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Google Chrome |OT|


Is there any word of when the Retina display support will be available in the stable version? Or in general, how long does it usually take for Canary build features to be released on the stable channel?
New version of Chrome approximately every 6 weeks.

Version 20 was released at the end of June, which means 21 will release in mid-to-late August.


Is there any good session saver or manager for Chrome?
If it doesn't load all the tabs when restoring them, that would me much better (like Firefox).

The Real Abed

Is there any good session saver or manager for Chrome?
If it doesn't load all the tabs when restoring them, that would me much better (like Firefox).
To answer your question, no. But I do wish Chrome would adopt Firefox's "Only load tabs when clicking on them" option. It would make leaving a bunch of YouTube tabs open much less painful. It's bad enough YouTube refuses to add an option to disable auto-play, but having a bunch of them open when you launch your browser. I really hate having to hunt through my tabs to pause every one of them. If Chrome had that option to not load the tabs until I activate them, it'd be really nice and less painful for YouTube tabs.

Also, I wish pinned tabs weren't so useless. This is what I think would be the perfect, most useful implementation of a pinned tab:

A) When you pin a tab as an App Tab, it appears as it does now. Icon only on the leftmost end of the tab bar.
B) Closing said App Tab will not remove the tab, but the page will be unloaded from memory. The tab will remain for clicking later.
C) If you click an unloaded App Tab, the original URL will load up as if it was just created. For instance, if you have FaceBook pinned as an App Tab, and you navigate elsewhere in the site, then close the tab, clicking to reopen it will open right back to the front page again.
D) If said App Tab is already loaded, double-clicking the tab will reload back to the original URL. The current history will also be erased.
E) If you click a link in an App Tab that takes you to a site outside the current site, it will force itself open into a new tab to keep the App Tab within the scope of the original site. If you click a link within the site that takes you elsewhere in the site, you will remain in the tab unless the link has a target set.
F) If another tab or a Bookmark is opened that takes you to a site that has an App Tab, the App Tab will be switched to instead of opening a new tab.

If pinned tabs worked like this, I'd use them all the time. One for FaceBook. One for Twitter. One for NeoGAF's Subscriptions page. One for Pocket. I'd go crazy! They'd be like bookmarks, but much smarter and more useful.

Also, I wish there was an option to have all bookmarks clicked from the bookmarks bar open in a new tab instead of the current tab. Unless the current tab is the NTP that is.

Is there anywhere to suggest features to the Chrome people. I want a place where they'll actually listen and take suggestions under consideration. Because these are pretty useful features that the browser could benefit from.
To answer your question, no. But I do wish Chrome would adopt Firefox's "Only load tabs when clicking on them" option. It would make leaving a bunch of YouTube tabs open much less painful. It's bad enough YouTube refuses to add an option to disable auto-play, but having a bunch of them open when you launch your browser. I really hate having to hunt through my tabs to pause every one of them. If Chrome had that option to not load the tabs until I activate them, it'd be really nice and less painful for YouTube tabs.

Does click to play not help with this situation?

The Real Abed

Does click to play not help with this situation?
I don't want click to play. I don't like how it works. I use an extension to pause the video immediately after it starts, but most of the time when I launch Chrome, the tabs load before the extensions do, which is really stupid. Because it means then any extensions that are supposed to modify a page's content get ignored until you reload the page. The browser needs to load extensions first, THEN load the tabs.
Running latest stable version of chrome on mac osx - suddenly with this version my fans on my macbook pro spin really fast and heat up quickly.

If i exit chrome, the fans stop... Any suggestions to fix this? Wasn't always like this -_-


Running latest stable version of chrome on mac osx - suddenly with this version my fans on my macbook pro spin really fast and heat up quickly.

If i exit chrome, the fans stop... Any suggestions to fix this? Wasn't always like this -_-

Do you have any extensions installed?


Is there a way to do a totally clean install on OSX? I constantly have issue with Chrome crashing due to Shockwave, have gone into the :plugins area to modify a few changes, but even after it works OK for a bit, it starts crashing again.

Probably just need to stick with Safari.

The Real Abed

Is there a way to do a totally clean install on OSX? I constantly have issue with Chrome crashing due to Shockwave, have gone into the :plugins area to modify a few changes, but even after it works OK for a bit, it starts crashing again.

