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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Movie should have been a character study of Walt when he breaks bad Moby Dick style to kill the MUTOs. Going crazier and crazier, and he and Godzilla face off but come to an understanding in the end to kill the MUTOs. Otherwise, enjoyable movie overall, even with the forgettable main char


Junior Member
One other thing that bugged me that I forgot to add it's a bit nitpicky, but still.

They were evacuating the city long before the Mutos showed up, So why were people still working in their office when a Muto flew by the windows? Are they that dedicated to their jobs?


Just browsing the comments here, I have to ask
People do remember it's a Godzilla movie right? When was the last time you watched a Showa or... Any Godzilla film for that matter? Bad acting and full of tropes basically.... So no matter how bad pacing/acting is, it's probably better than what we had the last 30 years.

I think everyone has these expectations for what the film should be, and it's cool because everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I'm talking to the 30 year old and up in this statement. We should be grateful just to get the movie, we know the formula and how this works. Sure we would love to 'prove doubters wrong'
But it's Godzilla, are expectations should have a reasonable cap
One other thing that bugged me that I forgot to add it's a bit nitpicky, but still.

They were evacuating the city long before the Mutos showed up, So why were people still working in their office when a Muto flew by the windows? Are they that dedicated to their jobs?

That one woman sat there in front of her monitor as well. Felt like shouting at the screen: "BITCH, THE POWER AIN'T COMING BACK ON AND ANYWAY YOU SHOULD HAVE ENABLED AUTOSAVE EVERY 5 MINUTES ON MICROSOFT OFFICE


That's was even more stupid, they lost track of them all the time and failed at their job 100% of the time. Name one thing the military did good in the movie other than solving a problem they created in the first place right at the end.

Well I don't know, maybe..

1: distract the monsters and try to protect civilians?
2: evacuating people?
3: and technically
Ford the military guy saved Godzilla when he was getting curb storm by the two monsters, when the explosion happened near the end, the monster backed off
The description of the monsters acting very animalistic could not be any more accurate. Outside of the human drama, that was the only part of the film that had me skeptical. Their basic movements were VERY "natural," and was better than anything out of the toho films. Also, the teasing worked really well. I think the film is significantly better because of it. The pacing overall was great. Once the characters became more of less expendables for the story, the movie didn't waste our time. They know we don't give a fuck. We came to see some monsters go toe-to-toe, and damn did we get that. Too sleepy to go in depth, but I'll read all the ridiculously-high-expectations posts tomorrow. But for a 10 year wait, MY expectations were met and then some.


One other thing that bugged me that I forgot to add it's a bit nitpicky, but still.

They were evacuating the city long before the Mutos showed up, So why were people still working in their office when a Muto flew by the windows? Are they that dedicated to their jobs?

That was already seen in the trailer. Bugged me since then lol.


Watched it yesterday, liked it quite much but there are definitely some big flaws here and there.
But when shit gets real, boy it's damn fucking AWESOME.


opinions, how do they work?

They're two very different movies with very different tones. Both can co-exist and be enjoyed without the pissing contest.

Movies about giant monsters, military and human trying to stop them from destroying Earth.

The only three major differences are where the monsters come from and the technology the human had in each movie, in Godzilla it was actually monster vs. monster. Otherwise I didn't see much of a difference.


Junior Member
Just browsing the comments here, I have to ask
People do remember it's a Godzilla movie right? When was the last time you watched a Showa or... Any Godzilla film for that matter? Bad acting and full of tropes basically.... So no matter how bad pacing/acting is, it's probably better than what we had the last 30 years.

I think everyone has these expectations for what the film should be, and it's cool because everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I'm talking to the 30 year old and up in this statement. We should be grateful just to get the movie, we know the formula and how this works. Sure we would love to 'prove doubters wrong'
But it's Godzilla, are expectations should have a reasonable cap

Much like Batman '66, '89, or Nolan era ,Godzilla's movies can vary in tone from movie to movie. I can be much more forgiving of movies in the Showa era (Godzilla '54- Terror of Mechagodzilla) or even Final Wars which is a celebration of that era as those movies tend to be much more light-hearted and goofy in nature so their underlying flaws almost feel like part of the movie in it's campiness (Except '54 of course which is still the darkest of all Godzilla movies).

