tried :/ still triggers
When you run with all the gpu-related about:flags things turned off, what does the "Graphics Features Status" section of about:gpu say?
tried :/ still triggers
God I'm such an idiot. It's actually just in settings. Click advanced, then go all the way to the button and it says "Use hardware acceleration when available". Just uncheck that, and it should never touch your GPU
thanks! but no luck still!
Google Chrome and Google Chrome Helper are still triggering the dedicated GFX on my MBP... maybe Apple needs to fix this :/
Hmm, how do you know its using it? And what does it say in about:gpu?
I use gfxCardStatus - it alerts me I am switched to dedicated GFX whenever I launch Chrome.
in about:gpu, I see this
GPU Switching: Always on discrete GPU
Is there a way to access your bookmarks without having to click through several options or having an extra bar? I'd love to just use the URL box, but it never suggests my bookmarks. IIRC, IE did that.
Is anyone else getting this new search drop-down thing on chrome when they mouse over the search bar? It's really annoying!
I've rebooted and its gone now. It's so odd.
I thought it could be malware, but it wasn't advertising anything and it looked pretty authentic, though when I used it to search there was mention of 'quenchapp.org' in the search details. Who knows what it was!!?
Searched through the thread and apparently this:
is happening with more people? I get this every time I scroll through a pic/gif heavy thread. You can't fix this?[/QUOTE]
you can turn it off by going to [B]about:flags[/B] and setting [B]Threaded compositing[/B] to [B]disabled[/B]
before you do though just know that it's actually a good thing. It prevents lockups and stutters on complex pages because it's putting all that work on another thread.
before you do though just know that it's actually a good thing. It prevents lockups and stutters on complex pages because it's putting all that work on another thread.
Anyone else notice that the search bar on the google search results page is now missing if your original search was through the omni bar?
Is there any word when Chrome might be updated to support OS X Mavericks features? (Like, is it present yet in any of the pre-release builds?)
I would love to continue using Chrome, but it's high energy consumption has always been undeniable, and is hard to justify now compared to Safari's now incredibly low power use.
I would also like to see them implement GPU-accelerated scrolling, click to play plug-ins, and App Nap. Also, fully GPU-accelerated Flash playback, if that's in Google's power.
The question is whether or not Apple's push for power savings aligns with Chrome's traditional ideology of render the next webpage, and render it as fast as possible.
finally got Google Chrome working without Dedicated GFX on my 2010 MBP.
does anyone actively use the Sync function on Google Chrome?
My "Recently closed tab" button is gone!
Is there any way to easily get it back?
Is the only reason why I use chrome over Firefox.
I use sync
hmm just to check with ya
does Chrome Sync the status of your extensions?
status meaning whether they are disabled or enabled?
for example
my MBP and PC Chrome are synced
if I were to disable Readability on my PC Chrome, would that disable it on my MBP Chrome as well?
If yes, is there a workaround?
I googled but there's no update on it in 2013
oh man.. I just lost all my Chrome bookmarks on my PC
I thought I exported all my Bookmarks but apparently Chrome did not :/
wanted to do a clean install... running recuva now in hopes that the Bookmark file isn't overwritten
years and years of bookmarks
It does sync the if the addons are enabled or disabled.
That really sucks
it does but oh well..
found a backup dated Aug2012...
guess losing one year worth of bookmarks is better than losing everything
thanks! I tried.. but it's not there anymore :/
You don't happen to have another computer synced with Chrome? Try that one
hmm just to check with ya
does Chrome Sync the status of your extensions?
status meaning whether they are disabled or enabled?
for example
my MBP and PC Chrome are synced
if I were to disable Readability on my PC Chrome, would that disable it on my MBP Chrome as well?
If yes, is there a workaround?
I googled but there's no update on it in 2013
Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but I'm getting real tired of having my YouTube videos stutter every goddamn time I try to watch a video. I don't know how to fix it. I deleted the Pepperflash folder, disabled, nuked it, etc., but that didn't work at all. I'm using Version 32.0.1700.14 beta-m Aura.
Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but I'm getting real tired of having my YouTube videos stutter every goddamn time I try to watch a video. I don't know how to fix it. I deleted the Pepperflash folder, disabled, nuked it, etc., but that didn't work at all. I'm using Version 32.0.1700.14 beta-m Aura.
Anybody has this problem? The drop down menu sometimes is unreadable.
Anybody has this problem? The drop down menu sometimes is unreadable.
On second thought, this bug looks like it may be related to your problem: