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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c

Nygma finally burying his victims.



Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I'm very glad this scene happened. The right way to go about this. 👍Gotham


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Oh. I didn't expect that.
I did however, expect this.
Fucking SMOOTH maneuver.
ugh she lived.....

I think lee is gonna leave Jim because shit is just too crazy

penguin & Riddler teaming up!?

Next weeks ep looks so good!!! these previews are really enticing!!!


So Penguin's strategy, after getting shot, was to run to the woods...and bleeds to death ?

Still like the idea of an alliance, but the execution is ridiculous.

Oh and I hope they won't pull a "I hit my head so now I'm sane" with Barbara.


AV Club - B

Fun is exactly what “Rise Of The Villains: Tonight’s The Night” is. It kicks off with a trippy dream sequence, sustains momentum with a compelling cat-and-mouse chase, and ends with a bloodied Penguin asking a wandering Nygma for help. Typically that kind of jam-packed episode causes Gotham to buckle under the weight of so much information and plot, but there’s a focus to “Tonight’s The Night” that means the episode’s more disparate elements—I’m looking at you, Nygma—don’t distract from the main storyline. And really, Gotham is better off when it has one overarching storyline in an episode, because it has proven time and again that it can’t juggle numerous characters at once.

What “Tonight’s The Night” does well, and differently, is bring in a number of characters while also making sure that they’re all (mostly) working to build the same storyline. This week it involves the return of Barbara and her master plan to kill Jim Gordon, which also happens to be part of Galavan’s larger master plan to distract Gordon and the GCPD while he extorts Bruce Wayne into selling him a majority share in Wayne Enterprises. Each storyline dovetails into one another; even the seemingly inconsequential C-plot of Nygma burying Kringle ends with him finding Penguin in the woods, himself on the run from just about everyone involved in the chaos back in Gotham.

IGN - 7.7 out of 10 (Good)

"Tonight's the Night" had a really cool Barbara story, marred by the weird non-death ending. If they wanted to keep her alive, there were certainly other ways to do it other than the one way that made her death almost necessary by design. Also, and this is more of an observation than a negative, the Se7en homages were pretty out of control during the first 15, 20 minutes. Barbara turning herself in. Offering to lead Jim and Harvey away on an escort mission (followed by armored cops). It's just that instead of the box, it was a church. And a dress. And also a kidnapped Leslie.

Other than that, the best stuff this week belonged to Bruce and Alfred.


This season has really been damn good imo. It has it's dark moments and then it has it's silly ones still being a serious show altogether.

First season was ok this season just took it to another level and I love it.

I'm glad we are seeing Bruce as a kid but I'm glad this isn't a show about Batman. There is clearly so much more you can explore in this world.


Or name his daughter after her.

There as to be someone else in Jim or Leslie's family named Barbara at this point if they have a child.

They said it would be back next week but I look for it to be canceled soon enough.

Gotcha. Sadly I agree it's likely to be canceled.

I really liked how Bullock just ignored the order to leave and kept on working to find out where Jim was.


Observer talks about how Barbara has become Jim Gordon's Joker.

I never thought about it that way, but there are some interesting parallels.

With that said, ‘Gotham’ has performed actual miracle work by turning Barbara not only into a convincing villain, but transforming her into Jim Gordon’s version of the Joker. I don’t even mean that in a Reference Guide-y type of way – I don’t think Barbara’s ever going to dye her hair green, or put on clown makeup, or squirt anyone with acid from a flower. It’s in the relationship, not the wardrobe.

I’ve written before on how The Joker isn’t Batman’s arch-enemy because he’s a clown, but because The Joker is a stand-in for Gotham City itself, and by proxy for the history Bruce Wayne can never change. Likewise, there is nothing Jim Gordon hates more than his past, or the fact that he’s made mistakes. Barbara is his biggest mistake, the mistake he can never erase. And maybe he doesn’t even want to, just as Batman can never bring himself to kill The Joker.

We see all this in ‘Tonight’s the Night’ – the shadowing of Barbara and Jim’s face in the interrogation room, Barbara’s Joker-esque claims that no one knows Jim as well as she does, and the nugget of truth to those words. And when Jim has the chance to end it, to just let Barbara fall, he instead tries to hold on to her. Think back to Christian Bale’s Batman stopping Heath Ledger’s Joker from plummeting to his death in The Dark Knight: “I think you and I are destined to do this forever,” Ledger’s Joker says.
I'm kind of happy she's still alive considering there's so many body count this season
I think she still has some story to tell.

Riddler and Penguin with Zsaz. Empire Strikes Back
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