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Google Chrome |OT|


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Can anyone tell me why my extension isn't showing up in my context menu?

   "name": "NameofExtension",
   "description": "DescriptionofExtension",
   "version": "0.3",
   "permissions": [ "contextMenus", "tabs" ],
   "update_url": update",
   "manifest_version": 2,

   "background": {
      "page": "background.html",
      "persistent": true
      "default_name": "DefaultName",
      "default_icon": "icon16.png",
      "default_popup": "popup.html"
   "icons": {
      "16": "icon16.png",
      "48": "icon48.png",
      "64": "icon64.png"
   "key": "keyPass",
   "minimum_chrome_version": "6"

and my background.html
	"title": "Chack for \"%s\"",
	"contexts": ["selection"],
	"onclick": search_start

It was working up until Google pushed Manifest v2. I tried updating it and it's not showing up in my context menu anymore so I'm assuming my problem is with my manifest.json file

"update_url": update" seems to be missing a quote mark.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
In Manifest v2, the manifest structure for including scripts is different. Instead of including your scripts in background.html, you include them in a dedicated background script. The correct version of your manifest would be:

   "name": "NameofExtension",
   "description": "DescriptionofExtension",
   "version": "0.3",
   "permissions": [ "contextMenus", "tabs" ],
   "update_url": update",
   "manifest_version": 2,

   "background": {
      "scripts": [ "background.js" ]
      "default_name": "DefaultName",
      "default_icon": "icon16.png",
      "default_popup": "popup.html"
   "icons": {
      "16": "icon16.png",
      "48": "icon48.png",
      "64": "icon64.png"
   "key": "keyPass",
   "minimum_chrome_version": "6"


In Manifest v2, the manifest structure for including scripts is different. Instead of including your scripts in background.html, you include them in a dedicated background script. The correct version of your manifest would be:

   "name": "NameofExtension",
   "description": "DescriptionofExtension",
   "version": "0.3",
   "permissions": [ "contextMenus", "tabs" ],
   "update_url": update",
   "manifest_version": 2,

   "background": {
      "scripts": [ "background.js" ]
      "default_name": "DefaultName",
      "default_icon": "icon16.png",
      "default_popup": "popup.html"
   "icons": {
      "16": "icon16.png",
      "48": "icon48.png",
      "64": "icon64.png"
   "key": "keyPass",
   "minimum_chrome_version": "6"

Hmmm doesn't seem to be working either... I'll re-read the developer notes again and probably rewrite the extension again since it wasn't that difficult anyway. I'll get back if it doesn't work again


Kind of disappointed that despite the recent update claiming an improvement, spellcheck in Chrome still sucks incredibly hard, to the point where it's pretty much useless.

Also why the fuck can't I copy a link from a Google search results page without all this Google jank coming attached? Not Chrome related but it's really annoying.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Kind of disappointed that despite the recent update claiming an improvement, spellcheck in Chrome still sucks incredibly hard, to the point where it's pretty much useless.

Also why the fuck can't I copy a link from a Google search results page without all this Google jank coming attached? Not Chrome related but it's really annoying.

It's a hack they had to add when switching to HTTPS, since HTTPS strips referrer information and Google wants web admins to know where their traffic is coming from.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone with knowledge of Windows know why why Chrome seems to constantly performing read/write operations even when it's not doing anything?

I started to notice this on 26/stable and I could just be my imagination but the rest of my computer seems to suffer when I have Chrome open.

Here's a screenshot (this is about 30 minutes and all I've done is browse gaf)


by comparison I've had Firefox 20 and IE10 open for the same amount of time doing nothing (just loaded google) and they don't move. Chrome on the other hand is just constantly doing... something?

I found some info online and ended up using Microsoft's mklink utility to make a junction and move Chrome's app data folder to another hdd. This seems to have helped but again, this could just be my imagination.

I guess I'm just asking if those numbers seem normal? By comparison it seems crazy but I don't really know.


I've been in denial for a long time but I must finally admit: Chrome fucking sucks right now. It's just slow as shit. I'm switching to IE10.


Shockwave keeps crashing. Is this a Chrome problem or a Shockwave problem and how would I fix it?

Chrome probably. Their custom implementation of Flash is awful. If you type chrome://plugins, click detail and then you can disable pepper flash (PPAPI). This will switch to Adobe's normal plugin implementation.

