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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Seeing the film again later this evening. Can't wait to see all this again:
– The opening title sequence (I actually missed this the first time around)
– The discovery of the two MUTOs awakened by the earlier nuclear activity in the 50s.
– The scene in the nuclear power plant.
– Joe and Ford going back to their old house; Joe seeing his son's birthday sign.
– The male MUTO breaking out.
– The scene at Hawaii.
– Godzilla swimming alongside the aircraft carriers.
– The whole train sequence.
– And, of course, the final fight.


I did not know this about the movie, and thought it was interesting.

Haruo Nakajima,the actor that played Godzilla in the original movies, actually took a very creative part in making the new Godzilla. He coordinated some of the scenes, and expressed gratitude towards the strongly emphasized human dimension in the movie, claiming that it reflects much better the original intentions of the creators of the original movie.

Haruo Nakajima

Haruo Nakajima says a true Godzilla must be a figure of pathos as it destroys buildings and bridges in its path.
He should know. He was the first Godzilla.
Nakajima, 85, was a stunt actor in samurai films when he was approached to take the Godzilla role. He had to invent the character from scratch, and went to the zoo to study the way elephants and bears moved.
The suit was so hot, especially under the glaring lights on set, the sweat he wrung from the shirt off his back would fill half a bucket, he recalled.
“I am the original, the real thing,” he said, stressing that later Godzillas are mere imitations. “If Godzilla can’t walk properly, it’s nothing but a freak show.”
The theme of his Godzilla was grander and more complex, addressing universal human problems, as it spoke to a Japan that still remembered wartime suffering, he said.
“It’s not some cowboy movie,” Nakajima said proudly, sitting among sepia-toned photos of him as a young man and Godzilla figures in his apartment.
“Everyone asks me to play Godzilla again,” he said. “My Godzilla was the best.”



did you not read his post? he had no expectations. just came out wishing it went a different direction in the end. there's a difference.

your words; not mine.to clarify, my point was Cloverfield did a far better job at evoking a sense of dread, fear and hopelessness than this movie did. The defense force on this movie is getting really silly.

Oh really?

Cloverfeld had far fewer action scenes in it but you were invested far more into the characters and their plight.

The hate force on this movie is getting really silly. I expect this kind of crap on IMDB not here.


I thought they transported the bombs by train because it's unfeasible to do so by helicopter. If you're worried about an emp blast, fly a little higher. If the MUTOs can sense nuclear payloads from anywhere in the world, you have a better bet with a highly mobile, quicker mode of transport that's inaccessible to 2 out of the 3 monsters.

Better yet, fire the damn thing from a sub.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
When was the last time an action summer blockbuster movie starred the main human character as an old grandpa instead of a young white guy?

Did you want grandpop to break a hip running away from all the destruction?

The old grandpa was the one featured in all the trailers. You barely ever saw Ford.


I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Even as an old school Godzilla fan I had no low expectations for this but I was pleasantly surprised just how much fun I had.

However there was one moment that totally took me out of the film. One moment of lazy scripting that made me go WTF?

ATJ's solider character comes back from Afghan (I assume) after 14 months. It's his first night home with his family. He gets a call that he has to go and bail out his estranged Dad from jail..., IN JAPAN. WHAT?! That's utterly ludicrous.

It's amazing to me that it was that bit of lazy plotting that totally took me out of a film about giant monsters for a couple of beats.

Still it was great fun and I would actually recommend it.
I thought they transported the bombs by train because it's unfeasible to do so by helicopter. If you're worried about an emp blast, fly a little higher. If the MUTOs can sense nuclear payloads from anywhere in the world, you have a better bet with a highly mobile, quicker mode of transport that's inaccessible to 2 out of the 3 monsters.

Better yet, fire the damn thing from a sub.

flying muto
pretty much makes any sort of transport by air completely unfeasible as evidenced by him
knocking fighter jets from the sky.


So basically all the complaints being leveled against this movie could also be leveled against the 1954 movie, which most people issuing the complaints would probably say is a classic. Alright.

