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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network

Cudder said:
Are these celeb profiles real? Gaga, Kanye, Ashton Kutcher..more are popping up.
Google hired Lady Gaga for their Chrome TV ad didn't they?

I'm sure a nice sum of money was exchanged for them her and others to create a Google+ profile.





Ok now that I've added a bunch of you guys, I can finally see the potential of this thing. I'm starting to like it.


Marius_ said:
oh gawd, I saw this and almost shat bricks, she needs to shit like this for her biggest fans or something
I dunno if it was REALLY her though, someone who got in said she wasn't even there. She also just posted "q" and that was it....

I agree with her doing hang outs, but it would be impossible to hold down. Little Monsters (who I don't associate myself with) are fucking CRAZY retarded obsessed people.

And we all know once Google+ goes public and people find Lady Gaga....

Seems to rock so far!

One question, when you click on a suggested contact and add them to a circle, do they get an invite to Google+? Are they told about it? How does this work?

There doesn't seem to be a friends request type thing like FB.

Dr. Malik

JackEtc said:
I dunno if it was REALLY her though, someone who got in said she wasn't even there. She also just posted "q" and that was it....
mhmm, maybe you are right especially since she goes by Gaga not GaGa

Google+ needs a verification like Twitter


Marius_ said:
mhmm, maybe you are right especially since she goes by Gaga not GaGa

Google+ needs a verification like Twitter

Marius, you on G+? I didn't think I saw you post a link to your profile. We need to start a GagaGAF circle.


Vinci said:
Me too. I enjoy the service thus far, but they need to loosen up on this sort of thing.
Surely it's just for the first phase of what's essentially a private beta? They have a goal in mind for what they want to achieve at this point, and it's obviously to test out the most common (and arguably eventually most important) use of the site - to keep in touch with real friends/acquaintances.

That said, I don't have any non GAF people on the service yet - so maybe I'm next! D:

ZephyrFate said:
I would like to hope that all the people adding me on G+ from GAF actually know who I am. I don't really want randoms on my G+.
At least if you don't know them you don't have to share with them (just don't add them to a circle). You can block them too of course.

As far as the GAF circles go it's more akin to Twitter (albeit with real names) I'd say than Facebook.


Shurs said:
Don't know if these have been posted yet, but I'm using extensions to post to and check both my Twitter and Facebook feeds through Google+.



For some reason on my G+ facebook feed it's showing game posts, but on my normal facebook feed they're blocked. I really hope they can figure away to tell what kind of posts I've blocked on facebook and not show them in the G+ facebook feed. Nothing worse than seeing a trail Farmville posts.
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