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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Because it does a far better job of portraying what a monster attacking a city feels like. There was a feeling of actual chaos. This godzilla reboot does none of that. It focusses solely on the characters who are pathetic. When it focusses on the monsters, there is no chaos as most of the time it cuts of. Godzilla in this movie seemed incapable of destroying anything let alone the MUTO's. Must be a very peace loving version of Godzilla because he was nowhere close to being terrifying. The spiders in cloverfield subway alone evoked more terror than this lumbering boredom.

You guys are all over the place. Godzilla didn't have enough monsters, and focused too much on humans. Yet Cloverfield is somehow better, although 90% of the film follows humans. And humans who offer zero depth, and literally repeat the same lines over and over again. If all it takes to show terror to the viewers is people running from something, then Godzilla did that too. Cranston showed more depth than most show in any kind of drama,
despite him not being in the whole film.

Godzilla (2014) showed immense carnage, and desperation. What you wanted was shaky cam footage, no monster, and shallow characters running around for 2 hours as the next Godzilla film?

I don't think you really explained anything anymore than i did.

And I disagree. I listed several reasons why Cloverfield is simply an inferior product. It tried to capture what Godzilla has done many times decades before it. Most people weren't receptive to it, and it just doesn't hold up to other films in the genre.

I don't think the casting or writing was any worse than what we got in godzilla (godzilla had better actors but didn't take advantage of it so there was no real benefit). It's not like you have really expanded on why you feel that way so it's basically both of us just giving our opinions. Just telling me i'm wrong won't sway me nor do i expect it to sway you.

So who was in that film, again? I'm sure without google, you couldn't tell me off top. That casting was the last thing on the list, I'm sure. They aren't even B tier actors.

I was more interested in the humans in cloverfield. I at least felt like they had some motive and there was some emotion involved in what happened to them. In fact the film was really about their journey moreso than the monster in that film.

I don't recall much of any emotion in that film. We had young people running and screaming, and frustrated at their situation (as best as they could). However the connection between the giant monster and the victims is indirect. You can easily replace the monster with a natural disaster, and the film would barely change.

On a side note i'd add that i find it really annoying when people question your opinion like that as if i need to justify. I enjoyed cloverfield more than godzilla, not everyone is able to articulate exactly why. Does that make their opinion wrong? Can you perfectly articulate why you like the characters, acting and cinematography in this movie? Can you articulate exactly why you prefer one score over the other? Sometimes it's as simple as saying you enjoyed one more, you don't have to be able to articulate exactly why to be able to say that.

Well you have to understand, that when you make statements like that without actually stating why, people like myself are going to question you. If you aren't able or willing to share more than just the blank statement then why say anything at all?

And there are measurements we use to determine whether something (like films, and the elements they consist of) are "good" or "bad". Cloverfield falls short of many of those margins. While Godzilla exceeds. And it shows by the glowing reviews it's getting.


I really liked the new Godzilla movie, thought it was fantastic, but let's not get ahead of ourselves...


Yep, just waiting for someone to post something like that. Good old aggregated scoring. Love the user reviews that give the films 0 scores, too!



Yep, just waiting for someone to post something like that. Good old aggregated scoring. Love the user reviews that give the films 0 scores, too!


Obviously nobody is counting the user scores. But not everyone is loving the new movie and those sites are popular enough to get on that list so their opinions mean something to someone somewhere yeah? You can't have it both ways. You can't cite glowing reviews without recognizing that they are barely the majority of scores. Barely.


Obviously nobody is counting the user scores. But not everyone is loving the new movie and those sites are popular enough to get on that list so their opinions mean something to someone somewhere yeah? You can't have it both ways. You can't cite glowing reviews without recognizing that they are barely the majority of scores. Barely.

No one is excluding them. Of course there will be opposite views. That's the whole point of this discussion.


No one is excluding them. Of course there will be opposite views. That's the whole point of this discussion.

