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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Why do you say that?
ok more like the 2nd one. Final wars is pretty much dark of the moon lol.

they appreciate godzilla for a bit, then mankind gets arrogant. we built mechagodzilla we don't need balance or anything.

angry military general, war, explosions, general dies at the end, godzilla goes back to the sea,



Nobody in that theater was a winner. We all bought tickets to this movie. :(



Holy Shit. This movie is fucking terrible. I'm in utter disbelief at how bad it is.

Slow, plodding, insipid, banal and moronic.

The couple next to me asked us to stand up to get by, I assumed for the bathroom. The guy leans in as they walk by and says "Don't worry, we aren't coming back. This movie sucks." They were the smart ones.

There was outright laughter at the truly terrible parts. The inane dialogue drew laughs, the pathetic performance by Ken Watanabe drew laughs as he transitioned from staring to almost crying and back to staring again. The guy who played the admiral or whatever drew laughs each time he said something stupid and stared(Which was every scene he was in. Not once, not twice, no, three fucking times the idiot son gets stared down by giant monsters. Each time drew laughter from the audience.

At the end, when something worthwhile finally actually happens, there were a few cheers. I can only assume they were cheering that something worthwhile had finally happened after 2 hours.

I don't even know what movie this guy was trying to make. As a serious take on Godzilla(which I assumed this was), it's an abject failure. As a traditional Godzilla movie it's an even bigger failure, as all of the decent Godzilla moments could be edited into one .gif.

I'm really bummed. I was legit hyped for this movie, and now I just want the two hours of my life back.

Completely agree. Movie was a joke. At certain points I thought it was a parody of itself. I mean I wasn't hyped or anything and I was still let down... The human parts were the worst, absolute zero logic to anything when they were on screen.

Agree with all of the above.


Man, I was at least expecting the three month grace period GAF gave Pacific Rim before they turned on it and started hating it to look cool.


I enjoyed it. Like but not love. All I could keep wondering was how Pacific Rim had
in my opinion, better and, well, actual action scenes. However, for the precious few minutes we saw Godzilla fight, it was pretty damn fkn cool.

Cool movie!
What purpose did it serve for Elizabeth Olsen not to
have gotten on the bus with her son?

She had zero value out there.

And what about "asshole family" in Hawaii? Run from the tsunami, run inside the building with my daughter and then CLOSES THE FUCKING DOOR, letting all those other families die.
At the end credits of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Nick Fury tries to recruit Godzilla.

Godzillia walks into his underwater home and Nick Fury is on the couch

"you think you are the only one" boom :p

ok more like the 2nd one. Final wars is pretty much dark of the moon lol.

they appreciate godzilla for a bit, then mankind gets arrogant. we built mechagodzilla we don't need balance or anything.

angry military general, war, explosions, general dies at the end, godzilla goes back to the sea,


double villains , while Mothra is hatching/in beginning stages, its mecha vs regular, then Mothra kills mecha and the humans need to depend on the god to save us again

there's the sequel


this movie's better than pacific rim. i don't hate godzilla. but i don't really care about it that much either. it was decent.

Yeah, it definitely wasn't perfect. It was exactly what I was hoping it would be though. I just wonder if the people who are saying that there wasn't enough action have ever actually seen a Godzilla movie before.


Man, I was at least expecting the three month grace period GAF gave Pacific Rim before they turned on it and started hating it to look cool.

The weekend isn't even over yet, lol.

Come on it wasn't that bad.

And can we please leave Pacific Rim out of this?
What purpose did it serve for Elizabeth Olsen not to
have gotten on the bus with her son?

She had zero value out there.

And what about "asshole family" in Hawaii? Run from the tsunami, run inside the building with my daughter and then CLOSES THE FUCKING DOOR, letting all those other families die.

Yeah, what an asshole
not leaving the door open for the tsunami to rush in and kill absolutely everyone. But frankly, the glass on the hotel should've shattered the moment water stacked up against it.
Yeah, it definitely wasn't perfect. It was exactly what I was hoping it would be though. I just wonder if the people who are saying that there wasn't enough action have ever actually seen a Godzilla movie before.

