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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c


Is this opposite day or something?

The hell is going on. She was a terrible character and it's no coincidence the show got significantly better after she was killed off.

I think it was more that the show got much better after they moved away from being about mafia crime and into more interesting, comic-booky things.
So you believe.

It's true though...

Good argument. You've certainly convinced me. I thought all this time she was a good character for the reasons I listed above, but I never considered she actually wasn't. Now I see the light.

You make some good points, but I loathe her character and everything about her. She was one of the worst things about the first season and I don't say that lightly.
I think it was more that the show got much better after they moved away from being about mafia crime and into more interesting, comic-booky things.

That's true and the end of the mafia crime aspect came with her death. She was the main driving force behind it with her constant shenanigans and pulling down the real talent like Penguin.

Had she still been around, I doubt we'd be getting the current arc with Penguin or Butch.
It will be interesting seeing all of these characters aging, growing, and maturing in real time.

And as they grow older, I bet their storylines will get better and better too.

They actually picked the perfect age for Bruce. This just gets me excited for the future of this show. There is so much potential.

Boys at that age grow up crazy fast. Game of Thrones was hurt by this, while Gotham benefits from this like crazy.

And great news about S3. Easily my favorite comicbook show. .

I agree. At first, I thought the characters might be a tad too young. I was afraid it would be a super slow burn for character growth, but season 2 has proven me wrong. They nailed the casting!

Probably something to do with Hugo overhearing Peguin and Jim.

Hugo is super mysterious, there is still so much we don't know. I feel like he will fly under Jim Gordon's radar for a while, while pulling the strings from behind the scenes.


My jaw dropped when I saw that. I've only seen the Nolan films and played the Rocksteady games, but they have absolutely nailed Gotham's aesthetics. A great ending to a great episode.

Metal B

Nobody is talking about, what they property are doing with the Joker? For me it looks like, Jeremy unintentionaly created a sub-culture in Gotham, which speaks to a lot to anachist, free-spirits and broken people (the show present it as a mix between Gothic and Punk). The scene will properly grow overtime and I can actually see them, dismissing Jermey, if he would be coming back (many groups distance them self from there creators or inspiration, since living people can make for bad symbols).

The Joker would become an embodyment of this sub-culture. One random guy, who takes everything to far. Almost like all those people are summoning an demon or god. It kind of explains, why people would still support the Joker. He is created through the people of Gotham.

This would also give the producer the chance to involve the Joker without actually using the character. Like with last episode they can create people, who represent a fraction of him out of this sub-culture. All the small bits, which leave a mark on Gotham and all will life on as a part of the Joker in the future.


If casting news is considered spoilers why are sites reporting it?

Casting news should not be considred spoilers, it's ridicilouis.

It's like if Arnold was cast as The Terminator...OH NO...SPOILERS...

can we change the policy please.


Finally saw the episode, and it's a masterpiece. The very best of what Gotham has to offer, even without the campy craziness of Jerome and a guy in a suit with a freeze gun.

The Matches scene was a crash course in Batman's attitude to crime fighting. He can't stop murder by becoming a murderer. He can't stop revenge by taking revenge. Matches is a product of society, a society so rotten that he can make a living by killing people for money, and do it for so long that the job becomes mundane and he can't even remember who he kills. He wasn't the murderer, he just fired the gun. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else.

The Jeri character was great too. Only in Gotham can a steampunk woman in white facepaint singing for a punk band be completely congruent with Gotham's aesthetic.


I'm still catching up but the casting of villains in this show out does most movie series. BD Wong as Hugo Strange is inspired.


Hahahaha I'm rewatching season one because my wife never saw the first twelve episodes, and I just realized Fish Mooney and Captain Cold talk EXACTLY the same way. I was imagining them having a conversation and cracked up.


