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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c

I'm really loving Gotham Season 2 so far.

But for future seasons, I'd like to see Gotham borrow an idea from Breaking Bad and "Better Call Saul".

Those shows have scenes that go back and forth between the present and the future. In Better Call Saul, most of the show takes place in the present/past where Jimmy is struggling as a lawyer. But there are flashforward black & white scenes where he's working at a Cinnabon.

Breaking Bad did something similar. They had flashforward scenes foreshadowing events that would happen in later episodes, or later seasons.

I would like to see Gotham try a similar approach for future seasons. They can go back and forth between scenes that take place in "the past" and "Batman: Year One (the future)". They can show a much older Gordon and Bullock looking really beaten down, tired, and defeated in the flashfoward scenes. Show how things have really taken a toll on them physically and mentally.

Gotham's already got problems with people convinced they know how things are gonna turn out.


Gotham's already got problems with people convinced they know how things are gonna turn out.

But you could argue the same thing about Better Call Saul, which is a prequel show.

Anyone who watched Breaking Bad already knows what happens to
Saul and Mike
. But that hasn't stopped Better Call Saul from being good television.

I'm not against the idea of Bruce aging in real time. But will Fox allow this show to get ten seasons? I mean this is Fox that we're talking about. They are notorious for cancelling shows prematurely. And Gotham is not a cheap show to produce. It's probably one of their most expensive shows.
Don't see why. Kid's growing in real time, so long as the show keeps pace it's not a problem.

Time skip would allow them to do more interesting stuff with Bruce that a 14/15 year old doing seems silly.

A 16/17 year old Bruce could have some legitimate fighting skill and not look silly fighting an adult.
Also establishing more depth in detective skills.
Heck I think even just referencing courses he is taking in high school would be interesting(forensics, psychology,etc)

At that age you could do a side arc of meeting Zatara & Zatanna and training with them without needing to go globe-trotting yet.
Also mentioned in the past they could bring Lady Shiva in as an 18-20year old top martial artist in the world who Alfred hires to further train Bruce, but she is secretly working for the League and wants to sway Bruce to their cause.


Why does it need 10 seasons? Are you assuming that we'll see Bruce Wayne turn into the Batman that we know?

I'm not really assuming anything. You're right, it's possible that Bruce may not turn into the Batman that we all know. He may become Batman at a much younger age (like 18 or 20 years old)

But I do think a time skip will be needed for certain characters.

For example, Poison Ivy is known for using sexuality as a weapon against people. But she's only 14 years old in this show so the writers can't make sexuality a big part of her character -- because people will find that to be creepy. I think the writers have a hard time writing fun scenes for Ivy because she's so young. That's why she doesn't appear in many episodes.

I think a timeskip would benefit Poison Ivy even more than Bruce.

A 16/17 year old Bruce could have some legitimate fighting skill and not look silly fighting an adult.

To be fair, the actor who plays Bruce will turn 16-years-old in Season 3. He's already almost the same height as Jim Gordon.

But I do agree with your overall point.


Can't wait for this show to get started again. The DCTV shows are getting crazy right now with Earth-2 and Legends and Flash/Supergirl crossovers, and then I check this thread and see fucking
They could probably do a time jump every couple seasons just to catch up characters with their actual ages, especially for the kid who plays Bruce who is still like 13.
Oh, hmm. Not sure about Bruce. In the comics he's generally around 10, but he's clearly much older than that here.

In the first episode he was 12.

That's kinda why they need to do a bit of a time skip. Puberty is a MFer, it's likely why Once Upon a Time did a one year time jump for the main character and her TV son.
Oh, hmm. Not sure about Bruce. In the comics he's generally around 10, but he's clearly much older than that here.

Problem is real time is going by faster than the show time.
We really need some scenes with the Waynes quickly before he is too much older looking.

If I was going to do a big time jump(2-3 years) i'd just recast Bruce and leave everything else alone.
Selina and Silver both can pass for a few years older.


SpoilerTV's impressions of Monday night's episode.
(Warning, there are spoilers in the link above. The site is called SpoilerTV afterall.)

The show has some macabre fun with the freezing and smartly seems to be taking the Firefly approach to this arc. I also thought Darrow and “Being Human” alum Kristen Hager (who portrays Fries’ terminally ill wife Nora) had nice chemistry and sell the deep, tragic love fueling his actions.

Wong is an actor I’ve always liked and he exudes a great quiet menace as Strange. I’m really looking forward to him and Robin Lord Taylor sharing scenes in the weeks to come. And Strange’s presence looks to push forward one of the show’s longest-running threads in a more prominent way.

Variety's Brian Lowry saw the first four episodes of the second half of Season 2.

He seems to enjoy what he saw -- especially the appearances of
Michael Bowen
Paul Ruebens
. His biggest concern is whether the more outlandish sci fi / fantasy elements will begin to clash with the dark, gritty crime drama elements.

Fox previewed the first four episodes, and there are some terrific moments along the way, including third and fourth-episode guest shots, respectively, by
Michael Bowen and Paul Reubens – the latter playing the Penguin’s long-lost dad, in a sly callback to director Tim Burton’s “Batman Returns.”

Still, the show’s gritty realism feels somewhat at odds with some of the more outlandish elements, an arena perhaps better suited to its DC sibling “The Flash,” which has wholeheartedly embraced its superhero origins over on The CW.

As has been noted here in the past, that’s a delicate balancing act, and the series remains a noble effort, which makes its messier aspects easier to swallow.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Excited to have Gotham back. A year ago I would not have believed I would be saying that.

EDIT: And everybody knows that iZombie is the GOAT DC Comic show.
Return of the KING!

It's been so long ;__;

I did just rewatch S1 and what Hulu still had from S2 (remember when Hulu Plus was supposed to a) be ad free and b) have the entire season to date available? Good times). S1 was better than I remember. Falcone's involvement in Indian Hill is gonna be a thing, and I suspect that (upcoming episodes of S2 spoilers)
Dr. Dolmacher is involved with the Fish Mooney reappearance. He did say that he'd bring her back from the dead if he had to.

This is not The Flash thread.

But second best.


Flash is pretty heavily weighed down by it's CW stuff. The relationship drama. It's not a big deal in most episodes, but it can still grate. Gotham's idea of relationship drama is Barbra kidnapping Lee and staging a literal shotgun wedding then plunging out of the church and into a coma. Much better, imo.

Excited to have Gotham back. A year ago I would not have believed I would be saying that.

EDIT: And everybody knows that iZombie is the GOAT DC Comic show.

iZombie is technically Vertigo, tho.


It amazes me this is the same character in the comics that chose not to execute the Joker after he had killed his new bride. And even more after Batman said he'd let him do it.


Selina being there at Butch's place was dumb. And of course, she was there at the right time, just like when she witnessed Wayne's murder.
Mr. Freeze is my favorite character in Batman's rogue's gallery after The Riddler, mostly because I love how much of a tragic villain he is. Not sure how much I like this portrayal yet.
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