Just because previous films (although this is a Western-made Godzilla, not Japanese) had a flaw does not excuse future films from having the same one. Now whether the sparsity of action was a flaw or not is up for debate. Personally I think it was. It could've used the
fight at the airport. It had an insane buildup to it then CUTAWAY TO KID WATCHING IT ON TV FOR A FEW SECONDS LAWL

I think they didn't do it for budgeting reasons.


I'm not reading anything unless it's a direct quote on me: is it that good guys? I need the assurance of real nerds and not paycheck corporate journalist wanna be nerds.

So please some one quote me with a big ass YES or NO so I know I can buy my IMAX 3D ticket with a semi loaded and waiting.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I liked it, but I'd tend to agree with the criticism that there wasn't enough Godzilla. It's not that I minded how they teased his presence, that was well done. But I would've added another ~10 minutes of G in full action. The MUTOs end up getting more real screen time than Godzilla does. An extended cut that lets you see how the Honolulu airport fight plays out in full glory rather than just via CNN clips would be nice, for example.


I would hate to hear how some of you feel about the original Godzilla movie which didn't show that much of him either. Had we gotten a giant Godzilla fight for 2 hours, shit would have gotten stale mad quick.
I'm not reading anything unless it's a direct quote on me: is it that good guys? I need the assurance of real nerds and not paycheck corporate journalist wanna be nerds.

In 2014 there's almost no difference between the two.

Either take a chance or don't. It's just a movie about a giant atomic lizard either way.


Just because previous films (although this is a Western-made Godzilla, not Japanese) had a flaw does not excuse future films from having the same one. Now whether the sparsity of action was a flaw or not is up for debate. Personally I think it could've used the
fight at the airport. It had insane buildup to it then CUTAWAY TO KID WATCHING IT ON TV FOR A FEW SECONDS LAWL

It's not a flaw if it's just a staple of the franchise. I'd argue that all of the good Godzilla movies aren't actually about Godzilla or the action at all. The best movie in the franchise has the least amount of on-screen Godzilla, he fights no other monsters, and there's very little action. I agree that they should have
shown a bit more of the Hawaii battle before cutting away. That or either make it a quick thing where Godzilla one-shots the MUTO a-la how he wrecks Gigan in Final Wars
I don't know if I like the way Godzilla acted. He looked freaking cool, but he
acted tired...sluggish...I wonder if they did that to say hey...he's old, because he's been around since prehistoric times. Idk.

I think it's mainly because of how fucking huge he is. It wouldn't look right if he was running or doing anything overtly "man in suit-ish". Someone else pointed it out but he's basically a bear with a tail and him moving so slowly shows his true mass and the power he has.

You make Bryan Canston's character the protagonist and then you'd have to make even more contrived excuses as to why he keeps facing the MUTOs and Godzilla. Going with the soldier was the right decision for the kind of set pieces they wanted to make.
I think they really could have had the best of both worlds had they
kept Cranston alive, especially for the sequels.

His son is necessary as he makes a lot more sense to be at ground level with these monsters but lets face it, his dad is the one that knew them from a scientific standpoint.

Joe would be the connection from Brody to the higher brass who head the decisions on handling these situations because at the end of the day, Ford ain't gonna be making any discoveries about kaiju echolocation or some shit. Dude just defuses bombs. I think this was somewhat of a fairly large misstep really from a story pov. That's even disregarding all these, "wtf why u kill Mr. White" posts. They really should have kept him alive. Oh well.
I'm guessing for the sequel they'll probably change the cast because I see no reason any of these people would have to come together again unless the circumstances are really similar
another bomb to defuse


Totally solid. Clear plot, decent scope, and structurally tight. Just didn't transcend into "greatness" territory.

It was like totally well formulated..but missing something. First act was the best...mostly because of Cranston and the cool Japanese conspiracy vibe.

Also, Godzilla needs a redesign if there's a sequel. It doesn't have to be a full-on redesign...but as it stands...he looks like a durr bear. Chubby, kind of spaced out...but loyal and strong. Not scary. Every time they revealed his face, the audience would snicker, and a couple girls kept saying "awe". It was annoying, but I agree with them. He's cute.
It's not a flaw if it's just a staple of the franchise.

