I meant Cyberfox.Is Waterfox even being updated anymore? Their site says it's still based on FF18.
FML i could see the CSS Code of every site before it loads completely. This beta sucks.
Edit: Fuck it, switched to Waterfox until they fix that buggy piece of shit.
Would be nice if it was an announcement that Apple was going to allow custom web views on iOS and that Chrome for iOS would be able to utilize their own engine finally.Google schedules two events for mobile Chrome on June 7 and 13
Apps and extensions incoming.
Don't get your hopes up.
I don't think Apple would allow a browser to have extensions even if it were technically possible.
I was just wondering, is it me, or is it impossible to use the keyboard to add a bookmark to a specific folder now?
It defaults to the last folder added and I can't tab to any of the options to change the folder.
Weird. Bookmark all tabs works and I can use the arrows, but bookmarking a single page doesn't - I have to use the mouse. It's a weird problem. :/Ctrl+Shift+D, can you use the arrows?
I don't use this on my computer. I don't use this on iOS. I don't use this at all. It's useless to me. Especially since I can't replace the thumbnails with links of my own. It's not accurate for me and shows pages I would never want to be presented with. And 4 out of those 6 links pictured above are ones I've rarely ever been to so I don't know where it's getting this stupid information from. (The Google page above goes to their account login landing page. A page no one ever needs to visit directly. So why is it there? And I've been to Roku's website maybe 5 times total.) So get rid of it. Give me something useful there. Google Now.
I've been having an issue with EDITING posts recently on GAF with Chrome.
It edits it, but it gets stuck at LOADING so I have to refresh. Anyone else having this issue? Or is it just me? Thanks!
Yep, plenty of us are having that issue. There's actually a thread on it.
Though, your post does actually edit, even though the edit box gets stuck. Once you press save and you see it loading, you could just refresh the page again to see the edit.
Google schedules two events for mobile Chrome on June 7 and 13
Apps and extensions incoming.
Don't get your hopes up.
Yeah. I noticed that happening too. Is it Chrome or GAF?
So tomorrow is the first one. Now, is there a thread for these events? Could be big...who knows.
Hm, your call, it was only announced on the Google Developers site, so it's probably just API stuffs.
They updated, and now I can't find last closed tabs option.![]()
K, thanks.That is because of the new new tab page. Go to "chrome://flags/", search for Enable Instant Extended API and set it to Disabled. That should bring back the old new tab page with the recently closed tabs menu.
Anyone else having trouble downloading youtube vids that were recently uploaded? Not old vids, just anything new.
html, body {
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px !important;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0.01px !important;
Mind linking to a video that does that for you?
I know "Chrome starting to suck" is beginning to become a common opinion, and I'm starting to agree. Why did Google recently remove the search bar in the Google website when you're using Chrome? I'm assuming it's only a Chrome "feature" since it would be inane to remove it on other browsers that don't have the omnibox. Google's trying to be TOO minimalist with their website and it's frustrating sometimes. I also don't like the new forced Google website on the New Tab, how do I get my recently closed tabs back?
Apparently Chrome 28 fixes the animated gif stopping playing issue. Hurray!
The site's security certificate is not trusted!
You attempted to reach www.google.com, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications.
You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain.
Is something wrong with Chrome today? I've been getting these messages when I try to access some websites like Twitter, Facebook and even Google sites:
Weird, my Chrome updated to 28 on Stable Channel.
That ever happen to anyone else? I happened to have reformated, reinstalled Chrome and now I'm back on 27. I was using 28 for weeks, thinking it was a stable release.
Ok, Chrome is officially 28 on Stable.
Stop playing with my heart, Google.
Notifications in Tweetdeck are still broken.
Richer notifications now available to all Chrome users
Mac is coming soon.
I imagine they removed support for HTML Notifications without telling anyone, to try and get people to use their new Rich Notifications. Chrome OS has never supported HTML Notifications as far as I can tell.
I had to laugh at the official Chrome blog's newest post:
With the release of the M28 developer channel of Chrome, we are officially deprecating HTML-based notifications for Chrome Extensions in favor of the new Rich Notifications Chrome API.
...As the API is enabled on each platform, the existing HTML Notifications API will be removed for that platform.
I wonder where they'll go in OS X though. Or Linux. Maybe the menubar? Or inside the app itself? That's really the biggest problem with implementing them. On Windows and ChromeOS they go in the taskbar but OS X doesn't have a taskbar and I wouldn't want it in my Dock. (Docklings were a horrible idea back in 10.0 and I'm glad they died with 10.2 and were replaced with menubar icons.) They can't integrate into the Notification Center easily since they're "richer" looking than OS X allows. Even more than Growl notifications too. I guess the menubar really. But then you wouldn't be able to see it anyway when in fullscreen. (I really wish they'd put in an option to always keep the menubar visible in fullscreen so I could see that information without it being hidden.)I imagine they removed support for HTML Notifications without telling anyone, to try and get people to use their new Rich Notifications. Chrome OS has never supported HTML Notifications as far as I can tell.