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GOP votes to end rule stopping coal mining debris from being dumped in streams

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It's too bad that the fresh water we're polluting now will turn out to to have been far more valuable than the coal, gas and oil being mined. But humans were never great at long term planning.

One of the few reason why I'm glad Finland doesn't have a lots of natural resources like uranium, basically no coal and no oil. There is very few reasons to rape and pillage our nature that is filled by forests and fresh water. Fresh water is already valuable resource for nation, but its value will only increase over the years.

GL USA, you guys deserve good regulations and not this rape of nature by GOP.


Back to 1969. Remember those "before and after" photos in 90s editions of National Geographic showing horrendously US polluted rivers which got cleaned up? We're going back to the 'before' photos.
People should start dumping their garbage onto GOP lawmakers property. See how they like it.

Again, unless they are personally affected, they don't give a shit. But you bet your ass they'll be the first ones asking for Federal help when shit goes down.


How much have you read of the actual law? I am sure it has more than just a few sentences saying stay outside of 100 feet. You have to consider the entire document as a whole. Not saying I know the contents, but I doubt it is as simple as this article makes it appear.

Nobody would purposely dump directly into a stream and intentionally ruin drinking water.

Plus you have to consider if existing regulations already covered this factor. Could be unnecessarily redundant.
wow, you're naive..
How much have you read of the actual law? I am sure it has more than just a few sentences saying stay outside of 100 feet. You have to consider the entire document as a whole. Not saying I know the contents, but I doubt it is as simple as this article makes it appear.

Nobody would purposely dump directly into a stream and intentionally ruin drinking water.

Plus you have to consider if existing regulations already covered this factor. Could be unnecessarily redundant.

Yes, thankfully no company would ever pollute knowingly and put people at risk. Never. Nobody is that greedy. /s

I'm gonna venture a guess that you have seen at least one Hollywood movie about this subject, that was based on a true story.


New GOP strategy: remove all regulations so that no new regulations can be added as per the new rule

I hate these fuckers. And to make things worse I doubt it will bring back any jobs. It will increase profits for sure, but we all should know by now the CEOs will pocket that extra dough. And we will all suffer for it except them.


Its a bit of a conspiracy theory but all this feels like a deliberate attempt to cripple the US in the near future once climate change puts pressure on basic resources like food and clean water and the rest of the civilized world has slowly become more reliant on renewable energy sources.

The USA is going to be decades behind other nations.
Since you cant beat the coal industry on policy

Big green power advocates need to beat them economically

Progress the science. Bring Costs down... Actually compete and drive out coal companies with superior product and technology

With Repubs in power there is really no other way to beat them except at their own game

Then we hammer them when they try to regulate companies that are out competing traditional one
Republican voters in coal country support this? They want their children to have subpar public schools and health risks without healthcare?

The GOP, having been upstage every day this past week, looked around and said "Whats some dank, evil shit we can do real quick?"

Nevermind the paychecks going into their pockets from coal companies


How much have you read of the actual law? I am sure it has more than just a few sentences saying stay outside of 100 feet. You have to consider the entire document as a whole. Not saying I know the contents, but I doubt it is as simple as this article makes it appear.

Nobody would purposely dump directly into a stream and intentionally ruin drinking water.

Plus you have to consider if existing regulations already covered this factor. Could be unnecessarily redundant.


There is no question that some would abuse a situation even when public health and/or environmental issues are involved. No question whatsoever. It has happened time and time again at multiple levels.


"Make no mistake about it, this Obama administration rule is not designed to protect streams. Instead, it was an effort to regulate the coal mining industry right out of business"
Oh look, projection of what GOP keeps doing to Planned Parenthood.
Man dunk really needs to look at the stages of the industrial revolution and how polluted everything got.

Businesses don't give a shit unless it can make them money. Is it cheaper to dump waste in a river? Then that's what's going to happen. Full stop.


I won't even quote the name of the poster but

Nobody would purposely dump directly into a stream and intentionally ruin drinking water.

Is just embarrassingly and hilariously naive.
Of course they would if it saved them a couple of dollars. People even do it when it's illegal, what do you think will happen when it's legal?


Its a bit of a conspiracy theory but all this feels like a deliberate attempt to cripple the US in the near future once climate change puts pressure on basic resources like food and clean water and the rest of the civilized world has slowly become more reliant on renewable energy sources.

The USA is going to be decades behind other nations.

There will be a moment when China, a place that currently has literal poisonous smog clouds in major cities, becomes cleaner and more sustainable than the USA.


These people need to be stopped before they actually damage local ecosystems and cause irreparable harm that we will never be able to recover from. All for fucking oil/coal, a fuel source that was quickly becoming obsolete. It isn't even about jobs, its just money for the oil tycoons. Renewable energy would create thousands of jobs, boost the economy, and help the environment.


Y'all had a good run for a spin-off of the United Kingdom. The soviet union only lasted about 70 years. So you have that going for you, America.


How much have you read of the actual law? I am sure it has more than just a few sentences saying stay outside of 100 feet. You have to consider the entire document as a whole. Not saying I know the contents, but I doubt it is as simple as this article makes it appear.

Nobody would purposely dump directly into a stream and intentionally ruin drinking water.

Plus you have to consider if existing regulations already covered this factor. Could be unnecessarily redundant.

It's not like the rule is secret. You can read the full text here: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=OSM-2010-0018-10631

You don't need to read past the 1-page executive summary to know everything the rule does. The entire rule is written in plain english FAQ format and addresses all of your hypothetical issues with it. Or more specifically, it addresses all the hypothetical issues people actually affected bothered to raise during the comment period.
As someone who worked for an environmental non-profit in NJ, I can tell you companies very knowingly dump pollution where people live. And they do it to save money. Swamps were a very popular dumping spot because people thought no one would ever live there, or they would just get developed over.

There are numerous cases of big companies dumping toxic waste in small poor communities because they didn't give a fuck about the people there. Look up the citizens of Ringwood NJ and their right against Ford. There was a lawsuit Mann V. Ford. It's a sad story that continues to this day.
But this is clean coal we are talking about guys, it might end up cleaning the waters from unwanted biodiversity, two birds one stone!!!


Unconfirmed Member
Its a bit of a conspiracy theory but all this feels like a deliberate attempt to cripple the US in the near future once climate change puts pressure on basic resources like food and clean water and the rest of the civilized world has slowly become more reliant on renewable energy sources.

The USA is going to be decades behind other nations.

No, it's just the typical shortsightedness and selfishness of the Republican party.
I mean, nobody passing these things care.

The only people who are going to be affected are plants, animals, and poor people.

The plants and animals don't vote.


I mean, nobody passing these things care.

The only people who are going to be affected are plants, animals, and poor people.

The plants and animals don't vote.

You mean people below 1%? Just because you make e.g. 60k / year instead of 5k / year it doesn't mean you are magically getting your water from different reservoirs.


One silver lining is it will boost tourist in Canada. Americans can go to Canada to be reminded what they used to have before GOP fucked anything up to line their own pockets.

Trump is trying to keep out the terrorists but the real terrorists run your country and are taking advantage of you.


The republican party must be the most dangerous group in the whole world. Of course some people are more 'evil', such as ISIS, but in terms of the actual damage they can do to the world, the US republican party must be number one.


Louisiana here. Checked the vote record for our reps and of course, straight down party lines.

As the "Sportsman's Paradise", you'd think we'd care a little more about our lakes, streams, wetlands, etc...

Just called both senators (left a voicemail for one, other box was full) and emailed the one who was just elected. Asked that they seriously reconsider affirming Pruitt (EPA) and DeVos (education - another area LA is sorely lacking in).
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