Of course but you were making it out to be a universally acclaimed film, which it isn't. I'd say the film is as decisive as Man of Steel was. But personally I really liked that film too. I'm with you man, Godzilla 2014 is infinitely better than Cloverfield but even that movie isn't all that bad. Until this past weekend and aside from Pacific Rim that was like THE monster movie in the west.
And I disagree. I listed several reasons why Cloverfield is simply an inferior product. It tried to capture what Godzilla has done many times decades before it. Most people weren't receptive to it, and it just doesn't hold up to other films in the genre.

What reasons? Just saying the characters, writing and cinematography is bad amounts to nothing. There is no analysis there, that's about as deep as just saying the movie sucked. Why was the writing, cinematography and characters better in godzilla? If you don't expand on that then i don't see how what you said is anymore in depth than what i did.

So who was in that film, again? I'm sure without google, you couldn't tell me off top. That casting was the last thing on the list, I'm sure. They aren't even B tier actors.

Rob, Hud, Beth and Marlena. Can't remember any other names but that's more than i can for godzilla. Considering i haven't watched cloverfield in a year and saw godzilla a couple of days ago that's not too bad. Wait you mean the names of the actors? Who in the fuck cares? What kind of argument is that? So is the quality of the stars what determines how good a movie is? Fact is the actors didn't put on a good performance in godzilla so i don't care who they were.

To me good casting is when you get people who perform well in the required role. Just hiring a bunch of big names means jack shit. Like in this movie where you get Watanabe putting in one of the most embarrassing acting performances i've seen, even for a hollywood movie.

Edit: Having unknown actors was a positive for cloverfield not a negative.

I don't recall much of any emotion in that film. We had young people running and screaming, and frustrated at their situation (as best as they could). However the connection between the giant monster and the victims is indirect. You can easily replace the monster with a natural disaster, and the film would barely change.

This is what i mean. You say you remember no emotion whereas i do remember seeing more emotion in that film. We disagree there and you have done nothing to elaborate how my opinion is wrong for feeling otherwise. Even in your own post you show that there was emotion. A group of young people fighting desperately for survival and to save the ones they love (whilst also building a connection with each other). It's not exactly classic cinema but it's much better than what we got in godzilla.

I'm not sure the last part is true either. The cloverfield monster filled it's roll perfectly. You could probably do something similar with a natural disaster but it wouldn't be quite the same or as intimidating as that monster was. The monster also had a lot of unknowns about it which is what gives a different sort of tension to a normal natural disaster.

Well you have to understand, that when you make statements like that without actually stating why, people like myself are going to question you. If you aren't able or willing to share more than just the blank statement then why say anything at all?

Because i want to share my opinion? So i literally can't post anything unless i can articulate why like i'm a film critic? This discussion is laughably shallow and is basically us just saying that we like one movie over the other. I stand by what i said, you can share an opinion without being able to perfectly articulate why you hold it. I'm a huge fan of movie soundtracks but for the most part i find it hard to say why i prefer each one. It's simply because they bring out a certain emotion in me.

And there are measurements we use to determine whether something (like films, and the elements they consist of) are "good" or "bad". Cloverfield falls short of many of those margins. While Godzilla exceeds. And it shows by the glowing reviews it's getting.

Jesus you're acting like your Roger Ebert with this analysis. What are the things that cloverfield failed so miserably at? Break it down for me if you want to go on acting like your opinion is the only right one. It's not like cloverfield was seen as a shit movie either, it didn't get glowing reviews but it did ok. I'm not sure it's even that far behind godzilla in terms of reception. Since when do things like that determine what movie is better or worse anyway? You ask most people what they think about 2001, they'll tell you it's boring shit. That doesn't mean it is.

You're throwing this incredibly superficial analysis of the film at me (mines no better nor would i claim it to be) and then acting like you've been able to define what makes a good or a bad movie. It's an incredibly complicated and often personal thing. Not everyone agrees and it takes a lot more analysis to be able to provide an objective answer (if that's possible) than what you have done.

No one is excluding them. Of course there will be opposite views. That's the whole point of this discussion.

