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Gotcha Force = $19.88 @ amazon.com

Very fun game...get it. It's even better if you have a friend who would buy it at this price, then you can trade and such.


"The different models include humanoid robots with guns and swords, industrial robots with huge arms and missiles, flying angels, huge dragons, nurses with giant syringes, jet fighters, aliens, laser-equipped satellites, flying fortresses, UFOs, ninjas and samurai, demons, tanks, and armored cars. The rarest borgs include robots that transform into bomber jets and borgs that combine Voltron-style to form larger and more powerful machines."

That's really all you need to know.


A lot of people seem to like this game. I don't know much about it, but if it is really good then I might pick it up.

If you had to compare Gotcha Force to another game, which one does it most play like?

Musashi Wins!

It reminds me of tech romancer some. Like a better playing Custom Robo. Some Powerstone feeling. The story is total six-year olds, but the action is colorful and fun for anyone, I love it.


Well my backlog is already around 40 (i'm afraid to count), so what I need to know is, is this game something that I shouldn't miss. Is it a great game, or is it just pretty decent game. Does it have any glaring flaws? If so what are they? If it is great game, with a unique experience to offer that I won't find in most other games, then I'd have no problem adding it to my huge backlog.
I think it's a very good game, very fun with a Pokemon-like addictiveness to collecting borgs. It does have some glaring, but not crippling flaws. The sound is terrifying, and the camera has problems with vertical spaces. If you like mech games and/or Power Stone, you'll love it.
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