I like Google's place in the browser market because Google truly care about the web. They're constantly helping with HTML specs and pushing the limits of javascript and css, and that shows on their browser. Microsoft doesn't give a shit about the web. IE took ages to get <QUOTE> support out and just looking at any css or js out there on the internet, at some point you'll find '// IE Fix' written somewhere. Sure IE9 is kinda cool now, but they've been pushing propriety stuff out there for ages and ignoring the standards. They deserve what they got.
Chrome's genius is in the updating system. You never have to think about it, you're always up to date and none of your plugins stop working (some may need fixing). Firefox is great and all, and I used to love it, but this shit that every time I update I have to wait for updates to extensions which do a single task which has remained unchanged in all revisions of firefox (Linkification). Suuure you can unpack the file and modify the version, and about:config to ignore extension checks, but why should I? Chrome4life.