So which source are you using to say it is getting glowing reviews?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, I guess it's there but it's flimsier than I would like. A theme should be reinforced in some way in most scenes of a movie, but I didn't feel that in this.

And it wasn't really a thought provoking theme either, it's basically just 'we can't control nature'. What is there to contemplate?

It was there to justify the monster fight, in a sense. That and to stop the military from trying, I guess.

Well...Cloverfield was probably more effective than Godzilla at conveying the dread and terror of a giant monster invasion. The mounting sense of despair as new and ever more horrible things happened came across very well IMO.

Erm what. You cannot convey dread and terror properly when your humans are your typical horror film characters who like to walk at the "Do Not Cross Unless You Want to Die" signs.

Also none of the kaijuus in Godzilla were invading, per se.


Of course but you were making it out to be a universally acclaimed film, which it isn't. I'd say the film is as decisive as Man of Steel was. But personally I really liked that film too. I'm with you man, Godzilla 2014 is infinitely better than Cloverfield but even that movie isn't all that bad. Until this past weekend and aside from Pacific Rim that was like THE monster movie in the west.

I agree with you.

I think my main issue is the comparison between movies that share passing similarities, that aren't really in the same genre. And in most aspects fall short of what Godzilla did much better (if we have to compare).

Cloverfield is just Blair Witch Project/Found footage style horror. Dark dark shaky cam movie. Pacific Rim is the fun, all in your face action summer blockbuster film. Godzilla is the disaster film of the bunch, which actually captures the spirit of most of the Godzilla films, which Gareth Edwards was trying to do.


i'm goin to have to agree with the cloverfield > godzilla comparison.

godzilla was no where near as suspenseful or full of tension than cloverfield.

It didnt help that a lot of the good stuff in godzilla was shown in the damn trailers already.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
i'm goin to have to agree with the cloverfield > godzilla comparison.

godzilla was no where near as suspenseful or full of tension than cloverfield.

It didnt help that a lot of the good stuff in godzilla was shown in the damn trailers already.


why are you expecting suspense and tension to Godzilla, a character everyone knows (well, "know", not everyone has watched his films save for the 98 crapfest and think it's the "standard" for a zilla movie)

No, Godzilla here was presented to give the audience a sense of awe upon seeing him. And it did that well.


Junior Member
Godzilla (2014) showed immense carnage, and desperation. What you wanted was shaky cam footage, no monster, and shallow characters running around for 2 hours as the next Godzilla film?

Cloverfield falls short of many of those margins. While Godzilla exceeds. And it shows by the glowing reviews it's getting.

Yeah The absolutely riveting characters of ken watanabe, his dumb assistant, taylor johnson etc are so full of depth right? There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying? The Cloverfield monster was infinitely more effective in conveying terror. Even in Cloverfield the monster is never shown in great detail but whenever it is shown it is effectively wrecking shit up. Small touches such as the spiders falling from its body really add to the mysterious nature of the creature. Here Godzilla is shown standing still and roaring like an idiot without doing anything most of the time.
That attack at the bridge was an example of this.
Also what glowing reviews?Godzilla is reviewing worse than Cloverfield and it should tank even further. Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.


Yeah The absolutely riveting characters of ken watanabe, his dumb assistant, taylor johnson etc are so full of depth right? There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying? The Cloverfield monster was infinitely more effective in conveying terror. Even in Cloverfield the monster is never shown in great detail but whenever it is shown it is effectively wrecking shit up. Small touches such as the spiders falling from its body really add to the mysterious nature of the creature. Here Godzilla is shown standing still and roaring like an idiot without doing anything most of the time.
That attack at the bridge was an example of this.
Also what glowing reviews?Godzilla is reviewing worse than Cloverfield and it should tank even further. Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.