I completely disagree. A franchise can have staples that are flaws y'know. The Star Wars prequels had some pretty groan-worthy writing, is that a flawless staple? (edit: well I guess that's not really a staple, more of a goof, but you get my point)

I'd argue that all of the good Godzilla movies aren't actually about Godzilla or the action at all. The best movie in the franchise has the least amount of on-screen Godzilla, he fights no other monsters, and there's very little action.

Talking about the original Godzilla right? In that it worked. It's all about whether it works or not. Like I said, in 2014, there's a huge buildup to a fight that...we don't get to see because they don't show it.


Regarding Cranston's character:

He really would have had no purpose to serve had he not died. His entire point was to prove that he wasn't crazy and that something destroyed that reactor / killed his wife. After passing on the knowledge of the echo location stuff his character had literally nothing else to contribute to the plot that Watanabe's character couldn't have done.

I completely disagree. A franchise can have staples that are flaws y'know. The Star Wars prequels had some pretty groan-worthy writing, is that a flawless staple?

What is this I don't even. How about this as a more appropriate Star Wars comparison - Why would you show Luke blowing up the Death Star 60 minutes into the movie?
So basically all the complaints being leveled against this movie could also be leveled against the 1954 movie, which most people issuing the complaints would probably say is a classic. Alright.
Just go done seeing it and it was just ok. The parts when Godzilla are in it are breathtaking and worth seeing, but then you just have these long stretches with boring characters doing dumb things. Bryan Cranston's part was cut far too short, and the pacing felt languid. I wouldn't have minded that if they managed to make the human drama compelling or not have them act like idiots. All in all its much better than GINO but I expected more. :(


It was ok! Didn't care for the constant c-teasing! I definitely enjoyed PR more. In any case bring on more Kaiju movies!


It could have used more action scenes but I would definitely not call the movie awful. And yeah, he's kinda cute lol. I don't feel like they were going for scary with him though.


Regarding Cranston's character:

He really would have had no purpose to serve had he not died. His entire point was to prove that he wasn't crazy and that something destroyed that reactor / killed his wife. After passing on the knowledge of the echo location stuff his character had literally nothing else to contribute to the plot that Watanabe's character couldn't have done.
True, but we just like him moar though. =(
I'm not reading anything unless it's a direct quote on me: is it that good guys? I need the assurance of real nerds and not paycheck corporate journalist wanna be nerds.

So please some one quote me with a big ass YES or NO so I know I can buy my IMAX 3D ticket with a semi loaded and waiting.

They haven't fucked up the Godzilla character, so yes.

Watch it.

I already know I'm going to go see it again, grew up watching Godzilla movies and I would never have dreamed that a Hollywood movie would just nail Godzilla so well.


What I think about the complaint about the
airport fight cutaway
is that I don't think people understand what the build up was to.
It wasn't building up to a fight. It was building up to the reveal of these two finally meeting eachother. We already knew what was going to happen. They had a big, cool, fun setpiece scene that built up to Godzilla and the Muto finally meeting. It doesn't matter so much that they didn't fight, because we already knew they were going to. The payoff was finally seeing Godzilla in full, and finally seeing him meet the Muto. Having a fight scene there would have just made the movie drag on too much.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
holy shit that was bad.

edit : wow @ the praise it gets here.... wtf is wrong with this forum

Uh... More like WTF is wrong with you.

We're supposed to idolize the King of Monsters, that is the WHOLE point of the movie. Mankind is not in control of nature, we're simply at its mercy.

That was a true Godzilla movie and you will fucking like it.
Enjoyed the movie, not Pacific Rim level of good but enjoyable nonetheless. I have no idea why the main character, an EOD expert, never disarmed a bomb though.


True, but we just like him moar though. =(

Agreed, he's a better actor. It's just that if he stayed alive, we would have had two scientists standing around not entirely sure of what to do instead of just one.

For the record, I liked Serizawa in this movie. He was clearly smart enough to understand what was going on and that the military was going to completely fuck things up. But at the same time, after the MUTO breaks free he has this look on his face like he's still overwhelmed and can't think of a great plan on his own. I liked it, it made him feel a bit believable.


Just came back from a late night showing. I enjoyed seeing Godzilla on film and felt they did a great job with the character this time around vs the last US film. The fighting was great and there were lots of homages which I felt were enjoyable as a Godzilla fan.

That said other than seeing Godzilla on film, the rest of the film wasn't very enjoyable. There was no one likable in this film outside of "Godzilla's hype man", simply because he was Godzilla's hype man.

