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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

I enjoyed it. Maybe would have liked a little more Godzilla, but not that much more, or else it would have risked becoming commonplace and boring. The human element was hit and miss, should have featured more Cranston.

One question though:
How the fuck did the happy birthday sign get hung up? I thought Binoche told Ford to put it away until later. Obviously a very minor part of the movie, but it was quite jarring.

She told him she'd take care of it so I guess the kid got ready for school while she hung it up in a room that she knew her husband wouldn't go into right before they left for work?
I'm surprised to read some gaffers saying
Godzilla's movements were unnatural. They were really in-line with what I'd expect a humanoid-ish giant lizard to be. He was basically a bear with a tail...which was AWESOME.

Oh my god yes,
all those tanks, ships and soldiers shooting at him and Godzilla basically got bored, went "fuck this guys, I'm out" and strolled right through the Golden Gate Bridge like it wasn't even there.

Haha, yup. He was basically "holy shit, there are a lot of gnats outside, I'm going back in the house."


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm surprised to read some gaffers saying
Godzilla's movements were unnatural. They were really in-line with what I'd expect a humanoid-ish giant lizard to be. He was basically a bear with a tail...which was AWESOME.
This was one of the most impressive aspects of the film for me personally, how real both Godzilla and the other beast seemed. They looked natural, and pretty realistic all things considering.


Honestly, it sounds like you're confusing theme with motivation.
If Cranston HAD survived, I don't know how "dealing with the loss of a loved one" would have been resolved by Godzilla defeating two MUTOs.
The obvious theme was that humanity is insignificant when compared to nature.
There are really only two moments when the monsters "care" about humans: when MUTO mama thinks Ford destroyed her nest and when Godzilla is hurtin' and sees Ford. Otherwise, the humans are an afterthought to them. As someone mentioned above, I LOVED how Godzilla had no fucks to give about the military tracking him.

We might as well have been remora fish.

Fair point. I guess I was just kind of expecting the movie to go in a different direction.
My problem with the theme you suggest, however, is that
the atomic (nuclear? I donno enough about bombs lol) is still legitimately a threat in the movie, and we never know if it would've killed the monsters. This contrasts a lot with the theme that we are insignificant to nature, because it seems like we could have killed the Mutos and Godzilla with it,but just didn't end up needing to do so. Although perhaps that's a point in the theme's favor, that our actions wouldn't have mattered anyways.


Man, i don't think i saw the same movie as most of you.

I thought it was terrible, i'm sick of the whole soldier with a wife and kid saving the day angle.
The monsters were boring as hell, looked just like the cloverfield monster. Not enough monster screen time. Too many annoying little details. Why would the military care about having a japanese expert with them if they're going to ignore everything he says. The bridge scene was also really stupid how it was fucking closed when you're trying to take people to a safe place and you know a fucking monster is headed right there.

I could go on and on about stuff like that all iver the movie, like the military failing to see a huge fucking hole by the side of the mountain in nevada, or why they kept using planes around a monster using EMP's like every five minutes.

Such a dissapointing movie overall.
I'm surprised to read some gaffers saying
Godzilla's movements were unnatural. They were really in-line with what I'd expect a humanoid-ish giant lizard to be. He was basically a bear with a tail...which was AWESOME.
they nailed the
animalistic movements and weight of the monsters. I loved when Godzilla out-muscled one of the MUTO, threw it to the ground and stomped its chest/neck
. I was like, oh shit!
Fair point. I guess I was just kind of expecting the movie to go in a different direction.
My problem with the theme you suggest, however, is that
the atomic (nuclear? I donno enough about bombs lol) is still legitimately a threat in the movie, and we never know if it would've killed the monsters. This contrasts a lot with the theme that we are insignificant to nature, because it seems like we could have killed the Mutos and Godzilla with it,but just didn't end up needing to do so. Although perhaps that's a point in the theme's favor, that our actions wouldn't have mattered anyways.

