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GoldenEye 007 |OT| For 360, James? No... For Wii


anyway know how to change the difficulty while you're playing? I swear I started on like the third highest difficulty and when I started the second sub-mission I have like no secondary objectives and its pretty easdy.
So I decided to Redbox the game as I didn't feel like spending the $50. I got to say, I like and dislike the game. I really like the atmosphere and CoD feel it has but the controls I'm still fighting at times using the Gamecube controller.

I'll definitely be picking up the game later on when it's a little cheaper. I like the SP and I know as much as I played the MP in the N64 game I probably won't even touch this one as my friends have moved on to CoD and Halo which do have great controls. Still, it's a lot of fun and I'm glad we finally got a new Goldeneye remake. It won't replace the original which was an overall better game but this will sit nicely side by side.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
VGChampion said:
So I decided to Redbox the game as I didn't feel like spending the $50. I got to say, I like and dislike the game. I really like the atmosphere and CoD feel it has but the controls I'm still fighting at times using the Gamecube controller.

I'll definitely be picking up the game later on when it's a little cheaper. I like the SP and I know as much as I played the MP in the N64 game I probably won't even touch this one as my friends have moved on to CoD and Halo which do have great controls. Still, it's a lot of fun and I'm glad we finally got a new Goldeneye remake.
Whoa whoa whoa, Redbox rents out games now?

*Mind blown*


Only touched the single player so far, but really enjoying the experience.

I hate to sound like PR, but I love how they put as much emphasis on stealth as action, but don't really punish you if you choose the latter.

Sure, you get more enemies but you also tend to get more ammo.

I just love seeing how long I can go without being detected. Especially in Sibernia?

Some of the new action sequences were awesome, like the plane escape and then the nightclub escape.

The guy sure does escape a lot. :lol


Hey. Hey guys.

This game is pretty good.

The multiplayer is very good, though framerate issues tend to happen a bunch. I think the smoothest map I played so far is the Docks one, probably because it's more about open spaces and less about complicated indoor geometry.
Htown said:
Hey. Hey guys.

This game is pretty good.

The multiplayer is very good, though framerate issues tend to happen a bunch. I think the smoothest map I played so far is the Docks one, probably because it's more about open spaces and less about complicated indoor geometry.

Any framey online matches are more likely down to peoples' laggy connections and demand than the geometry on show.. I've seen quite a few videos in this very thread of online games on various maps that are silky smooth
radioheadrule83 said:
Any framey online matches are more likely down to peoples' laggy connections and demand than the geometry on show.. I've seen quite a few videos in this very thread of online games on various maps that are silky smooth
And I've personally experienced them.

I did make sure to choose region specific game connections though (meaning I'm only connecting to peeps in the United States).


Really? I hope so.

Also, as far as the single player goes, I was surprised by how often (at least so far) you have the opportunity to sneak around and do stuff the quiet way.

Though I GOTTA say, what the heck is up with this game and Blood Stone and the smartphone stuff all the time? Were they supposed to get Sprint or somebody as an advertiser, and then it fell through? Both games have you pulling out your smartphone to do stuff every two minutes.


Htown said:
Really? I hope so.

Also, as far as the single player goes, I was surprised by how often (at least so far) you have the opportunity to sneak around and do stuff the quiet way.

Though I GOTTA say, what the heck is up with this game and Blood Stone and the smartphone stuff all the time? Were they supposed to get Sprint or somebody as an advertiser, and then it fell through? Both games have you pulling out your smartphone to do stuff every two minutes.

I think because its really the only gadget Craig has used in his movies. Aside from the defib unit in Casino Royale.

Same reason both games use the both MI 6 interface from Quantum.
Htown said:
Really? I hope so.

Also, as far as the single player goes, I was surprised by how often (at least so far) you have the opportunity to sneak around and do stuff the quiet way.

Though I GOTTA say, what the heck is up with this game and Blood Stone and the smartphone stuff all the time? Were they supposed to get Sprint or somebody as an advertiser, and then it fell through? Both games have you pulling out your smartphone to do stuff every two minutes.

Maybe they were trying to keep it in touch with the last two movies -- there were lots of Sony VAIO laptops, Sony Ericsson uber-phones, and a crazy voice controlled MI6 computer screen etc

I don't mind the idea of the phone replacing the wrist watch, but it is used a lot... blowing charges, hacking, face-scanning etc


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
amtentori said:
16:9 is widescreen. not sure what u mean
Perhaps he's referring to resolution? The Wii renders at a 4:3 pixel resolution (640x480) and relies on the display to stretch the image to 16:9.

That's certainly not unique to this game, however.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finished the single player.