Then there's the Heishi era that takes Godzilla a bit more serious and has him as the anti hero fighting a greater threat. Still Si-Fi/comic book in nature without going into goofy territory (except maybe baby G). This 2014 movie would fit in well with the Heishi era I think.

Then there's the Millenium era (Godzilla 200-Final Wars) in which each film was a reboot/direct sequel to Godzilla '54 and it's tone tends to go from serious (GMK) to goofy camp (Final Wars). They all have their bad moments as well as good, but I love them all in some way as they are great escape entertainment. Except GINO '98. Fuck that movie.

What I'm basically saying is that you can't just group them all as uncriticizable rubber man-in-suit movies, but rather, you have to look at them individually and review them based on the dramatic tone they're going for. There are some where you can examine them and criticize their flaws and others where you just have to turn your brain off and go with it. To me, this movie's in the former as it tends to take it's tone very seriously. There are no funny moments in the film.
Movies about giant monsters, military and human trying to stop them from destroying Earth.

The only three major differences are where the monsters come from and the technology the human had in each movie, in Godzilla it was actually monster vs. monster. Otherwise I didn't see much of a difference.
surface similarities. He Got Game and Space Jam are silimar because they're both about basketball, amirite? I'd argue this film has more in common with Spielberg's War of the Worlds in terms of tone than PR. Posters should be able articulate what they like or dislike about this movie without needlessly invoking their opinion of an unrelated movie from another franchise.
Movies about giant monsters, military and human trying to stop them from destroying Earth.

The only three major differences are where the monsters come from and the technology the human had in each movie, in Godzilla it was actually monster vs. monster. Otherwise I didn't see much of a difference.

Totally bro, you know what else I noticed? Kick-Ass and Batman Begins are like the same movie.

Both about guys that put on a costume so they can secretly fight crime at night because the police are incapable of doing the job themselves.

The only major differences are that one dude is a young kid and the other is a rich adult, and in one he gets help from fellow vigilantes while Batman gets help from Lucius Fox and Jim Gordon.

Otherwise I don't see much of a difference AND OH MY GOD!

I just realised that Iron Man 3 and Dark Knight Rises are also the same movie too! What are the chances of that!

Both about stupidly rich guys who, after having a major crisis of conscience/loss of self confidence have to fight to regain their will to fight evil and put on an armoured costume to fight evil masterminds who turn out not to be the evil mastermind after all.

Only three major differences are that Iron Man can fly while Batman just kinda glides with his cape, Dark Knight rises doesn't have Ben Kingsley and Iron Man 3 is kind of OK while Dark Knight Rises is terrible. Otherwise I don't see much of a difference.

When will Hollywood stop this madness WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?


Totally bro, you know what else I noticed? Kick-Ass and Batman Begins are like the same movie.

Both about guys that put on a costume so they can secretly fight crime at night because the police are incapable of doing the job themselves.

The only major differences are that one dude is a young kid and the other is a rich adult, and in one he gets help from fellow vigilantes while Batman gets help from Lucius Fox and Jim Gordon.

Otherwise I don't see much of a difference AND OH MY GOD!

I just realised that Iron Man 3 and Dark Knight Rises are also the same movie too! What are the chances of that!

Both about stupidly rich guys who, after having a major crisis of conscience/loss of self confidence have to fight to regain their will to fight evil and put on an armoured costume to fight evil masterminds who turn out not to be the evil mastermind after all.

Only three major differences are that Iron Man can fly while Batman just kinda glides with his cape, Dark Knight rises doesn't have Ben Kingsley and Iron Man 3 is kind of OK while Dark Knight Rises is terrible. Otherwise I don't see much of a difference.

When will Hollywood stop this madness WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?

Your sarcasm is lacking. Maybe sprinkle it on some more.

Btw, Iron Man and Batman are basically counterpart of one another, like Hawkeye and Green Arrow.


Less than 8 hours

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

Honestly, I was worried about half an hour in - as the sub-par script and wasted talent of the actors became a harsh reality. But slowly, as the monster revealed itself - all notions of cynicism vanished in light of destructive spectacle. Edwards is an absolute genius. It's his sense of pace, scale, and tone that elevate what is otherwise a mediocre script into the most enjoyable film of the year.