Reading this gives the impression that you are not a Godzilla fan and were not one prior to it's release.


the holder of the trombone
Yeah The absolutely riveting characters of ken watanabe, his dumb assistant, taylor johnson etc are so full of depth right? There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying? The Cloverfield monster was infinitely more effective in conveying terror. Even in Cloverfield the monster is never shown in great detail but whenever it is shown it is effectively wrecking shit up. Small touches such as the spiders falling from its body really add to the mysterious nature of the creature. Here Godzilla is shown standing still and roaring like an idiot without doing anything most of the time.
That attack at the bridge was an example of this.
Also what glowing reviews?Godzilla is reviewing worse than Cloverfield and it should tank even further. Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.

Godzilla's goal isn't to wreck shit. His goal is
to kill the mutos. I think you're mistaken in thinking that godzilla is meant to be the antagonist. They decided to go for his more heroic variant for this movie.

Also he wrecked tons of shit while fighting the mutos anyway.
I don't understand why we're comparing the terror created by Godzilla and the Cloverfield monster when they're two completely different monsters, one with a sixty year history.

Godzilla isn't out to cause terror just to cause it in the movie. He barely notices the humans.


There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying?

... Godzilla was the
of the film. You are aware of that, right? Also, I clearly remember him
fucking up two giant monsters that were destroying everything, everywhere they went.

Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.



Yeah The absolutely riveting characters of ken watanabe, his dumb assistant, taylor johnson etc are so full of depth right? There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying? The Cloverfield monster was infinitely more effective in conveying terror. Even in Cloverfield the monster is never shown in great detail but whenever it is shown it is effectively wrecking shit up. Small touches such as the spiders falling from its body really add to the mysterious nature of the creature. Here Godzilla is shown standing still and roaring like an idiot without doing anything most of the time.
That attack at the bridge was an example of this.
Also what glowing reviews?Godzilla is reviewing worse than Cloverfield and it should tank even further. Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.
Do you really need to have that much salt? Seems a bit excessive and may cause health problems later in life.
I know I have been extremely positive on the film, but I will say I can understand some disappointment some feel with the movie based off the trailers. While the tone of the movie is similar to the original, it isn't as harrowing or as Godzilla-will-be-the-end-of-us-all as the trailers made it out to be.

Though that doesn't bother me; I just wanted a great Godzilla film, and I got it.


Here, though not directed towards the people who wanted just massive destruction and less humans... He just wouldn't be in the film if it was that..

FOX411: Your background with the Godzilla universe? Could you name some M.U.T.O.’s? Do you know a lot about it?

Cranston: No, I loved it as a kid because it was all just about destruction for me… as a boy, climbing, knocking down things, destroying things that was… boys are so clumsy and idiotic anyway and that’s what we loved and then when you get older you need more sophistication. In 2014, audiences demand more sophistication so you couldn't possibly have, nor would I want to be in, a movie that’s just about creatures fighting each other and destroying a city. It's like so... what do we get from this? why do we care?
Saw it last night after dinner with the wife. The parts with the monsters were pretty awesome, wish their was more. Well more monster action or less humans take your pick. Just about everyone besides Bryan Cranston were bad actors. I couldn't care less about any of them.

Also since
Godzilla is pretty much natures bouncer why did he ignore the humans so much? I mean I get it they wanna sell toys to kids or whatever but if Godzilla really wanted to set the world back in order shouldn't be been jacking up the humans? I'm down with him being natures bouncer but he should of at the least fought the humans around him instead of kinda just shacking one of the cables on the golden gate bridge then walking trough it like a drunk person


Yeah The absolutely riveting characters of ken watanabe, his dumb assistant, taylor johnson etc are so full of depth right? There is no point in selling Godzilla as dangerous when he does not do shit.He literally does not even destroy a building until the end and you expect the audience to buy into the idea of Godzilla being scary or terrifying? The Cloverfield monster was infinitely more effective in conveying terror. Even in Cloverfield the monster is never shown in great detail but whenever it is shown it is effectively wrecking shit up. Small touches such as the spiders falling from its body really add to the mysterious nature of the creature. Here Godzilla is shown standing still and roaring like an idiot without doing anything most of the time.
That attack at the bridge was an example of this.
Also what glowing reviews?Godzilla is reviewing worse than Cloverfield and it should tank even further. Cloverfield is no masterpiece but much better than this abomination.

