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Google Chrome |OT|


Unconfirmed Member


Unconfirmed Member
This is awesome!

Is there anyway to have the window expand like in the Flash player?

no, it just swaps the video player out for the native one so you lose all the benefits of those little buttons.

if you expand the player before you swap it it will replace it with a bigger one.

btw I doubt I'm ever going to change that. The extension can't communicate with the page so I'd have to write functions for every action which is more work than I want.

you can make the video full screen if you double-click it. I'm probably going to play around with that feature some more.


Someone should make an extension to lock the whole browser like you can lock out of windows.

I had to send my laptop in for repairs and I didn't want to delete any personal history and bookmarks. So what I did was save the user info default folder into a flash drive and then deleted it. It works fine when I put it back.


new extension


you can set it to auto-swap to the Chrome HTML5 player in the options.

let me know if anything breaks. I only tested it on myself.
Dude. Fantastic work. Works great on my end on Lion and Chrome Beta.

If I were to add any requests (which you don't have to do at all--you've done more than enough), they would be:

- a way to choose between 720P or 1080P
- maybe some way to stop it autoplaying. I'm not sure if that's possible though, so it's cool.

Thanks again d4!


Unconfirmed Member
yeah, those are easy enough to add. I'll update it tomorrow.

edit: both of those things have been added.

You can now disable autoplay and set the default video to any supported format. If it can't find that format it will work its way down (for example: if you select 1080p and it's not available it will check for 720p then 360p).


yeah, those are easy enough to add. I'll update it tomorrow.

edit: both of those things have been added.

You can now disable autoplay and set the default video to any supported format. If it can't find that format it will work its way down (for example: if you select 1080p and it's not available it will check for 720p then 360p).
<3. Perfect.


I'm on GAF right now on my phone but on chrome when I click the link for gaf, it tries to download something/file and won't open gaf. Anyone else experiencing this?


on Chrome Beta for Android, how do you completely exit the browser? Without hitting back so many freakin times or killing task...


This is awesome!

Is there any way to have the window expand like in the Flash player?
Like d4 said, if you already have it expanded on the flash player it'll stay that way. Youtube sucks though and it never remembers my setting after 24 hours. Here's what I'm using to keep it expanded while still staying in the HTML5 player.

Stylish: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe

And this custom css: http://blog.hawn.be/2011/10/07/how-to-force-youtube-to-use-expanded-view-by-default-and-even-larger/

1280 was too wide for me so I commented it out and made it the middle setting. (970x580)

div#watch-video {
    width: /*854px*/ 970px /*1280px*/ !important;
    height: /*510px*/ 580px /*765px*/ !important;
div#watch-sidebar {
    margin-top: 10px !important;
div#watch-video-container {
    background-color: #555 !important;

So add a new style with that in the code section for youtube.com.




Unconfirmed Member
It computes the width and height every time you swap the video because I knew some people have scripts that do this and I didn't want to box them back in. If for some reason it doesn't work let me know.

also, it appears that sometimes the audio from the flash video will continue to play even when it's been removed from the page. I don't know if anyone else has come across this but I'm looking into it. So if it does happen just know I know.


Just found that out lol! I probably do this cause flicking tabs off the phone is sweet sweet fun.

To unload it from memory. It uses like 40mb..I know I know I shouldn't worry..but I do. What else would I do with my time =)
Your phone will automatically free up the memory when it needs it for something else. All you're doing is making Chrome load up a bit slower the next time you need it, and wasting a bit of battery at the same time.


Wierd problem I'm having. Neogaf keeps logging me out every time I close my browser. But it is ONLY my neogaf account it logs me out of, not my youtube account or anything else. And it's ONLY on this computer, on my lap top, I can close it and open it and it'd still be connected there.


Can someone please explain why most of you seem to prefer HTML5 over Flash on Youtube?
- less processor intensive
- right click access to saving the video and the direct video url (so I can paste it directly into a media player if I want)
- it's not Flash


Want help on something that have been bothering me since I switched to Chrome.

On Firefox whenever there is a wallpaper on the web I just right click it then an option to set it as a desktop wallpaper appears, on my Chrome there isn't. So, how can I make it do the same?


So about this whole HTML 5 vs. Flash thing, I was wondering; for some reason, on Ubuntu, no matter what browser, flash always slows to a crawl when I go to 720p, or any resolution full-screen, but it also does this exact same thing, becoming a mess at 720p and any res. when full-screen, when I use HTML 5.

This never happened when I used this exact same computer, but with Windows though. Any idea why?
So about this whole HTML 5 vs. Flash thing, I was wondering; for some reason, on Ubuntu, no matter what browser, flash always slows to a crawl when I go to 720p, or any resolution full-screen, but it also does this exact same thing, becoming a mess at 720p and any res. when full-screen, when I use HTML 5.

This never happened when I used this exact same computer, but with Windows though. Any idea why?
Flash sucks on Linux/OS X.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
So about this whole HTML 5 vs. Flash thing, I was wondering; for some reason, on Ubuntu, no matter what browser, flash always slows to a crawl when I go to 720p, or any resolution full-screen, but it also does this exact same thing, becoming a mess at 720p and any res. when full-screen, when I use HTML 5.

This never happened when I used this exact same computer, but with Windows though. Any idea why?

I believe newer versions of Flash might be hardware accelerated, and due to the nature of graphics drivers on Linux, it may be slower.

However I've never had any problems with 720p or 1080p on my Ubuntu computer, then again that's kind of a beast.


I have my Chrome set to reopen my last session when I reopen my browser. It has been great, but recently when I restart my computer fully it does not seem to work. The only time the feature works is if I close the browser and reopen it without shutting off my computer. Does this happen to anyone else?


I'm on GAF right now on my phone but on chrome when I click the link for gaf, it tries to download something/file and won't open gaf. Anyone else experiencing this?

Yep, I am. I can click links to threads (like this one from google) but any time I try to go to Neogaf.com it just tries to save a file called "download" and when I go to any of the forums (Gaming, Off-Topic etc) it tries to download "forumdisplay.php"

Works fine on firefox, but also getting something similar on IE
New update for stable today and it has a new version of flash, hope it fixes the recent problems its been having with it.

Edit: Ok it looks like they fixed all of my problems, no random flash crashes and tabs needing to be shut down because of it.


When I have a YouTube video go full screen it has like gold static playing over the video. Only happens in Chrome, Opera/FireFox is fine. Tried re-installing Flash Player, disable hardware acceleration, etc. and it still happens. Other sites like GiantBomb are fine too, it's just YouTube.

Only happens in Ubuntu version.


Probably off-topic but are there any good sites that can teach me Javascript? I'm interested in making more complex Chrome extensions but my knowledge with Javascript is very limited. I only had one class on it and didn't really learn much >__>


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Probably off-topic but are there any good sites that can teach me Javascript? I'm interested in making more complex Chrome extensions but my knowledge with Javascript is very limited. I only had one class on it and didn't really learn much >__>

First, go here and do this:


Sites you'll want to look into:

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