I think that's a fair criticism, and even the
fallout of the nuclear blast being so closely off-shore isn't really dealt with. I feel like a map at some point showed the fallout risk, but other than that, we just had Watanabe saying "don't do this, look at my watch."

If they had tried the nuclear blast and it did NOTHING, it would have strengthened the theme.

I did enjoy the MUTOs eating the nuclear bombs like treats, though.


Just got back from the movie, thought it was great! My only real issues stem from
the damn cock teasing.

I really enjoyed this movie man, it's really the perfect blockbuster approach to Godzilla. I enjoyed the long build-up, but cutting away from the monster fights when shit was literally about to get real, stung so bad lol.

Godzilla himself was absolutely fantastic. He was truly something primordial, simply a force of nature. Quite placid in some ways though too. I understand now why Gareth Edwards said Godzilla was an anti-hero here, why audiences would identify with him. Godzilla was doing the Lord's work, literally. By hunting these creatures down. It really does resemble Godzilla's role from the old Showa movies. Godzilla may cause massive collateral damage, death, and destruction; but there's no malice, he simply is. Ken Watanabe was pretty much preaching that theory the whole time, and of course he was right. Godzilla was big, bulky, lumbering, and powerful in his every movement. In certain scenes it did seem to resemble the suitmation of old, which I appreciated. The new Atomic Ray was quite interesting, it now resembles a torrent of fire, which I actually dug. Now Godzilla is truly packing a breath weapon.

The Muto's were also quite good, better than I anticipated in every facet. The female in particular, felt like the Cloverfield monster done better. The creatures actually acted like animals, and the fights looked like some primal animal kingdom shit, on an enormous scale. The sound design was simply exquisite as well.

The characters served their roles well enough. Felt the non-monster stuff was engaging enough. Had the militaristic angle a lot of the Godzilla films had. I found the characters that were present decent enough filler, I felt like I got enough out of them. I was not expecting the best characters, this is a weakness of many Godzilla movies. But relative to some of them, these aren't too bad at all lol.

The themes, tone and atmosphere of the movie was what kept me truly engaged. Once things got moving toward the climax and all the monsters were converging on one another, I was totally absorbed in the in film. From there on I just rode the film to it's satisfying climax.

I would recommend this to any Godzilla , monster movie , or disaster movie fan. I can see where other people's complaints come from, but most of them are irrelevant to me personally. Being familiar with the franchise I had an idea of what to expect, and I came away extremely impressed. I'm just so happy to see this property handled so competently, and with respect.

The Big Man is back, just hope we get to see more.
Man, i don't think i saw the same movie as most of you.

I thought it was terrible, i'm sick of the whole soldier with a wife and kid saving the day angle.
The monsters were boring as hell, looked just like the cloverfield monster. Not enough monster screen time. Too many annoying little details. Why would the military care about having a japanese expert with them if they're going to ignore everything he says. The bridge scene was also really stupid how it was fucking closed when you're trying to take people to a safe place and you know a fucking monster is headed right there.

I could go on and on about stuff like that all iver the movie, like the military failing to see a huge fucking hole by the side of the mountain in nevada, or why they kept using planes around a monster using EMP's like every five minutes.

Such a dissapointing movie overall.
Some of that was the point. I think they were trying to show how totally unprepared and incompetent our government would be if something like this actually happened.

"Why didn't the government get everyone out of the city in time?"

...kind of like, oh i dont know, Hurricane Katrina?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Movie was disappointing for pretty much all the reasons other unhappy viewers have posted. Glimpses of quality in a sea of blaaaahhhh.

This Aaron Johnson guy needs to go away, also. He's visually gross and awful at his chosen career.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
And what did they acomplish with them exactly? Other than causing more destruction when falling all ober the city. So stupid.
It's not like they had any other option, and they could still try and keep a distance and do surveillance and track them unless you think they should have jeeps driving all over looking for them. What a shocker that pilots don't know how to interact with a 355 foot dinosaur they've never seen before.


