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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Saw it yesterday, bitterly disappointed. 4 (pushing 5) out of 10.

The opening credit reel was fantastic though. The music, the design, just perfection and probably the best opening (including the first 5/10 minutes) to a film i've seen in a long time.


Unconfirmed Member
So WTF, my IMAX is ONLY showing Godzilla in 3D? Why, why I say?

It'd pretty common that if it's in 3D to be on the biggest screen. I went to an XD 3D showing only because that's the time everyone else wanted to go. Didn't benefit much from the 3D though.
It'd pretty common that if it's in 3D to be on the biggest screen. I went to an XD 3D showing only because that's the time everyone else wanted to go. Didn't benefit much from the 3D though.

Yeah, I wish there was more IMAX 2D. 3D can get very, very annoying in some movies and it was actually pretty annoying in Godzilla due to all the ghosting artifacts that appeared .


As a pretty big godzilla fan, and as somebody who watched the first trailer and that early leak, I wasn't expecting this godzilla
to be a "good guy".

I was truly expecting a movie that was really dark, really serious. I was expecting some badass evil Godzilla like GMK, where he is a overwhelming force for everybody he fights or even an anti-hero like the Nineties movies or even a nuclear menace with a message like the first film. but he isn't any of those...

At the end of the film I really did expect him to turn around and nuke the cityscape with breath and roar and head into the ocean, a final display of dominance. but nope.

Leaving the film I was let down, but the more I think about it, I okay with this Godzilla being different than I envisioned. The GMK Godzilla is a badass, and this one new one is too, just in there unique ways. I think this new movie plays it safely, as in it doesn't make any existing movie look less effective in message or tone.

All that said, I am let down by the breath weapon it was awesome in presentation and that finishing moment but otherwise I feel it failed with its power level... Sorry.

I will be seeing it again, I got all the movies on DVD/bluray. I'm going to at least see it twice, how ever the pacing of the movie makes it hard to wanna watch a bunch a times


Yeah, I wish there was more IMAX 2D. 3D can get very, very annoying in some movies and it was actually pretty annoying in Godzilla due to all the ghosting artifacts that appeared .

I only noticed a couple instances of ghosting, but yeah it was annoying. It's not the worst 3D in a modern movie that I've ever seen, but I would have preferred watching it in 2D.
Okay, I'm not sure how to feel about this.

On one hand, FUCK YEAH
fatality killing at the end.

On the other.....Jesus Christ did this movie focus on the WRONG things.

I'm in the camp that enjoyed '98 more. As much as it gets a bad rep, I can actually sit through the entire thing when it's on and not be bored to tears.

This one? Yeah, I doubt I'll even buy it on Blu-Ray, and if I do, definitely skipping the beginning straight to the fights.


Was this on an IMAX screen or just normal theater 3D?

IMAX. The ghosting I saw was on a couple lights in the background on the ship after the MUTO reveal. Like I said, not a huge deal, but I would have preferred 2D. Overall I felt the 3D didn't enhance the movie in anyway so the couple instances of ghosting stood out to me.


These are awesome:


I bought these, especially the chibi mothra and ghidorah. :3 they are really adorable.


Okay, I'm not sure how to feel about this.

On one hand, FUCK YEAH
fatality killing at the end.

On the other.....Jesus Christ did this movie focus on the WRONG things.

I'm in the camp that enjoyed '98 more. As much as it gets a bad rep, I can actually sit through the entire thing when it's on and not be bored to tears.

This one? Yeah, I doubt I'll even buy it on Blu-Ray, and if I do, definitely skipping the beginning straight to the fights.

Nope. I can buy the argument that the humans just weren't interesting enough (don't agree), but the focus on them was the right move, considering its based on 1954 Godzilla especially. I agree that the movie should have been trimmed down for pacing though.
Nope. I can buy the argument that the humans just weren't interesting enough (don't agree), but the focus on them was the right move, considering its based on 1954 Godzilla especially. I agree that the movie should have been trimmed down for pacing though.