On a whole, loved it, and if you're after a more 'traditional' single player I'd say its the definitive Wii shooter. Its very well paced, looks fantastic, has great level design, is cinematic, and just all round fun. It's a very, very enjoyable game and I'm happy that practically all of my worries and concerns were dealth with in the right manner.

I quite liked the changes to the story, and they really did make 'more sense' for a modern era. I also enjoyed that while the game made some obvious homages to the original game, it also made some homages to the film. There are some sections in the game that were not in the original N64 release but were in the film, and its great to finally 'play' them.

If I had any complaints it would be that there seemed to be a huge difficulty spike in the last level, and that the level basically went the rout I was worried the entire game would go; waves of enemies and Call of Duty gameplay. It wasn't a bad level, as it looked great and was paced well, but it still had too many "WAVES OF INFINITE SOLDIERS OMG" moments for my liking.

I didnt' really like the Airstrip level either, for similar reasons. Thankfully pretty much every other level had a mix of forced action and stealth, which was where the game was hitting a sweet spot.

Also, while I liked the story changes I do think it could have done with a bit more story to tie it all together. Natalia was under used, so her character was never really sold, and I didn't like how similar (mostly both having short, black hair) her and Xenia looked. It would have been nice of Natalia had her red hair as per the film, if just to make the two have more striking visual differences.

I wasn't all that convinced by Trevelyan's reasons to harness the GoldenEye either. The reasons he had were fine, and great for a modern time, but it wasn't enough. He lacked the threatening persona of the film's Trevelyan, but I guess the whole Lienz Cossacks thing would not have worked well for this era. Still, they should have put something else in. Bond's reaction to Trevelyan's appearance at Statue Park was pretty weak as well.

Otherwise I loved it and look forward to playing through it again. Time Trials are going to be interesting. I tried the tank one out but raged hardcore, and I dont want to make myselef too angry at the game this early :lol.


Chinner said:
anyway know how to change the difficulty while you're playing? I swear I started on like the third highest difficulty and when I started the second sub-mission I have like no secondary objectives and its pretty easdy.

If you don't complete all the objectives, it lets you choose between continuing but with a bumped down difficulty, or replaying the level.


EatChildren said:
If I had any complaints it would be that there seemed to be a huge difficulty spike in the last level, and that the level basically went the rout I was worried the entire game would go; waves of enemies and Call of Duty gameplay. It wasn't a bad level, as it looked great and was paced well, but it still had too many "WAVES OF INFINITE SOLDIERS OMG" moments for my liking.

Awesome that you liked it!
On that part if it's close to the original Goldeneye last level, then it's also a level with waves of infinite soldiers too IIRC.
So I guess they followed the designed docs :lol


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Mael said:
Awesome that you liked it!
On that part if it's close to the original Goldeneye last level, then it's also a level with waves of infinite soldiers too IIRC.
So I guess they followed the designed docs :lol

So true. So true.

Only this, like, blends both the N64's Control and Citadel into one, making for the most tedious Bond level of all time.


Gold Member
dark10x said:
Perhaps he's referring to resolution? The Wii renders at a 4:3 pixel resolution (640x480) and relies on the display to stretch the image to 16:9.

That's certainly not unique to this game, however.

Well isn't this the way ALL widescreen was handled before the introduction of HDTV, anamorphic or not?
poppabk said:
I'm guessing it's my problem then. Everytime I turn on the game, it doesn't fill the entire screen. I know old Wii games used to do this but I'm just wondering if they decided to go widescreen with this game.


EatChildren said:
So true. So true.

Only this, like, blends both the N64's Control and Citadel into one, making for the most tedious Bond level of all time.

O.O, and the longest to boot too!
OMG I'll either hate it or fall in love with that part :lol
And since it's the ending it'll play a huge part on how I'll see the game :lol


never left the stone age
Yeah, I've gone from a "DO NOT WANT" from the E3 reveal to "Holy shit awesome shooter on my Wii!?"

So gonna pick this up soon, single player looks very very awesome.


Multiplayer is absolute blast and is alone worth the price. Very fast-paced and even when it's a bit laggy, still highly enjoyable.


Shadowlink said:
I'm guessing it's my problem then. Everytime I turn on the game, it doesn't fill the entire screen. I know old Wii games used to do this but I'm just wondering if they decided to go widescreen with this game.

