Does the A.V. Club ever have anything good to say about Gotham?
Never, but they freak out over even the worst Arrow episodes
Does the A.V. Club ever have anything good to say about Gotham?
Someone's been watching South Park.
Gotham is a criminally underrated comic book show.
AV Club seems really hung up on what they think the show is rather than what it actually is. It's weird.
Anyway, fantastic episode. He fed his stepsiblings to his stepmom, holy shit.
AV Club seems really hung up on what they think the show is rather than what it actually is. It's weird.
t's amazing how much this show turned around from most of the first season.
I love me some Ms. Peabody. I need more of her.
I'm sad that that might be it for Riddler for a while.
psh, Arkham is a revolving door with Strange in charge
I'm sad that that might be it for Riddler for a while.
I like how the show has multiple storyline layers. In a lot of ways it's like a well written ongoing comic book series. Other shows should follow the Gotham format. Instead of having so much focus on one storyline throughout an entire season, add some variety and smaller plots that interact.
It certainly helps that the bat-world has so many quality characters to use. They can have a 3 or 4 episode story like with Freeze and Scarecrow without dedicating an entire season to it.
There is always multiple interesting things going on in every episode without the need to have filler or stretch a story. Gotham is an extremely well written show.
I know! That was so sad. =(Excellent episode except for one thing:Poor dog. =/
Excellent episode except for one thing:Poor dog. =/
She'd be younger than Bruce, probably. And she lived a pretty normal life before she, you know, lost it, so there's not really any way for her and Bruce to intersect. Bruce doesn't attend school, and she's not a street kid. Might be kinda fun if the Quinzels came up in some capacity, I suppose, but I don't really see a way to do it. I dunno.
Wonder if Barbara is going to stay normal or go back to her crazy self.
Berlanti's shows, as much as I love Flash and Supergirl, could definitely stand to take a few notes for how to do this type of thing. There's definitely a difference from how Gotham has been able to organically keep plot threads dating back from even Season 1 pertinent, without making it seem like a lot of it is filler because "yeah, they were able to do knock down that monster of the day, but they're STILL not ready to take on the designated Big Bad YET~!".
Hell, there really isn't anybody close to a clear and present "Big Bad" in Gotham, and that's what makes it all the more enthralling. All this, and we're still ideally years away from Bruce suiting up for the first time...
Gotham is a criminally underrated comic book show.
Me too.
Great episode!
Riddler & Penguin are absolutely nailing it. Plus I love how they aren't dragging their plots out. Some shows you only feel progress during season premiers and season finales, but with Gotham, it's constantly evolving.
The opening scene with Bruce was great. I'm almost sad he won't be living with Selena now, but at least we will get to see his father's files in the batcave.
Overall it was a great episode throughout, I can't wait for next week!
And does anyone know if there are any more breaks left? Or is it a straight shot to the finale?