But none of the bolded matters if the supply outstrips the demand for the PS5 slim disk drive. Hence it's not the bottom that controls inflation.
Bottom never control inflation - they lack knowledge, discipline and actual control means. Bottom is a crowd, with crowd mentality - it can't control. Bottom *drives* inflation, as it's a bottom who do the actual action, either in controlled environment "money supply blablabla" or just by their own impulse "consumer rush etc"
You're lacking basic understanding of economic fundamentals. The ability for people to spend new money that has been printed is only one side of the equation. There economic output an environment into which that money is being injected needs to be taken in to account. To quote the IMF:
As you can see, they were increasing monetary supply long before covid, but it was fine since it was pretty much in lock-step with an increase in economic output. The it all went wrong the moment economic output could no longer keep pace.
You just don't know how this fundamentials works and post some general blablabla for laymen copied from internet. You try to simplify things to a school-grade economics - and it's wrong.
Super-basic economy stuff (and it works for most part) says - if supply (which is generally constant and adjusted to demand in market economy) does not meet demand (which is actual money spent on good, driven by money allocated for spending AND consumer behavior) - price will go up.
You are trying to post things thats are more high-level and highlighten general trends that might, or might not in some cases (see ps5 drive inflation that has zero connection to "money supply") be involved in inflation. And you should understand what really terms mentioned means in particular context, like M2 is a money "available for spending" (and given low financial discipline by bottom - they will be spent for the most part). But it's still "a tool provided by top that bottom used in their ignorance".
(total money supply is M3 and not M2, M2 is "active" or "consumers" money, and M3 growth is like 15% over 21-23 period)
General money supply by itself means
nothing if this money supply is sterilized in some way - anyone who know practical economics even a bit know that. Japan printed money for years, and had deflation for years at the same time - because they just flush out all printed money outside via carry trade and inside impact was zero.