I just think it's silly how they keep giving military stuff so much screen time when in the end,
if you remove all the military dudes from the movie the end would've been the same, hell they were actually making it worse by making all the nuclear stuff more accesible to the monsters.

Funny how the military dude giving stupid orders all the time had so more screen time than the soldier's family
You know, the biggest complaint seems to be "needs more Godzilla" but I'm thinking we are gonna be good for the sequels. There is a SHIT ton of giant monster action in this even if G isn't present for the majority of it.
The Mutos get nearly 4 action bits to themselves (flying Muto escape, initial Hawaii confrontation, Las Vegas escape, nuclear train attack).

Imagine Godzilla in maybe half of these Muto exclusive scenes now that he's setup and the other half going to whatever new foe they bring in to wreck shit on his own and I think we'll be good + the usual beatdown finale.

I also want to say damn, this is homeboy's second movie? A few vanilla characters, hammy story bits, and maybe a bit too much spectacle restraint aside, dude almost doesn't have a right to be this good at this stage of his career. He really knocked it out of the park for me.

MonsterArts pls hurry with my 2014 figure pls. :-(


It's not like they had any other option, and they could still try and keep a distance and do surveillance and track them unless you think they should have jeeps driving all over looking for them. What a shocker that pilots don't know how to interact with a 355 foot dinosaur they've never seen before.
That's was even more stupid, they lost track of them all the time and failed at their job 100% of the time. Name one thing the military did good in the movie other than solving a problem they created in the first place right at the end.
I think that's a fair criticism, and even the
fallout of the nuclear blast being so closely off-shore isn't really dealt with. I feel like a map at some point showed the fallout risk, but other than that, we just had Watanabe saying "don't do this, look at my watch."

If they had tried the nuclear blast and it did NOTHING, it would have strengthened the theme.

I did enjoy the MUTOs eating the nuclear bombs like treats, though.

The creatures absorb radiation, it's why the quarantined zone had no radiation and why the fallout from the nuke didn't have an effect on San Francisco. Godzilla absorbed all the radiation and that's what helped him wake up again at the end. All you need to worry about is the blast itself and according to Nukemap the fireball radius from the largest US bomb ever tested is 3.71km but you'd have injuries from the air pressure shockwave at 11-12km away.

Still, it's not as silly as the length of that goddamn runway


Junior Member
Can't wait for the Blu-Ray for some scenes (and so I can skip others).

For starters, the opening credits with the
bits of text being crossed out before you can read them around the actors names.

Also, checking out
the godzilla vs. Muto Hawaii fight again as they only show a tiny bit of on the family's TV. Maybe they'll include the full fight as a deleted scene.

Hoping for Mothra in a sequel, but don't know how they'd handle it since
both are basically heroes now unless they make Mothra into a villain.


Honestly, I've wasted enough time on this movie so here is a spoiler-filled drinking game to reflect my thoughts:

For most of these you're going to be drinking a lot. I don't think it will make the movie any better.

Drink when:

Ken Wantanabe looks shocked.
The Giant Monsters appear out of nowhere after sneaking into the area silently.
Aaron Taylor Johnson survives something that should have killed him.
The fighting stops so monsters can roar. (e: honestly, while this happens a lot it's not too bad. It's just that Godzilla roared like 4 times in 5 minutes)
More infantry is sent in, because that ought to do it!
The film briefly creates cheap characters you'll feel sad about (ie: dog on beach, children, family) despite countless individuals dying without recognition.
Every wasted shot (ie: 5 seconds of bus doors as the bus drives off, ending shot of water)
The military's sophisticated tracking systems loses any of three monsters.

I always struggle to grasp the fact that these films are 'Summer Blockbusters' which means logic doesn't matter, but it's just really frustrating to witness the stupidest shit happen. Relationships and human characters were all so cheap and unbelievable that every scene with them was boring and, by the third act, completely laughable.

