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GOP votes to end rule stopping coal mining debris from being dumped in streams

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I'd love it if someone would do a summary of all the shit that's gone on the last 2 weeks. I can't remember it all and it would be nice to just copy and paste when I need it. Worst president ever already.


Who the fuck thinks like that unless you literally want to poison people? Was he the Tylenol killer too?
Who the fuck thinks like that unless you literally want to poison people? Was he the Tylenol killer too?

Nobody gives a shit about coal country.


They will dump their toxic shit and nobody will care because it will be in WV or eastern KY.
I feel like all this anti-environment stuff these guys are putting out is only going to incentivize more people into getting out and protecting it, at this rate.


The story about this on NPR was pretty heartbreaking. It took 7 years to get the rule in place. Because of the change in administration and the congressional review rule invoked by the GOP, not only is the rule rescinded, no new rule that bears a level of similarity can be made in the future.
You voted for this, Jill Stein supporters.

Anyway, that's it. I'm on a news black out for 48 hours. I'm out of fucvks to give after 11 days of this shit.


With all the money you'll be making from coal, you can afford bottle water. Why drink the tap? Everyone knows its bad, its terrible.



I really don't get it. Why do these people hate clean air and water? I mean I know they are greedy bastards but in the back of their mind they have to know they need these things right?

Nelo Ice

The story about this on NPR was pretty heartbreaking. It took 7 years to get the rule in place. Because of the change in administration and the congressional review rule invoked by the GOP, not only is the rule rescinded, no new rule that bears a level of similarity can be made in the future.

I can't. Fuck all this shit. 2018 is not going to matter with all this fuckery.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I really don't get it. Why do these people hate clean air and water? I mean I know they are greedy bastards but in the back of their mind they have to know they need these things right?

They know that they will be long gone before shit heads south.

But then there is also an argument about why do they need to make so much money that they know they will never use it in their lifetime? If they dont care about the environment, they probably domt care about their kids and grand kids. So whats the point of this money lol


I really don't get it. Why do these people hate clean air and water? I mean I know they are greedy bastards but in the back of their mind they have to know they need these things right?

You give them far too much credit. Most of them are too old to give a damn about what happens after they're gone.
so eventually cancer rates in these coal towns will increase, and they'll need healthcare, and they'll still find a way to blame dems for it


They know that they will be long gone before shit heads south.

But then there is also an argument about why do they need to make so much money that they know they will never use it in their lifetime? If they dont care about the environment, they probably domt care about their kids and grand kids. So whats the point of this money lol

Well i guess they will be able to afford their oxygen dooms surrounding the mansion.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So to be exact is it still illegal to dump mining debris in the US? Seems like this thing was for companies to have disclosure when working in foreign countries.

The rule, which grew out of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law, was intended to promote transparency so citizens in some of the world's most impoverished countries can hold their governments accountable for the wealth generated through mining and drilling.
Republicans said the regulation placed an unfair burden on U.S. companies by requiring them to hand over key details of how they bid and compete while many foreign competitors are under no obligation to do the same. The GOP said the cost of compliance is estimated at $590 million a year — money that could be used to help produce more oil, gas and mineral resources.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., said the only reason to repeal the disclosure rule was "to help corrupt governments steal money from their people."

Not that this means it is good or better.

Republicans voted to repeal the Obama-era rules using the Congressional Review Act, an obscure oversight tool that could become more familiar in the coming weeks as Congress uses it to overturn regulations federal agencies issued late in Obama's presidency.
The law hastens the process for bringing legislation to the floor and removes the hurdle of a 60-vote threshold in the Senate. Regulations imposed since June 13 can be invalidated on a simple majority vote of both GOP-led chambers and the president's signature.
What's more, the law prevents the executive branch from imposing substantially similar regulations in the future.
WTF. They are burning and salting the fucking ground.


I hope every single Republican is forced to drink tainted water and only tainted water. Bathe in it, cook with it. Anything that involves water or other liquids, just fuck off and die.
The story about this on NPR was pretty heartbreaking. It took 7 years to get the rule in place. Because of the change in administration and the congressional review rule invoked by the GOP, not only is the rule rescinded, no new rule that bears a level of similarity can be made in the future.

Why should the Dems care about old rules going forward when the Republicans obviously don't?


So to be exact is it still illegal to dump mining debris in the US? Seems like this thing was for companies to have disclosure when working in foreign countries.

Not that this means it is good or better.

WTF. They are burning and salting the fucking ground.

