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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


One is a powerful grizzly, the other is a fat Tony Siragusa. Stop confusing the two

Favorite Tom Arnold interview/sports moment-
"Hey Tony, now that you're retired, are you going to let yourself go?"
"Fuck you Tom!"

Anyway, this thread sure has a lot of "worst fucking trash ever!!!!"
"Fails to reach the greatness of Godzilla 98"
"Seriously lacks the compelling drama and deep characters of Pacific Rim"

Huh. ok...

While I do agree with some of the complaints, I still really enjoyed the movie.
It had some plot silliness, and strangely enough I didn't expect Watanabe to be so lacking in his scenes, regardless of the script he was given to work with. I didn't really have an issue with following Ford through the story.

I thought it was a great addition to the Godzilla franchise, very similar to the formula of the older movies.

What I appreciated most about it was how well it was shot.

It seemed very deliberate how certain shots were composed, and they did a great job of making you feel small in regards to what was going on. I loved that perspective. It's one of the things I liked about Cloverfield too. Both had shots that evoked that "what the hell am I looking at/This can't be really happenening" feeling.
That's the best part of monster movies for me, they get the heart racing and you imagine yourself in that situation looking up at what's unfolding, while feeling completely tiny and insignificant in the process.

Despite the flaws, I thought there was a lot to take in and enjoy. Loved the sound too.
I didn't mind the pacing and I thought the payoff was worth it.

Could have been a better movie, sure, but I left very satisfied and still can't wait to see it and hear it again on the big screen.

It is very divisive though, even the 2 friends I saw it with had drastically different opinons. One was an ex military guy and he hated it.

I'll have to try the 3D next time.


Yeah, soldiers sticking to the years and years of training that become instinctive as to not get killed in a traditional war are totally unrealistic, they should instantly forget that and run around screaming with no discipline!

Exactly, or don't bother showing up at all ;-)

And/or this:

Maybe not running around screaming but at the very least,
after they've found out that M4 carbines are completely useless against 350 feet tall monsters, maybe they'd figure out that leaving them at base would be a better idea. Less weight to carry and so on. And their training doesn't exactly prepare them to fight a MUTO or Godzilla, I could see some dudes thoroughly mindf#$%ed by what they see.
Anyway, this thread sure has a lot of "worst fucking trash ever!!!!"
"Fails to reach the greatness of Godzilla 98"
"Seriously lacks the compelling drama and deep characters of Pacific Rim"


Nice straw men you got there.
Thinking about t he movie a little more I will be honest here, the initial excitement is now gone so I will say that Edwards should've had a little restraint in those sudden cuts when
Godzilla appeared
, I mean the first time was alright because of the impact factor but the second time was not needed, the time when
Godzilla first fight in the city and some door closes just when Godzilla catches the MUTO with his mouth
, I honeslt got mad at that.

If that cut wasn't in the movie I would have loved it more, I guess maybe I just wanted to see
in all its splendor more time after all this years, also maybe is a flaw for me but not for many others.

I just wanted more thats all, incredible movie still though and I will buy it in Bluray.
I was listening to his interview to really get his mindset with the cutaway from the
first Godzilla airport scene.
He adamantly states it would be fun, but never really elaborates on what made it fun to him or why he thought it would work on any level.

He seems too afraid of climaxing early but this film never really climaxes as well as it should because of the constant cuts. I really hope if he returns to the sequel he either stops or lessens the "cinematic foreplay."

The next biggest thing they need is a more experienced screenwriter than Max Borenstein.

Either hire someone who has more experience or get another to help him out.
I hope to see this a third time this week. I've already deemed it too slow and gloomy for my four year old so there goes seeing it with the fam.

Nice straw men you got there.
This is so overly used, these days. It's obviously impying that there are a lot of posts saying such a thing... which is fact. This isn't a new posting style, so can we please stop with this? And if the opposite was said? "Wow, there sure are a lot of 'great film, go see it!' comments. Can't wait to see the film." You going to take issue?
I hope to see this a third time this week. I've already deemed it too slow and gloomy for my four year old so there goes seeing it with the fam.

