features to see huge ass entities beat on each other in dramatic fashion. But the Godzilla tone was much more...solemn?

At any rate, it's easy to compare them.
Just got out of it; few hiccups here and there but overall I thought it was great. Surprisingly enough, I actually liked most of the human characters, especially when they were planning making plans and doing stuff in conjunction Wyeth the monsters. Granted they do take up a good 70-70% of the film and some of the acting is meh, I honestly didn't find them annoying, which is an achievement. Only other problems I had were really nitpicky, like how I wished it stayed in the same time period of the beginning to make it more "authentic", or how Godzilla kinda just "appeared" with no real build-up, or how the main character seems to have Elijah Wood's puppy-dog face, but those are really nitpicks.

...Also, either TVTropes lied to me or I missed
the Matthew Broderick cameo
[/SPOILER]IMO, the outstanding theme was that humanity is insignificant when compared to nature.
There are really only two moments when the monsters "care" about humans: when MUTO mama thinks Ford destroyed her nest and when Godzilla is hurtin' and sees Ford. Otherwise, the humans are an afterthought to them. As someone mentioned above, I LOVED how Godzilla had no fucks to give about the military tracking him.

We might as well have been remora fish.

Oh my god yes,
all those tanks, ships and soldiers shooting at him and Godzilla basically got bored, went "fuck this guys, I'm out" and strolled right through the Golden Gate Bridge like it wasn't even there.


well not really...yet
Well fuck me for having an opinion that differs from yours.

Pacific Rim had monster vs. Robot fights throughout the film
rather than cockteasing them off camera until the last half hour.

While different in terms of drama, it also had more interesting characters and acting. Ford Brody emoted worse than fucking Anakin Skywalker.
lol what

Charlie Hunnam in pacific rim is one of the all time worst piece of shit performances in any movie ever.
I wouldn't say they're very different movies. I went to both features to see huge ass entities beat on each other in dramatic fashion.
and besides that aspect, the tone is very different. Like I said earlier, PR had just in much in common with Power Rangers as it does Godzilla
I enjoyed it. Maybe would have liked a little more Godzilla, but not that much more, or else it would have risked becoming commonplace and boring. The human element was hit and miss, should have featured more Cranston.

One question though:
How the fuck did the happy birthday sign get hung up? I thought Binoche told Ford to put it away until later. Obviously a very minor part of the movie, but it was quite jarring.


just by looking at a picture of godzilla, i know what film or films that suit has been in and i found this film to be just borderline okay.
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