Probably just need to stick with Safari.
Delete Chrome.app
Delete ~/Library/Application Support/Google Chrome/
Delete pretty much anything in a system folder that looks like it belongs to Chrome. Use Spotlight to find and make sure the option to show System Files is set to "are included".


Speaking of extensions, I've found myself being a bit more selective with them lately. Cutting out the clutter and unused extensions. And even the ones I still have I find myself trying to cut down on them...

I've currently got:
  • 1Password - Useful as all hell for storing all my passwords and accessing them from anywhere securely
  • AdBlock Plus Experimental - Is this still in beta? Or can I download it from the Chrome store yet?
  • Clock - Which is just a clock in my toolbar which I only use because I use Chrome in Lion Fullscreen mode which inexplicably hides the menu bar and thusly all useful information. (My kingdom for an OS X extension that will make the menu bar visible at all times while shifting the top of the window down.)
  • Faviconitize Google - Which simply puts favicons next to Google search results. It's simple but useful as it makes it easier to visually distinguish result sources from each other. I don't get why Google doesn't do this themselves. I shouldn't need to use an extension.
  • FlashBlock - Enough said.
  • NeoGAF User Highlighter - Cool features like this should be part of the forum I would think. Especially since the mobile site does it automatically.
  • Personalized Web Options - For modifying pages with custom scripts and styles. I could probably offload a few of my extensions into PWO scripts and get rid of a couple more extensions. Especially the Favicons one.
  • Pocket - This is really an App. But I don't know why it appears as an extension. I only keep it because Chrome's NTP is terribly uncustomizable. But I need to use it because it has the "Other devices" list of opened tabs that I use all the time.
  • Postponer Adder - For adding links to my Pocket. It's old and outdated, but it works. I tried a different Pocket adder and ended up coming back to this one.
  • Search by Image - I use this one all the time. It's replaced TinEye.
  • YouTube Me Again! - For adding inline YouTube video previews. Very useful for GAF and other forums.
  • YouTube Options - To add the features YouTube doesn't have but should have but doesn't. Like disabling auto-play.


Wow, thank you for pocket, Knowing that it uses chrome has made me try it out finally.

But, really, thank you so much for youtube options. It is amazing.

The Real Abed

Wow, thank you for pocket, Knowing that it uses chrome has made me try it out finally.

But, really, thank you so much for youtube options. It is amazing.
I use Pocket all the time and it's great to have extensions for Chrome (And other browsers) to allow me to quickly file a page away for later rather than leave every link open in my browser or save them all to my bookmarks where I'll forget about them.

Pocket also has iOS and Android apps. Which are really nice. The iPad version is great. As is the iPhone and Android versions.

Also, the official Twitter app has Pocket support for saving links. It is very handy when I am going through my stream throughout the day. But I hate that the goddamn FaceBook app does not. Pocket support should be standard in any app that has web page viewing or link support.

There are other sites that compete with Pocket, but Pocket to me really is the nicest to use. And its support is much better. Pocket used to be Read it Later, but when they renamed, they redesigned their entire look to be so much more plesant and pleasing to the eyes.

So basically with the combination of Pocket, Pocket support in major apps, Pocket apps on my mobile devices and an iOS version of Chrome with tab syncing, it is no longer a pain in the ass to own multiple web browsing devices. I can pick up any one of my three devices (iPhone, iPad or MacBook Air) and not worry about which one has the links I was reading. Especially with the iOS version of Chrome. It really is useful.

(Of course, this can all be done with Safari too, but then I'd have to use only Safari.)


On the topic of extensions, I just found an amazing one...


It blocks websites that you specify (youtube, reddit, google reader... neogaf), But gives you loads of options.

For example I have set a limit of 25 minutes to brows these websites from 11am-6pm. Outside these times, I have disabled the limit.