This is so overly used, these days. It's obviously impying that there are a lot of posts saying such a thing... which is fact. This isn't a new posting style, so can we please stop with this? And if the opposite was said? "Wow, there sure are a lot of 'great film, go see it!' comments. Can't wait to see the film." You going to take issue?

But there aren't a lot of posts saying such a thing. I haven't seen anybody posting about how this movie is the "worst fucking trash ever!!!!," "Fails to reach the greatness of Godzilla 98," and "Seriously lacks the compelling drama and deep characters of Pacific Rim"

I've seen people posting that they're disappointed about the movie. But nobody's talking about how Godzilla 1998 is fucking great. Or how they thought Pacific Rim had compelling drama or deep characters. Preferring Pacific Rim as an overall giant monster movie over Godzilla 2014 is not the same as praising Pacific Rim's drama and character depth.

So yes, he is arguing against straw men.
But there aren't a lot of posts saying such a thing. I haven't seen anybody posting about how this movie is the "worst fucking trash ever!!!!," "Fails to reach the greatness of Godzilla 98," and "Seriously lacks the compelling drama and deep characters of Pacific Rim"

I've seen people posting that they're disappointed about the movie. But nobody's talking about how Godzilla 1998 is fucking great. Or how they thought Pacific Rim had compelling drama or deep characters. Preferring Pacific Rim as an overall giant monster movie over Godzilla 2014 is not the same as praising Pacific Rim's drama and character depth.

So yes, he is arguing against straw men.

I've seen said posts though. Exaggeration and generalizations are completely normal, imo. If someone came in and was way off topic with the sole purpose to start shit, then I'd agree at the negative connotation of your remark. Otherwise, I don't see why a normal comment always seems to be pointed out these days. It's so meta.
Man of Steel came close but I seriously haven't been so disappointed by a film since the phantom menace. Awful plot, awful pacing, the only character you might have cared about is in it for just half an hour and the handling of the action was just dreadful. I went to see a Godzilla film and got tweny minutes of lightweight action at the end instead.

4 out of 10 would be generous.
I have no dog in this fight, I'm just pointing out two posts I noticed and had previously quoted a few days ago. I did not comb the thread looking for negative reactions.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Looked like they changed it to some sort of giant snake to me. Too narrow of a profile to be another Godzilla. I'd imagine his rib structure would be much, much wider.

Maybe this
ancient Godzilla
isn't fat wide? :p

But there aren't a lot of posts saying such a thing. I haven't seen anybody posting about how this movie is the "worst fucking trash ever!!!!," "Fails to reach the greatness of Godzilla 98," and "Seriously lacks the compelling drama and deep characters of Pacific Rim"

I've seen people posting that they're disappointed about the movie. But nobody's talking about how Godzilla 1998 is fucking great. Or how they thought Pacific Rim had compelling drama or deep characters. Preferring Pacific Rim as an overall giant monster movie over Godzilla 2014 is not the same as praising Pacific Rim's drama and character depth.

So yes, he is arguing against straw men.

Right off the last few pages I can see them, using Zilla 98 and Cloverfield even.
Caught my third showing earlier today and left the theater just as satisfied as on opening night. I still high-five my 12-year-old self every time the Big G
goes back out to sea at the end
. This is the 29th Godzilla movie, with all of the good, and some of the bad, that comes with it.

I thought the news caption at the end was a reasonably clever way of throwing in a bit of fanservice while also taking a tongue-in-cheek swipe at the state of our 24hr news services. I have no trouble believing that CNN would post a news caption like that if this ever really happened. Planes are already getting swallowed by black holes, according to them.

This is pretty much how I've come to see it, too. If they could have just cut to the caption footage from a shot of Don Lemon at the desk, it would have been perfect.


