listen to the mad man

It's been a flag for a while but it looks like it's on by default in 19
Yeah, I just turned on theabout:chrome://flags flag in the mean time.
WHy do the Chrome devs do this? Does someone honestly sit there and say it looks nice?!
Oh fuck I just noticed this. It was so elegant before! Why would they do this?Whilst Chrome isn't my main browser on OS X I do like to frequently pop back to it to see how things are going.
Something that's always irked me has been the back and forward screen indicators. They've uglified it even more with a large black semi-circle popping up each time you swipe
WHy do the Chrome devs do this? Does someone honestly sit there and say it looks nice?!
Those new side-arrows that appear when you go back and forward are freaking annoying.
I preferred the previous implementation in Chrome to Safari's sliding panels. The new style, less so.It was so elegant before!
the what now?
The problem seems to be isolated to those using the latest version of Chrome, 18.0.1025.151, and running the 64-bit version of Windows 7. So far the only way to gain access to Google services with Chrome again is to reinstall the browser, which will give temporary access. Once you close the browser and reopen it, the server certificate error will return.
been pissing me off all morning gonna switch browser and be done lol
The problem seems to be isolated to those using the latest version of Chrome, 18.0.1025.151, and running the 64-bit version of Windows 7. So far the only way to gain access to Google services with Chrome again is to reinstall the browser, which will give temporary access. Once you close the browser and reopen it, the server certificate error will return.
been pissing me off all morning gonna switch browser and be done lol
Has anyone tried ?
How do I get pop ups to open in a new tab? This is really pissing me off.
Has anyone tried ?
Popup icon (top left) -> Show as tab
Oh, yeah, no way to do that.
This looks terrrrrible.
gross, im getting certificate errors up the ass.
for shit like mibbit, twitter, my webclient for work.
plus with all the memory accumulation, this might be the straw for the camel's back
Chrome 20 seems to have improved the lag/hitching somewhat on picture heavy pages, but still not as good as FF11.
That new Chrome windowing system looks like it's official. What a disaster.
gross, im getting certificate errors up the ass.
for shit like mibbit, twitter, my webclient for work.
plus with all the memory accumulation, this might be the straw for the camel's back
You mean Aura for Chrome OS?
Yeah, not a fan so far, but I'll wait until it's more final.
been having a lot of problems with playing videos on chrome lately, both on my PC and laptop. I'd try to watch highlights on ESPN and I can't see the video but the audio plays. I have to refresh a few times and if I'm lucky it will play. Same thing with youtube.
No problems with watching porn
Windows 7, I'm presuming? What Chrome version, and is the video just stuttering badly or completely blank? How about Youtube?
Do you get a green box where the video should be? You don't happen to have an ATI graphics card do you?Completely blank, audio works fine though. Same problem with YouTube and i'm on version 18.0.1025.162 m on win7.
So has anyone ever gotten a problem with the colors of webpages?
Wikipedia has looked like this for the past few days and I cant get the colors back to normal.
And it seems to only be effecting wikipedia.