I know a lot of us here at GAF have procrastination issues, myself included, so I'm giving this a shot.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ

Looks like the wrench icon is finally going bye-bye. RIP 2008-2012

Also, I wish pinned tabs weren't so useless. This is what I think would be the perfect, most useful implementation of a pinned tab:

A) When you pin a tab as an App Tab, it appears as it does now. Icon only on the leftmost end of the tab bar.
B) Closing said App Tab will not remove the tab, but the page will be unloaded from memory. The tab will remain for clicking later.
C) If you click an unloaded App Tab, the original URL will load up as if it was just created. For instance, if you have FaceBook pinned as an App Tab, and you navigate elsewhere in the site, then close the tab, clicking to reopen it will open right back to the front page again.
D) If said App Tab is already loaded, double-clicking the tab will reload back to the original URL. The current history will also be erased.
E) If you click a link in an App Tab that takes you to a site outside the current site, it will force itself open into a new tab to keep the App Tab within the scope of the original site. If you click a link within the site that takes you elsewhere in the site, you will remain in the tab unless the link has a target set.
F) If another tab or a Bookmark is opened that takes you to a site that has an App Tab, the App Tab will be switched to instead of opening a new tab.

If pinned tabs worked like this, I'd use them all the time. One for FaceBook. One for Twitter. One for NeoGAF's Subscriptions page. One for Pocket. I'd go crazy! They'd be like bookmarks, but much smarter and more useful.

Also, I wish there was an option to have all bookmarks clicked from the bookmarks bar open in a new tab instead of the current tab. Unless the current tab is the NTP that is.

Is there anywhere to suggest features to the Chrome people. I want a place where they'll actually listen and take suggestions under consideration. Because these are pretty useful features that the browser could benefit from.

My biggest app tab pet peeve:

  1. Run Chrome, opening what I will refer to as browser window 1.
  2. Load a few tabs, set some as app tabs.
  3. Open browser window 2 (Control-N). Observe the lack of app tabs.
  4. Close browser window 1.
  5. Close browser window 2.
  6. Run Chrome again
  7. Become frustrated at having to set up your app tabs again, because the last window you closed wasn't the one with your app tabs open.


Does anyone know what this problem is and how I can fix it:

The issue is that the web page appears to be moved to the left a little bit, but the links and scroll bar can't be clicked unless put my cursor where it is supposed to be located (when the site looks normal).

Also happens on www.theweathernetwork.com.

I am on version "21.0.1180.57 beta-m"


Current Dev version has mad issues. Tons of stuff is broken especially on FB, but else where too.

i've been using dev ever since chrome was released for the mac and its been fine until the past few weeks.

now all of a sudden lots of pages don't render correctly, flash is constantly crashing, everything is going wrong :S

is the beta ok at the moment? i wonder why dev has suddenly gone all weird, did they make some huge change or something?!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook

Dev channel generally over the past few years has basically been rock solid with tiny minor issues. Canary is more of the fire grounds normally, but....

i've been using dev ever since chrome was released for the mac and its been fine until the past few weeks.

now all of a sudden lots of pages don't render correctly, flash is constantly crashing, everything is going wrong :S

is the beta ok at the moment? i wonder why dev has suddenly gone all weird, did they make some huge change or something?!

I'm in this guys camp. Chrome Dev was bossly until like a month or so ago. Been on the dev channel for years now, and I've never had the wide swath of issues I'm currently experiencing. It's quite frankly a total cluster fuck.


well it is actually surprising that there has been such a huge change in stability recently, regardless of what version it is, so yes, I do say.

The Real Abed

I used to jump around between channels back before they finally got all of OS X Lion's stuff into the main channel. I would switch between Stable, Beta and Dev and occasionally try Canary. But I found that even on Beta, occasionally there would be a version that just broke something so bad it became unusable. I decided to go back to Stable and have remained there for a while.

I might have to switch temporarily to a higher channel if I end up getting a Retina MacBook Pro just for Retina support. But by then it might already have leaked down into Stable anyway.

Also, whenever I would switch between channels, I would keep fucking up my user data folder and screw up the updater because it would get confused as to which version it was updating anymore. So these days I prefer stick to one channel and to be safe it's Stable.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Chrome 21 was released today!

WebRTC (real-time video communication) is enabled by default, retina displays on OS X are now fully supported, and there's been improvements to Google Cloud Print integration and the gamepad API.

New senses for the web

Google Chrome Blog said:
What if web apps could see? What if they could hear? In today’s Chrome Stable release, when you give them permission, they can.

Chrome now includes the getUserMedia API, which lets you grant web apps access to your camera and microphone without a plug-in. The getUserMedia API is the first step in WebRTC, a new real-time communications standard which aims to allow high-quality video and audio communication on the web.

