So. The result still has no actual relevance to the query, and again, Bing just shows it because of Google, and you still don't see the problem with this?dLMN8R said:The fact that they're using complete gibberish words that have literally never been seen before by either search engine means that there is literally no other possible search result that could potentially be returned.
Bing isn't requiring a certain level of relevancy and then returning the result because it meets that level of relevancy. Bing is assigning it a certain relevancy, and because it is literally the only result with any relevancy whatsoever, the result is returned.
The amount that a small group of 20 engineers could influence a real search term is completely negligible. But a previously non-existent term? Of course it works.
That's also, of course, why it only worked for 7 out of the 100 potential terms.
I mean, it would be ok if Google search could be crawled, but obviously Google disallow crawling on their pages. So Bing doesn't crawl, doesn't find the page on it's own. It just gets the page that users may be getting on their search through Google, and they don't even check if the page has any relevance to the query, they just show it because you know, Google has it, so it must be relevant.
And you still don't see the problem with this? I'm lost here, i think i'm gonna query for mbzrxpgjys on Bing and see if i can get results about logic. I mean, they can show anything there, if Google wants them to. They won't check if the page even remotely has the term i searched. But yes, it can be relevant if i found it through somewhere else (aka Google)