here's an example of the problem I'm having, which is making it impossible for me to consider committing to Chrome:
streaming video of Day[9] (popular vidcaster for StarCraft II)
while using the latest 10.2 beta Flash build (yes, I replaced the stock Flash plug-in in the Chrome package with the new hotness):
Chrome with GPU acceleration enabled (thanks, thewesker)
Note the temp in the top bar and the CPU usage on the drop-down.
Note the temp in the top bar and the CPU usage on the drop-down.
In this case (as is the norm for my streaming video experience in Chrome), the app uses pushes the CPU up to 35-40% steadily, running the CPU up into and beyond 90C. averaging 95-97C until the fans kick up to compensate. Enabling the GPU did seem to cut the CPU load by about 8%.
After waiting a few minutes for the fans to slow down back to their lowest spin speeds of 2000rpm, I load the same video in the ever-steady Opera. CPU never goes above about 21% (that's damn near 20% less CPU), and results in on average around 20C (or ~68F) difference.
Computer: 2010 MacBook Pro, i7, 8GB RAM, 160GB SSD, both browsers using the same Flash build.
Understandably, this is why I can't use Chrome seriously. Having to manually manage my fans just to watch video in a browser is not something I'm willing to do. Here's hoping either that improves or I figure out something I'm doing wrong.
fun fact- That Opera window has
19 tabs open. It's using only 625MB of memory after a full day. Try that in ANY other browser.