Anandtech review
The Anandtech review is out. Can't say it matches my experience, but it might be worth a read. I wouldn't take this review in isolation though.
dear lord they went. *grabs popcorn*
Anandtech review
The Anandtech review is out. Can't say it matches my experience, but it might be worth a read. I wouldn't take this review in isolation though.
just got my daydream headset code!
Just got my pixel today, finished backing up my data and now I'm trying to figure out how to activate the weather widget. I updated the pixel launcher but the home screen still shows and not the weather. Any tips how to fix this?
Does it show the clock? the weather widget isn't really a widget, it's on the same line as the google search bar and you can't move it. Maybe you have location off?
I feel like I'm not getting the best battery life out of the Pixel XL. It's been about an hour and 50 mins since my last charge and I'm already at 79℅ with 31m OST. All I've been doing has been texting and growing GAF and streaming Spotify for 15 mins (songs which have been downloaded to the phone). Any help or ideas?
Any word on the car bluetooth syncing issues? It's my only issue with the phone and while I've seen it was reported on near launch I haven't seen much recently.
How long have you had the phone?
None here. Have any specific issues you're referring to?
I use it with my Jaybirds and my Honda Accord and works fine in both.
How long have you had the phone?
None here. Have any specific issues you're referring to?
I use it with my Jaybirds and my Honda Accord and works fine in both.
My issue is that it takes minutes sometimes to connect to my 2014 Ford Fusion via bluetooth. My Galaxy S5 connected in a few seconds. Others are reporting other issues related to car bluetooth connection.
Here's one of the articles but there are others.
I've had the phone for about a week now
Ok, what SoT do you usually end the day with?
I think my battery was fine the first week but it was in the second week that it started getting really great. One day in week 2 I got about 7.5 hours SoT which is unheard of for me.
Usually ending the day with 3-3.5 hrs SoT. Would love 7.5 hrs haha
I'm getting the headset next friday.
Has anyone used moonlight? It's an open source deployment of nvidia shield streaming, and is supposed to allow you to send anything you can stream from nvidia to your phone. I though it'd be cool to play my PC/steam titles via the headset, but I cannot get the app to work fwith windows 10 for the life of me.
Has anyone made one of the art/photo/place cases on the Google site? Are they decent quality?
How are people getting the daydream vr headset for free? Did I miss a promotion or something?
It was a preorder promo
Did they refund you any cos I was in the same boat, supposed to be delivered the 11th and I still haven't gotten it. Mine sat in Kentucky for 2 weeksThe Pixel case I ordered from Google back in October has been sitting in a warehouse in Kentucky for 10 days without moving. Sent them a terse email, hopefully I get some of the cost refunded.
Got my Daydream code tonight, at least.
I'm strangely enough ordering two, I'm getting a live case extremely similar to cosmic bus' case and I'm also getting a wooden case from carved.My Pixel XL finally came I yesterday. I've been rocking it nekkid, but I'm deathly afraid of scratches. Can anyone recommend any cases?
Does the Pixel turbocharge? I'm using the charger that comes with it and it just charges rapidly.
When you add turbo to an engine?It charges rapidly. What is turbo charging?
Anyone getting abysmal download speeds on AT&T? I got a brand new sim card so I don't think that's the issue. APN settings look proper too. I called AT&T this morning and they did some tests but it doesn't seem to have fixed anything.
It charges rapidly. What is turbo charging?
When you add turbo to an engine?
Also my pixel xl is in town and on truck for delivery, but underneath in small text it says scheduled for delivery next business day. Do I get today or Monday?
Edit: just called looks like FedEx ground doesn't deliver on weekends and I can't pick it up. I'll sit in sadness for the weekend.
Might be related to this issue:
Daydream View arrived in the mail today. Looking forward to trying it out with my XL, and hope I don't have the problems with it that others have.
Daydream View arrived in the mail today. Looking forward to trying it out with my XL, and hope I don't have the problems with it that others have.