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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c


To be fair,
probably only going to be in this season for like a 2 episode arc. Maybe to have Penguin officially kill
once and for all.

Season 2 has moved very, very far away from the "mob storylines" of Season 1.


To be fair, she's probably only going to be in this season for like a 2 episode arc. Maybe to have Penguin officially kill her once and for all.

Why bring her back at all then? They could have just said she were killed in the S1 finale. Would be crap to get her back for two episodes, just to get "killed off" again.



nah I honestly don't really mind, there was some okay stuff in season 1 with her, the only big blunder was the whole island bullshit that went no where, season 2 has been great so far so they might do something awesome with her too! I'm optimistic, glass half full etc etc
Is anyone happy about this? How does Gotham misread the fan base so badly as to bring her back? I know GAF is an insulated community, but come on showrunners...
Is anyone happy about this? How does Gotham misread the fan base so badly as to bring her back? I know GAF is an insulated community, but come on showrunners...

*raises hand*

I loved
. Glad to see

Granted, the
stuff went on for too long, but still. Dynamite performance and a very fun character.
I don't mind that she's back but please don't focus on her. Like she can be one of those side characters and whatever but I don't need her in the main story line.
Don't mind her, the plot they gave her sucked ass in the back half of the season but she fit right in as a character. Give her better things to do and don't make her a primary focus. There's a lot of characters in this series

Really want this back asap, had so much fun with the first half of the season. Best comic book show

I don't think she will be in it long anyways. I bet penguin Herman finishes the job once and for all
The tears are delicious, especially considering the trajectory Barbara went in. I never had a problem with
but considering how big of a step up Season 2 is it's funny watching the meltdowns as if it's all going out the window.


Why the is
get spoiler tagged? This is a season 2 thread so spoiler tagging isn't necessary is it?

General rule for spoilers is everything is fair AFTER the episode aired.

Characters who will appear on future episodes that we wern't expecting are spoilers
I can't say I mind the spoiler, simply because
we don't know in which capacity Fish is going to be back. Is it a flashback? Penguin hallucinating? Indian Hills shenanigans? I'll freak out once she's confirmed to be a guest star in a couple of episodes as her old back-from-the-dead character, but until then? Meh.


I didn't realize there was such vitriol for the character. I thought the character was fine, or is this some sort of group polarization where people state the character is somehow way worse than they actually are.


She played the role well, but her storylines went nowhere in the end. With the craziness that went on in season 2, she's the least of my worries... Personally
I didn't realize there was such vitriol for the character. I thought the character was fine, or is this some sort of group polarization where people state the character is somehow way worse than they actually are.

I didn't much like the character anyway but the latter half of season 1 with her was awful.


She massively overstayed her welcome. She was fine in the beginning, but at some point they had multiple good moments to let her go and have her come back in a later season as a forgotten enemy. But it was like they were forced to use her and had to make stuff up as they went along, she just didn't fit with what was going on in the show at that time, her scenes were superfluous.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Good. Forget the haters. I enjoyed Fish and it would be nice to have her back on the show.

Co-sign. Really dont get amount of hate. Her confontations with the Penguin were great heh.
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