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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


If I read the 1998 Nick Tatapolis joke filled, super french frenchmen, with Aubrey who can't act for crap, and a Godzilla who looks like a T-rex, and does nothing but run the entire movie, is better than this film, or any other Godzilla movie, and pretty much rips off Jurassic Park horribly, I'ma hurl.


Definitely didn't like the teasing. I heard many people in the audience proclaiming, "That's stupid,"
when the door was closing behind Elle Brody as Godzilla takes a bite at the flying Muto. I had to agree, the teasing at that point annoyed me, since I am guessing it was already 80-minutes into the movie.

I felt Pacific Rim gave me what I wanted: monster action. Maybe the advertisements and marketing of the movie indicated it wasn't going to be a ton of monster action, but I tried to block all that out. Godzilla himself was great though.


I didn't care about Ford's wife but she was only in the movie for like 10 minutes so it didn't bother me that much. The human element in the second half could have been done much better
especially if Bryan Cranston had lived
but I can't say it's so much bad as it is rather rote.
Maybe you're right. I guess internet hyperbole is getting on my nerves today is all. To me, there was no single actor in this movie that was as bad as any of the principal actors in '98 Godzilla. In fact I don't see any comparison at all. I thought this movie really hit all the classic beats of a good Godzilla flick.
i hear ya. I'll take something dry and "boring" over insulting. There were no intellectually disrespectful, groanworthy one liners in this for the sake of cheap laughs. Its the reason I can't rewatch any of the transformers and makes sitting through Emmerich movies a second time such a chore.

Maybe the bar is that low now, but I can appreciate when a movie isn't pandering to the lowest common denominator
Movie was awesome. I loved the tenseness throughout. It was also great how we saw a lot of the destruction indirectly on the tv news. It was just sad that one of the most interesting human characters died so early, as he was the only one with true motive. Bring on the sequel!
Just saw it with two friends. Loved it from beginning to end and didn't mind the teasing at all. Gave Godzilla's proper appearance more weight. Still would have enjoyed classic monsters more but I guess they need to save King Ghidora for a sequel. Believe.

dat mothra easter egg/tease
That's some dedication. Hopefully the second time adds even more context to the film. I know I have to go again and really sink into it.

I need to go back and see it without a two year old running up and down the aisles with her dumbass parents not doing a thing to control her.
I need to go back and see it without a two year old running up and down the aisles with her dumbass parents not doing a thing to control her.

This is why you go to movie theaters that mandate all customers with small children into another section of the theater.

Thank christ I didn't deal with that bullshit


I need to go back and see it without a two year old running up and down the aisles with her dumbass parents not doing a thing to control her.

I went with someone who clearly didn't want to be there from the start. I've been a Godzilla fan since I was 4. I've seen them all multiple times and I even enjoyed '98. I'm sure some of my criticism will still stand but for me to go "welp, I'm disappointed." Is completely out of character.
This is why you go to movie theaters that mandate all customers with small children into another section of the theater.

Thank christ I didn't deal with that bullshit

I don't have that many options where I live. Thankfully though my local drive-in theater (one of the few left in the state) just got new digital projectors and is showing Godzilla. I will be going to see it again next Friday. I'm bringing my high-quality radio headphones for the best sound (they use a local radio system for the audio rather than speakers).


Loved it. Thought there was plenty of monster action, including Godzilla. By the end of it you see everything you want him to do. No complaints. The CG was spectacular and the action very well done. They did right by Godzilla. Its going to be hard for me to like another summer blockbuster more this year.
My friend wants to see it so I think I'm gonna go with him again and try appreciate it for what it IS this time instead of what it COULD have been. I feel I'm being a bit harsh on it


Saw it last night with the GF. She really liked it, but I was kind of disappointed. I don't think it was a bad film per se, but the beginning REALLY dragged. There was enough Godzilla to keep me satisfied, but I really didn't care about the human characters.

It also had 'generic army guy' syndrome which really bothers me in films. During the
bridge scene with the train and nuke
I actually wasn't able to identify which person was the main character. That kind of stuff really bothers me. In general, the main character was just really boring.

Best parts were
Watanabe's line "Let them fight!
Godzilla breath weapon fatality attack to MUTO 2
. Otherwise the movie is rather forgettable. 5/10.
That's some dedication. Hopefully the second time adds even more context to the film. I know I have to go again and really sink into it.

I caught my second showing this morning and found the movie to be even more enjoyable when not have to wait and wonder when the big man was going to show up next.

I picked up on some neat little scenes I'd missed the first time, like the foreshadowing with the
dragon's head in the oil and flame
that Dax mentioned, the two
Easter eggs, (I'd previously missed the
), and the Gareth Edwards cameo. Seeing the film in 2D made the climactic fight easier to follow as well, and the viewing experience as a whole was all the better for not having that post-converted nonsense.

atomic breath
was no less thrilling the second time around; I still tensed up when
Godzilla's dorsal plates started lighting up
in the dust and darkness, and the
Kiss of death
deserves a spot near the top of the Big G's Greatest Hits, (right behind 1973's "Flying Drop Kick").


I caught my second showing this morning and found the movie to be even more enjoyable when not have to wait and wonder when the big man was going to show up next.

I picked up on some neat little scenes I'd missed the first time, like the foreshadowing with the
dragon's head in the oil and flame
that Dax mentioned, the two
Easter eggs,

That's great to hear! Those Easter eggs made me realize that there's probably a slim chance I'll get to see
in this series.
Movie was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it the entire way. Everything everyones been proclaiming as great I completely agree with! I do love that on the ship, the name they used to track Godzilla gave me a huge smile.
I wonder how many monster movies fit this ratio. You'd be surprised.

