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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


wario said:
i think this page may help with your question: link


so...... if instead of posting something on my main stream, i post it to one of my circles stream ...... if i want to then share that comment trail with some one outside of that orig circle ..... it can't be done?

short of adding that other person to that orig circle/stream. and thats assuming by adding some one to a circle they instantly get to see all previous posts avail to that circle... (edit ...i just see the below comment about recent commeneted posts bumping to the top of the stream ... new people just freashly added to this cirlcle ... wonder if they can see those previous comments, or just the ones from that point onwards..)


SimleuqiR said:
Me no andriod.

BlazingDarkness said:
I really like how it bumps the most recent commented stuff to the top of the stream, like a forum
Yup, that's pretty neat!

edit: A muted post is a post that you want to hide and don't want to see

Also sun, you can re-share things you post with anyone or any circle. However, the comments don't show up.

Remember to read the op for general info.
First reaction: Do I really need another social site to jump over to? What's the point?

After reading a little: Circles allows me to not have to share every comment I make with every fucking person on my friends list? Brilliant!

Have some gripes with Facebook that this seems to address so will probably be signing up with this but I won't make it a full switch over unless most of the people I care about jump from facebook too. On the bright side, this is an easy way to 'remove' the tons of people on my friends list I've been too lazy to rid of and without awkward situations. Here's looking at you, co-workers!

Wonder when they'll allow more people to signup?


ocadman said:
Speaking of which, What exactly is a muted post?

It hides a post from your stream, but not anything else from that person.

sun-drop said:
so...... if instead of posting something on my main stream, i post it to one of my circles stream ...... if i want to then share that comment trail with some one outside of that orig circle ..... it can't be done?

short of adding that other person to that orig circle/stream. and thats assuming by adding some one to a circle they instantly get to see all previous posts avail to that circle...

I think the idea is similar to group emails. If you add someone new to an email chain mid stream(hey that's the name of the posts!), they won't get to see previous stuff, only stuff onwards.
I think we have a real need to make an HONEST matrix of the privacy differences between Facebook and Google+.

What is the difference in functionality between "Lists" and "Circles"?

Can't you post things on FB and only make it visible to your "List"? How is that different than Circles?


nVidiot_Whore said:
I think we have a real need to make an HONEST matrix of the privacy differences between Facebook and Google+.

What is the difference in functionality between "Lists" and "Circles"?

Can't you post things on FB and only make it visible to your "List"? How is that different than Circles?

I think it's the hierarchy set up.



Friends - Mutual
Circles - One Way

It's basically Gmail applied to Facebook.


I can't wait for the iPhone app.

Hopefully it's as good as the android one (haven't used it but heard great things). I just need a couple more friends to switch over or at least just sign up and I'll quit visiting facebook. Never realised how few people I care about :lol Especially people I'll never see again.
Copernicus said:
I think it's the hierarchy set up.



Friends - Mutual
Circles - One Way

Sure. But that doesn't explain the actual functional difference.

Can you post a Status Update on Facebook that is only visible to a specific "List"?


sun-drop said:
so...... if instead of posting something on my main stream, i post it to one of my circles stream ...... if i want to then share that comment trail with some one outside of that orig circle ..... it can't be done?

nope. you can't share comment trails. we tried that a couple days ago with the GAF meet-up stream. only the original post you reshare gets shown.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm really pissed that I got my invite three days ago, but still can't use it.



nVidiot_Whore said:
Sure. But that doesn't explain the actual functional difference.

Can you post a Status Update on Facebook that is only visible to a specific "List"?

I haven't used facebook in ages, but I'm pretty sure you can.
nVidiot_Whore said:
I think we have a real need to make an HONEST matrix of the privacy differences between Facebook and Google+.
Yeah, I'm a fairly big Facebook hater because I think the company's values are pretty poor, but I just checked and they have an option for downloading all your data, even though it's not as advertised as Google's. And their custom privacy controls seem pretty comprehensive. Right now I don't have any logical reason to use G+ over FB, but Facebook gives me the heebie-jeebies while Google gives me the warm and fuzzies.
The only problem I foresee with this is that compared to Facebook it appears to be relatively complex, I was a bit overwhelmed myself by all the circle business and the how do i actually post on someones profile? etc etc so I can see a lot of casual FB users being put off, my mum for example, will be entirely baffled by it.


Been using this a bit today, so far so good.

One thing I was wondering, I have friends who don't know what gmail is, never mind use it. Would those people be able to get a plus account without having to also sign up for a new email address?


G+ gives you great flexibility (e.g. you can hide your friends list, decide who can see and decide who shows up)

Circles are MUCH easier to use than facebooks lists

Google has better values than facebook

I'll let others carry on as I have to go now.


nVidiot_Whore said:
Sure. But that doesn't explain the actual functional difference.