I really wanted to enjoy this because the first trailer was hype as hell, but once again an amazing outlandish concept is weighed down by a pathetic representation of humanity.

Godzilla himself, despite fucking around at the golden gate bridge) was amazing. The end fight was awesome and he was pretty much perfect.

The very first time the audience saw Godzilla fight they didn't get to experience the throw down firsthand. Instead we saw it via a TV screen, inter-spliced with footage of a kids face. Absolutely stupid.

Fucking nailed it.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder if the sequel = MechaGodzilla. Godzilla's presence is now known and the military or some other group wants to harness it.

That's was even more stupid, they lost track of them all the time and failed at their job 100% of the time. Name one thing the military did good in the movie other than solving a problem they created in the first place right at the end.

That's the point though, they were mostly unable to handle anything save the last few bits, rather than letting Godzilla handle it.
That's was even more stupid, they lost track of them all the time and failed at their job 100% of the time. Name one thing the military did good in the movie other than solving a problem they created in the first place right at the end.

Except they clearly provided an explanation why they lost track of them at least a couple of times during the movie.
EMP bursts that also fuck with their radar

There are some obvious flaws with the movie but some of the shit people are moaning about makes me question how much attention they were paying.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Except they clearly provided an explanation why they lost track of them at least a couple of times during the movie.
EMP bursts that also fuck with their radar

There are some obvious flaws with the movie but some of the shit people are moaning about makes me question how much attention they were paying.
Seriously. Giant, mobile creatures come out of no where for the first time in history, destroying everything in their path, and people are bitching because the military doesn't know how to handle it. It may be a shocker to know this kind of shit wasn't in their training.


I wonder if the sequel = MechaGodzilla. Godzilla's presence is now known and the military or some other group wants to harness it.

That's the point though, they were mostly unable to handle anything save the last few bits, rather than letting Godzilla handle it.

This universe feels too grounded. I think we'd be lucky to get something like Super X, let alone a MechaGodzilla. If this were continued as a series, it would be cool to see the evolution of the military hardware. Maybe get some call-backs, like maser-tanks.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And when people think of monster movies they tend to forget humans exist in them too. Yeah the human parts are crap but at the same time the movie would be stale too if it's always monsters.

This universe feels too grounded. I think we'd be lucky to get something like Super X, let alone a MechaGodzilla .If this were continued as a series, it would be cool to see the evolution of the military hardware. Maybe get some call-backs, like maser-tanks.

Still, Godzilla is known and people wanting to use Zilla isn't away from being grounded.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
While the cut outs were annoying, Pacific Rim showed how shitty a film becomes when it a large percentage of it is just giant monsters fighting.
Seriously. Giant, mobile creatures come out of no where for the first time in history, destroying everything in their path, and people are bitching because the military doesn't know how to handle it. It may be a shocker to know this kind of shit wasn't in their training.
I thought it was one of the core elements of the movie; our government and military would be clueless on how to deal with something like this if they couldn't just blow it up.

ken watanabe-"We tried nukes in the 50s, it didn't work"
random military guy-"Yeah, but now we have BIGGER nukes! Let's blow it up!"

It was their answer time and again, even though it was ineffective


As someone who's been practically raised on old Godzilla movies for a good portion of my childhood I'm really satisfied with this film. You can absolutely tell that Edwards had a massive amount of respect for Godzilla and it shows in many many moments. As far as Godzilla films go, this is top-tier.

The methodical pacing was an interesting choice but sometimes I felt like it was too much.
I love a good striptease but when you deny me even just a few minutes of a potentially good fight scene after a fantastic build up, I just feel a little blue-balled.
That's probably my main complaint but thankfully the third act is filled with so much great moments that it's almost makes up for all of it. Godzilla is the best he's ever looked and I love how absolutely animalistic he comes across more-so than any other film he's been featured in. This is definitely the Godzilla film us fans deserved 16 years ago.