Note that ARM-based Chromebooks can't switch.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Chromium Blog: Preview the new Chrome packaged apps

Just as I expected, the Chrome Web Store is now going to prioritize packaged apps as "Apps," with hosted apps being demoted to "Websites" AKA shortcuts.


The upcoming Chrome app launcher will also differentiate site shortcuts with a tiny shortcut icon:


(Compare the hosted app Google Reader with the packaged app Crosh Wind.)

The Google I/O session from last year on Chrome apps was mindblowing, I suggest everyone give it a watch if you're even slightly interested. What they showed there is clearly still the outline for how they're going to move going forward. Super excited to attend this year's sessions: The Chrome Packaged Apps State of the Nation and Upgrading to a Chrome Packaged App.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So google search was not working for me earlier today. It would return an error. I couldn't even go to google.com.

I opened up firefox, and it worked perfectly there. After a quick google search, I found out that apparently this is common with Chrome, and the fix is to clear your cache.

google.com not working on google chrome.

*shakes head*


Does anyone have this problem:

I turn on my computer and open chrome. And Chrome has lost all its settings, extensions, bookmarks, homepage, everything. This also happened yesterday, and last week. Thank god for being able to revert back to earlier versions of file/folder on Win7.


Huh? What feature is this?


I'm using the beta now and they've changed some things up. Creating a new tab shows you your recent sites as well as a search box. The apps have a new bookmark link to them instead of being on the same page as recently viewed sites.


I'm using the beta now and they've changed some things up. Creating a new tab shows you your recent sites as well as a search box. The apps have a new bookmark link to them instead of being on the same page as recently viewed sites.

The new new tab page is terrible. Why do I need a search box? If I want to search for something I use the address bar. I also have no idea why the removed Recently Closed Tabs I use that all the time. Thank god you can disable it for now and go back to the old version.


I figured this was the place to ask about this small question. I've updated Chrome and now the "white" is much brighter than it used to be. So bright, in fact, that it hurts my eyes.

Of course, I thought of adjusting the monitor settings, but it's only chrome that is too bright. The other programmes are as they were before.

Is there any way I can change the brightness setting?

Thanks for the help.




odd, ever since I upgraded to stable 27 my youtube hardly works. I can't resize videos, add to playlists - anything.


Does anyone with knowledge of Windows know why why Chrome seems to constantly performing read/write operations even when it's not doing anything?

I started to notice this on 26/stable and I could just be my imagination but the rest of my computer seems to suffer when I have Chrome open.

Here's a screenshot (this is about 30 minutes and all I've done is browse gaf)


by comparison I've had Firefox 20 and IE10 open for the same amount of time doing nothing (just loaded google) and they don't move. Chrome on the other hand is just constantly doing... something?

I found some info online and ended up using Microsoft's mklink utility to make a junction and move Chrome's app data folder to another hdd. This seems to have helped but again, this could just be my imagination.

I guess I'm just asking if those numbers seem normal? By comparison it seems crazy but I don't really know.
I think I have a similar problem... because I can hear my disk drive grinding in the background when I start Chrome, then periodically afterwards. Even if I close Chrome it continues, but I noticed it still running in the background and killing the process immediately stops any hard drive access noise. I get that my drive is noisy and old (and needs replacing - but I can't be bothered) but why does my browser need to be accessing it constantly? It's silly but it's just easier to run firefox than find out why it's doing it.


Hmm, I have an issue editing GAF posts on Chrome since the most recent update. It lets me edit and actually submits the edit, but then it appears to hang and I have to reload the thread fully to see the edit.
Having a lot of problems with Chrome lately, on OS X and iPhone. It's making me sad. On the desktop it's using so much damn memory and slowing my whole computer down. Has anyone else had this issue? A way to fix? I know Chrome uses multiple processes but it adds up to like 600mb at times which seems like a lot for a browser.

The Real Abed

You have some extension messing it up. There isn't supposed to be that ad up top. Try disabling extensions one by one to see what's causing it.
Yeah, definitely. That ad isn't supposed to be there. Some extension has gone rogue on you. Delete that sumbitch ASAP. (Once you find it)


Looks like my Chrome ir b0rked, no sites load anymore besides the one on startup/or opened via clicking on an url elsewhere.
It thinks it loaded it ( as in u can see the sites logo and url in the tab itself, but i get no site and it still shows the site that was loaded prior.
Tried clearing everything, no dice.
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