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Goh rocks, vf4 rox.

The thing is going by my preference as far as characters is concerned (and even Aoi in VF3) she should not work for me at all, but for what ever reason since first picking her in VF4 (then Evo) she just fits me so well.

Recently I've been messing around with Shun though. Starting to get a better understanding of him. Still a little shaky, and find that if I'm being pressed I can get overwhelmed with not knowing what to do.


Goh is very fun. I've always liked the heavy brawlers but they're pretty slow to play as (well Wolf isn't too bad, just Jeffry). Goh is a good mix between strong throws/normals and moveable speed.

It's too bad he's a zombie though :\

Brad on the other hand doesn't have the same fun factor IMO. Too Jacky-like.

Personally I'm a Kage/Akira/Shun/Aoi/Wolf/Goh/Lion guy :)
Im actually a very competent Shun Di player. I found the biggest thing you can do is learn to make him a faster character, move around a fuckload, work his stances. Take weird pauses during your motions to work with the natural misdirection of his moveset. Play like a drunken master sir. Also, if you dont already chug whenever at all possible. There shouldnt be a moment free where you arent.

He's a whole lot of fun.


Goh is lotsa fun, but you can tell this is the first game he's been in. Feels like Aoi in VF3, you really have to squeak everything you can out of moves to make him competitive.

His throws rock.

Of course I'm saying this all without the benefit of competition to test myself against.

If I could be cryogenics actually worked I'd have myself frozen until the time when networks were advanced enough for AM2 to make VF online.
jett said:
VF4 rox indeed. I wonder what VF5 is going to be like.

Like God's own fighting game. Seriously I am so stoked for what VF5 is going to be like.

As for Shun. I know the theory of his style, I'm just not familiar enough with his move set yet (once through command training at each start up is about all the muscle memory training I can handle at a time).


Does VF5 have a chance to end up a mess due to all the staff changes at Sega in the last few years?

I haven't been keeping up on who moved around in AM2, so I'm a little worried that VF5 may not be the most godly fighting game ever when released like VF4 was.


Bebpo said:
Goh is very fun. I've always liked the heavy brawlers but they're pretty slow to play as (well Wolf isn't too bad, just Jeffry)

Don't underestimate the power of a man from the sea! (Virtua fighter anime quote. Sorta)

Jeffry is one character I can win with quite consistently. He has a great bank of attacks. I was so happy with the way the changed him in VF4 (and especially EVO) to more of a brawler then a thrower. Now Wolf is all about throws and Jeffry is the king of powerful striking moves (with lotsa throws to boot).
Bebpo said:
Does VF5 have a chance to end up a mess due to all the staff changes at Sega in the last few years?

I haven't been keeping up on who moved around in AM2, so I'm a little worried that VF5 may not be the most godly fighting game ever when released like VF4 was.

Despite my Sega pessimism I think that VF5'll be okay. AM2 was mostly kept together with only a few people (10 or so I think) moving with Suzuki to Digital Rex, and now all the Sega teams are back together again anyway.


SaitoH said:
Don't underestimate the power of a man from the sea! (Virtua fighter anime quote. Sorta)

Jeffry is one character I can win with quite consistently. He has a great bank of attacks. I was so happy with the way the changed him in VF4 (and especially EVO) to more of a brawler then a thrower. Now Wolf is all about throws and Jeffry is the king of powerful striking moves (with lotsa throws to boot).

Don't get me wrong. I think Jeffry is a very good character along with pretty much all the rest of the cast. It's just that I like moving around a lot in my game and he's just to slow for my style :p


Bebpo said:
Don't get me wrong. I think Jeffry is a very good character along with pretty much all the rest of the cast. It's just that I like moving around a lot in my game and he's just to slow for my style :p

That's cool, but you should force yourself to play a slow character sometime, and I mean really give one a try. It's quite an interesting change in style and you learn a lot, or at least I did.


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