You're obviously upset and I'm sorry, but they didn't reveal Cloverfield until the last 5 minutes of that movie, the human cast was irritating ect ect. Godzilla actually has 100+ more reviews than Cloverfield and people are praising not making a movie that our western audiences are use to, in your face every 3 seconds cgi...

Sounds like you wanted a film that would not have been successful, I rather them play it safe and guaranteethe sequel and tthat's exactly what they did. Again, sorry you're furious. Guess the movie is not for everyone.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Lol...... Wow

Nah I agree with him, I thought both Pacific Rim and Cloverfield were better movies than Godzilla. I mean yeah a few scenes were fucking spectacular in Godzilla, but like the Smallville fight in Man of Steel they just didn't make up for the film's shortcomings IMHO.


I just don't get it, where was there slow does and boring parts in the film?
when he tucked his kid into bed? Telling his wife war stories?

I just don't get it, only seen it once so far but from what I remember.. There was no downside. Maybe more people in this country have Add idk

I watched 30 Godzilla films and this one had the best acting and human story. Boo-boo if you want it more like Pacific rim, I wanted a sequel.

Anyone remember Peter Jackson king Kong? Now THAT was a snooze fest.


David S Goyer also did a few weeks of work on it a few years ago ("script doctor") but he was left off as well. My guess would be Darabont's draft wasn't different enough to be given screen credit, even if they used his work. It has to do with the screenwriter rules in hollywood, taken from Wikipedia...

Based on what I've read concerning the original story, a lot of the little things are changed from David Callaham's first draft. However the overall structure is similar enough for him to be given a story credit.


In case you guys want my Godzilla fanart as a tee, this is the time to let them hear your voice. :D

You can vote it here - http://www.qwertee.com/product/hokusai-gojira - and hopefully it will get printed.
I will upload it on Redbubble as well in the very near future, but of course you won't be able to get it there for a small price like you can on Qwertee.

And it will be soon on my Society6, available as a poster, as a carpet and whatever else you might want. :D

Thanks for the support, spread the word if you feel like.

Oh, and BTW i'm going to see Godzilla again on Friday, can't wait to give it a second go.
saw it in Imax 3D, some shots got too blurry n dark for the 3Dness. I should have watched it in 2D

I'm giving up on 3D since it's a hit or miss depending on the movie.

I enjoyed it the movie, you have to leave your brain at home.


In case you guys want my Godzilla fanart as a tee, this is the time to let them hear your voice. :D

You can vote it here - http://www.qwertee.com/product/hokusai-gojira - and hopefully it will get printed.
I will upload it on Redbubble as well in the very near future, but of course you won't be able to get it there for a small price like you can on Qwertee.

And it will be soon on my Society6, available as a poster, as a carpet and whatever else you might want. :D

Thanks for the support, spread the word if you feel like.

Oh, and BTW i'm going to see Godzilla again on Friday, can't wait to give it a second go.

You made that art too?

Jesus dude *bows*
In case you guys want my Godzilla fanart as a tee, this is the time to let them hear your voice. :D

You can vote it here - http://www.qwertee.com/product/hokusai-gojira - and hopefully it will get printed.
I will upload it on Redbubble as well in the very near future, but of course you won't be able to get it there for a small price like you can on Qwertee.

And it will be soon on my Society6, available as a poster, as a carpet and whatever else you might want. :D

Thanks for the support, spread the word if you feel like.

Oh, and BTW i'm going to see Godzilla again on Friday, can't wait to give it a second go.

Amazing design. I'm picking that shirt and poster up the second they are available.
A legit gripe shouldn't need to exaggerate the issue so much or rely on facetiousness to make the case. I have no problem if the movie simply didn't work for you but if you're going to try to trump up your dislike of the movie into a more objective criticism overall, don't be surprised if your "legit" gripes get pushback because they don't hang together as logically as you claim they do.

