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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


on a related note, another thing this movie does well is that we see casualties

I feel that was also side but big point of the original...showing death/destruction of massive things. They showed a lot but it felt a bit too light-hearted. Maybe that is a good thing.
This movie may have some of the best monster audio I have ever heard. The bass and nuances in the sound stage were impeccable. The scene where
they're hiding from MAMA MUTO on the bridge and you hear her click and grumble shook the entire cinema and it was awesome.
Really sold the size of the creatures
I was impressed with how many wordless sequences this movie had. They used dialogue to fill in a few patches here and there but overall this was a very poetic and calm experience. I appreciated that so much. Rather than piling on context it just plays the whole thing completely straight. We know how its gonna play out. Its as predictable as a Hurricane. And then things play out in what is essentially real time! It was so much more immersive than a Pacifim Rim-type movie where you have to learn all this bullshit just to understand what is happening.

Yeah, totally. Somewhat related: I loved the scenes where noise/music was at a bare minimum. I know I'm repeating myself but:

The pilot parachuting gracefully into the city, only for his jet to smash into the skyscraper a moment later.
The POV airdrop, unable to hear anything but your/his breath.
Godzilla's turning in the smoke, about to face off with the MUTO.

The sound design was something else.

There were a few great moments of humor too. When Ford's child says "Mom, look at the tv!" And its the most aggro-shit you've ever seen on screen. That was just great especially since we had just been there and got pulled away before we got to see anything good.

This got some (appropriate) laughs in the theatre. I loved it.

The Godzilla 1954 original was kind of a mix between superstitious mythical sea monster and nuclear bombs creating the monster with all the radiation He left radiation where ever he left even in his foot prints. '54 was crazy in your face about nuclear war and how it shouldn't continue.

Sorry, I meant Godzilla's first appearance in this movie (I think they said he appeared in 1954?).
on a related note, another thing this movie does well is that we see casualties

Yup. A review said it well:

I'd give the movie serious demerits if it weren't so brilliantly directed, and if this aspect weren't characteristic of giant monster films as a whole, and if the filmmakers didn't go out of their way to make the humans' marginal status part of the movie's world view, which is something along the lines of: We're guests here, and we can be snuffed out or kicked out at any moment. Unlike "Star Trek Into Darkness," "Man of Steel" and other recent blockbusters, this one's aware of the devastation and death that would occur if its scenarios were real. Lots of people die in this movie, onscreen, screaming.
So I noticed (easter egg)
when the father and son returned to their old house in the q zone there was an old insect tank with the word 'Mothra' on it as the camera slow panned.
. Did anyone else catch this or other throwback easter eggs?


What a disappointment. Has everything in place to he great. Respect the tone they went with but when you go that route I have to care about the characters. I was rolling my eyes in every scene involving the leads. It just did nothing for me for half of the film.

I felt the exact same way.
This movie may have some of the best monster audio I have ever heard. The bass and nuances in the sound stage were impeccable. The scene where
they're hiding from MAMA MUTO on the bridge and you hear her click and grumble shook the entire cinema and it was awesome.
Really sold the size of the creatures

Yes. Sound design was absolutely incredible.

Godzilla's deafening roar was glorious.
Just got back from watching it in IMAX 3D, after a media blackout after the first trailer. I cannot echo enough the praise for the sound. I love that the score is primarily horns (with actual melodies!) as opposed to the bassy Inception-copying score that accompanies most contemporary "epic" movies.

finishing moves
were appreciated by my audience as well.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
So I noticed (easter egg)
when the father and son returned to their old house in the q zone there was an old insect tank with the word 'Mothra' on it as the camera slow panned.
. Did anyone else catch this or other throwback easter eggs?

Definitely noticed this and I think I was the only one in the theater that did because I was pretty damn vocal about it.

I hope they go there for the next one...


Saw it yesterday at 7 and I really, really enjoyed the movie. The 10 year old Godzilla fanboy that lies within me was screaming during so many parts. I wasn't in love with the human characters though. The lead actor needs way more emotional range. If the humans were done better the film would have been incredible, but as it stands, it's a fun, thoughtfully made Godzilla movie with some amazing moments. The whole theater was cheering during several scenes.