I'm mainly annoyed at the blue-balling through the whole movie. Like come the fuck on.
loved the movie i hope it does well enough to warrant a sequel with more full on daylight crisp blue sea blue sky godzilla action.

when it got to the point showing the two monsters fighting on the news i was giddy as all hell

saw it at the drive in though and the final battle was unbearably dark. i wish they had shown it second as it wasn't really dark enough yet. so most of the fight until the atomic breath i honestly couldn't make out. ill probably go see it in theaters later next week.

i liked the heavy character pov but i really hope its put to maybe 1/3 of the film in the next. id rather it just went to like a jet pilots pov for a moment until he smacks into a monster and then a free floating camera back to the monsters. thats my dream. tech is probably a bit behind something like that though


They played up the anti-hero/hero angle pretty slyly, specifically when
Godzilla conveniently rises and blocks the wayward rockets about to hit the school bus on the bridge
. Subtle enough to not weigh in definitively on either side.
I don't think the time for these new Gofzilla movies would fit MechaGodzilla. I want more animal fighting.
Mechagodzilla solo wouldn't be a good idea, I agree. I'd want Godzilla to fight multiple monsters. Maybe MG and some lesser Monsters vs Godzilla.

I could actually see a PR/Godzilla crossover,even though I would have been against it before seeing this.


Outside of the Climax and
atomic breath


Emmerich's film is a bad Godzilla film, no doubt, but at the very goddamn LEAST the human scenes didn't have me bored to tears. The pacing is offensively bad. The editors need to be fired. Screenwriters too. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to
Kill Bryan's character so early?
. At that moment I knew it was all downhill from there. Never recovered.

Only thing this does better is special effects/CGI and obviously monster vs Monster action.

Saw this movie today, loved it.

Man those
finishers Godzilla used on the MUTOs were amazing

I hope the sequel uses more of Toho's monsters.


I did not like this movie. I thought outside of 1 or 2 cool things that the story writing and acting were all fairly bland.

It's feels like a bad attempt at the 90s disaster movies.
You don't have to love Godzilla to realize the '98 movie is irredeemable garbage.

So what does that make this film?

Godzilla was pretty much a background character.

Title of film is inaccurate. Should've been "Here's a bunch of humans who's name you won't remember! Oh and here's a giant lizard too."


So what does that make this film?

Godzilla was pretty much a background character.

Title of film is inaccurate. Should've been "Here's a bunch of humans who's name you won't remember! Oh and here's a giant lizard too."

I guess the title of the '54 original is wrong too. I'm not sure why people expected 30+ minutes of Godzilla destroying stuff when it was very clear that that wouldn't be the case.
Film was great, satisfied! Also the Toho films often had a lot of 'boring human stuff' too, it was at least engaging this time!

(Godzilla vs King Ghidorah is still my fav though)


I didn't expect the gaf thread to be this divisive. After seeing the film I knew general audiences would have mixed reactions to the delayed gratification of a full on monster fight, but I thought gaf would appreciate it. At very least I thought Godzilla-Gaf would appreciate it. I thought the filmmakers were very smart in showing most of the action from a human point of view. That way they avoided loosing sense of the true scale of these monsters. Even the constant teasing was fun because the pay-off, in my theater at least, was enough to satisfy the audience.


I guess the title of the '54 original is wrong too. I'm not sure why people expected 30+ minutes of Godzilla destroying stuff when it was very clear that that wouldn't be the case.

You're missing a key point: '54 actually had a cast that didn't annoy the fuck out of you and the parts where G-Man wasn't being a boss had weight and kept the audience's attention all while delivering an important message to boot.

This and '54 are so different that there's no reason to compare the two.


for the most part we do. Even those dissatisfied with the pacing/cockteasing have acknowledged they got Godzilla right

Maybe you're right. I guess internet hyperbole is getting on my nerves today is all. To me, there was no single actor in this movie that was as bad as any of the principal actors in '98 Godzilla. In fact I don't see any comparison at all. I thought this movie really hit all the classic beats of a good Godzilla flick.
I've seen the movie twice now.

