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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


You make Bryan Canston's character the protagonist and then you'd have to make even more contrived excuses as to why he keeps facing the MUTOs and Godzilla. Going with the soldier was the right decision for the kind of set pieces they wanted to make.

I wouldn't have minded contrived if Cranston was the main character, LOL.


Yes, but wow at this one. Just unbelievably dumb.
I can't really say, as I feel they're always this dumb.
I wouldn't have minded contrived if Cranston was the main character, LOL.

Same. Wanted Cranston as the lead dammit. Half the reason I wanted to see this.

Don't get me wrong, it's still a kickass movie and I can't for it to be out on Blu-Ray, I was just disappointed in this aspect.
I do hope to see King Gidorah in a future movie bur I wonder how goofy they are willing to get with the story. Isn't he always an alien monster? Would they be willing to introduce aliens?


well not really...yet
what did you guys think of the moment where
Godzilla's eye meets Ford and they share a moment?
I do hope to see King Gidorah in a future movie bur I wonder how goofy they are willing to get with the story. Isn't he always an alien monster? Would they be willing to introduce aliens?

I don't know but didn't Edwards say for a sequel he'd like to see Monster Island and do a Destroy All Monsters type situation?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

that commercial is full of gif material
Ehhh it was alright.
Too much human and not enough GODZILLA for my taste.


They should have had Godzilla wink in that one scene where he comes face to face with Ford and disappears into the mist.


I do hope to see King Gidorah in a future movie bur I wonder how goofy they are willing to get with the story. Isn't he always an alien monster? Would they be willing to introduce aliens?

They could always make him a monster from Earth if they wanted to. I'm really interested to see what they could do with the classic monsters, but at the same time I hope they don't stop adding new ones. The MUTO's are awesome and up there with the likes of Ghidorah IMO.


The movie was quite different than I expected. It was very classic Godzilla, which I guess I did not expect.

I enjoyed it, though. I think they could have chopped 20 minutes off the length and it wouldn't have hurt anything.

I'd give it a B overall.


Neo Member
In 1998 I walked out of the theater thinking what I saw was not Godzilla and depressed that I might not ever see a Western take that treated him respectfully.

In 2014 I walked out of that theater wanting to give Gareth Edwards and Legendary pictures a heartfelt thank you for giving Godzilla once more chance to shine like I wanted years ago.
So there are things that you grow up with as a kid that make a huge impact on you and that you carry around for the rest of your adult life in small ways. Godzilla was something I watched with my dad when I was around 8 and it launched a obsession of the big G that to this day is still something really dear to me. When you really love something that much you invariably spend a lot of time imagining your perfect Godzilla movie. When I saw the trailers for the 1998 monstrosity I played out scenario after scenario of bad assadry that I was likely going to see. Of course I never saw one of those things I imagined, not even the half of it. Then you realize no one will ever make that movie. Because no one will ever think about just how awesome a good Godzilla movie could really be. Imagine the dumb shock on my face as I left the theater tonight.

Edwards you brilliant bastard you have done the impossible. You paid homage and deep respect to the soul of what is a Godzilla movie while dreaming up was to make him better than ever before. All I could while watching it was - "This is a perfect Godzilla movie. I could have never thought up something this great."

Awesome Movie.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
People are misinterpreting the ending.

Yeah it's cheesy, but don't forget, it's not simply
, it's

Note the punctuation mark at the end.

I loved it.
Godzilla looked just like a wounded animal in the wild. It wasn't cheesy at all.

Just got back. I'd give it a 5/10. A few quick thoughts.
The music felt out of place, I thought it added an unnecessary layer of cheese to the whole film. The characters were dull and unlikeable for the most part. Awkward pacing didn't help and it was pretty uneventful until the final act.