The Return of Godzilla too, was quite a slow burn too. Very different from 1985, that really cut a lot of stuff, guess they figured American audiences were impatient. I love both versions though, lol.

I can understand people's complaints, just glad they really mean little to me personally. Just hate people's tendency on this forum (and in-general I suppose) to consider anything they don't like or appreciate terrible, such a self-centered mindset. I really don't see this movie as objectively terrible, not even close.

However there was one moment that totally took me out of the film. One moment of lazy scripting that made me go WTF?

ATJ's solider character comes back from Afghan (I assume) after 14 months. It's his first night home with his family. He gets a call that he has to go and bail out his estranged Dad from jail..., IN JAPAN. WHAT?! That's utterly ludicrous.

I just thought the dude was the most unlucky fucker in the world. Right after deployment? Brutal.
I think for me to have really enjoyed this movie all it needed was
a bit more of a proper fight at the Airport. The setup to that was fucking badass and then it fizzled away and left me feeling unsatisfied and upset the balance for me.
Just a tiny bit more action there would have broken up the mundane human parts a small bit more and it would have felt more balanced overall and the pacing would have suited me.

I don't need Godzilla every 5 seconds and a whole movie dedicated to him but just a small bit more
Since this is the aptly named Legendary Godzilla thread, here is some random stuff;

Upcoming SH MonsterArts Godzilla


Maybe now that Toho see's Legendary can handle Godzilla proper, they will let them have access to the whole roster. Although I wouldn't mind more
new Kaiju!

Beautiful. Reminds me that Neca has a figure coming out as well.


The 98 film being better, Cloverfield having better characters.

What the hell happened here?
The GAF hyperbole machine collapsing in on itself.
Yeah, but the same is true for a slow ass train on a linear track.
Because of the MUTOs' EMP capability, whatever way the military decides to deploy the bomb, there are potential problems with the delivery method.
Plus the male MUTO can swim.

It's a no-win scenario.


Because of the MUTOs' EMP capability, whatever way the military decides to deploy the bomb, there are potential problems with the delivery method.
Plus the male MUTO can swim.

It's a no-win scenario.

Man, that when they showed the damn
"sphere of influence"
, I was holy fuck these MUTOs are real. Such a devastating passive ability, mankind would have been fucked alone.


Some guy has all the redacted parts from the opening credits, they're fun :

Thank you for this! The opening credits here are one of my favorites in a long time. I always dig the whole "redacted document" stuff.
Great great opener and that title plate was so bad ass especially in 3D

Only thing disappointing in the movie to me was the score. It was so over the top a couple of times it bordered on distracting. I would have preferred no music to that

Would you have preferred something akin to what the trailers had?

I actually ended up really liking the score and have had the main theme stuck in my head for the past two days now, but something as dreary as the 2001 score would've worked, too, I think.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Then this is a case of you going in with the wrong expectations, which isn't the movie's fault. You're criticizing the film for what you'd like to be rather than what it is.
I'm all for managing expectations but you can't simply dismiss criticism like this. One can like a movie for what is and still feel it was lacking. Any form of art can and should be criticized from the eye's of the beholder, not simply from an estimation of whether the artist achieved their intended vision.


Because of the MUTOs' EMP capability, whatever way the military decides to deploy the bomb, there are potential problems with the delivery method.
Plus the male MUTO can swim.

It's a no-win scenario.

A train is literally the worst option available. I don't actually care that much from a feasibility standpoint,
it's just that the train set piece did nothing for me. It's a disappointing leg on the ultimately pointless bomb plot line. So it's easier for me to question the direction of the writing.

The male MUTO can't swim to anywhere in the world. Tactical nukes seem to be the real option, here.


flying muto
pretty much makes any sort of transport by air completely unfeasible as evidenced by him
knocking fighter jets from the sky.

Somebody should have told the poor pilots that, so they wouldn't circle the city with a huge EMP monster around that everyone already knows about. But hey, we wouldn't get a cool shot for the trailers then. :)


Just came back from the IMAX 3D screening.

The atomic breath scene really made it for me. Was not expecting it at all!

Also loved the ending where he just disappears underwater and the movie closes with calm seas.
Boom .