I give godzilla himself 10/10
I give the movie itself a 7/10

Cool movie. Only think is cut oit the train scene. Instead id replace it with more Honolulu footage.

I loved how godzilla fought in this one. Reminded me of a bear.
You're missing a key point: '54 actually had a cast that didn't annoy the fuck out of you and the parts where G-Man wasn't being a boss had weight and kept the audience's attention all while delivering an important message to boot.

This and '54 are so different that there's no reason to compare the two.

What? Oh, come on. The main scientist and several other characters were so melodramatic.

And are you saying the final battle didn't have weight?
Goddamn, this movie was amazing. From visuals to music to just sheer awesomeness, I was riveted. The human characters could've been a bit more interesting, but it seems that's becoming par the course for monster movies.

atomic breath


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
The movie was such a disappointment.

It needed more Godzilla vs army, tanks, jets scenes, and more actual Godzilla scenes. It would have helped to have actually picked an actor who could have carried the movie and who could have actually "acted".

"Friendly, Savior" Godzilla fucking sucks ass. I want my Godzilla 1985, fighting "Super X" back.


The movie was such a disappointment.

It needed more Godzilla vs army, tanks, jets scenes, and more actual Godzilla scenes. It would have helped to have actually picked an actor who could have carried the movie and who could have actually "acted".

"Friendly, Savior" Godzilla fucking sucks ass. I want my Godzilla 1985, fighting "Super X" back.

What? Oh, come on. The main scientist and several other characters were so melodramatic.

And are you saying the final battle didn't have weight?

Dr. Daisuke Serizawa in the original film was incredibly melodramatic, I really like that they made Watanabe's Dr. Ishiro Serizawa (supposedly the original's son) a bit melodramatic too. Not to mention Emiko was much more stereotypical than Elle Brody, though she did actually get some lines.

While I feel that Emily Olsen's character was an unnecessary damsel in distress instead of actually being a useful female character I did enjoy the human element over all. Both times that they teased a fight but switched away to Ford I felt strong anticipation. I wanted to see the monsters fight, but I knew that if they were cutting away like that when the fight did finally come it would be worth the wait. It was without a doubt. I really enjoyed that teasing.

You can really tell that Edwards is a real Godzilla fan and did his homework. In almost every movie you have the human characters in some way helping or hurting Godzilla. As such you can't show Godzilla too much or else it lessens the impact of the human characters.

In earlier films you would have layouts where the bad kaiju was rampaging for a while before Godzilla showed up to fight. Same thing happened in this film. Also you typically have a part where the bad kaiju gets the upper hand on Godzilla and the actions of the humans help restore the favor of the fight to Godzilla (Hedorah, Terror of Mechgodzilla, Final Wars just to name a few), in this film it does as well.

Most importantly, and surprisingly was how they made Godzilla not into a malevolent force that only fought the other kaiju because they infringed on his turf and sought to cause damage to humanity (Gojira, 2000, Final Wars, GMK, post-KG Heisei) but rather into, while not a "friend" to humanity, an ally that had no desire to destroy what humanity built and fought the other kaiju to "restore balance" or save the world (post-G3HM Showa for the most part and the end of Final Wars). Having Godzilla return to the ocean without rampaging through the city following the fight made me tear up. I never thought that we would have a "good" Godzilla ever again.
Dr. Daisuke Serizawa in the original film was incredibly melodramatic, I really like that they made Watanabe's Dr. Ishiro Serizawa (supposedly the original's son) a bit melodramatic too. Not to mention Emiko was much more stereotypical than Elle Brody, though she did actually get some lines.
Cheese is something I expect and come to enjoy out of Godzilla movies. I really liked that Dr. Serizawa from 2014 was a bit melodramatic and just spouted off these cheesy, awesome lines.
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