I don't understand why we're comparing the terror created by Godzilla and the Cloverfield monster when they're two completely different monsters, one with a sixty year history.

Godzilla isn't out to cause terror just to cause it in the movie. He barely notices the humans.

At least not in this movie. I would like to get back to that Godzilla admittedly though, because I prefer my Godzilla as the antagonist. He definitely wasn't that in this movie, but I can live with it.
Maybe this
ancient Godzilla
isn't fat wide? :p

Right off the last few pages I can see them, using Zilla 98 and Cloverfield even.

Even though Ford was extremely bland there isn't any character in this film that's nearly annoying as HUD was in Cloverfield and this is coming from a fan.


Sometimes I feel like some people haven't actually watched the first Godzilla film and are looking back at something that never really existed. Somehow there's this Godzilla simulacrum that formed and will never be reached.

East Lake

Thinking about t he movie a little more I will be honest here, the initial excitement is now gone so I will say that Edwards should've had a little restraint in those sudden cuts when
Godzilla appeared
, I mean the first time was alright because of the impact factor but the second time was not needed, the time when
Godzilla first fight in the city and some door closes just when Godzilla catches the MUTO with his mouth
, I honeslt got mad at that.

If that cut wasn't in the movie I would have loved it more, I guess maybe I just wanted to see
in all its splendor more time after all this years, also maybe is a flaw for me but not for many others.

I just wanted more thats all, incredible movie still though and I will buy it in Bluray.
I don't think it's wrong to feel that way. I don't think it has to be about seeing more of Godzilla either.
If you take the Hawaii airport scene in particular it starts out great. They're sitting on the train and the lights come on and it gradually reveals the MUTO they're heading towards. Then the MUTO attacks the train and knocks down the helicopter and it explodes in front of the people in the airport. Great sequence and then Godzilla comes in roars, and you're expecting a fight. In my mind I'm thinking shit is about to go down. Then it cuts to whatever the hell it cut to (can't remember) and even worse eventually shows this dumb kid watching the fight on the screen in the comfort of his own living room and the fight looks like it's one of those silly japanese bug fights. You laugh because the kid says dinosaur or whatever and the tone of the Hawaii sequence is wiped off the table. Now it's funny HAHAHA dinosaur. No it's not funny! It devalues the fear of what may happen when these two monsters fight, like it's a giant dumb monster squabble.
At least not in this movie. I would like to get back to that Godzilla admittedly though, because I prefer my Godzilla as the antagonist. He definitely wasn't that in this movie, but I can live with it.
Well they also don't really outright attack him with anything substantial. Even on the bridge he is getting hit with equivalent of the human kazoo. He has no reason to pay them any heed.


Well they also don't really outright attack him with anything substantial. Even on the bridge he is getting hit with equivalent of the human kazoo. He has no reason to pay them any heed.

military didn't really push him, probably didn't even feel that shit on the bridge. Maybe next movie they'll have some Anti-Godzilla tech, ala Super X or Masers. Just something to piss him off.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Watching it again. I understand and get all the criticism, but I still really enjoy this movie.

I saw it again tonight, this time with some different friends. I still like the movie, actually I enjoyed it better the second time around, but I stand by my initial feeling that Pacific Rim is a better movie. But, knowing what to expect (and what not to expect) the sudden cuts and TV footage didn't piss me off so much this time around. Also, I still think that Kick Ass did a fine job, I actually kind of like him in this movie.

My friends however were not so fond of the film. They all wanted to see more monster fighting and less military drama. Can't say I blame them, but I think the movie holds up better upon repeat viewings when you aren't expecting more than it is.


military didn't really push him, probably didn't even feel that shit on the bridge. Maybe next movie they'll have some Anti-Godzilla tech, ala Super X or Masers. Just something to piss him off.