I would REALLY love to see a sequel.


Ok I am interested in seeing the movie since I love these kinda movies. I even enjoyed the 98 Godzilla. So how does it compare to something like pacific rim? Since that was the grandiose kaiju film of recent times.


As many have already mentioned, the characters are written in extremely broad strokes. Even Cranston, who is given the most "complex" motivations, is very simple. They could have EASILY reduced the cast by 2-3 characters (let's nix the wife and kid, if not Ford, and combine Watanabe and Hawkins into one character) and the story would have been improved and more focused. The wife and kid literally existed to just give a different POV for SOME events and to provide Ford with motivation.

Speaking of, what was Ford's motivation? To get back to his wife and kid? So lame. Cranston's character was at least trying to make sense of a tragedy and find the truth, but I guess he wouldn't have been able to be involved in so many cool setpieces.


the fact that they killed Cranston so quickly was a huge fucking bummer. That character was way more interesting than any other human character in the film imo

So I noticed (easter egg)
when the father and son returned to their old house in the q zone there was an old insect tank with the word 'Mothra' on it as the camera slow panned.
. Did anyone else catch this or other throwback easter eggs?

Yeah I definitely caught that. Neat little easter egg.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Ok I am interested in seeing the movie since I love these kinda movies. I even enjoyed the 98 Godzilla. So how does it compare to something like pacific rim? Since that was the grandiose kaiju film of recent times.



Ok I am interested in seeing the movie since I love these kinda movies. I even enjoyed the 98 Godzilla. So how does it compare to something like pacific rim? Since that was the grandiose kaiju film of recent times.

Pacific Rim was pretty much balls-to-the-wall crazy for the entire film. This one has a bit more tension. When I say tension think how atomic-era monster movies always saved the best for last. Think Jaws. The scenes with the big G are just as fun as Pacific Rim though. I would say he steals the show, but it is his movie after all. You'll probably be cheering during several scenes.

That said, it is a little slow at times, but sometimes I think we forget that most Godzilla movies are.
So I noticed (easter egg)
when the father and son returned to their old house in the q zone there was an old insect tank with the word 'Mothra' on it as the camera slow panned.
. Did anyone else catch this or other throwback easter eggs?

There were monster drawings in the grade school walls which is pretty standard stuff in the toho movies with psychic kids nonsense.


Godzilla's biggest problem is that it doesn't seem to have anything coherent as a theme.

The people are just *there* and, with the exception of Bryan Cranston, there is little reason to give a crap about any of them. Even Godzilla isn't internally consistent.

WorthPlaying said:
The new film starts out promising enough, with a mysterious carcass discovered in a mine, an empty egg and an entire nuclear power plant wiped out within the first half-hour. Mix in some human drama courtesy of Bryan Cranston, and things are looking good.

Cranston plays the role of Joe Brody, a nuclear engineer at the Janjira power plant. Joe's been tracking some mysterious tremors that were threatening the plant. He's safety-conscious and wants to shut things down, but his bosses won't let him. Disaster strikes, and Joe spends the next 15 years brooding. He's out of work, disgraced and convinced that there was a cover-up, but he has no way to prove it.

WorthPlaying said:
Ultimately, it is that sense of power and majesty that is missing from "Godzilla." Despite having the right look, even Godzilla suffers from the same sort of randomness that plagues the human characters. There are times when the film treats him as a force of nature, something that cannot be controlled. Other times, he is a force for good. Other times, he is just a predator hunting for his next meal. Still other times, he is a benevolent protector of the main character. If these changes occurred across a series of films, it might work, but to have them all rush out over the course of an hour makes it feel as though the writers were just doing whatever was convenient at the time.

Quotes are pulled from this Godzilla Review:

The trailer for this version if the film is absolutely brilliant.

