Ben Affleck looks buffed out.
what the fuck is brooklyn 99
is there even a thread
My heart skipped a beat.OMG I love Diaz's glasses. I need her in my life....
How does Always Sunny never get nominated? They even made an episode about it.How does Veep not even get nominated?
I've seen a few a episodes and I thought that it was really funny.This show is good?
Guess I really have to watch Brooklyn 99 now.
How does Veep not even get nominated?
Holy shit. What is I, Frankenstein??? I've never even heard of this film. What a gorgeous ad.
My heart skipped a beat.
Chris Evans is such a cute fella
Wow! That's fantastic. Congrats to the cast! Rosa's boobs look amazing.
How does Veep not even get nominated?
How does Always Sunny never get nominated? They even made an episode about it.
How does Always Sunny never get nominated? They even made an episode about it.
And they had a Believe commercial prepped naming Cuaron as a GG winner. Impressive.
Holy shit. What is I, Frankenstein??? I've never even heard of this film. What a gorgeous ad.