Anton Sugar
Wow, gifs running so much smoother/faster in 10.
You can already change it yourself to anything you want.Threi said:I want to upgrade to chrome but the only thing that's holding me back is the icon.
Chrome's icon is so tacky, i'm going to jump on when they change it.
D4Danger said:the bookmark bar focus bug on the latest dev build is really annoyingwhitewhine
it keeps drawing the little call tip things all over my screen.
I'm having the exact same problem. Had to switch back to Firefox because of it.Vyer said:All Youtube videos are stuttering horribly for me on Chrome. I'm on OSX, and it's not happening in Safari or Firefox.
Haven't tried it yet on my Windows 7 machine.
Anyone had this issue?
I was the same but I just said fuck it and now I'm used to it.Threi said:I want to upgrade to chrome but the only thing that's holding me back is the icon.
Chrome's icon is so tacky, i'm going to jump on when they change it.
Threi said:I want to upgrade to chrome but the only thing that's holding me back is the icon.
Chrome's icon is so tacky, i'm going to jump on when they change it.
!giga said:
giga said:
I celebrated months ago when I had 10.0 the first time. Now I'm on 11.0.Tokubetsu said:Haha, yep.
It's a bug in Chrome. Not Speed Dial. Any extension that replaces the new tab page is buggy. I had to work around it by making my links open in a new tab and close the old one.evlcookie said:Speed dial extension seems like it needs an update, clicking on anything you have speed dialed will give you a blank url bar. Same goes for bookmarks on the speed dial page.
Apart from that chrome 10 has been fine so far.
Copernicus said:This is like almost admission that chrome is going to be pulled into android.
Andrex said:What? No. Chromium has always had a blue icon.
So it's not my imagination? I came here to ask about it as I couldn't believe it! It only took them 10 releases but I'm glad that it's finally here.Threi said:you forgot the most important update:
subrock said:anyone else getting the annoying bug in the new dev version where your bookmark descriptions show up over the middle of the browser window when you leave the mouse hovering in the middle of the page.
Threi said:I want to upgrade to chrome but the only thing that's holding me back is the icon.
Chrome's icon is so tacky, i'm going to jump on when they change it.
Dude seriously it's freaken annoying, and i hate how they don't leave until you hover over any tab.subrock said:anyone else getting the annoying bug in the new dev version where your bookmark descriptions show up over the middle of the browser window when you leave the mouse hovering in the middle of the page.
Wow i really like this one better, hopefully they change it on Chrome as wellgiga said:Speaking of new icons..
subrock said:anyone else getting the annoying bug in the new dev version where your bookmark descriptions show up over the middle of the browser window when you leave the mouse hovering in the middle of the page.
Jzero15 said:Dude seriously it's freaken annoying, and i hate how they don't leave until you hover over any tab.
I know! It's annoying! It makes sense in Chrome OS, but not in a computer OS where it's just another paradigm that is different from the way every other app works.giga said:The fuck is this? I don't see any option to disable it. Dev channel.
louis89 said:So what do I do now that GIFs are sped up for me after having upgraded to 10.0? I didn't have any problems before.
There was a update yesterdayJasoco said:This is strange, but my URL status-bar has reappeared again all of a sudden.
And now they're broken again. The update yesterday actually broke it for me. Oh well. Dammit.GhostRidah said:There was a update yesterday
Jasoco said:I don't get why we need the "Hold Command+Q to quit" thing when Chrome remembers everything and relaunches in less than a second anyway so it's not a big deal if you accidentally quit it. I don't get who thought that was a good idea to implement. It really bugs me. And is now the only problem I have with 11.0.
Spike said:When I click on the tab I want to view and I move my mouse downwards, it is auto highlighting a link on my bookmarks bar and showing the shortcut on the screen until I move my mouse all the way up to the tab bar and then move all the way to the right or the left of the screen and then move down again.
It is annoying me to no end. They better fix this stat, or I'm going to try another browser.
I've never had a problem with it remembering my settings on any Beta, Dev or Stable release I've ever used. I don't use any pinned tabs though. (Not since they removed the ability to close them and keep them pinned up there as sort of "tab bookmarks". That sucked when they removed it. So fuck you, pinned tabs.)Ashhong said:Speaking of Chrome remembering things, does yours always remember your tabs? More often than not, mine forgets it and only restores my pinned tabs. Also when I update Chrome and it restarts, it loads tabs from a previous session. It's very weird.
I guess this means I can change my plug-in options from "Click to Play"?HiResDes said:
quadriplegicjon said:Is Chromium just the beta of Chrome?
Interesting choices. I prefer the color coding done with IE though.Andrex said:Ch-ch-ch-changes!
Multi-tab selection with Ctrl or Shift click.
Contextual title prefixes are turned into ellipses.
And of course the new logo.
I noticed this too. :\ It's not with all GIFs either.louis89 said:So what do I do now that GIFs are sped up for me after having upgraded to 10.0? I didn't have any problems before.
Huh, so that explains it. Wait, I'm pretty sure some are now playing way too fast.Kunohara said:They are now playing at normal speed. They were playing at a reduced speed before.
What version are you using? My tabs have always had the page title, rather than the site title.Dreams-Visions said:hey guys, is there a way to make Chrome show the name of a website you're on in that space above your tabs?
I find that sometimes I'm scrolling a GAF thread and lose track of what thread it is. I'm used to looking at the top to see what the topic is at a glance. Can that be enabled somewhow?
The tab is too small to be able to tell what the page title is. It's annoying. But I just use Personalized Web Options and JavaScript to get around the problem on a few sites.ninj4junpei said:What version are you using? My tabs have always had the page title, rather than the site title.
function $(el) { return document.getElementById(el); }
function updateTitle() {
var t = document.title;
var l = t.length;
$('pagetitle').innerHTML = t.substring(0,l-9) + " ";
window.setTimeout("updateTitle()", 300);
var t = document.title;
var l = t.length;
document.title = t.substring(10,l);
Jasoco said:I like how Safari smartly renames tabs and wish Chrome would do that too.