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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network

So I added a bunch of blogs/sites I follow to Google+, but now they're drowning out my friends/family, especially since the latter post so infrequently. I don't really feel like clicking through the individual circles on the left-hand side, and I imagine most users don't either.

I'm also still using Reader... so I'm not sure why I added those same sites to G+...

How do you balance your RSS feeds and your G+ feeds?
Battersea Power Station said:
So I added a bunch of blogs/sites I follow to Google+, but now they're drowning out my friends/family, especially since the latter post so infrequently. I don't really feel like clicking through the individual circles on the left-hand side, and I imagine most users don't either.

I'm also still using Reader... so I'm not sure why I added those same sites to G+...

How do you balance your RSS feeds and your G+ feeds?
Yeah it's a bit of a problem, I never saw the need for nested circles at first but for this it would really help. I just want to split people I know in real life from people I follow from companies. I'd be happy to give up reader entirely for G+ if rss could be brought in and this problem was fixed.

It'd be excellent to be able to have a G+ discussion/comments on every RSS post/podcast I see.

I'm actually a little worried about G+ getting more popular, I'd certainly like my friends to use it more but the quality of discussion I see on other's posts is actually really high at the moment, compared to most public fora.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It's a tough cookie. I don't know if I have a specific philosophy but I do know that there shouldn't be any content duplication whatsoever, that will just make both a chore to check.

For the heavily blog-y sites, that post a lot, I would suggest put those into Reader if possible. The ones that update less put in Google+. Really, since they both allow pretty seamless sharing to your circles, the only difference is if you want to be known as being a fan of whatever page you follow. That's how I see it, anyways.


Like 20+ random people added me on G+ today and yesterday but I have no idea who they are. If you're gaffers you need to identify yourself in some way.


Please help me with my bad english
Battersea Power Station said:
So I added a bunch of blogs/sites I follow to Google+, but now they're drowning out my friends/family, especially since the latter post so infrequently. I don't really feel like clicking through the individual circles on the left-hand side, and I imagine most users don't either.

I'm also still using Reader... so I'm not sure why I added those same sites to G+...

How do you balance your RSS feeds and your G+ feeds?
You don't have to meticulously follow your main feed with G+. I just scroll down to see whats new. Think of it as a TV/radio programming that you build on your own. RSS aggregators compares more to an email inbox that needs to be read or marked as read. I would never subscribe to a news website RSS feed but I've gladly done so with G+.


Ending my FB and Twitter accounts as I move towards G+. The product pages is really what gave this thing legs. Lots of friends moving over from Twitter to G+ now.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Pctx said:
Ending my FB and Twitter accounts as I move towards G+. The product pages is really what gave this thing legs. Lots of friends moving over from Twitter to G+ now.

That's been my experience too. Pages really makes G+ the complete-ish package. All they really need now is a third-party games API.


Andrex said:
That's been my experience too. Pages really makes G+ the complete-ish package. All they really need now is a third-party games API.
The only thing missing now is events. But they seem to be dragging their feet with that.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
All they really need is a page that's a simple skin over Google Calendar, that replaces inviting by email to inviting by person/circle. Google Calendar as-is is actually decent for events, but nobody really uses it as such.

Same thing with Google Places and checkins and stuff. Still a lot to do, but with Pages now I feel like Google+ is finally the full package.


Andrex said:
All they really need is a page that's a simple skin over Google Calendar, that replaces inviting by email to inviting by person/circle. Google Calendar as-is is actually decent for events, but nobody really uses it as such.

Same thing with Google Places and checkins and stuff. Still a lot to do, but with Pages now I feel like Google+ is finally the full package.

No one uses it because it has absolutely no tie-ins back to Google+.
I'd like to see them do something that trumps Facebook with Calendar and Places, such as when you create an event, you can name a Places location where the event takes place, so you can check in at a specific event, and any photos you take are already geotagged with the event's location and put into an album with the event's name on it, and then takes all of the non-private albums taken from users and groups them together on the event page itself.

And as I have said before, to make this even better, allow for users who specify their address on their profile to make it a "private" Places location that can be checked into only by people who you have allowed to see it on your profile and never provide the actual address outside of those circles you have allowed to see it (but still allowing it to tell people you are there). So now if I go visit a friend, I can check in saying I'm having a good time and tag my location as my friend's house without making it a public Place like you have to on Facebook (which creates a huge mess of user-created content that Google has tried to avoid in the first place).

There's tons of cool stuff Google can do to really make this live up to their original idea of making G+ an extension of our real-life social lives. Google engineers, I have already left these suggestions in feedback, make them happen!


After using an android phone for awhile I picked up the 4S. Is there any way to make my photos auto-upload to Google+ like with the Droid?


eznark said:
After using an android phone for awhile I picked up the 4S. Is there any way to make my photos auto-upload to Google+ like with the Droid?

The Google+ app uploads any photo you take with your camera, and any screenshots taken with the Honeycomb or ICS screencap feature.



SimleuqiR said:
WOW! I'm sooo sorry. I read that 4S as GS. Honest to God!