I absolutely loved it. It buildes with every glimpse of Godzilla and then coalesce into the most amazing monster fight I've ever seen.


Fanart is almost done, man this is taking ages to finish...
What do you guys say?


Need to add some spurts, try some colors variations, maybe "Godzilla" in kanji on top and i'm done. :)

I need this on a shirt asap

You could make alot of money with this!

Ricky 7

Right at the start of the film in the kid's bedroom room there was a poster of a monster and it looked like Godzilla 1998, did anyone else see it? I'm not if it was because the camera didn't stay on it for long but it certainly looked the same.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Most of what you said is speculation
But I will accept this hahaha^

I joke around that he's a scholar and a gentleman, but he really is a polite kaijuu!

- he doesn't tumble ships when he dives or emerges
- lets people follow him without being a bother
- is polite enough to dive beneath bridges and ships
- saves innocents from projectile misfire done by military!
- he has that moe face

such a dapper fellow


Movies about giant monsters, military and human trying to stop them from destroying Earth.

The only three major differences are where the monsters come from and the technology the human had in each movie, in Godzilla it was actually monster vs. monster. Otherwise I didn't see much of a difference.

Despite that, they are actually two different genre, even in their roots. And they follow their own narratives and tropes. Godzilla franchise is actually a more "human-focused" film.
I saw it last night. I thought it was okay, but not great. The whole first hour was a bit boring and could have been trimmed down a lot. The second half was fantastic though. I really loved how they portrayed Godzilla
How he was a predator to the Mutos and really did not care about the humans.
That was an experience.

Yes, there are instances aplenty of contrivance and cheese, but they fade into irrelevance for me when the film has been made with such a genuine love for the titular character. The sense of scale was awe-inspiring, the cinematography often something to behold, and while I wish the talents of the cast could have been put to better use, the sheer spectacle of Godzilla and the MUTOs wrecking shit, (and each other), was all I could have hoped for and more.
Great, great movie. Millions of times better than the Emmerich monstruosity and easily IMO could be at my top 5 Godzilla movies, the last scene was great.
There was a great apocalyptic feeling at the end with the San Francisco ruins
my only nitpick so far (along with the few battles) is
The atomic breath, it's supposed to be a devastating blow, not just a blue fire

Actually in the pre-Heisei films
his atomic breath was less like a plasma cannon and more like an atomic flamethrower.


I need this on a shirt asap

You could make alot of money with this!

Thanks buddy, i do appreciate your comment.

I'm currently finishing the piece during my lunch break, and then i'll put it on Qwertee (i'll try and see if i'm lucky this time), Redbubble and Society6 as a print. It's definitely coming soon, i'll post the links here afterwards! :)


For anyone who has seen the 3D version, how is it? Haven't decided which version to go to. I need to do so fast since I'm leaving in a hour to see it.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Couldn't disagree more, the slow burn added to the battle at the end, which was 10x better than anything from Pacific rim

I disagree with that, the end battle was about as good as the Hong Kong fight in Pacific Rim to me. The biggest difference in PR though was that despite it's cheesy lines and cliche characters at least I cared about them in the battles, the only two characters I really felt anything for in Godzilla was Cranston and Godzilla himself.

It's really hard to take anyone seriously who thinks Pacific Rim was a better film than Godzilla. Let's be real.

Sorry, I just think that PR was a more enjoyable movie. Godzilla was good, but not as good to me.


Saw it last night and I'm terribly disappointed. After watching the original from 54 i was hyped as hell. The tone of the trailers and even the scenes were much better than this bag of cliches, cheesiness and anti-climatic scenes.

To many reveals for something that was revealed a bunch of times in the trailers.
To much humans without or forced emotions. What the hell was Carston doing there? Just monologues? And what the hell was with Watanabe just vomiting engrish one-liners?

I use to love this kind of movies were I can turn off my brain and watch the awesomeness, but this time, for a movie that tries to be intelligent, make me feel dumb.

I really don't know how I fell. The action was awesome but it wasn't enough.