Even if I'd never seen a monster movie previous to this, I'd imagine S.O.P is save your monster fight for the end.

Even when the monster is a guy in a zip up rubber suit and your city is a bunch of cardboard boxes - that shit isn't cheap. You know what IS cheap? People talking.

This is PRECISELY why monster movies adopt the pacing they do. It's a storytelling conceit borne out of the reality of budgeting.
IMAX. The ghosting I saw was on a couple lights in the background on the ship after the MUTO reveal. Like I said, not a huge deal, but I would have preferred 2D. Overall I felt the 3D didn't enhance the movie in anyway so the couple instances of ghosting stood out to me.

Hmmm, I see, been figuring it might still be worth it for the screen size/audio but I'll look into what other theaters offer near my area.



Definitely didn't like the teasing. I heard many people in the audience proclaiming, "That's stupid,"
when the door was closing behind Elle Brody as Godzilla takes a bite at the flying Muto. I had to agree, the teasing at that point annoyed me, since I am guessing it was already 80-minutes into the movie.

I felt Pacific Rim gave me what I wanted: monster action. Maybe the advertisements and marketing of the movie indicated it wasn't going to be a ton of monster action, but I tried to block all that out. Godzilla himself was great though.
Pacific Rim was good, but it wasn't no "biggest opener of 2014" like this was

We enjoyed it, that niche audience, that doesn't mean the general public did

Though I wonder if now after seeing this movie people will go and pick up Pac Rim to satisfy that Kaiju fix


Initially I liked that it took its time and that it seemed more grounded than these type of movies usually are. Then it just really started to drag. It really never recovered pacing wise, at least for me. It doesn't help that the movie is completely self serious, a little levity would have gone a long way. Say what you will about Bay's movies, they never outright bore you.

The final battle was too little too late, and was not as impressive as reviews and impressions made it out to be.


I just find Pacific Rim to be a cheesy hollywood blockbuster, like Godzilla isn't thank god. I was literally in awe watching the big G unlike PR
Pacific Rim is an action movie featuring giant robots fighting giant monsters. This film is a disaster movie where the disaster just happens to be a giant monster attack. They aren't that comparable.
Godzilla is infinitely superior. I don't know what people see on Pacific Rim.
Probably just the action. The action scenes were really well done, and very "FUCK YEAH!!"
I think a lot of people(including myself)who saw Pacific Rim and have no serious Godzilla knowledge(outside of a few old clips, pop culture references, and the 98 american film)thought we'd be getting PR with a giant reptile as the lead. :/

- J - D -

This is a pretty good film. Fantastic build-up, lots of tense moments with a big payoff at the end. The human element was okay, and it helps if you're able to put yourself in the situation, or draw some kind of empathic connection to those who've been in catastrophic, real-life events. It did lean a bit heavier on the human drama than I would have liked though, and the bulk of it wasn't strong enough moment-to-moment to carry the film when there wasn't an immediate threat onscreen (or off) from one of the
big bads.

I have to admit, this wasn't the kind of Godzilla film I was expecting. I left the theater earlier today a bit befuddled. I think I generally liked what I saw, but I felt the movie itself wasn't the one being sold in the early trailers. The one that looked as if there was a hopelessness for our kind, that we were on our last legs. That there was nothing we could do but cower in fear against these world-breaking beings. That these were forces of nature that would leave millions dead in their wake. It seemed like it would be that film until the last third, when all of the destruction happening therein lacked immediate danger, despite the looming threat of the
nuke going off

It's funny, I watched Gareth Edward's Monsters the other night to prepare for this, and in some sense I was expecting more of that film to show itself in Godzilla, but it never really materialized, tonally.

One last thing, I wish they didn't have the shot near the end of the giant screen showing a news-channel snippet about Godzilla being a
"savior of the human race"
, followed by the shot of
Ken Watanabe's scientist partner smiling
. That was a big misstep.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
There's a few things that I didn't get, that I believe are probably unrealistic, unless I'm missing something...

I really wish Joe Brody's wife wasn't shown to be outrunning the radiation (that shouldn't be possible) and didn't make it to the door to see Brody before she ultimately died -- she was nowhere near the door when Brody originally closed it. Also, the bomb on the boat -- could that boat even support the bomb's weight? Also, when it exploded, it seemed like a fairly small explosion compared to the "megaton" bomb it was supposed to be. I think Ford Brody probably shouldn't have survived the explosion/nuclear fallout from it.

Again, unless I'm missing some things, it just doesn't seem like that stuff was that realistic (and I know that I'm talking about realism in a monster movie, but this stuff was a little too unrealistic to be believable for me). It's also not like that stuff couldn't have been reworked to make it more consistent either.


Anything think there should have been
more monster vs monster footage
than anything else?
Good movie but really slow to get going and when it looked like you were going to see some epic monster battle they always cut the shot to something else.


I just have to bring up the scale comparison between this film and the 98 version

One fits on a bridge, one does not



And my biggest complaint didn't even take place in the movie

It happened before the movie, as the theater went through its little screen display "Imax initiation" and the sound system tuning up, they played the Godzilla roar....
I wanted the first time hearing it in film


I'd be in the dick
I read the Awakening tie in comic today and I wish that could have been incorporated into the movie somehow.

It fills in how Watanabe's character knows so much about the relation between the MUTO parasites and Godzilla. That was my biggest complaint with the script, since it almost felt like this movie was a sequel with the abrupt way they introduce Big G.
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