I'm so jealous. I really want that art book D:
Yup. Gutted I can't find anywhere that sells it that isn't ebay.
I'm so jealous. I really want that art book D:
It's really interesting to see reactions to the album go from strong distaste to people loving it when they get into it.
If you think that's bad you should see how they treated decent Weezer albums.Only got halfway but I thought that it was mostly strong.
Pitchfork's review is harsh, Jesus. They apparently hate the concept of the Gorillaz.
Im aware, just interesting to look at.Trying to make sense of Pitchfork reviews is the definition of a fool's errand.
Im aware, just interesting to look at.
Though Plastic Beach is an amazing album so I can't blame em
and every bit as good as Demon Days
album is decent with some really fun songs... doesnt hit me anywhere near as hard as earlier stuff tho
i listened to the whole album on spotify for the first time and then a random demon days song came on and that was 10x better to me than this whole album
the thing i dont like about this album is how lacking the production is - sounds like everything is uncompressed and depowered
also a lot of the songs are way way overcrowded in ways they dont have to be
the best songs on the album to me are the less crowded songs like andromeda, busted and blue, hallelujah money, ticker tape etc
I think you've completely ignored what I said in the post you're quoting.
Feel the same kind of way lol.Also, HOLY SHIT "Busted and Blue". I feel like I'm sitting in some of those apartments in Ghost in the Shell, looking out the window.
After my first listen, my impression is that everything about this album is simplified and more inline with mainstream sound, than past albums. A lot of this album sounds similar to a lot of tossaway songs, made simply to boom and be serviceable a dance club.
Most notable to me, is that the lyrical melodies are not nearly as good as past albums.
I had the same feelings for Plastic Beach, but ended up Liking it quite a bit. The reason you like Demon Days better, is because you know it. While I don't think Humanz is my favorite, (thats either the First Album or DD) It has some solid tracks.
My biggest complaint is that it doesn't seem to have much of a theme or focus. It just kind of meanders around with collabs, they dont really fit together.
Going to give more spins to the album before I make anything out, but I'm blown away by the quality of the bonus tracks.
Busted and Blue is just wow. It left the strongest impression so far.
Again, that's kind of the theme of the album, though the album itself really isn't that long (clocking in at 1hr9m). I can understand feeling like the songs don't cohesively flow together but I think that's what the interludes are for, and to drive home the theme.Demon Days is still their peak. Humanz has a lot of great singles on it but I honestly don't enjoy it as a full album listen. The structure is so oddly flat for a Gorillaz project, it feels like there are far fewer genre influences this time around compared to previous albums (ironically, the most outlandish track is also my least favorite: Hallelujah Money) and the whole thing just feels more like a party playlist that goes on for too long rather than an album.
Saturnz Bars
She's My Collar
Also Sex Murder Party is maybe my least favorite Gorillaz song that appears on an LP, which is a shame because I was stoked for the Zebra Katz feature.
Lots of catchy songs, great guests, easily accessible and digestible, expansive enough to offer something for everybody, simple but memorable song writing, interesting merging of genres and a dash of nostalgia.I love this. Three listens so far and it just keeps getting better. Momentz, Andromeda, We Got the Power... So good. And Submission is my new favorite Gorillaz-song.
I will never get the love for Demon Days. Apart from two amazing songs (Feel Good Inc. and Dare) it's such a boring album.
Man, the Deluxe songs are so good. I feel like the Deluxe version really just should have been the full album.
Exactly what I was going to say, at least for their sound. I can't attest to how they would fit into the album thematically, but they sound really damn good.
It feels like this with every Gorillaz release. lol
If you think that's bad you should see how they treated decent Weezer albums.
Make Believe, a solid album got a 0.4
Well I received my Deluxe Edition and it's exactly what I thought it would be. Pretty incredible. I'm not sure what that reddit guy was posting, but this is all one object. the artbook houses the records on the outside flaps and it printed on some very heavy card stock. a well done product.
Got mine today as well. Did you get a download card or do they e-mail the code?
Listening through it now for the first time and Strobelite is amazing on the first listen.
Everything you mentioned is highly subjective, dog.
"Most people"Even though most people probably agree with me?
No code to speak of, tho i didn't really inspect closely for one. Ticketmaster is sending me two cd copies of the album anyways if it didn't include one (and yea I think there may have been a digital download to my shipping receipt).
Gotta agree that the deluxe tracks are for the most part way better than the regular tracks
I don't know if I'd go that far myself.
Feel the same way about Out of Body and Ticker TapeThe Apprentice is so good. How is that an 'extra''?
Feel the same way about Out of Body and Ticker Tape
Yeah her voice is great as is her flow. Think I might need to start listening to her.Listening to Out of Body now and it's good too. I really dig Kilo Kish's voice.