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Got to play at the Donkey Konga kiosk today.

Have these been around 4 a while or did they just come out?

Anyway, the game is pretty fun and pretty hard too. I was surprised at how well the claps register. You barely have to put your hards together.


Yeah, I tried it. You really have to lose yourself in the moment & forget you're in a public place for a bit to really play it. I knew I looked like an ass, but I played the game quite a few times.
yeah you can really groove with this game. Between claps I was ready to bust out my James Brown spin move but I didn't want to make myself look like a total fool. :D


impirius said:
PROTIP: Tap the side of the drum instead of clapping if you're concerned about annoying someone

I tried that at the kiosk I tried in Circuit City, and it didn't seem to work every time. At first, it was because I kept whacking the metal frame holding the drums in place, but even when I was hitting the sides of the drum themselves, it would only register maybe one out of every five times. Like I said in the other thread, I decided to call it quits when I realized that my beating the hell out of the side of the drum probably looked sillier than any clapping I could have done.

Not only that, but the Nintendo kiosk's volume was so far down, and the surrounding kiosk's volumes were all set really high, making it pretty much impossible to hear the song I was playing, which really does lessen the enjoyment.


You had a bad drum controller then, Vlad. At the demo station I played on, you could hit the right side of the drum gently and it responded every time.
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