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Gorillaz-Humanz |OT| After All

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Gotta say though Momentz is just a total clunker. Ill give it another shot but right now I get the feeling I don't ever wanna hear it again

Momentz is amazing, homie. You'll come around.

Pure Gorillaz weirdness. Killer bass, catchy hook, Pos kills it, and it's got that killer "plastic on ceiling" moment. Playing it loud gets me moving.
I am a huge fan of Plastic Beach. This album has been playing non stop since I got it and I am mixed about it. Mixed feelings is better then disgust I will give it some more time and see if it clicks.

Edit: I like momentz and I feel like a failure for liking it. I am just not hip.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make.
You said the album sounds like a party playlist
I'm saying that's the intention as it's part of the theme of the album, it's a party and thus the music reflects that in the same way that Plastic Beach's theme reflects in its music. You're now arguing...What?

For starters, I guess I want to see some receipts about the album "being a party" or whatever - I'll totally accept that as an interpretation, but is that a concrete fact? Either way that doesn't make it particularly good, or interesting, or suddenly make me think that it's not way too long and samey. All art has a theme, that in and of itself doesn't make an album better or worse.

When I say it feels like a playlist, I mean that it doesn't really feel like it has any sort of rhyme or reason to its track layout and overall tone/mood. It feels like a singles collection. There are some great singles on here! But as an album listening experience, it really hasn't clicked with me yet - which is a bummer, because Demon Days and Plastic Beach really work for me as full album experiences. I don't really care one way or the other if it's "supposed" to sound that way.


When I first listened to Momentz I had the same reaction I did as when I listened to For Free from TPAB.

"Is this batshit craziness complete horseshit or is it genius?"

And it only took me a second listen to realize that it's the latter.
when you haven't found a song in the album that is your jam


When 'Out of Body' begins


When that beat starts playing on your car's soundsystem


Hadn't heard it before I saw this post. Went to listen.

For starters, I guess I want to see some receipts about the album "being a party" or whatever - I'll totally accept that as an interpretation, but is that a concrete fact? Either way that doesn't make it particularly good, or interesting, or suddenly make me think that it's not way too long and samey. All art has a theme, that in and of itself doesn't make an album better or worse.

It is a fact, Damon Albarn said it's supposed to be an apocalyptic party, a night where everything changes (the prompt he gave collaborators was "what if Trump became president?). That's why Hallelujah Money is where it is on the album.
It is a fact, Damon Albarn said it's supposed to be an apocalyptic party, a night where everything changes (the prompt he gave collaborators was "what if Trump became president?). That's why Hallelujah Money is where it is on the album.

Ah I see, I missed that interview. Continue flowchart to "that doesn't make it better" I guess.
For starters, I guess I want to see some receipts about the album "being a party" or whatever - I'll totally accept that as an interpretation, but is that a concrete fact? Either way that doesn't make it particularly good, or interesting, or suddenly make me think that it's not way too long and samey. All art has a theme, that in and of itself doesn't make an album better or worse.

When I say it feels like a playlist, I mean that it doesn't really feel like it has any sort of rhyme or reason to its track layout and overall tone/mood. It feels like a singles collection. There are some great singles on here! But as an album listening experience, it really hasn't clicked with me yet - which is a bummer, because Demon Days and Plastic Beach really work for me as full album experiences. I don't really care one way or the other if it's "supposed" to sound that way.

I don't have a link right now but yeah, that is literally the theme from what Damon has said, it's not my personal interpretation or anything that's straight from the horse's mouth. There's been some kind of world changing event for the negative (Damon was thinking of Trump being inaugurated) and this is people partying like it's their last night. Pretty sure I even put that in the OT. I'm not saying you have to like it or think it's good, but that is the intention. You even get hints of this with the interludes, they're there for a reason.

It wasn't an argument against it being long, it's just something I wanted to point out. IMO it's a good length and one of the few albums I can listen back to front without fatigue, it's got good pacing and a good mix of tempo and tone even if it's largely one genre. But again, I'm not trying to change your mind on the album, just wanted to point out that the way it sounds is intentional because it's part of the albums theme. Whether or not you like that of course is up to you. But from my experience and what I've seen with others, this album is a grower even more so than their past albums and I personally was left feeling cold on my first listen, then it clicked and now I love it.


I still giggle at how Hallelujah Money was so weird at first, and then you listen to other songs in the album and it becomes less weird by comparison.