New episode today:
Season 2: episode 15 "Mad Grey Dawn"

Gordon and Bullock investigate a trail of clues left in a museum robbery, which, unbeknownst to them, were left by Nygma in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. Meanwhile, Gordon’s past comes back to haunt him when an anonymous person threatens to expose his hand in Galavan’s murder. Also, Penguin’s visit to some old friends leads him to meet his father, Elijah Van Dalh, and Bruce practices his street smarts.
- Promo for this week's episode.
Real Riddler, 60's tv homage opening (felt that way, with the giant bomb), Bruce coming into his own (that music!) was really good stuff. The Penguin stuff was ok I'm hoping it goes somewhere interesting (like dad helps him get his mojo back or maybe he's a plant from Strange). Also hope we get to see Bullock struggling to outwit Nygma.


I really liked how Nygma's plan played out. Classic Riddler. Thinking he's doing one thing until it all comes together.


I have such mixed feelings on this show. It's good, i'm enjoying it, but its really hard to have sympathy for Gordon when he's really stepped into the mud with the rest. It's like, yea he's being
framed for this murder, but at the same time yea he killed that other guy and is lying about and has been working with some major villains for some time now
I'm ok with it for now, its a compelling story and i'm hooked but the moment he tries to pull some holier than thou shit like in the first season it's gonna feel like such bullshit.


I have such mixed feelings on this show. It's good, i'm enjoying it, but its really hard to have sympathy for Gordon when he's really stepped into the mud with the rest. It's like, yea he's being
framed for this murder, but at the same time yea he killed that other guy and is lying about and has been working with some major villains for some time now
I'm ok with it for now, its a compelling story and i'm hooked but the moment he tries to pull some holier than thou shit like in the first season it's gonna feel like such bullshit.

This. If he comes out of this he had better have learned something from this. There can not be a repeat of this BS come next season.


Reviews for tonight's episode.

IGN: 8.0 out of 10

AV Club gives it a B-

TV.com really enjoyed it (review)

I agree with AV Club all the time on most of the TV shows I watch, but it is BIZARRE how often I'm on a completely different spectrum when it comes to Gotham. I feel like they're about the only ones who constantly have bad things to say about it. Even in this B- review they still clearly dislike pretty much everything about the show.


DAMN! One of the best episodes so far! Gordon is in some deep shit right now.

I don't know how they do it, but this series keeps getting better and better. Definitely the best comic book-based show on TV.


Really good episode. The various Penguin, erm, "bonding scenes" were hilarious, especially the one with Butch. xD
I also like how the whole Riddler thing worked out. As for Penguin's father, maybe some Court of Owls stuff in the making?
Bruce keeps getting better and better. I love how he would take that beating and couldn't really fight back until his parents were referenced (instead of just being righteous "you're a coward" Bruce).


this is not the end of the season right? because it feels like a season ending cliffhanger

great episode, can't believe they actually went through and fast tracked Gordon to prison, thought Harvey would find some lead to clear Gordons name before the end of the episode

and man, Butch you lucky bastard
That time jump was crazy. I don't know how they are gonna write it so Gordon can go back to being a cop and somehow on the track to Commissioner after what he's done and all that's happened since. The writers might be painting themselves in a corner. But either way, I am loving the show.

This has got to be one of the best shot TV shows I have ever seen in my life. Every scene, every loaction and set is almost like a work of art itself. It is truly amazing. A lot of movies don't have the same kind of carer and attention to detail that Gotham has in its world building.


That time jump was crazy. I don't know how they are gonna write it so Gordon can go back to being a cop and somehow on the track to Commissioner after what he's done and all that's happened since. The writers might be painting themselves in a corner. But either way, I am loving the show.

This has got to be one of the best shot TV shows I have ever seen in my life. Every scene, every loaction and set is almost like a work of art itself. It is truly amazing. A lot of movies don't have the same kind of carer and attention to detail that Gotham has in its world building.

I agree. Very few TV shows have managed to hook me in, and Gotham is just doing everything perfectly. The cast is amazingly spot on, the acting is amazing, the plots are amazing, the villain reveals are amazing, Bruce getting better and better, each villain given their time to shine and control everything...

And since the Burtonverse is my favorite live action Batman universe, Gotham being so similar in style and tone just rings my bell.
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