But doesn't Apple have their own cloud picture thingy?

No idea, but I like Picasa and I like that all my pictures integrate into Google+. The other lame thing about the iOS ap is that I can't save photos from it to my phone.


HATE the new red g+ icon. I really liked the older black one that had the little color bar on it.

...yeah, I know, big deal. But it is to me!


AstroLad said:
Apple doesn't allow it because they have their own cloud thing.
Has that been firmly established? Like, has Google come out and said they were told they can't do it by Apple?

But more importantly, the trick is that Google, who MAKES Android, can add G+ hooks to the OS itself. To implement it on iOS, you'd have to open the Google+ app and it would start adding your pictures once the app is open, but at no time before. So my guess is that Google opted out of including it in iOS for this specific reason.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Terrell said:
Has that been firmly established? Like, has Google come out and said they were told they can't do it by Apple?

But more importantly, the trick is that Google, who MAKES Android, can add G+ hooks to the OS itself. To implement it on iOS, you'd have to open the Google+ app and it would start adding your pictures once the app is open, but at no time before. So my guess is that Google opted out of including it in iOS for this specific reason.

Google can add Google+ hooks into Android but not because they control the source code. Android is immensely modular and extensible by all apps.


Andrex said:
Google can add Google+ hooks into Android but not because they control the source code. Android is immensely modular and extensible by all apps.
This is true, but by having intimate knowledge of the source, they can hook it in ways that are the most intuitive and efficient.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
That's true, yeah. They have a heads up on upcoming ways to integrate, which helps I'm sure.


shidoshi said:
HATE the new red g+ icon. I really liked the older black one that had the little color bar on it.

...yeah, I know, big deal. But it is to me!
I hadn't seen it yet, but yeah.... that's quite ugly. I agree, the black with the rainbow bar is much more appealing....


It has begun!!!

Ice Cream Sandwich Prompts Users To Join Google+, Enter Credit Card Information


One seemingly minor change that Google has introduced in the new version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, could actually have just as large an impact on the company as the various UI tweaks: anyone who enters their Google account credentials into the phone (which means, just about everyone) will be prompted to sign up for Google+. And they’ll also be prompted to enter their credit card information for purchases in Android Market.

This is a really big deal. Android is now activating over 550,000 devices per day, and that growth has been increasing steadily. This is going to result in a lot of new Google+ users, or at least people who are signing up for Google+ accounts. And as Google continues to infuse Google+ features into Android, they’ll likely become more and more active on it.

Wonder how many carriers/OEMs will tweak this out of the Android code?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Just saw that.

I'm sure Google has incentives in place to make sure it stays on non-stock phones.

The Google onslaught has officially begun.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
My stream is slowly turning into a river. Hey did you notice they have trending topics now? No? Search for something on G+ then look on the right hand side.




ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I thought that was already how Google+ chat was setup? My chat lists for Google+ and Gmail have different people (eg, Google+ chat has always had people I follow on Google+...)


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Wouldn't mind adding gaffers to my google+ because no one I know really uses it. Any gaf circle or whatever?


Hail to the KING baby
Wouldn't mind adding gaffers to my google+ because no one I know really uses it. Any gaf circle or whatever?

I think there is one, mostly Android GAF. Send me your profile link and I'll add you. Pls indicate interest in one or more of:


Hey, the Google+ circle chat expanded to GTalk as well, I was pleasantly surprised to see some peeps from G+ in my GTalk Android app without doing anything (just activating the option from the browser)
I trimmed my facebook friends list from 280+ to around 70/80 and even now over half of them might as well be strangers. I *would* like it if more of my friends joined G+ though.

Agreed (although I don't really need my friends on G+ as FB has been doing relatively fine); G+ has become my Gary Whitta/Whiskey Media/Revision 3 information stream.


aka andydumi
I trimmed my facebook friends list from 280+ to around 70/80 and even now over half of them might as well be strangers. I *would* like it if more of my friends joined G+ though.

I went down to 50 or so on FB.

And I have some 20 on G+ already, and expecting about another 10 or so when Buzz is killed. I think we are the only ones in the world using Buzz, so when its over, they are all moving to Plus.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
A lot of the Buzzers I followed moved to Google+ as soon as they could, it's not like it wasn't clear as day what was going to happen to Buzz. In fact many of the key posters I follow on Google+ were carry-overs from Buzz.


Just leaving this here...

Forget Being A Facebook Competitor; Google+ Is The Future Of Social Search


WOW. Love this example of how Google+ (the head for all the Google tentacles) can be used in academic ways:

I’m studying history at university. My lecturer or course has a Google+ account and the video is broadcast live as a hangout to a group of students who may not be able to make it to the lecture hall. After the lecture is finished, the hangout will be uploaded to YouTube to share. Students can import it from YouTube into Google Docs as a video document which can then be annotated and shared on Google+ with other members of the class or directly to a mailing list from Google+ by clicking the ‘gmail’ option. We can base a hangout on one of these video documents as an informal seminar.

The future is now!
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