I say go straight to MechaGodzilla. But admittedly that would be a pretty big jump


I say go straight to MechaGodzilla. But admittedly that would be a pretty big jump

Bahahhaha, it really would.

My friends however were not so fond of the film. They all wanted to see more monster fighting and less military drama. Can't say I blame them, but I think the movie holds up better upon repeat viewings when you aren't expecting more than it is.

I saw it with my brother during a Thursday night showing, and he has developed a negative opinion towards the film over the last few days. I don't really give a fuck though, I ain't him, is what it is.


Junior Member
Fantastic movie. The set piece where we see Godzilla and his roar for the first time gave me proper goosebumps comparable to the T rex rain scene in Jurassic Park.

I liked how there wasn't a lot of scenes involving Godzilla as after a while seeing a CG creature fight and demolish stuff just gets boring after the initial wow. Done in a teasing way like this keep the tension high and the moment when you see carnage happening it feels fresh.

Side note : was the last set piece an homage to the old Godzilla movies with a man in a suit playing godzilla? There was something off in that scene visually, was it done on purpose?


Pacific Rim ... While different in terms of drama, it also had more interesting characters and acting.

It was absolute garbage.

Wow, this movie was a pile of bullshit.

Movie was fucking horrible.

Horrible acting
Crap action
Awful pacing

Just crap.

Holy Shit. This movie is fucking terrible. I'm in utter disbelief at how bad it is.

Movie is trash.

holy shit that was bad.

edit : wow @ the praise it gets here.... wtf is wrong with this forum

The 98 film being better, Cloverfield having better characters.

What the hell happened here?


The characters were better acted and at least more entertaining than any of the ones in Godzilla 2014 (sans Cranston),

lol this was the worst movie I have seen

Hilariously terrible.

How this movie is getting decent reviews is utterly beyond me. Biggest trainwreck I've seen on screen in a long time.

that was so terrible

That was one of the most boring pieces of shit I have ever seen in theaters.

Strawman indeed Delta.

Look, I realize people don't like it, I think it has flaws too. I wouldn't call it trash or the worst movie I've ever seen.

I really enjoyed it, like I said, the deliberate composition of the shots, the POV from the ground, the reveals and sounds, I left very satisfied. I liked the slow burn and thought the ending action was great to watch.

Just bummed me out reading pages 30-50 or so. I thought people would have at least enjoyed some of the visuals of it. I also was surprised at the people who really liked Godzilla 98. But everyone's got different tastes, I realize that.

After any movie I enjoy, I'm a glutton for punishment to go on GAF to read about how it's complete shit and why no one should like it. Just the way it goes.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Godzilla Vs The Sea Monster was the first movie I can remember seeing, and I've been a huge fan of the series ever since. I really, really liked this movie, and have high hopes for the sequel and the franchise beyond. Great job to all those involved!


I love godzilla the IP and while some parts of this movie were great most of it was really really bad. I'll say this, Pacific Rim shits on this movie. It's far more watchable with better performances sans 1. Ken Watanabe has the worst performance of his career in godzilla imo. Kickass guy barely holds the film together and the Godzilla themes are just hamfisted and dumb.


Junior Member
I love godzilla the IP and while some parts of this movie were great most of it was really really bad. I'll say this, Pacific Rim shits on this movie. It's far more watchable with better performances sans 1.

How does Pacific Rim shit on Godzilla? Okay the setpieces in Pacific Rim where great. But the story was laughable, and don't get me started on the characters. The whole movie had this pulp type of feel to it, no danger, no build up, just comical atmosphere.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I've always thought it was the Godzilla that got nuked. Went underground to heal it's injuries only to be killed by the parasitic MUTO's.

That's can't be correct.
When they see the fossilised remains, the lady whispers to Watanabe, "is it him?", and he says something to the degree of, "no, this one has been dead millions of years."