Looking back at it the song always sounded like something that could've fit in snuggly on D-Sides. I guess it's just after seven years of absence (unless you count The Fall and DoYaThing) it's a bold as hell move to come back swinging with what is a really mellow, unadventurous track. People are going to expect something a lot more.
Ah I see, I missed that interview. Continue flowchart to "that doesn't make it better" I guess.

I mostly agree with this, a good album shouldn't need you to brush up on outside lore to get most enjoyment out of it.

It reminds me of the "Well, the artist's interpretation says..." arguments people have
I mostly agree with this, a good album shouldn't need you to brush up on outside lore to get most enjoyment out of it.

I don't think you need to brush up on "lore" to tease out the theme of the album, though. Gorillaz have never been particularly subtle in that regard (and I don't think they need to in their particular realm of political infused dark-pop).

It's really all set up in the intro and ascension. Some tracks feel more loosely connected than others though.
Looking back at it the song always sounded like something that could've fit in snuggly on D-Sides. I guess it's just after seven years of absence (unless you count The Fall and DoYaThing) it's a bold as hell move to come back swinging with what is a really mellow, unadventurous track. People are going to expect something a lot more.

I guess it was the most politically aware album so he opted to release this first following Trump. But before the first two songs released via album were either THE single of the album or one of the more prominent songs.

Self Titled:
Tomorrow comes today
Clint Eastwood

Demon Days:
Feel Good inc

Plastic Beach:
On Melancholy Hill

I mean Saturnz Barz is popular, no doubt there, but Hallelujah Money isn't going to be considered among the best for the album people will regularly listen to. If it had been Momentz, She's My Collar or another one of the more popular songs it would have made sense to start with that and then release Saturnz Barz.
I don't think you need to brush up on "lore" to tease out the theme of the album, though. Gorillaz have never been particularly subtle in that regard (and I don't think they need to in their particular realm of political infused dark-pop).

It's really all set up in the intro and ascension. Some tracks feel more loosely connected than others though.

Sure, but I don't think any of that necessarily makes an album better or worse.
Sure, but I don't think any of that necessary makes an album better or worse.

I didn't say it did (although I will certainly argue that the way Gorillaz leverage their theme and narrative concepts do make the albums better). But you said you shouldn't have to read up on outside material to glean meaning from the album, and that's not the case with this.
honestly the only point the lore got a bit overbearing was with plastic beach when the death/plague doctor mask dude appeared and you were supposed to know who he is and all of this crap.

I can't even remember who he is right now. I'm hoping they've toned it down, it got WAY too weird on Plastic Beach.
I didn't say it did (although I will certainly argue that the way Gorillaz leverage their theme and narrative concepts do make the albums better). But you said you shouldn't have to read up on outside material to glean meaning from the album, and that's not the case with this.

I don't know, drawing out "This album is a party celebrating the end of the world because Trump got elected" is a pretty specific concept that I could see people missing if they just listened to the album.

Edit: This is all going off rails a bit though. To simplify it, if someone goes "It sounds like a party album, I don't like that." A rebuttal going "It's supposed to be a party album" doesn't change anything.
I'd argue that context of art can make it better. If anything that's a huge part of art interpretation. But I'm not saying that in this case it makes it better, just that it's intentional.


Plastic beach in general was lukewarm to me. The scope of that entire era was too out there from the skits to the album itself. I still enjoy it but I'm not dying to go back to it.
honestly the only point the lore got a bit overbearing was with plastic beach when the death/plague doctor mask dude appeared and you were supposed to know who he is and all of this crap.

I can't even remember who he is right now. I'm hoping they've toned it down, it got WAY too weird on Plastic Beach.

They have a TV show coming, so probably not.
This album is 49 minutes, the shortest Gorillaz album.

The literal length isn't the problem - I have plenty of double albums and long metal albums I can listen to without getting bored. I'm saying that, for the way the album is structured, it feels overlong. Demon Days is ~50 minutes as well, but it flows way better as an album in my opinion.
I don't know, drawing out "This album is a party celebrating the end of the world because Trump got elected" is a pretty specific concept that I could see people missing if they just listened to the album.

Edit: This is all going off rails a bit though. To simplify it, if someone goes "It sounds like a party album, I don't like that." A rebuttal going "It's supposed to be a party album" doesn't change anything.

Trump winning isn't the theme though, he's not even mentioned. He's contextually relevant to the conception of the album and knowing that influence your reading of the album, but the theme ain't that specific.

But yeah as per your edit, bringing up the theme to counter not liking the sound does not change anything.


