Don't go to Google News if you haven't seen Million Dollar Baby, some lame site spoilers the movie in a headline which has been aggregated into the top stories.
I knew already, but I know some people out there care about this sort of thing.
Trent is overreacting. He has a very loyal fanbase, you know something in the ballpark of 90% of all fans are gonna buy the album when it comes out. I guess he isn't aware that there is also a good quality rip from a good source (I'm guessing promo disc) out there. I know I'm buying the upcoming NIN. So I don't know wtf he's trying to say. It's not like eradicating the world of music piracy is gonna get NIN to being as hot as they were when The Downward Spiral came out.
This, on the other hand
"But in this world we live in - everybody's got their "internets" and it's everybody's right to share their files and everybody's a smart-ass bedroom critic empowered by anonymity."
Back in 2003 around the time of the oscars I was surfing when I ended up watching some of hardball with chris mathews on msnbc-- that shithead spoiled the whole ending to Mystic River before I saw the movie. Never going to watch him again, if he's even on anymore.