And when people think of monster movies they tend to forget humans exist in them too. Yeah the human parts are crap but at the same time the movie would be stale too if it's always monsters.

Still, Godzilla is known and people wanting to use Zilla isn't away from being grounded.

Yeah, nothing un-grounded about that, shouldn't have bolded all of that.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Did it ever explain why
Godzilla was trying to kill those insects. I know it said that they were Godzilla's natural prey but after he killed them he didn't even eat them, it's like he just killed them for fun. He was listening in on the insects echolocation conversation about making sweet love but Godzilla was like "nope, I'm not going to allow this." The final fight scene was sick though, better than any fight scene in a Godzilla movie.

Did you not see how many freaking babies that thing was going to give birth to? Godzilla was having a hard time as it was dealing with mom and dad. Imagine a world with thousand of these things running around. The big guy probably heard mom and dad talking about doing the ugly and was like, "nope, not on my fucking watch."

Absolutely loved this film. Never watched any of the old Godzilla movies except for the 98 one. But I was sitting there with the biggest grin on my face watching Godzilla tear shit up. Really great movie, and I'm going to go see it again with some other friends Friday night.


Why even have this thread if half the damn page is spoiler blocked. Can't we just talk about the damn movie? What would be the point of coming into this thread if you haven't seen it. C'mon.


  1. Total Bryan Cranston bait-and-switch! I thought he was going to be in this movie; naw, iced.
  2. Adored monster designs and animations.
  3. Why did those HALO-drop soldiers even bother bringing their guns with them? That's a couple dozen pounds of worthless ruck.
  4. Ken Watanabe's scientist character was hilarious. He never made eye contact with anyone, nor engaged them in conversations. He somehow had free run of the bridge of that ship at general quarters. Meanwhile, the only things he said were pulled straight out his ass. "Gojira will restore the balance". You have exactly no reason to believe that, buddy.
    ]Did I miss the part where the male Muto fertilized those eggs even?
  5. That script was way heavy with needless exposition. Holy shit so many "ok let's buckle down and explain this despite our explanations not mattering at all".
  6. Yo that Brody was one seriously well-qualified twenty-something solider. Cleared for disarming bombs, arming nuclear devices, HALO drops, and adopting lil Short Round wannabes. Give the guy a promotion.
  7. EMPs disable internal combustion engines huh?
  8. Also when they reused the drop-the-bus-into-gear-and-gun-it shot twice in twenty seconds on the Golden Gate. Why?

In conclusion, not to shock anyone, it's a dumb summer action movie with a sloppy script. Worth seeing in a full theatre though to share in some serious hollering over The Big Guy's victories. That mic head drop hot damn.
In conclusion, not to shock anyone, it's a dumb summer action movie with a sloppy script. Worth seeing in a full theatre though to share in some serious hollering over The Big Guy's victories. That mic head drop hot damn.

We were in a full theatre, me and my brother were literally the only people in the whole place that seemed to react to anything. Guy sitting next to me with his girlfriend was probably getting annoyed that I didn't sit there in stony silence like everyone else but fuck him, this movie was the shit.


We were in a full theatre, me and my brother were literally the only people in the whole place that seemed to react to anything. Guy sitting next to me with his girlfriend was probably getting annoyed that I didn't sit there in stony silence like everyone else but fuck him, this movie was the shit.

What a bummer! My theatre was poppin' off at Ken's dumb one-liners and Godzilla's sick roars.

I can't think of a car that would run without a working battery.

All of them? You don't need a battery to run a car, just start it. And if it induced charge in the alternator like... that's what the alternator is there for anyway. But whatever, EMPs aren't even real. They're just magic spells used in movies. I'm ok with that. It's just kind of tired. Sick Dino-lightning though. That's the shit.
Wouldn't work with how the story was set up, but I kind of wish
the first time you see the mutos come together was the first time the audience discovers that there are two of them. I think that could have been way more impactful than it was with all of the setup beforehand
What a bummer! My theatre was poppin' off at Ken's dumb one-liners and Godzilla's sick roars.