The getUserMedia API also allows web apps to create awesome new experiences like Webcam Toy and Magic Xylophone. In Chrome Web Lab, if you're on the latest version of Chrome, the Sketchbots experiment uses getUserMedia to let you take a picture of your face, which is then converted to a line drawing and sent to a robot in the Science Museum in London. The robot then draws out your portrait in a patch of sand, which you can watch live on YouTube and visitors can watch in person at the museum. It’s just about as crazy as it sounds, and twice as cool.

Once you've taken your picture, it's transformed into a line drawing a robot can understand using HTML5 canvas.

Your portrait is then drawn by one of the eight Sketchbots in London. You can choose to be sent a video of the whole process.

In addition, today’s Stable channel release includes deeper Google Cloud Print integration, expanded support for gamepads, and support for high-resolution Mac Retina screens. To check it all out, just download Google Chrome.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
WebRTC is also Google's roundabout way of getting VP8/WebM into the HTML5 spec. The IETF and W3C are already considering making it mandatory if you support WebRTC. Which makes sense, since VP8 was designed with streaming in mind (Skype even uses it.)

Hopefully the standardization on Opus means goods things for WP8 and WebM.


I think the tabs have more shading applied in OS X. Am I seeing things?

Chrome 21 was released today!

WebRTC (real-time video communication) is enabled by default, retina displays on OS X are now fully supported, and there's been improvements to Google Cloud Print integration and the gamepad API.

New senses for the web
RTC is not enabled. getUserMedia is enabled.

So you can get camera/mic input, but you can't make a P2P connection as of yet.


There's a nasty bug in the debugger than unindents lines when you inspect variables. Super annoying, I really hope I don't have to put up with this shit for 6 weeks.


So all of a sudden, I cannot hear any sound on Chrome. At first I thought it was something with my computer but it didn't take me long to figure out it was just chrome. I was using the dev build but uninstalled and reinstalled the standard build. Sound worked for one youtube video but then it went down again. Chrome no longer shows up on my sound mixer either so I can't even check to see if its muted. Been using IE9 to watch videos but I would like to not have to do that.


Yeah, pretty buggy release in general. I think this was released just ~4 weeks after m20, possibly to accelerate getUserMedia adoption, so it makes sense.


Why does chrome take ages to open a "save as" dialog? It literally, sometimes, takes a full minute. So long that I think I haven't actually clicked save as and proceed to do it again.

Then I get 5 save as dialogs at the same time.


Anyone? I reverted back to stable and the issue is still present? If you can't see the issue just look at the scroll bar on the right, notice that there are two of them. I have to click on the right one but only the left one moves and I have to be the same difference away from all the other links on the pages.

Does anyone know what this problem is and how I can fix it:

The issue is that the web page appears to be moved to the left a little bit, but the links and scroll bar can't be clicked unless put my cursor where it is supposed to be located (when the site looks normal).

Also happens on www.theweathernetwork.com.

I am on version "21.0.1180.57 beta-m"


I'm having a Chrome/Flash problem. My computer crashed about 30 minutes ago and ever since I'm not getting any audio on any flash players in Chrome. I've checked all the volume settings and everything is turned up. Both Chrome and Flash are up to date. Audio drivers are also up to date. Silverlight and HTML 5 video/audio works fine. Flash on Firefox and Internet Explorer also work just fine.

Has anybody else had this problem?

Well, after doing some research found out that it was the Pepperflash plugin that was causing the problem. Disabling it from the chrome://plugins section fixed the issue so now Chrome uses the normal Flash player as the default.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Why does chrome take ages to open a "save as" dialog? It literally, sometimes, takes a full minute. So long that I think I haven't actually clicked save as and proceed to do it again.

Then I get 5 save as dialogs at the same time.

Depends on the OS. On Linux and Chrome OS it's blazing, on Windows it's slow as hell. (Not a problem with Chrome, Windows' always takes forever to open it.)
I kind of want to switch to chrome but I've been using safari for a while(I'm on PC but I used Safari a lot back in high school and liked the multitab and option to remember passwords and got hooked since no other browser had it). So I have a lot of sites that get autofilled, I do like chrome though it looks pretty awesome, now more than ever.
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