How does Pacific Rim shit on Godzilla? Okay the setpieces in Pacific Rim where great. But the story was laughable, and don't get me started on the characters. The whole movie had this pulp type of feel to it, no danger, no build up, just comical atmosphere.

How is the story not laughable in godzilla. Not only is it laughable it's incredibly stupid to the point of defying any and all explanation. It would be spoiler city if I went into it but god damn I could have come up with a better plot on a restaurant napkin. Every faucet of Godzilla is DUMB. The decisions the military and scientists make throughout the entire movie are absolutely retarded.

Pacific Rim is fun Godzilla has fun parts but on a whole is boring, slow, and shoves it's dumb themes down your throat in the most obvious of ways that actually hurts the movie unless you are 6 years old. Godzilla himself behaves rediculously around other humans to the point of me rolling my eyes several times.
I love godzilla the IP and while some parts of this movie were great most of it was really really bad. I'll say this, Pacific Rim shits on this movie. It's far more watchable with better performances sans 1. Ken Watanabe has the worst performance of his career in godzilla imo. Kickass guy barely holds the film together and the Godzilla themes are just hamfisted and dumb.

It doesn't but okay.

Pacific Rim has some of the most forgettable characters in any movie, which is fine since the big focus is on the robots and monsters, however that middle 40 minutes for "character development" is pretty bad.

I love the movie, but I find Godzilla to be better made. They both go for different things though.


It doesn't but okay.

Pacific Rim has some of the most forgettable characters in any movie, which is fine since the big focus is on the robots and monsters, however that middle 40 minutes for "character development" is pretty bad.

I love the movie, but I find Godzilla to be better made. They both go for different things though.

How are godzillas characters memorable? Besides godzilla it's a generic crap fest with all characters making silly decisions. I mean how can a monster movie be boring? Godzilla has about 40 minutes of straight boredom dead in the center of the film.
How are godzillas characters memorable? Besides godzilla it's a generic crap fest with all characters making silly decisions. I mean how can a monster movie be boring? Godzilla has about 40 minutes of straight boredom dead in the center of the film.

At the very least the characters are doing interesting things.

Godzilla doesn't have 40 minutes of downtime in the middle. You must have been watching something else.


I would go see it. I could go through the thread and plenty of positives for the people that loved it (including me.) :)

I should have done that instead of picking out the negatives...

Lots of positive opinions.

Go see it, the sound and sights are meant for a huge screen.


I say go straight to MechaGodzilla. But admittedly that would be a pretty big jump

They'll have to do something to up the ante in a meaningful way, otherwise, there really won't be much in the way of "conflict" if the human side remains more or less a non-factor.

I'd expect better opposition on the Kaiju-end, as well, next time,
as I never considered the Mutos to really be in Goji-Daddy's league. Though, I'd admit that someone on the level of Biollante or SpaceGodzilla might be a bit too big of a jump there, too, as much as I want them!


Junior Member
How are godzillas characters memorable? Besides godzilla it's a generic crap fest with all characters making silly decisions. I mean how can a monster movie be boring? Godzilla has about 40 minutes of straight boredom dead in the center of the film.

Agreed. I was laughing when the director was badly trying to make this movie a larger commentary on nature, nuclear energy blah blah using some of the most cringe worthy dialogues possible. This movie tries to be much more than what it is.

Fantastic movie. The set piece where we see Godzilla and his roar for the first time gave me proper goosebumps comparable to the T rex rain scene in Jurassic Park.

I dont even...


People don't realize that it's the same in the Japanese films, they take a while to show Godzilla. I feel like this was a lot better. The only thing was the end was cheesy, :S


ADD New Gen Gamer
People don't realize that it's the same in the Japanese films, they take a while to show Godzilla. I feel like this was a lot better. The only thing was the end was cheesy, :S

Just because it is the same as the japanese originals does not mean it is automatically a good film, or a good filmic choice.

Yes, it is a godzilla franchise, but the film needs to stand on its own 2 feet.
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