The way it is cut together, it makes it look as though the film is going to explore themes around the creature and man's interaction with nature. Instead we're thrown a messy film about people with whom it's difficult to care about for the first 1-1.5 hours. The last half hour provides some nice fan service moments which are awesome as standalone set pieces, but they don't really gel as part of the movie.

Amazing shots include:
1) Godzilla's first use of atomic fire breath
2) Skydiving into destroyed SF

Most memorable shot:
There are a bunch of humans on a beach in Hawaii, along with a dog. Mini-tsunami comes rolling in, humans are all sitting there screaming/yelling. Dog is all "Fuck it, I'm OUT" and takes off ahead of the humans. ;)

Oh, and two local complaints:

1) Since when do BART stations have BLAST DOORS?
2) What idiot tries to evacuate San Francisco to the Oakland Coliseum by way of the Golden Gate Bridge?

Ok I am interested in seeing the movie since I love these kinda movies. I even enjoyed the 98 Godzilla. So how does it compare to something like pacific rim? Since that was the grandiose kaiju film of recent times.

Pacific Rim is the better film.

2014 Godzilla had the potential to be amazing (see the aforementioned trailer), but it fails in execution.
Ultimately, it is that sense of power and majesty that is missing from "Godzilla." Despite having the right look, even Godzilla suffers from the same sort of randomness that plagues the human characters. There are times when the film treats him as a force of nature, something that cannot be controlled. Other times, he is a force for good. Other times, he is just a predator hunting for his next meal. Still other times, he is a benevolent protector of the main character. If these changes occurred across a series of films, it might work, but to have them all rush out over the course of an hour makes it feel as though the writers were just doing whatever was convenient at the time.

Might wanna spoiler tag some of your fav scenes, bro.

And I COMPLETELY disagree with WorthPlaying about Godzilla's motivation. The characters, yeah, definitely have issues.
He is CONSISTENTLY a force of nature--his only motivation is to establish is dominance as the alpha predator. This is pure instinct. Every action he takes is led by that. He is NEVER hunting for his next meal, so I don't know where they pulled that out of.

"saving" Ford was really just Ford being in the right place at the right time. MUTO mama wasn't dead yet and neither was Godzilla.

All the "Godzilla saved us!" BS at the end was just humanity spinning it, although I agree it was a little goofy. Godzilla didn't stand up and bow, he was just "yeah, that's fucking right" and then swam away.

Ok I am interested in seeing the movie since I love these kinda movies. I even enjoyed the 98 Godzilla. So how does it compare to something like pacific rim? Since that was the grandiose kaiju film of recent times.

They're very different movies, but I enjoyed Godzilla more. Pacific Rim was a solid 7/10 for me, Godzilla is 8/10. Pacific Rim takes its paper-thin characters even more seriously than Godzilla's. If Pacific Rim didn't have a great second act, it would be mediocre if not horrible.


Pacific Rim is the better film.

2014 Godzilla had the potential to be amazing (see the aforementioned trailer), but it fails in execution.

I'll definitely agree that Pacific Rim is the better movie, but I'm not sure that Godzilla fails in execution either. The humans have never been the strength of Godzilla movies and there was enough there to make me care whether they died or not in this one. More than I can say for about 85% of Godzilla films. They could have been better, but the film had a great sense of tension, was shot really well, and had some incredible moments as you noted.

Also, this guy enjoyed 1998 Godzilla sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Honestly I say Pacific Rim and Godzilla are about on par with each other. It comes down to if you prefer your movies slow burned or more faster paced.

I do think Godzilla has more potential to improve in a sequel if they hire a better writer.


Honestly I say Pacific Rim and Godzilla are about on par with each other. It comes down to if you prefer your movies slow burned or more faster paced.

I do think Godzilla has more potential to improve in a sequel if they hire a better writer.

Totally agree. What I would love to see is a new set of actors as well. I would love to get things from a different perspective, especially because I didn't really dig the actors in this movie.
I wonder how they'll handle sequels in the universe they've established.
Godzilla constantly coming up from the deep to save humanity from any new giant monster is such a goofy conceit, in practice.