Reserved British sensibilities and stiff upper lip have their downside too :(

Going to drag my nephews and nieces along to see this once their summer holidays start because I know they'll flip out constantly during the third act. Watching Pacific Rim with them was the most fun I've had in forever.
Nit picking stuff:
1. Ford is always in the right place at the right time.
2. The MUTOS had a better build up then Godzilla.
3. Did anyone care about Fords wife lol?
At the end when Godzilla gets back up after seemingly defeated, instead of reacting and been scared the news immediately declares him a saviour despite not knowing his intentions after he got up. What if he was like fuck it and started destroying stuff.
5. First 1/3 was awesome build up, went a bit flat mid way IMO
6. The time it takes for the squad to find each other after the HALO drop.
7. Bryan Cranston
dies RIP in pieces best character in the film
8. Ken Watanabe performance looked better in the trailers compared to the film.
9. The navy general guy who had charge of the fleet near japan just seems to control the world.
First of all they just stroll on into japan and take people out. Then on his return to America he just assumes command of all defences. I'm sure there would be other people to take command in a bigger scale situation
after capturing Heisenberg and Ford security immediately take them to the top secret hidden base, like what's the logic in that now they know everything not very secret.
11. When Godzilla walks because of his weight the ground should be shaking to the point people wouldn't be able to stand and cars and stuff would be flying everywhere

There was other things. As a whole I thought the movie was k.
Just a few things i noticed but as a whole most didn't impact the movie to heavily.

Commence the hate


Guys I've been wondering all night:

1) how is it possible that in the middle of an EMP blackout there's a wiper that keep cleaning a windshield? If I turn off my car engine the wipers stop working. I mean, I know in SF cars run on smug, but still!

2) how is it possible that a gigantic beast roars in a bunch of soldiers ears, and they seems perfectly fine with it? I expected blood spraying from their ears all over the place and half a hour of people chatting on sign language. :(

(also, there was ACTUALLY, FOR REAL I MEAN, people outside the theatre saying it was slightly unrealistic :D )
At the end when Godzilla gets back up after seemingly defeated, instead of reacting and been scared the news immediately declares him a saviour despite not knowing his intentions after he got up. What if he was like fuck it and started destroying stuff.
this was one of things that really bugged me, it didnt need to be so overt. I get what they were going for, but as
the crowd was cheering, Godzilla was probably inadvertently stomping on people on his way back to the ocean. Everyone watching in stunned silence would have been better.


I had a great time thinking about that newsroom. Those graphics people were Johnny-on-the-spot getting a MUTO modeled and animated like nothin'. When they put up "Our Savior" do you think there were two producers screaming at each other "but we don't know that yet!!" "just run it it's good copy!!"?


I had a great time thinking about that newsroom. Those graphics people were Johnny-on-the-spot getting a MUTO modeled and animated like nothin'. When they put up "Our Savior" do you think there were two producers screaming at each other "but we don't know that yet!!" "just run it it's good copy!!"?

Well, the newsroom tension is well described by the fact that the final copy wasn't
"our savior" but instead "our savior?" with a question mark to commemorate all those innocent lives lost during the "Big G out" scene. :'(


My Impression of the movie: Spoiler Alert.

I just got home about 3 hours ago from the movie and I gotta say this movie is very well done.

The monsters are very realistic and be liable, Godzilla look absolutely incredible, during certain scenes when he breathe, you can see the neck muscle moves, I thought the design was great, he wasn't fat at all. Muscular is more like it. The other monsters were designed well, they certainly have Godzilla a great fight, they got a certain insect quality to them. I can't wait if they make a sequel, which Kaiju will they bring to life next.