Went and saw it this afternoon. Absolutely loved it. Sure there's some things you can nitpick at but where it matters most it nails it. Been a while since I had that much fun watching a movie in a theater.
So there are things that you grow up with as a kid that make a huge impact on you and that you carry around for the rest of your adult life in small ways. Godzilla was something I watched with my dad when I was around 8 and it launched a obsession of the big G that to this day is still something really dear to me. When you really love something that much you invariably spend a lot of time imagining your perfect Godzilla movie. When I saw the trailers for the 1998 monstrosity I played out scenario after scenario of bad assadry that I was likely going to see. Of course I never saw one of those things I imagined, not even the half of it. Then you realize no one will ever make that movie. Because no one will ever think about just how awesome a good Godzilla movie could really be. Imagine the dumb shock on my face as I left the theater tonight.

Edwards you brilliant bastard you have done the impossible. You paid homage and deep respect to the soul of what is a Godzilla movie while dreaming up was to make him better than ever before. All I could while watching it was - "This is a perfect Godzilla movie. I could have never thought up something this great."

Awesome Movie.
That is pretty much the exactly how I feel. Except I was two years old and with my grandfather when I first saw a Godzilla film. I even carried around that Official Godzilla Compendium every day to school from 2nd grade until 9th grade.
what did you guys think of the moment where
Godzilla's eye meets Ford and they share a moment?

Loved it.
Especially because Godzilla isn't sharing any deep anything with Ford he just notices him and thats all.
The thing that Edwards nails about Godzilla is though he is a unstoppable force of destruction and terror you love him but you don't love him like King King or other creatures with strong anthropomorphism. You love him because there is this subtle understanding that he isn't going to be your friend but he doesn't mind taking out the trash while he is up smashing everything to hell and when he is done the real threat will be over with and he can go back and take a nap.

That is pretty much the exactly how I feel. Except I was two years old and with my grandfather when I first saw a Godzilla film. I even carried around that Official Godzilla Compendium every day to school from 2nd grade until 9th grade.

BroFist for life man
Loved it.
The thing that Edwards nails about Godzilla is though he is a unstoppable force of destruction and terror you love him but you don't love him like King King or other creatures with strong anthropomorphism. You love him because there is this subtle understanding that he isn't going to be your friend but he doesn't mind taking out the trash while he is up smashing everything to hell and when he is done the real threat will be over with and he can go back and take a nap.

Godzilla is like an old man who just wants those damn kids to get off his lawn.
Godzilla is like an old man who just wants those damn kids to get off his lawn.

Hahaha he is pretty much my grandpa Randy.

Excellent, that's all I really needed to hear. And I can tell from the trailers that this Godzilla will have the best cinematography of any Godzilla movie that's not '54 (and could very well top that as well, although the stark black and white imagery of the original lends itself to a different visual tone than what it looks like Edwards and Garvey are going for).

The cinematography and framing in the movie is just unbelievable. It has some of the best framed shots of any movie I have ever seen. You can tell Edwards wanted every single shot to drive the story forward in a cohesive way and it was a thing he masterfully pulled off.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Saw it with my wife last night and we BOTH loved it.

final kill with the energy blast down the female Muto's throat was so fucking BADASS, my whole theater started clapping and 'ohhh-ing'.
Saw it with my wife last night and we BOTH loved it.

final kill with the energy blast down the female Muto's throat was so fucking BADASS, my whole theater started clapping and 'ohhh-ing'.
Yeah our theater absolutely freaked out.

First when Godzilla grabbed him by the neck everyone was clapping but when the energy blast tore through his head the whole theater erupted.

Man that movie was so awesome.

The sound design, the framing, everything was just so unbelievably well done.
That shot of Godzillas tail whipping through the air silently sending the dust and smoke trailing in its wake only for him to dip down and do the longest roar in the movie was so bad ass.

Or when his tail first lights up and you can see the energy trailing up...Damn I got giddy like a little girl.
Just got back from watching it.

It was a well-shot film, my favorite visuals were from the sky diving portion and when Godzilla
was charging up its blue flame breath
- that got me pumped.

Didn't really have a problem with the pacing, aside from
going back and forth with the human side during the Godzilla vs Mutos fight
- really shouldn't have put too much emphasis on that anyway.