And all the "teasing" through out the film with the monster fights without really showing the confrontations until the end was annoying. It definitely would have helped the film if they had shown more of these fights and less people running away.
What is this I don't even. How about this as a more appropriate Star Wars comparison - Why would you show Luke blowing up the Death Star 60 minutes into the movie?

You know what I mean. Just because something's been a part of a franchise for a long time, doesn't mean it can't be a flaw.

Though it seems in this case, you agree it didn't work (I saw the edit).

Edit: Also your SW comparison isn't apt, because I wasn't talking about Godzilla winning the fight outright.


My friend actually pinned down his general malaise towards the film in a way I sort of agree with. The trailers, particularly that first one, had this grim dark vibe that was really sort of scary and intense. They all had a palpable sense of dread. In the film itself, things are a bit more heartfelt. Godzilla's not really all that scary, nor is the tone ever overly dark. The 1954 film definitely has more disturbing imagery than the reboot (for the poster who said the same complaints can be leveled against both films).

It's almost like I went in expecting a Nolanish Godzilla film, and came out with something more similar to a Spielberg Godzilla film. Don't take that analogy too far...as I think both of those filmmakers would have made a better film in their own way...but I definitely do think the expectations game might hurt the experience for some of the more hardcore film fans you might find on places like NeoGAF. It's not that what Gareth Edwards did was any better or worse than what I was expecting (like I said, it's a very tight, emotional, well executed film)...it was just... not quite what I was expecting in terms of tone.
Whole theatre walked out and not a sound throughout the whole watch.

Movie was one of the more boring experiences I've had the pleasure of witnessing in a long time. Such a huge waste of time. Boring humans, meaningless scale and exposition, amazingly dumb dialogue ("I'm the only one with a family in that city so let me board this train!") and an assurance that I'll be walking into avengers 2 with a mind fuck expectation that brother and sister will have a kid run up to them shouting "mommy" and "daddy".


The whole theater, huh.


You know what I mean. Just because something's been a part of a franchise for a long time, doesn't mean it can't be a flaw.

Though it seems in this case, you agree it didn't work in this instance (I saw the edit).

I agreed that they should have shown a little more of it. But showing the entire fight would have ruined it, because then you've played your trump card. The whole movie is effectively a slow build up to
Godzilla wrecking the MUTOs
so why would you do that
or show a scene that clearly establishes Godzilla's dominance
60 minutes into the movie?

You're also confusing actual flaws with your own personal tastes. Obi-Wan preaching patience to Anakin Skywalker and then impulsively jumping out of a window without a second thought is bad writing and a flaw. A Godzilla movie not focusing on monster fights and focusing on humans is a design choice you simply didn't like.


Junior Member
What purpose did it serve for Elizabeth Olsen not to
have gotten on the bus with her son?

She had zero value out there.

And what about "asshole family" in Hawaii? Run from the tsunami, run inside the building with my daughter and then CLOSES THE FUCKING DOOR, letting all those other families die.

The tsunami was a second away. What's he supposed to do? Hold the door open and let all the water come rushing in?


Yeah definitely wasn't as dark as I was expecting, it was actually humorous at times. It needed the dread. Cloverfield did a much better job of that.
The whole theater, huh.

It's always the whole theater.

It's never just the guy posting, or a couple other people in a nearby aisle.

It's always EVERYONE laughed out loud or EVERYONE started booing or EVERYONE started talking back to the screen or EVERYONE jumped out of their seats and launched into thunderous applause or EVERYONE filed out single-file, solemnly, as if leaving a funeral.

to the "It's part of what makes Godzilla Godzilla" argument here in the thread: You remake/reboot things because you think you can either take them in a different direction, or improve on them. "That's how ALL the movies are" isn't a great rebuttal to an honest criticism of the filmmaking/storytelling. Just because 30 other movies shared the same errors in judgment doesn't mean it's still not an error in judgment. Part of the reason Casino Royale is so well liked, for example, is because they DIDN'T make the same decisions the preceding movies made, and those variations made an impact on the audience.

Edwards had an opportunity to fix some of the bigger problems with the series when it comes to characterization - and a lot of people feel he didn't do that. That's a perfectly fair criticism to level at the film.
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