Can you post a Status Update on Facebook that is only visible to a specific "List"?
Yes you can, but you can't change the visibility after you post. So, if you were posting to specific lists, and eventually decide to change them, the posts end up in some sort of limbo. No one can ever see them again but you.

Probably tied to the fact that you can't edit posts on FB.


nVidiot_Whore said:
Sure. But that doesn't explain the actual functional difference.

Can you post a Status Update on Facebook that is only visible to a specific "List"?

Copernicus said:
I haven't used facebook in ages, but I'm pretty sure you can.

I don't think you can. Correct me if I'm wrong.
LIST on Facebook can be excluded from seeing things in your account, but not on a per post basis. The exclusion is predetermine I believe.

I have a LIST (small one) of "Others" that don't get to see anything I post in my Wall.

Edit: Oh you can. But I feel like it's a bit tucked away. The "Circles" approach is much more in your face, and allows you a more customization of who sees what you share.
saelz8 said:
Yes you can, but you can't change the visibility after you post. So, if you were posting to specific lists, and eventually decide to change them, the posts end up in some sort of limbo. No one can ever see them again but you.
Right now you can't edit visibility on G+ either. You have to reshare to a different set of circles, which you can do on FB as well.
Mike.83 said:
Been using this a bit today, so far so good.

One thing I was wondering, I have friends who don't know what gmail is, never mind use it. Would those people be able to get a plus account without having to also sign up for a new email address?

I don't have a gmail account but signed up to G+ with my hotmail one
SimleuqiR said:
Edit: Oh you can. But I feel like it's a bit tucked away. The "Circles" approach is much more in your face, and allows you a more customization of who sees what you share.

It's right there where the lock is.


Yup circles is pretty much Facebook friends lists.

You can filter your news feed by each list and control who sees your posts.

I don't see anything new.
wario said:
you didn't have to create a google account when you signed up?
nope, just used my hotmail account

it prompted me to make a gmail account when i clicked the calendar (i think) icon at the top, but i declined and i'm using G+ fine without it


I'm starting to understand all the options, it was pretty overwhelming at the beginning. I love that we are able to post animated GIFs <3.
Gowans007 said:
Yup circles is pretty much Facebook friends lists.

You can filter your news feed by each list and control who sees your posts.

That's what I thought. I was also under the impression you could do the same for uploaded photos or albums.. you can have a photo album only seen by certain "lists."

I don't see anything new.

Well part of the difference is you can control specific privacy even for people who aren't "accepted as your friend." Lists themselves on Facebook are similar in that they don't require anyone to accept... but I'm under the impression the entirety of G+ is sort of like that.

Essentially, you don't need to get someone to accept you as a "friend" to control specific privacy with that person.

Either way.. there appears to be a TON of ignorance surrounding what can and can't be done in Facebook.. I ran into this in another thread where everyone claimed you couldn't post things targeted just to one set of friends.. and I swore you could.


Battersea Power Station said:

It's right there where the lock is.

Gowans007 said:
Yup circles is pretty much Facebook friends lists.

You can filter your news feed by each list and control who sees your posts.

I don't see anything new.

I like the instant edit-ability of G+ though.


In FB a couple of windows need to pop up for you to achieve the same thing. This could easily be changed though.

FB also has a "Default" action (set by you) for all your future post too. Which is something G+ is missing.
Gowans007 said:
Yup you can do it for photos, posts, albumns anything on fb.

The OP really should be updated.. not that it's going to stop the massive mis-information about Facebook that is happening.

Comparing this it Facebook is inevitable. The thing that makes Google+ stand out is the higher level of privacy and the new 'circles' feature. Instead of sharing everything with everyone, you can easily share things with the a select few people. This level of customisation better relates to how friendships work in real life.

Facebook may have failed at marketing "Lists".. or making them obvious or easier to use.. but the feature allows very similar functionality to Google+. And it's certainly not difficult to use.


nVidiot_Whore said:
The OP really should be updated.. not that it's going to stop the massive mis-information about Facebook that is happening.

Facebook may have failed at marketing "Lists".. or making them obvious or easier to use.. but the feature allows very similar functionality to Google+. And it's certainly not difficult to use.

Failed? No, that was probably on purpose. They want you to share everything with everyone.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So I've started adding people, but I haven't had the time to really make my profile yet. So I don't have a photo or anything. So I'm the boring guy with no photo, for now at least.


nVidiot_Whore said:
That's an irrelevant opinion when discussing features though.

Fair enough.