"Most people"
That's also not how the term subjective works.
If you're going to shitpost do it elsewhere.
Not shitposting dude, I'm just saying their previous albums are better. That's no less subjective than saying it's harder to digest, which is the point you were trying to make. This isn't comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing one album to their previous work, and sadly I think it pales in comparison. Of course that's my opinion, but based on the lukewarm response in here I'd say it's an opinion shared by many others.

That being said, I don't actually mind the album. I've only listened to it once so there's probably a few songs on there I'll end up really liking, just like I did with Plastic Beach. But considering Demon Days is one of my all time favourites, Plastic Beach was a huge let down for me so I'm disappointed they've continued in the same direction.


Trump winning isn't the theme though, he's not even mentioned. He's contextually relevant to the conception of the album and knowing that influence your reading of the album, but the theme ain't that specific.

But yeah as per your edit, bringing up the theme to counter not liking the sound does not change anything.

He is mentioned, but Damon censored it. See Let Me Out.
He is mentioned, but Damon censored it. See Let Me Out.

Yeah I know, and the censoring means he ain't mentioned explicitly in the album.

I still think he should have gotten Pusha to change his verse if he was gonna censor out Trump and Obama's names. The beeps will never not sound weird to me :/


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Charger is such a cool fucking song. It's almost like a lost Nine Inch Nails instrumental in a way, it's just fucking intense.
Not shitposting dude, I'm just saying their previous albums are better. That's no less subjective than saying it's harder to digest, which is the point you were trying to make. This isn't comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing one album to their previous work, and sadly I think it pales in comparison. Of course that's my opinion, but based on the lukewarm response in here I'd say it's an opinion shared by many others.

That being said, I don't actually mind the album. I've only listened to it once so there's probably a few songs on there I'll end up really liking, just like I did with Plastic Beach. But considering Demon Days is one of my all time favourites, Plastic Beach was a huge let down for me so I'm disappointed they've continued in the same direction.

You're entirely entitled to say what you feel or that you feel the others are better, just don't come with the "it's this this and this, it's that simple and everyone agrees with me so I'm right". That's my only issue. If you want to discuss, discuss, criticism is welcome. Just don't be pompous. That might not have been your intention but it comes off like that
I mean this album isn't my favorite but yeah I'm not going to speak for everybody. Demon Days being considering the best is an opinion held by many it doesn't mean it's gospel
I love Plastic Beach but let's not pretend glitter freeze doesn't drag the album to a screeching halt every time. Also pirate jet is a whack af album closer compared to demon days.

I just really vibe to the haunted r&b vibe demon days has. White light is the closest thing it has to a weak track and even that is pretty dope.

I'm not sure where I'd place Humanz yet. Sometimes I like it second best, other times the least. So maybe split the difference and put it third best.
For me as of right now, Humanz may have higher highs than plastic beach, but also lower lows.

I'll give it a few more listens though before I do a year 1 ranking. Though yeah my opinions on Plastic Beach year 1 differ to what I feel about it today.
I don't think I like any song on this album as much as I like Empire Ants.

But there's also nothing like glitter freeze which is a huge plus for Humanz.


S/T is better than Demon Days, in my opinion. As good a song as it is, Monkey's Head really ruins the flow of the album for me and there's nothing like that on the first record. Just fantastic songs the whole way through.
For me as of right now, Humanz may have higher highs than plastic beach, but also lower lows.

I'll give it a few more listens though before I do a year 1 ranking. Though yeah my opinions on Plastic Beach year 1 differ to what I feel about it today.
This is how I feel as well after giving the album a full listen. I really appreciate how much more diverse and energetic Humanz is, but that comes at the cost of only a fraction of the album being to my liking. But the songs that I do like stand out way more to me than any of the Plastic Beach tracklist.
S/T is better than Demon Days. As good a song as it is, Monkey's Head really ruins the flow of the album for me and there's nothing like that on the first record. Just fantastic songs the whole way through.

I'm not very big on punk, 5/4, double bass, or rehash. They're certainly not bad, but they lead to fewer straight album plays for me. Demon Days I pretty much always start at intro and listen to the whole damn thing.


What's S/T?

edit: Nvm.

Only thing I can be sure of right now is that the greatest Gorillaz rap feature is still from 3 stacks.


So far Plastic Beach is still king and the only good songs from the album got singles.
Half wayish through the deluxe.


Gave the deluxe edition a listen today and amazed to see rag n bone man on there. We just found this dude the other day by his wolves song and goddamn we like him then to see him on here is just bizarre. My daughter was flipping out since she loves the dude too. Good album so far but not my fav.
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