The PBS article has more detail. It was a rule that disallowed mines with 100 feet of streams and required environmental renewal at least I believe this is the same one:



The story about this on NPR was pretty heartbreaking. It took 7 years to get the rule in place. Because of the change in administration and the congressional review rule invoked by the GOP, not only is the rule rescinded, no new rule that bears a level of similarity can be made in the future.

What?! So now until the end of days, they can't be stopped from dumping into creeks? WHAT


It isn't a black and white issue. Everything has shades of gray. I guarantee the law doesn't simply state what is listed in the OP. Likely hundreds of pages with plenty of extras stuffed in. None of us can pretend to know everything contained within

Everybody here is correct that nobody wants to ruin drinking water, but I believe coal companies have to treat the water to a higher standard than what the water company does. The picture above is showing storage for the water before treatment. The pond allows solids to settle out and it is a lined resovoir.

Everybody wants to be environmentally friendly within reason. Coal is much more advanced today than many realize. I work in the field of industrial automation and see the equipment used. Unless we embraced nuclear power coal is still necessary to meet our power demands. Wind turbines cost more to maintain than they produce. They wouldn't survive without government subsidy. Solar panels can't produce enough, but would be helpful to offload things like lighting.

At the end of the day we need a diverse array of energy sources. Use regulations to keep things safe, but don't artificially prop some sources up through subsidy and don't harm others through over regulation. It is tough to find the right line between environmental protections and business. If you wanted 0 environmental effect we would have to go back to hunters and gatherers.

Let the market dictate the dominant energy source while having some basic regulations to keep all sources safe. If you had to guess a number for the amount of regulations on the coal industry what would you guess? I don't know the answer, but the possibility of some being wrong is quite high.

The EPA isn't the only issue for coal, but it is part of the issue. Just keep the playing field level and allow fair competition among energy sources.
"Make no mistake about it, this Obama administration rule is not designed to protect streams. Instead, it was an effort to regulate the coal mining industry right out of business,"
Oh the mental gymnastics


What have streams ever done for us?

But seriously, trying to save the coal industry is like actively going against free market forces. Why?


"You see, Obama wasn't trying to protect the streams with this law, he was just trying to sock it to the coal lobby. We're getting rid of that dumb old regulation to protect the stream and the miners"

"Would you drink water from that river?"

"Heavens no! There's coal in there!"


It isn't a black and white issue. Everything has shades of gray. I guarantee the law doesn't simply state what is listed in the OP. Likely hundreds of pages with plenty of extras stuffed in. None of us can pretend to know everything contained within

Everybody here is correct that nobody wants to ruin drinking water, but I believe coal companies have to treat the water to a higher standard than what the water company does. The picture above is showing storage for the water before treatment. The pond allows solids to settle out and it is a lined resovoir.

Everybody wants to be environmentally friendly within reason

Are you high? We've been getting our water fucked for years by coal companies and judging by the avatar, you should know that. Coal company owners want to produce as cheaply as possible, they give zero fucks about being environmentally friendly more than the law forces them to be.


Are you high? We've been getting our water fucked for years by coal companies and judging by the avatar, you should know that. Coal company owners want to produce as cheaply as possible, they give zero fucks about being environmentally friendly more than the law forces them to be.

Every company wants to produce everything as cheaply as possible.

Nobody is saying some regulations aren't needed. But there is a line that becomes excessive and overly damaging to business.

None of us really know the ins and outs of every crazy regulation on the books. Do you not think some could be out of line?
Are you high? We've been getting our water fucked for years by coal companies and judging by the avatar, you should know that. Coal company owners want to produce as cheaply as possible, they give zero fucks about being environmentally friendly more than the law forces them to be.

This. He is almoat spouting the Friends Of Coal website verbatim.

And those "lined" ponds leak/break at an alarming rate.



Nobody gives a shit about coal country.


They will dump their toxic shit and nobody will care because it will be in WV or eastern KY.
What's extra sad and fucked up about that is that those people will more than likely still vote for them.
The story about this on NPR was pretty heartbreaking. It took 7 years to get the rule in place. Because of the change in administration and the congressional review rule invoked by the GOP, not only is the rule rescinded, no new rule that bears a level of similarity can be made in the future.
...But her emails tho.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Nobody is saying some regulations aren't needed. But there is a line that becomes excessive and overly damaging to business.
Doesn't seem to be damaging these businesses enough to stop them from throwing around lobbyist money to get the rules changed...if only the government jumped at every dying business' deathbed gasp for life...
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