In my book, Pacific Rim was more awesome and enjoyable.
The sound design in this film was absolutely fantastic. Like, some of the best I've heard in a film for a long long time. And some of the cinematography and visuals were just achingly beautiful. Great use of tone and colour. Worth watching just for the spectacle alone.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Is this thread doomed to become "Godzilla was better than Pacific Rim!" and "Pacific Rim as better than Godzilla!"?

It's going to be real hard to talk about one without mentioning the other. Both are modern big budget monster movies, and there just isn't much else to put in the same category with them.

It unfortunately seems that way.

Why can't we enjoy both?

We can, I know I enjoyed both, but everyone is going to have one they like better. It's just human nature. And on an internet message board, opinions are always loud and strong, lol.


Unconfirmed Member
For anyone who has seen the 3D version, how is it? Haven't decided which version to go to. I need to do so fast since I'm leaving in a hour to see it.

It was good. No instances of cardboard cutout characters or stuff flying at the screen, just used to add depth.


Just got back from watching it. I think Edwards got it, but I feel the movie will be more enjoyable to those who know Godzilla from the start rather than most.

Is there a spoiler thread or am I just doomed to post with lots of black bars?
Great movie, enjoyed it.

The only part that kinda iff-ed me a little bit was how I felt that the Gojira lore was hypothesized.
It felt like a really large leap of logic for the Doctor to say that Gojira's aim was probably to restore balance to the world. All they had of Gojira was one sighting where they tried to kill it, and the story never really delved deeper into understanding the psyche of the monsters outside of MUTO. Nothing ever seemed to indicate him to the Doctor as The Chosen One, He Who Will Bring Balance to the Kaiju.


Just got back from the movie.

It was absolute garbage.

Bryan Cranston delivered a great performance in a minor role, everything else was awful.

Aside from Cranston I didn't care about any of the characters and their actors didn't care about delivering an non-phoned in performance.

Ken Watanabe had the most cliche corny dialogue imaginable and the entire human cast was absolutely useless.

The human cast being awful would be less of a problem if it wasn't 90% of the movie. Oh, and if the monster part of the movie was ok, but that was garbage too.

Every time the monsters fight it cuts away almost immediately until the climax, where we still only get a few good action shots. Basically just the ways Godzilla
actually defeats the MUTOs.
Those couple of brief scenes aside, the monster action was incredibly boring, when it was even there.

So if the humans all were terrible (Cranston aside) and ultimately pointless, and the monster action is barely present and not that great. What exactly was the point of this movie? It was just boring, bottom line.

Save your money, this movie isn't worth the time.


Is this movie as cheese fueled and simple as pacific rim? I was let down by PR, it was just too dumb and straight forward to hold my interest.
Just got back from watching it. I think Edwards got it, but I feel the movie will be more enjoyable to those who know Godzilla from the start rather than most.

Is there a spoiler thread or am I just doomed to post with lots of black bars?

I think that's my issue. I had never seen the older Godzilla movies and only know about him in his modern outings so some stuff may not have clicked with me as much

The more I think about it the more I like the movie. I just wish it didn't tease so much early on and take forever for a proper encounter to happen. A little more at the
Hawaii/Airport encounter would have been enough to just offset the over abundance of the human element

Is this movie as cheese fueled and simple as pacific rim? I was let down by PR, it was just too dumb and straight forward to hold my interest.

It takes itself far more seriously and for the most part nails it. There are stupid and inconsistent moments but overall the story isn't stupid like PR. But then again I've accepted PR's story as a dumb thing and enjoyed it far more because of it
Is this movie as cheese fueled and simple as pacific rim? I was let down by PR, it was just too dumb and straight forward to hold my interest.

nah, they play it pretty straight at mixed results.

Am i the only one that kinda felt godzilla looked a bit off
by the end when you actually see him brawl? As in his skin texture and how he moved, i think other recent big budget cg monsters looked better than him, including the kaijus and muto. I expect improvements in future flicks, and i totally see him getting a bit more toned.

Not a fan that Ken Watanabe's character shared the same name as the key player of the original, but ended up doing pretty much nothing the whole movie besides saying cheesy shit.
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