You didn't enjoy
the mutos hiding out atop the mountain when the train was passing through??
I thought that was a great scene.

The only thing that took me out of the movie outside of ATJs pre-pubescent voice was

who hung that happy birthday sign???
I really enjoyed the movie.

I do agree that after all the buildup, the payoff could have been a little longer. But that payoff. It was good.

So, whatever happened to this?



I really enjoyed the movie.

I do agree that after all the buildup, the payoff could have been a little longer. But that payoff. It was good.

So, whatever happened to this?

It was from like a concept trailer 2 years ago(comic onl, probably why it kept on getting taken down, it was never intended to be in the film
A train is literally the worst option available.
How so?
The male MUTO can't swim to anywhere in the world. Tactical nukes seem to be the real option, here.
True, but that makes a submarine infeasible, as the male MUTO can swim. Also, a tactical nuke as in fired at the monsters form a remote location? Then how do you lure them all into one area?

Somebody should have told the poor pilots that, so they wouldn't circle the city with a huge EMP monster around that everyone already knows about. But hey, we wouldn't get a cool shot for the trailers then. :)
You need eyes in the sky to keep track of the male and female MUTO. Plus, as the film showed, the EMP range of the MUTOs is immense.

Edwards coordinated with the DoD, asking them how they would realistically handle such a crisis. The military's main role is supposed to be peacekeepers and be focused on saving lives.


Just got back from second viewing. There's one more thing I now appreciate:

Monarch and the military were pretty rational as far as organisations go in movies like this. Monarch did their operation in secret because they're studying giant monsters who are eating radiation. The military played the usual role of "we totally have to drop bombs before it's too late" but was open to suggestions earlier, even seriously thinking strategies to minimize casualties. No forced antagonistic human character just because. It's basically humans trying (and failing hard) to minimize casualties on a disaster.

Also it didn't end with the bomb defused, for once.
I was really enjoyed this movie despite some flaws I agree that
Bryan Cranston should've been the main character he had a interesting story since his introduction and it was cut short the minute it started to unravel
Aaron Johnson I felt was serviceable as the lead my connection to him was established well enough from
Cranston and his own family with Elizabeth Olsens character who was also underused
. My main gripes come from the a lot of underused characters from a lot of great actors Wannabe, Olsen and Cranston etc. The monster stuff was excellent the Mutos and Godzilla were fully realized as monsters with enough animal instinct and behaviors to make them believable. Id give the movie a 8.5 much better than the 98 version and a very good blockbuster.
Am I crazy, or were there a ton of nods to Jurassic Park in this movie?

Opening sequence with Helicopter looked straight out of JP, and the scenes it led to had a distinct JP feel
MUTO breaking free just had the feel of the Tyrannosaur escape
School bus (?) driver wiping off the window to see Godzilla
Not to mention a shit ton of Dinosaur toys and props in scenes
The 98 film being better, Cloverfield having better characters.

What the hell happened here?

The movie was awesome. It's been fairly well reviewed. It looks like it's going to be a monster hit. The GAF backlash squad is just getting warmed up. Pretty soon this movie will be as reviled as Nolan's Batman flicks.


Am I crazy, or were there a ton of nods to Jurassic Park in this movie?

Opening sequence with Helicopter looked straight out of JP, and the scenes it led to had a distinct JP feel
MUTO breaking free just had the feel of the Tyrannosaur escape
School bus (?) driver wiping off the window to see Godzilla
Not to mention a shit ton of Dinosaur toys and props in scenes

I absolutely felt Jurassic park beats.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
The easiest fix for this movie is CHARACTER SPOILERS
keep Bryan Cranston alive and then build the movie around his character. The scene he was in were all serviceable, and some even great (the quarantine zone and speech in the interrogation room). Everything else was Days of Tomorrow-level popcorn fluff when it came to dialogue. The movie went downhill after his death until the monsters finally showed up in full.

Overall it sits in my mind as a good popcorn flick with an amazing last 30 minutes of action. Godzilla himself was amazing so that gives me great hope for the inevitable sequels coming our way.
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