FB Lists are like Outlook Folders. Circles are like Gmail Labels. That's how I feel.
To me Circles are more versatile and add something extra to the experience.


nVidiot_Whore said:
That's an irrelevant opinion when discussing features though.

How a feature is utilized and the prominence it plays within the framework of the product or service is not irrelevant, however. In fact, it can be vitally important.
Vinci said:
How a feature is utilized and the prominence it plays within the framework of the product or service is not irrelevant, however. In fact, it can be vitally important.


But you can target posts, pictures, etc. to specific lists of people in Facebook... people appear completely ignorant of this.

And the OP appears ignorant of this fact. In the section comparing Facebook to G+ they say "Instead of sharing everything with everyone you can"... Yet.. you can control what you post to whom in Facebook.

It should be changed and more accurately reflect the differences between the 2 services when it comes to privacy.


nVidiot_Whore said:

But you can target posts, pictures, etc. to specific lists of people in Facebook... people appear completely ignorant of this.

And the OP appears ignorant of this fact. In the section comparing Facebook to G+ they say "Instead of sharing everything with everyone you can"... Yet.. you can control what you post to whom in Facebook.

It should be changed and more accurately reflect the differences between the 2 services when it comes to privacy.

I'm not saying it shouldn't, but those features are not considered a prominent aspect of Facebook, nor of its appeal. Whereas with G+, those appear of paramount importance and will likely win an audience due to this. The philosophies of the two services are just different, IMO, based on what I've seen in the videos and heard about of G+ and that of Facebook.


nVidiot_Whore said:

But you can target posts, pictures, etc. to specific lists of people in Facebook... people appear completely ignorant of this.

And the OP appears ignorant of this fact. In the section comparing Facebook to G+ they say "Instead of sharing everything with everyone you can"... Yet.. you can control what you post to whom in Facebook.

It should be changed and more accurately reflect the differences between the 2 services when it comes to privacy.

I think the difference is that in Facebook, the list idea is an afterthought that was added on only recently.

With G+ the entire sharing aspect revolves around sharing to specific circles.


nVidiot_Whore said:

But you can target posts, pictures, etc. to specific lists of people in Facebook... people appear completely ignorant of this.

And the OP appears ignorant of this fact. In the section comparing Facebook to G+ they say "Instead of sharing everything with everyone you can"... Yet.. you can control what you post to whom in Facebook.

It should be changed and more accurately reflect the differences between the 2 services when it comes to privacy.

From OP

Instead of sharing everything with everyone, you can easily share things with the a select few people. This level of customisation better relates to how friendships work in real life.

Being that half the people here didn't even know facebook has that functionality, I challenge you to explain how it's as easy in facebook as in G+.
Jobiensis said:
Being that half the people here didn't even know facebook has that functionality, I challenge you to explain how it's as easy in facebook as in G+.

Create a list.. add people... when making a post, choose those people from the dropdown provided...

Either way you are being a clown if you think the OP is accurate. It's even completely ignoring that tons of people on Facebook don't allow anyone but friends to see their content...

Or whatever.. exaggerate because you have an irrational feeling towards one web site as opposed to another.

If you want the OP to read like false advertising, so be it. I don't even have a Facebook account, and plan on at least trying Google+.. so don't mistake me as some Facebook fanboy.. I'm a fanboy of the truth.. and this entire forum is starting to annoy me how often the truth is ignored for exaggeration and misinformation in almost every thread... hell.. half the thread titles about "news stories" contain lies. At least "Official Threads" should be immune to that IMO.


Copernicus said:
I think the difference is that in Facebook, the list idea is an afterthought that was added on only recently.

With G+ the entire sharing aspect revolves around sharing to specific circles.

Sounds a bit messy is you want to share with people in different circles when some are members of both.


nVidiot_Whore said:
Create a list.. add people... when making a post, choose those people from the dropdown provided...

Either way you are being a clown if you think the OP is accurate. It's even completely ignoring that tons of people on Facebook don't allow anyone but friends to see their content...

Or whatever.. exaggerate because you have an irrational feeling towards one web site as opposed to another.

If you want the OP to read like false advertising, so be it. I don't even have a Facebook account, and plan on at least trying Google+.. so don't mistake me as some Facebook fanboy.. I'm a fanboy of the truth.. and this entire forum is starting to annoy me how often the truth is ignored for exaggeration and misinformation in almost every thread... hell.. half the thread titles about "news stories" contain lies. At least "Official Threads" should be immune to that IMO.
every time i read a facebook bash, it ends up being a bunch of bullshit. Between "constant pestering" for your phone number, and the apparent non-existence of privacy settings, it just becomes stupid kids and playing social media WARZ.
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