Yeah - the game can output in 16:9 widescreen just fine & should fill the entire screen of a 16:9 TV. Maybe your Wii isn't set to widescreen or your tv isn't. Check your Wii settings and make sure your TV is set to 16:9

OMG Aero

Easy_D said:
Yeah, I've gone from a "DO NOT WANT" from the E3 reveal to "Holy shit awesome shooter on my Wii!?"
Same here, when this was announced I thought "Oh boy a nostalgia cash in from people who had nothing to do with the original game", but going on the impressions here it sounds pretty good, I think I might get it next week.


this game looks really good.

waiting on eurogamer/gamespot/edge though. IGN tends to overrate things and G4/Gameinformer are the worst videogame sites ever made


Got the game a day early (euro)

Played up to the end of the Facility level. This is a great game. Really fun. Weird how taking the gameplay back to Goldeneye and merging it with a little COD makes things so much better. Stealth FTW. :D


And why doesn't Amazon have this in their B2G1F? Bastards.


Sipowicz said:
this game looks really good.

waiting on eurogamer/gamespot/edge though. IGN tends to overrate things and G4/Gameinformer are the worst videogame sites ever made
How about just demoing it in your local Gamespot/whatever and forming your own opinion? Best Review Evar.

BTW, just got this in the post myself. Got some stuff to do today though, so might not be able to play until tomorrow. Boo-urns.


It's really hard to fight my nostalgic urges with this game. I want to like it and not compare it to the original, but it's really hard not to. It's good but it isn't. It's Goldeneye, but it isn't. It's like CoD, but it isn't. I'm conflicted.


Only played the first few levels (on operative/easy) but so far I'm liking this. Pointer controls are pretty good (on Experienced 3 setting), melee is really great, and there are plenty of opportunities for stealth and alternate pathways. So far so good. I do wish that cutscenes were skippable when replaying levels, though.


gamingeek said:
Got the game a day early (euro)

Played up to the end of the Facility level. This is a great game. Really fun. Weird how taking the gameplay back to Goldeneye and merging it with a little COD makes things so much better. Stealth FTW. :D
Damn you! I'd have mine yesterday but the German version doesn't support English, so I've had to order it online :(. Also, this games getting a lot of very good reviews. My expectations weren't extremely high for it in the first place, but now I'm pretty hyped to play it.


Junior Member
A shame more people aren't looking foward to Conduit 2. It doesn't have the "Goldeneye" brand but it looks like HVS is going to deliver with TCON 2. I saw the new IGN preview last night it will have 12 player online, Wii free style controls, Classic controler and Classic Controller Pro "dual analog" as well. It also will have Wii Motion Plus support for the "freestyle" controlls. The Guns look lik they finally have some "ummph". HVS said there will be a level system and perk system too.:D

And HVS has implamented a "Patch system" for Condiut 2. So it should not be so hacked. Since it will have Dual anaolg like Goldeneye hopefully the Goldeneye people will jump on that next it look even better then GE Wii IMO.


PusherT said:
A shame more people aren't looking foward to Conduit 2. It doesn't have the "Goldeneye" brand but it looks like HVS is going to deliver with TCON 2. I saw the new IGN preview last night it will have 12 player online, Wii free style controls, Classic controler and Classic Controller Pro "dual analog" as well. It also will have Wii Motion Plus support for the "freestyle" controlls. The Guns look lik they finally have some "ummph". HVS said there will be a level system and perk system too.:D

And HVS has implamented a "Patch system" for Condiut 2. So it should not be so hacked. Since it will have Dual anaolg like Goldeneye hopefully the Goldeneye people will jump on that next it look even better then GE Wii IMO.

HVS hyped everyone before the release of The Conduit. Many people wasted money on this game. No wonder they are not interested in a successor...


Dambrosi said:
How about just demoing it in your local Gamespot/whatever and forming your own opinion? Best Review Evar.

BTW, just got this in the post myself. Got some stuff to do today though, so might not be able to play until tomorrow. Boo-urns.

unfortunately i havent seen it in any of the shops here so i'll have to wait. looks like a really solid effort from activision though

the new call of duty looks really good as well


Junior Member
GC|Simon said:
HVS hyped everyone before the release of The Conduit. Many people wasted money on this game. No wonder they are not interested in a successor...

Yeah TCON wasn't so much bad as it was mediocre. I still play it online though the "Trust and Drudge weapon are fun". Just from the preview you can see the HVS has tried to fix mny of the bad from the first . I'm glad it will have a "patch" system for online and it allow dual anolog on Classic controller pro. So everyone that got that Goldeneye bundle will have another new shooter to try soon. I think it looks great IMO

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I got a little sidetracked from Kirby and dug into the first level of Goldeneye. Runs quite well with minimal tweaking, people with i7's OC'd should do quite well with it. Here is the start of the slideshow:

Goldeneye Slideshow WIP

And here are some samples:




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