Yeah, I just got that, too. I wonder what kind of notifications it'll show.
I noticed Facebook started to give new sounds and put stuff in Notification Center on OS X. At first I thought it might have been some sneaky web-side update or something, but it looks like it might actually be something they added in a recent Chrome update.
Does the spell check thing not work for anyone else? I get the red underline but don't get any suggestions? Is it a setting?
Something really fucked up just happened.
I installed IE10 with the Windows Update and after rebooting the PC chrome is missing all my extensions...
It also had the Bookmark bar hidden like it was the first time running, but the bookmarks were still there.
Same happened to me. Luckily the only thing that IE fucked up was the extensions, which took about 2 minutes to reinstall. But still a pain in the ass.
I just wish they'd fix the thin font issue![]()
body {
text-shadow: 0px 0px -1px #000000 !important;
Try this workaround
Code:body { text-shadow: 0px 0px -1px #000000 !important; }
Copy this and create "Custom.css" in the User StyleSheets folder of Chrome or Chromium
So Chrome was updated with a better spell checker. I am not sure about that
Nope, they took it out. A shame, since I thought it was pretty cool.
Highlight -> Right Click is the best way to search Google for something quickly.
The Next Web has unearthed more evidence that Google's Android assistant is coming to its browser soon. Source code for the latest Chromium build for Windows (in Google's Canary channel) shows that the backbone for Now has been integrated into the browser. Google Now still doesn't work in the browser as it won't resolve Google Now server, URL but it shows that Now's browser release is imminent.
The newest Chromium version in the Canary channel shows richer notifications that could act as a heads-up display for Google Now's card-like notifications. There are also options to manage notification permissions, much like you would see on the Android OS.
I don't know why but I always highlight and then drag it to the tab bar.Highlight -> Right Click is the best way to search Google for something quickly.
Vendor Prefixes
Historically, browsers have relied on vendor prefixes (e.g., -webkit-feature) to ship experimental features to web developers. This approach can be harmful to compatibility because web content comes to rely upon these vendor-prefixed names. Going forward, instead of enabling a feature by default with a vendor prefix, we will instead keep the (unprefixed) feature behind the “enable experimental web platform features” flag in about:flags until the feature is ready to be enabled by default. Mozilla has already embarked on a similar policy.
A little unfortunate, if only because WebKit's domination meant increasing standardization for at least the non-JS part of web rendering![]()
reading the wiki ->
that's a great change. I've never liked vendor prefixes so hopefully this stops WebKit becoming IE6.
A little unfortunate, if only because WebKit's domination meant increasing standardization for at least the non-JS part of web rendering![]()
Ooooh, that makes this a lot more interesting. On the desktop side it seems like WebKit just became Blink overnight, lol. Only one left using vanilla Webkit will be Safari (which is more of a factor in things than Opera has ever been, but still.)
I actually like the bigger padding on the menus. Glad they put it back on beta 27.