I do agree that a better writer/script will do wonders. Edwards is clearly talented.


Movie was great. The direction is what really made it shine. I had a number of gripes with it but things like the sound design and direction were good enough that I don't even want to bring them up.

They need to bring on some better writers though, and we could possibly have an even better sequel.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
So I was trying to think what was the moral / theme of this movie. "Nature is unstoppably powerful and it doesn't care about what humans are doing" is a pretty dumb message in a climate-change world.
Haven't seen the movie yet but assuming that's a good read on the theme, doesn't sound dumb to me. In a climate-change world, we need to understand that nature is pretty unstoppably powerful and it will course correct with or without us. Just depends on what side of the course correction we want to be on.
Caught the early showing today and really enjoyed it. Though I can see where the complaints come from. My only thing is was that there was a little too many scenes with humans. It was about a 70/30 split between humans and monsters.

The ending got a big grin outta me. Might go and see it again of friends want to.


So i have seen it yesterday, and my thoughts: I think it's a very good movie.. more then i hoped for and the way reviews were criticizing it.. yeah, i was disappointed that it wasn't so dark or brutal like the first trailers were, but for a summer blockbuster it was suprisingly still intelligent and mostly subtle .. another complain was about that it was boring the first 2/3 of the movie, but i think it was from start to finish almost perfectly paced..the characters were notning special, not even Bryan Cranston character, but they weren't annyoing or something like that..
The more serious themes were almost non-existend, which is a bummer.. they could do with them way more, like the 54' original.. otherwise the monster design was good, if unoriginal, but Godzilla looked and sounded fantastic - could she be more in the movie? well, maybe, but that part didn't seemed like a problem for me.. the use of many teasing of a action scenes and really cool moments is maybe a big problem for many people, but not so much for me..the last half-hour or so is fantastic but I didn't liked the ending - it was too much "hollywood", "america" for me..
From directing and cinematography standpoint, the movie was almost perfect.. many great shots, great use of angles, etc..
Last year i liked Pacific Rim, but this movie is for me far better .. not perfect, not dark or as serious as I expected to be, but still a very good movie..
P.S. some shots from trailer were not in the actual movie, which is disappointing, but what can you do
P.S.S. 3D was, i don't know, almost non-existent, but not once in the whole movie was it getting in the way of enjoying watching the movie


I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I laughed giddily so much at this movie. Loved it. Too much build up, could have cut down that first half but the second half was incredible.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?

Well, it does have elements of those movies from a thrill / shock point of view, so I could see those comparisons. The problem with Godzilla (IMHO) was the pacing / overteasing. It showed me too much of what I didn't care about and not enough of what I wanted to see. I'm guessing most of the negative reviews stem from those feelings. I think with better character writing, dialogue, and acting, it would have been absolutely phenomenal, but as it is I simply liked it. There were some parts of the movie that were OMFG awesome though.

Godzilla is going to be a divisive film opinion wise, no two ways about it.


Beat EviLore at pool.
I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?

It is a good movie worth seeing.
Everything that had to do with actual Godzilla was goddamn amazing. The sense of scale and destruction, the roar. Also this was one of the cases when movie actually benefited of 3d.
But god damn it, this movie took ages to actually get to the good part. First half and something of it was just formulaic and mind numbingly boring. "Sensei" Ken Watanabe just strolling around baffled, Bryan Cranston overacting. Almost felt like someone is going over a checklist of things that have to be shown. At least there was Elizabeth Olsen to keep me wondering what the heck happened to other Olsen sisters.


I keep seeing this film being compared to Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jurassic Park, but the Rotten meter is falling fast. Is the film actually good, or are film critics up their own ass?

I got JP vibes in the beginning but it was just location and it quickly went away. Rotten meter is stabilized and I doubt you will see it drop further. I guess Jaws cause Godzilla isn't in the beginning of the movie?

It is ok, probably better if haven't seen all the trailers/ads and such. There isn't anything really wrong with it outside of throwaway human storylines.
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