I don't think the movie is perfect or exactly what I wanted and I have my own set of issues with it, but I don't think any of those issues warrant going overboard and trying to tear the movie down for somehow offending my expectations or whatever.

It's a poorly written and acted film that has a couple of moments for itself. I used some examples to show that it's kinda not very good and my use of hyperbole was done so as a means of emphasizing the flaws inherent to the film.

Now, we can keep discussing my issues with the film and you can keep calling me out on it or we can simply stick our tongues out at each other and call it a day.


Amazing design. I'm picking that shirt and poster up the second they are available.

Oh man, that shirt is nice.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
In case you guys want my Godzilla fanart as a tee, this is the time to let them hear your voice. :D

You can vote it here - http://www.qwertee.com/product/hokusai-gojira - and hopefully it will get printed.
I will upload it on Redbubble as well in the very near future, but of course you won't be able to get it there for a small price like you can on Qwertee.

And it will be soon on my Society6, available as a poster, as a carpet and whatever else you might want. :D

Thanks for the support, spread the word if you feel like.

Oh, and BTW i'm going to see Godzilla again on Friday, can't wait to give it a second go.

I would wear the crap out of this.

Does anyone know of a place online I could get the IMAX poster? I want to frame that bad boy.


Loved the movie. It's a straight 10/10 for me. It has some typical hollywood flaws but yeah... I don't care.

Wanted to pet Godzilla in this scene where he looked at Brody. I mean ... he looked so vulnerable. I wanted to help him or something. :(


Is it weird that I predicted the movies end after 30 minutes? They didn't even show Godzilla until this point. My mind just came up with the concept, that Godzilla is friendly. Don't know why, there were some hints. I guess?

A little off-topic: It's not the first time, though.

I predicted the end of Ender's Game. Somehow it came to my mind, that the final test wasn't a simulation. It felt wrong. The same with Shutter Island. In the scene where Leo talked in the cave with the former psychiatrist, I ... felt that he just invented all this things.

My friends look at me like I'm crazy every time when I whisper such things in the middle of movies. And it's even worse after the movie, because I was right. If I don't have this feel in my guts during a movie, I don't tell.

Am I the only one?
Loved the movie. It's a straight 10/10 for me. It has some typical hollywood flaws but yeah... I don't care.

Wanted to pet Godzilla in this scene where he looked at Brody. I mean ... he looked so vulnerable. I wanted to help him or something. :(


Is it weird that I predicted the movies end after 30 minutes? They didn't even show Godzilla until this point. My mind just came up with the concept, that Godzilla is friendly. Don't know why, there were some hints. I guess?

A little off-topic: It's not the first time, though.

I predicted the end of Ender's Game. Somehow it came to my mind, that the final test wasn't a simulation. It felt wrong. The same with Shutter Island. In the scene where Leo talked in the cave with the former psychiatrist, I ... felt that he just invented all this things.

My friends look at me like I'm crazy every time when I whisper such things in the middle of movies. And it's even worse after the movie, because I was right. If I don't have this feel in my guts during a movie, I don't tell.

Am I the only one?

None of them except
Shutter Island
. I had it figured out from the trailer.


I'm saying that Cranston's performance in this movie does not remotely surpass most other dramatic performances in other movies. Which I don't think is an especially controversial opinion.

I thought it was a given by the thread's subject matter and the rest of that post that I'm speaking in regards to giant monster films.

My mistake.
I'm saying that Cranston's performance in this movie does not remotely surpass most other dramatic performances in other movies. Which I don't think is an especially controversial opinion.

Yeah, Cranston played it big and broad...which worked for this role.


It wasn't the smartest film out there for, and I could have used some more Godzilla for sure. That being said, the movie never really felt "slow" or "boring" to me, and I found the climax in particular to be very satisfying!

Certainly not as amazing as it could have been, but I'm glad to see Godzilla in a good movie again. Hopefully the announced sequal wows us!
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