Overall, I liked it. I don't know if I liked it better than Pacific Rim, but both are great monster movies. Also, Godzilla is cute... >_>


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I must say this might be the most humourless blockbuster I've seen in the last five years. I'm not sure there was a single joke in the whole thing, and of course only about two scenes of happiness.

I take it you didn't see Man of Steel then?
My heart started racing during just before the
first Godzilla reveal at the airport
. I had seen the leaked video but holy shit if it didn't get my heart pumping anyway
Everything the humans do in this movie is stupid or rushed.

But hot damn, my mouth was agape whenever the monsters appeared. And that Godzilla roar sent shudders through my spine. Seriously, one of the few flicks that got some serious emotions from me.

9/10, would buy BluRay edition.

TRios Zen

Just got back from theater, and I really enjoyed it.

Not a perfect movie, but a damn good Godzilla movie. Really glad I got to see a movie that respected the memories of my childhood.


Just got home from seeing it in IMAX. I think Pacific Rim was an overall better film, but Godzilla was more badass than any monster in PR.

Has Godzilla always been "the good guy?"
Just got home from seeing it in IMAX. I think Pacific Rim was an overall better film, but Godzilla was more badass than any monster in PR.

Has Godzilla always been "the good guy?"

Depends on the movie. Sometimes he's a protector and sometimes he's the villain. I'd say that he's more of a protector in this, but not all the way.
it was alright. bryan cranston was the only character that garnered any interest from me. the rest of them were pretty boring.

godzilla looked great though and it was a fun flick. probably won't watch again but it wasn't bad.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The movie was sooooo good. The pacing, the revelations, the confused and helpless tension, the interruptions of beastly power, the feeble and stupid arrogance of man, Godzilla being a fucking badass... so good.

I liked the phone scene where he says he'll come get them. They really made it feel genuine with the completely unpredictable circumstances of the monsters. She's dropping her brave face to be real with her confusion and fear, he's putting on his brave face to give her confidence, but then at the end he says he loves her, and both of them know that means all they can do is try and hope things work out. It could have been really cheesy, like Armageddon or something, but the emotional subtlety and shifts through the different things said felt genuine.
it was alright. bryan cranston was the only character that garnered any interest from me. the rest of them were pretty boring.

godzilla looked great though and it was a fun flick. probably won't watch again but it wasn't bad.

They shouldn't have killed him off. He was on a redemption path.

He was the most interesting character too, should've just paired him with Watanabe all the way.


It was most definitely an American scifi/disaster movie. And it was definitely a Godzilla movie. And it was definitely an American scifi/disaster movie meshed with a Godzilla movie. It's exactly that. Enjoyable, but it feels like every Godzilla movie and every scifi/disaster movie in the past decade. People coming in saying movie of the year and 9/10 I feel are letting their hype get the best of them.

It's a Godzilla movie through and through. Lots of boring human stuff, dope monster scenes. But combine that with the look and sounds of every disaster movie made after 9/11. That's what it is. Do not expect more than that.

Things I liked:

1. Dope monster scenes
2. I swear I heard samples of the OG motif imbedded in one of the roars

Things I didn't like:

1. Stupid humans
2. Hilarious leaps of logic by Watanabe
3. The sounds all of the monsters made, especially the MUTOs, sounded like a roller coaster or like they were machinery when there shouldn't be any noises.

Things that were weird and unexplained:

1. Watanabe clearly said Gojira, but later the Navy dude was saying Godzilla.

If you go in expecting a great, 9/10, movie of the year kind of movie, you're going to be very let down. If you go in expecting an actual Godzilla movie, for better or worse, then you should enjoy it if you enjoy those movies.


Great movie. I much prefer Godzilla in this type of role.
godzilla as protector is so much more interesting

Cranston added weight To the first half of the movie. Rest of the actors were meh, and there were plenty if bad action movie cliches.

But the movie made me smile ear to ear.

I think some people will find it too slow/not enough
. But to me it was the perfect love letter to classic Godzilla flicks
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