The humans surprised me the most, I actually cared about the safety of the main characters, they interacted very well with one another. Brian Cranston was excellent, playing the desperate scientist. I felt so sad when
Brian's characrer
died so soon. Aaron Taylor Johnson was pretty good as a leading man, but otherwise unspectacular, he did enough to help the movie. Some of his delivery felt forced and awkward, but I hope that he will improve with more movies under his belt. He certainly got the look and the abilities to be a main character in an action movie, just gotta work on his dialogue more.

Elizabeth Olsen was in my book the most underrated character in the movie, its too bad she didn't have much screentime, her role as the mother and wife was much more belivable and heartfelt in many scenes, way more than Aaron. They do seem to have good chemistry together. I'd like to see her in more movies in the future, maybe reuniting with Aaron. (I know they will be in the Avengers 2 together though)

Ken Watanabe has a minor role, of course its hard to understand what he's saying half the time, but he played a convincing scientist wish a fascination with the monsters.

The music and atmosphere was fantastic, I was literally shaking with a bit of fear and excitement every time Godzilla appear on screen and especially when he roar. The suspenseful moments was well done too,
last moment with
his wife
was heartbreaking and well-acted.

The action was absolutely spectacular, fight scenes were half the time obscured by debris and smokes, but there were clear shots through out, especially more so near the end. When
Godzilla spew his flame down the monster's throat
it was the most kickass moment in the film. Fight scenes weren't dragged out cause they were being intercut with the human element of the movie.

One of my favorite moments is the HALO jump scene, absolutely gorgeous and fill you with a sense of heroism and that you might not make it out alive cause its a suicide mission feeling.

I'm definitely excited for the sequel, if they ever decide to make one. Will buy on Blu-ray.
Honestly, so far this is my 2nd favorite movie of 2014 so far after Captain America:The Winter Soldier. It is that amazing. Though I have a feeling X-men: Days of Future Past might knock it down a slot.

Rating: 8.8 out of 10 Or B+.
1. Ford is always in the right place at the right time.

Well yeah, he's a proxy for the audience so the movie needs to find reasons to stick him in the middle of the action. Having him conveniently turn in the right place at the right time is preferably to having to introduce half a dozen new characters in each location through whom we view the action.

2. The MUTOS had a better build up then Godzilla.

Everybody has at least some vague idea of what Godzilla is so naturally he needs less introduction than the MUTOs.

At the end when Godzilla gets back up after seemingly defeated, instead of reacting and been scared the news immediately declares him a saviour despite not knowing his intentions after he got up. What if he was like fuck it and started destroying stuff.

There's always one news station that has to take a contrary viewpoint to try and get some extra eyeballs. Remember that gaf...I mean the mainstream media is not a hive mind.

Or maybe they had just finished talking to some "expert"
who claimed that Godzilla was really a saviour
and the ticker was just a quote from that person. Remember it had a question mark at the end so it's not like it was some concrete assertion.

6. The time it takes for the squad to find each other after the HALO drop.

"Guys, this is the rendezvous point"

*They drop in within a couple of blocks of each other and proceed to meet at said point.*

Where's the problem here?

after capturing Heisenberg and Ford security immediately take them to the top secret hidden base, like what's the logic in that now they know everything not very secret.

Gets captured, claims he used to work at the plant and he has evidence something big is about to go down.

Security guys call back to the boss about this nutter holding all sorts of disks and graphs of seismic activity.

They're told to bring in Cranston so they can properly interrogate him and find out how much he knows before he can go spill the beans to the press with the stuff he recovered from his house

11. When Godzilla walks because of his weight the ground should be shaking to the point people wouldn't be able to stand and cars and stuff would be flying everywhere

Godzilla is a lovely chap and treads lightly while he is a guest in other people's cities. Just seems polite to me.
All of them? You don't need a battery to run a car, just start it. And if it induced charge in the alternator like... that's what the alternator is there for anyway. But whatever, EMPs aren't even real. They're just magic spells used in movies. I'm ok with that. It's just kind of tired. Sick Dino-lightning though. That's the shit.

It's better to say Hollywood interpretation of EMPs isn't real.
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